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Six: Company of Sinners MC #2

Page 10

by Lisa J. Hobman

  I wouldn't be that to him.

  I shrugged. “Okay. Well, if and when things change I'll maybe see you at The Fox Hub.”

  His brow crumpled in confusion. I guessed that he had expected more of an argument. “Yeah...maybe. Look, tonight was... You were...” He stepped closer and slipped his hand around the back of my head and tangled it into my hair. “You. Are. Fucking. Beautiful. Don't ever let Brett or any other bastard tell you otherwise.” He kissed my forehead and inhaled the scent of my hair before letting go of me, turning and leaving my apartment in a hurry.

  Once the door had slammed shut my lip began to tremble as a mixture of sadness, humiliation and confusion washed over me. I dashed to the window just in time to watch him take off on his bike at speed down the road, his leather jacket open and his chest exposed to the cool early morning air.

  I was awoken by someone knocking on my door. Glancing at the clock the time registered in my brain. Shit I must have been tired. It was gone ten in the morning and I was still wearing Six's T-shirt. It smelled of him and an air of sadness washed over me. I was beginning to acquire a collection of his clothing and while that should have made me smile it only served to lower my frame of mind further. I rubbed my eyes and then glanced over to the side of the bed where he had laid as he held me only hours before. I wondered if he was okay and then remembered that someone was knocking at my door. Shit! It could be him! I scrambled out of my bed and grabbed my yoga pants, hopping on each leg in turn as I pulled them on.

  I smoothed my hair down and opened the door.

  “Oh my God, thank goodness you're okay! I was so worried.” I was enveloped in a bear hug from a very pale faced Ellie.

  I hugged her back and laughed lightly. “Why were you worried? How long were you knocking?”

  “Oh not long. But I came as soon as I heard.”

  My sleep fogged brain failed to grasp what she was talking about and so I pulled away and looked her in the eyes. “Heard about what?”

  Ellie's voice wavered. “The girl. She's...she's dead.”

  I felt the color drain from my face and dizziness caused a ringing in my ears. “Who's dead?”

  “Look, let me come in and I can explain the parts you don't already know.” She pushed past me and walked over to the couch. She flopped down onto it and peered up at me with a worried expression.

  I walked to the opposite side of the coffee table and peered down at her with my hands on my hips. “Okay, now you're totally freaking me out. Who is dead and what parts should I already know?”

  Her eyes widened. “Shit. You don't know at all do you?”

  I flung my hands into the air becoming increasingly agitated at her cryptic clues. “Know what? Shit, Ellie, can you just start making fricking sense?”

  She nodded slowly and held her hand out toward me. “I think...I think you'd better sit down, sweetie.”

  I walked slowly around the table and sat beside my friend. The concerned frown on her face did nothing to relax me. “What the hell is going on? Just tell me already.”

  “Okay... But... I want you to know that I heard this from a very reliable source. I'm not trying to cause problems here. I'm telling you this as a friend. I hope you understand that.”

  I huffed. “Yeah, yeah, whatever. Don't shoot the messenger and all that shit. What is it?” I could hear the annoyance in my own voice and my stomach twisted with a combination of guilt and panic.

  “There was a major incident last night. Up at the old farm land on the outskirts of town.” She took a deep breath and something niggled at the back of my mind. Six had mentioned something about some land. “There...there was a... a shooting...”

  My stomach plummeted and took my heart along for the ride. “And?”

  “A girl... a young girl I went to school with...couple years younger than me...than of the biker gang kids...was... was killed.”

  I felt the blood drain from my face. “Shit...that's awful.” I clutched my chest where my heart was still thundering. “H-hang on...did I know her? Is that why you're acting all weird?”

  Although I had met Ellie after I had finished up high school locally, I knew of at least one girl related to a nearby biker gang, but then Ellie and I had gone to different high schools...

  “No sweetie. She was one of the Loki's Legion kids. Went to my school. I didn't know her that well. But...the thing is...”

  Frustration got the better of me. “Come on Ellie! What's the thing? What is it?”

