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Six: Company of Sinners MC #2

Page 15

by Lisa J. Hobman

  As I walked along the main street toward my building I sipped on my coffee and glanced around at the folks passing me by. Most stepped out of my way like I was some kind of leper. Others actually crossed the damn street to avoid me. Very few said hello or even smiled. Instead I was greeted with scowls, head shaking or out and out fear. Talk about judgmental. It was pretty damn sad too, that's for sure, seeing as none of them knew what I was really about.

  As I passed the library, a poster for a rock night caught my eye and I stopped to take a look. As I was reading the list of bands and thinking I wouldn't fucking bother, a woman appeared inside the window taking old posters out.

  My heart almost stopped dead and the take-out cup slipped from my grasp spilling its contents all over the sidewalk.

  Her head shot up and a pair of familiar, beautiful brown eyes peered back at me. Her mouth fell open and her hand came up to cover it.

  What the fuck?

  I mean seriously what in the actual fuck?

  I almost ran for the door and yanked it so hard I wouldn't have been surprised if it had come off in my hand. I made my way toward her and almost tripped over my own stupid feet before coming to a halt only a few steps away.

  I ran my hands through my hair to stop myself from grabbing her and pulling her into my arms. “When...when did you come back? Why didn't you come find me? Why did you come back? What the hell, Chloe?”

  Her lip trembled and the color drained from her face. “Jeez, what's with the interrogation?”

  I closed my eyes briefly and shook my head but when I opened them she was still there. This wasn't a cruel dream. And she looked even more beautiful than I remembered. Her hair was now chocolate brown and all pulled around to the side so it fell in waves over her left breast. It really, really suited her. I was shocked at how different her whole demeanor was. Shit, if I'd thought she was too good for me back when she was a dancer she was so far out of my league now she might as well have been the queen of the goddamn universe. She wore black slacks and a white blouse that showed off her slim waist. All grown up, official looking and demure, and as always my cock appreciated the sight just as much as I did.


  I realized I'd been staring so I shook my head again to shake some sense into there. “Yeah, yeah I'm sorry for bombarding you like that...I just...I can't believe...” Me lost for words...that was a first.

  She linked her fingers together in front of her and chewed her lip for a moment as if she was afraid to speak. “I've...I've been back around a month.” A month?! How the hell am I only seeing you now? Her tongue came out and swept across her lips. “A training opportunity came up here in town that wasn't available anywhere else and I took it. Believe me if it had been available anywhere else I wouldn't be here.” Oh...okay that hurt. She broke eye contact for a moment. “I...I didn't come and find you because your last words to me were that it was 'nice while it lasted' and so I was pretty sure you wouldn't want to see me. And to be honest I didn't really want to see you. It's been so long after all. I knew it would happen eventually, I mean it is a small town.” When she lifted her face again her eyes were glassy and something inside of me squeezed and knotted.

  I stepped toward her. “How could you think I wouldn't want to see you? I've been worried sick about you. In fact, I was on the verge of getting on my bike to come find you.”

  She stepped back and scrunched her face. “You were the one who sent me away remember? And that's a pretty good reason for me not to come running to you, Jeez, Six. You said our goodbye was permanent when you put me on that damn bus.” She had a very valid point and I felt kind of foolish. She folded her arms defensively over her chest. “And you don't have to worry about me any more seeing as you know where I am now. But, hey, don't let me stop you from your travels. I have to get on with my job so you had better leave anyway, unless you've developed a taste for reading in my absence?” The way she raised her eyebrows told me that her rhetorical question was meant to be bitchy as fuck. Shit, she really had changed. Turning around she made to walk away from me.

  What the fuck? I reached out and grabbed her arm causing her to swing around to face me again. I glanced around to check if anyone was watching but thankfully they weren't. “So that's it? That's all you're going to say?”

  She tugged her arm free. “There's nothing else to say, Six. I'm here for work. Not for you.”

  Her words and the sentiment behind them were like a knife to my gut. “So... you didn't come back to be with me?”

  She snorted derisively. “Why the hell would you think that? You made it very clear when I left that we were over. And I'm seeing someone, anyhow.” She gave a little 'fuck you' kind of half smile and then gritted her teeth and leaned toward me. “And don't worry, our dirty little secret is still safe. So if you're here to try and bed me so I won't tell then you don't need to worry. I'm learning to live with it eating away at me.”