  “Your...your biker guy was apparently involved.”

  The room began to spin again and a wave of nausea washed over me forcing me to cover my mouth. From that moment Ellie's words ceased to make any sense to me. Her voice appeared to be a distant mumble and all I could hear was the pounding of my heart, loud like it was throbbing in my ears.

  “Chloe...Chloe are you okay? Do you need to lie down? Oh gosh I'm so sorry to just blurt it out like that. I just wanted to protect you from him. You need to be careful, honey. You don't know what he's capable of. None of us do. These bikers are volatile characters. Violent men and women. We don't need them around here but there doesn't seem to be a thing we can do about that. But what we can do is keep away from them. Are you listening to me?”

  I snapped my eyes up to her and rage boiled beneath my skin. “I think you should leave.”

  “What? No, Chloe, you don't get it. I'm trying to keep you safe.”

  “By coming here and telling me that the man who saved me from being raped has killed a young girl?” The incredulity in my voice was clearly audible.

  But she was persistent. “Chloe, you maybe need to get away for a while. Just until this whole situation calms down. The cops are going to try and get involved but from what I've seen before that just turns ugly. You don't want to be dragged into this shit.”

  I watched her mouth moving and tried to listen but all I could think about was how Six had been strange. Tense. Unwilling to talk. But he wouldn't do such a thing. Surely he wouldn't? I needed to speak to him.

  She had to leave.

  Snapped back to reality I placed my hands firmly on her arms. “Ellie, I understand. And I'm grateful for your concern. But right now I need to speak to Six. I need to hear his side. He...he wouldn't do anything to hurt a young girl. I just know he wouldn't. He's a gentle giant. I... I feel like I know him well enough to hear him out.”

  “No!” She gripped my arms in return. “No, please keep away from him, Chloe. I know you really like the guy but he's not worth getting yourself killed for. You don't understand. These things usually go all biblical. An eye for an eye. Loki's Legion, they could come after you. You need to disassociate yourself from the Company of Sinners. Please.”

  I stood and encouraged Ellie to stand too. “Yes...yes I'll do that,” I lied and I'm pretty sure she knew it. “I'll call you later okay? I need to shower and get dressed.”

  She nodded and then pulled me into another hug. “Please, be careful. Please.”

  I walked her to the door and said goodbye. Once the door was closed behind her I dashed to the bathroom. I needed answers and I planned on getting them sooner rather than later.

  Chapter Sixteen


  When I'd arrived home in the early hours Colt had been hell bent on tearing me a new asshole. I'd had enough of his shit and I'd walked away as he hurled a torrent of verbal abuse at me. Apparently my actions and my lack of concern for the club were what was causing all the mess. The annoying part about the whole thing was that he wasn't actually pissed at me. Just as I'd gotten back, Cain had announced that he wanted out of the club and I didn't know what the fuck was going on with everyone. He'd told us that Melody was pregnant with his kid and he figured that 'club life' wasn't good enough for him anymore. It wasn't, and I quote 'any place to bring up a child.'

  On reflection, he had a damn good point.

  There was too much fucking carnage going on around me and I couldn't take anything else going wrong. Apart from Colt and
his tongue lashing, I'd ignored everyone, including the club fuck buddy who'd almost humped my leg as I tried to walk away. Oh the things she was offering to do to me to ease my stress. Not fucking interested. But she clearly got off on anger and I almost had to amputate my arm and leg to get rid of the horny bitch.

  I made my way upstairs and barged into the end room without knocking, much to the annoyance of Weasel who had his dick in the mouth of another girl, a brunette who'd been hanging around the place for a while. After extricating Weasel and his piece of trash from the room, I'd undressed and thrown what clothes I'd removed into a pile on the floor. Chloe still had my T-shirt and so after taking off my jeans and jacket I ended up lying there in the dark in just my boxers.

  I hadn't been asleep long. Or at least it didn't seem like I had when someone started hammering at the door, but I initially ignored it. The thudding came again and I heard Delilah calling out to me.