  Okay so if I thought her earlier comments were like a knife this whole rant was a bullet to my fucking heart. She thought I wanted to get in her panties to keep her quiet? Like I'd fucking do that to her? She clearly didn't know me half as well as I thought she did and that alone hurt like a mother. But I wasn't about to show her my pain. No fucking way. So I did what I do best. I let my hard mask descend.

  Laughing darkly, I rubbed my bearded chin. “Well that's good to know. My work here is done. I've got a long list of bitches lining the fuck up for my cock, baby, so you won't be missed. And so long as we're both clear you keep out of my way and I'll keep out of yours and it's all good.” Leaning a little closer to make one final stab I whispered into her ear, “Oh and I hope your new boyfriend knows how to make you come so hard you fucking scream. ‘Coz we both know I do, right?” And with those final crude comments I stomped to the door, slammed both fists on it to push it open and walked the hell away.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  A whole month I'd been back in Rose Acres. A whole damn fricking month and I'd managed to avoid him. How stupid I was in thinking that maybe it could go on forever. That I could live here and he would never know. And I was supposed to be an intelligent woman. I was grateful for the fact that Ellie was now working for her parents in their hotel because at least that meant Six could no longer hound her at the café. And after my encounter with him at the library, it was evident that all he'd been worried about was me going to the police about Brett. Well if nothing else I'd put his mind at rest and maybe now he'd leave me alone.

  Dean and I had broken up before I left, but I wasn't about to tell Six I was single. He was already well known for throwing pity sex in my direction. No, I would meet someone sweet here and things would be fine.

  I would get over him.

  I would.

  Standing there before him in the library had been more painful than I could have ever imagined. He looked just how I remembered him. Gorgeous, tall, broad and muscular. Faded black jeans and a Slipknot T-shirt that clung to his chest and biceps under his leather CoSMiC cut. And when he stepped closer to me to deliver his excruciating final words I was greeted by that oh-so-familiar masculine scent that I'd never been able to forget. I would have been back under his spell had he not stabbed me directly in the heart with cruel words just before he left.

  Once he was out of sight I rushed through to the ladies staff only rest room and locked the door. I hurriedly turned on the faucet and splashed my face with cold water just as the tears came. Bastard. Bastard. Bastard. I repeated the words in a pain filled whisper over and over as I leaned on the sink. My stomach knotted and an ache deep in my heart set in. How this could be after such a fleeting relationship I had no clue. But it was an agonising reality that I would have to deal with if I was going to stay here and make something of my life. At least some days I was at college and wouldn't have to even be in the town. That was one saving grace.

  At the end of what seemed to be the longest day ever I left the library and headed back to my apartment. Thankf
ully I'd been able to secure one far away from the one I had rented before and it was closer to where Ellie lived with her family. As I walked away from the library I fired a quick text to my friend.

  El, I need you. He's been here.

  C x

  In true Ellie style the response was immediate.

  Kk babe. Meet me at Flaherty's.

  E <3

  Flaherty's was a pub on the outskirts of town where we were safe from the CoSMiC crew. It wasn't their kind of venue, thanks to the lack of scantily clad women, and so it was a perfect place to spend an evening of tears and alcohol. I knew there'd be lots of the former, but the promise of the latter would ease the pain. Or so I hoped.

  I pushed through the door of the pub and ordered a couple white wine spritzers at the bar. Once I had our drinks in hand I slipped into one of the booths and watched the door. Five minutes later Ellie breezed in and waved.

  As she approached I stood and let her pull me into a warm hug. “Oh sweetie, how are you holding up?”

  Tears welled in my eyes and I cursed myself for allowing that shit head to get to me so much. “I'm okay...I guess.”

  She pulled away and peered into my blurry eyes. “Yeah, I can see that. Totally fine huh? Come on, let's get drinking. You can tell me all about what the dick-weed said to you and we can berate him.”

  We sat opposite each other in the green leather seats and I began to recount how things had happened at the library. She listened intently and managed to refrain from saying anything even though her facial expressions of horror and disgust told me she was itching to slate him.

  When I'd finished recounting the whole sorry situation she heaved a sigh and sat back in her seat. “Wow. I think we need stronger drinks.” And with that she got up and headed for the bar returning a few minutes later with glasses filled with amber liquid. Whiskey. Great. The drink Six brought to me on the night I found out about the Legion girl's death.

  “Something wrong?” I glanced up to meet the scrunched, concerned features of my friend.

  I shook my head. “No, it's fine.”

  “Okay, so what's the plan? How are you going to deal with all of this? How are you going to avoid seeing him?”

  I sighed and swirled the liquid around my glass. “Honestly? I have no idea. It's a small town and he's hard to miss.”