  “Yeah, what the fuck do you want?” My anger wasn't really aimed at her but she was a moving target and so she got hit.

  The door swung open. “Six, it's after ten a.m. and you got a visitor.”

  After ten? And who the hell's coming to bother me now? Another club fuck buddy no doubt hoping to relieve me of my shitty mood. “Awww fuck. Just tell them I don't fucking need a blow job, Dee.” I glared over at her.

  She cringed and stepped to one side. “'s not that kind of visitor. Well I don't think so at least.”

  I sat up and was met with the beautiful brown eyes of my dancer. Fuck! Why did I have to mention blow jobs?

  I scrambled up from the bed and walked over to the door as I ran my hands over my mussed up hair. I must have looked like a total waster. “Shit, Chloe, what are you doing here? How did you find me?”

  She stepped toward me but the blank expression on her face told me it wasn't much of a social visit.

  Her arms folded defensively across her body. “I asked around about where the club house was. I was directed here. I guessed it was where you'd be.”

  How the hell had she even been let in? We were supposed to be on fucking lock down for Chrissake. “Yeah...well you found me so I guess you'd better come on in.”

  I stepped aside and nodded to Delilah who mouthed the words “good luck” to me before she went back to the main bar downstairs.

  I heaved a sigh. “ what do I owe the ple—”

  “Cut the bullshit, Six. I want to know what happened up at that piece of land you mentioned to me last night. And don't try to brush me off with lies this time.”

  I clamped my mouth shut and raised my eyebrows. My VP side sprang to life. “Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?”

  She stepped toward me, tenacious little bitch—fuck she gave me a hard on—and sneered up at me. “That's what I'd like to fucking know you lying bastard.”

  I gritted my teeth and closed the remaining gap between us. “Watch your mouth, Chloe. Cussing doesn't suit you,” I growled down at her.

  “Yeah? Well lying to my face doesn't suit you. And I know that something went down because the people downstairs are talking about a shooting. Now tell me the goddamn truth or I walk out of here and you never see me again.”

  This was my opportunity to extract her from my life and save her from the mess that it was no doubt about to become. To save her from even more heartache that she didn't deserve.

  She really didn't need to be dragged into my B.S.

  I laughed darkly. “And you think that's some kind of a threat to me? Like not seeing you again would somehow hurt me?”

  She gasped and I felt like a prize bastard.

  Her nostrils flared and she nodded slowly as her eyes became glassy. “Fair enough. If that's how it is then I'd better go. I clearly don't mean as much to you as I'd hoped.” As she spoke her voice wavered. It had been a low blow considering the stuff she'd told me about her mom's boyfriend, Brett and how he'd treated her. She turned slowly and began to walk away from me but before I knew what the hell I was doing I reached out for her and pulled her back toward me.

  “Why do you have to be so fucking beautiful and so damned stubborn?” It was a dumb question I know. But it was the one thing stopping me from letting her walk out of my room and my life for good.

  She stood there all cute in a short little floaty skirt that showed off those smooth, silky legs. Tattered old cowboy boots with a heel gave her a little more height than I was used to, and her low cut tank top showed just enough cleavage to remind me how good her firm tits felt against my bare chest.

  But her next words struck me like an electric shock straight to my heart. “And why do you have to be so damned cruel?”

  Without thinking I scooped her up into my arms and crushed my mouth to hers. She fought against me for about ten seconds and I was thinking maybe I should let her go seeing as I'd promised her I wasn't 'that guy'. But then her hands came about my shoulders and she gripped my hair and tugged desperately at the strands just enough to sting, kissing me back with as much urgency and need. Little whimpering noises vibrated from her body into mine and all I could think about was her tight pussy around my cock.

  Maybe it was a distraction technique. Maybe I just couldn't get enough of her. Maybe it was a combination of those things but I threw her down on the bed and landed almost on top of her. My hand trailed roughly up her thigh as she moaned into my mouth. When I reached the junction of her thighs I found she was already wet and I slipped two fingers past her panties and into her pussy. She clenched as I thrust them in and out of her tight body and the urge to taste her was overwhelming.

  I pushed her thighs apart and moved myself between them. Removing my damp fingers and sucking them clean, I tugged at the flimsy fabric of her thong until it tore and was no longer causing a barrier to me and I dove in. Tongue first. She grasped at my hair as my tongue slipped and slid in and out of her slick flesh. She tasted as amazing as I remembered and I needed more. I plunged my tongue as deep as I could go and lapped at her as she exploded around me. Her muscles spasming, her breaths ragged and loud as she cried out in ecstasy.

  Hearing the incoherent noises as they left her body somehow got me harder. As she was coming down from her orgasm I leaned down to my pile of clothes and rummaged around my pockets for my wallet.

  One condom left. Thank fuck.

  I yanked my boxers free of my body, tore open the condom wrapper and dragged the latex down my cock as quickly as I could. I growled through my gritted teeth, “I'm gonna fuck you now unless you're planning on leaving.”

  Her eyes half opened and she peered up at me slowly shaking her head.

  I clenched my jaw again unsure of the meaning of her gesture. “Is that no you're not leaving or no I can't fuck you? ‘Coz I told you I'm not that guy, Chloe.”

  “I'm not leaving,” she panted breathlessly. It was all the encouragement I needed and I slammed my cock into her making her cry out again, tightening around me and sending shock waves of pleasure shooting around my whole body like shafts of light. I reached up and shoved her tank top up over the mounds of her tits and pulled the bra cups down to expose the erect peaks to my hands. I sucked each nipple into my mouth in turn to prolong the orgasmic wave that seemed to be continuing to roll over her body. She keened and rocked into me causing an intense friction and making every single one of my nerve endings come to life as she repeated my name over and over like a fucking oath.

  Hearing my name fall from her lips again drove me over the edge and I thrust into her once more with a guttural cry as I came hard. “Fuuuuck!”

  I collapsed on top of her and she turned her face toward me. Her hot breath tickled at my ear and I lifted my gaze to meet hers but her eyes were closed and I was suddenly terrified of what I'd just done.

  “You okay?” I asked nervously.

  She nodded. “That was intense. I've never had angry sex before.”

  I chuckled and stroked her cheek with my thumb. “Well, I guess there's a first time for everything, huh?”
br />   She opened her eyes and her bright chocolate irises penetrated me. “Not everything.” She raised her eyebrows.

  The emphasis she had placed on the word made me grin. “Is that your way of telling me your ass is out of bounds?”

  She gasped and a horrified, wide eyed expression took over her features. “Hell yes it's out of bounds!”

  I reached around and squeezed her butt to emphasize my point. “Hey, don't knock it 'til you've tried it, babe.”

  I loved to wind her up and she was so easy to rile. She lightly slapped my bare chest and I pushed her back to kiss her again.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I was under the distinct impression that Six had just used sex to stop me asking questions. And while I had enjoyed it more than I cared to admit, I wasn't about to let him win the battle. He already thought I was stubborn but he was just about to learn it as a damned fact.

  He sat there opposite me on the king sized bed in just his black fitted boxers as I assessed him with my gaze. Each tattoo no doubt had a story, from the Company of Sinners winged skull on his back to the phoenix on his chest and the Celtic sleeve that ran the whole way down his arm. I was trying hard not to let his physical attributes distract me from gleaning the truth. But it was ridiculously hard when he was almost naked in front of me.

  Dragging my attention away from his fascinating ink and rock hard body, I tried again to get some answers. “So...are you going to tell me what's been going on?” I asked as I adjusted my bra and tank top.

  He sighed and bent his knees up so that he could rest his forearms on them. “Don't you ever just give up and let things go?” His brow crinkled into a frown.

  I crossed my arms over my chest. “Nope.”

  He rubbed his hands roughly over his face and back through his hair. “Look, Chloe, it's hard for me to talk about. And if I'm honest, I shouldn't be telling you anyway.”


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