  Ellie giggled. “Yeah you got that right. He's pretty damn huge.” She pursed her lips and it was clear she was trying to stifle either a grin or another comment.

  “What is it, El?”

  With a wicked glint in her eyes she leaned toward me across the table. “Is he all huge? You know...all of him?”

  Heat rose in my cheeks and I gasped with incredulity at her question. “Ellie, God! I'm not going to answer that!”

  She laughed harder. “Okay, I'll take that as a yes. But the question I should've asked is did he know what to do with it?”

  I opened and closed my mouth as images of Six writhing on top of me sprang to mind. My body began to tingle at the mere thought of what he could do to me. The immense pleasure he gave me. The earth moving orgasms I had experienced and the connection we'd had on levels additional to the physical.

  I nodded my head and smiled. “Yeah...yeah he really did.”

  She huffed and pursed her lips. “Aww shit. See, if he'd been useless in the sack you could've moved on easily. But damn, girl you're going to struggle to find a guy like that again, huh?”

  I scrunched my nose. “Gee thanks, Ellie. I really needed to hear that, friend.”

  Ellie decided a change of subject was in order and she proceeded to tell me all about a guy she'd been dating. Rick was a mechanic at the garage in the town and she was pretty smitten. We drank more whiskey but this time it was diluted with Coke which made it a little more palatable for me.

  I was feeling a little light headed and woozy with the drink when my cell phone began to vibrate on the table. My mom's name came up as the caller ID and I rolled my eyes. “Sheesh she's calling to check up on me again. I'm going outside to take the call.”

  Ellie nodded. “I'll go get more drinks!” She clapped her hands together like a giddy school kid and I stood to make my way to the door. The bar was crowded and an Irish folk band were rocking out in the far corner meaning that taking a call inside was a huge no-no.

  As soon as the fresh air hit me, my head began to swim. “Yeah, hi, Mom. Whassup?”

  “I called your place but got worried when you didn't answer. It's after ten, honey.”

  “Yeah, yeah it's okay. I'm at the bar with Ellie.”

  “But you're okay?”

  “Yesss, Mom, I'm fine, quit worrying. I'm a big girl.” My words slurred and I giggled and hiccupped at the same time.

  “Good grief, Chloe, be careful okay? You sound so drunk. Call me when you get home. Two rings so I know you're safe.” It was a routine we'd set up since I came back to Utah.

  “Two rings. Yep. Got it.”

  “Okay now go on back to your friend. And stay safe.”

  “Y'okay. Love you, Mom.”

  “Love you too, honey.”

  I hit end call and leaned against the wall to get my balance. The stars were out in force against the black backdrop of the Utah night sky and I stared up at it in wonder. I had no clue about astronomy but the tiny flecks of light looked so pretty from the ground.

  “That there is the big dipper.” A gruff male voice to my right informed me.

  I glanced to my side to see dark haired man smiling up at the sky.

  “Oh...I had no idea. Kind of looks like a pan.” I giggled.

  “Yeah I suppose it does. I'm Zak.” He held his hand out to me.

  I smiled and shook his hand. “I'm a little drunk...also known as Chloe.”

  “Great to meet you, Chloe. I don't remember seeing you around here before.” His hair was short and tidy and he wore a short sleeved shirt and jeans.

  Very clean cut. Nice. “I've only been here a month. I work at the library.” I pointed in the direction of the building as only a drunk person would do.

  He smiled and dimples appeared at either side of his mouth. “Yeah, thought you must be new in town. I kinda think I would've remembered you if I'd seen you before. So you get to read all the great books when they first come in, huh?”

  I pointed at him and winked. I frickin' winked. Jeez. “Library Technician's prerogative.” Not easy to say after several whiskeys.

  He nodded, still smiling. “Can I escort you back inside? I'm guessing you're here with your boyfriend?”

  I scrunched my face in what must have been such an attractive way...not. “Ahhh no.”

  “Oh...okay sorry to have bothered you. Nice to meet you though.” He turned to walk away.

  “Nonononono. I mean no I'm not here with my boyfriend seeing as I don't have one right now. And yes you can escort me back inslide.”

  He chuckled. “Back inslide huh? Is that what happens when you've had a little too much to drink?”

  I smacked my head. “Oh gosh, inside...I meant inside.” My cheeks heated almost to the point of spontaneous combustion and I was glad it was dark out.

  He held out his elbow. “Come on then also known as Chloe. I think maybe you need coffee.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  I watched from the shadow of the alleyway across the street as the smart dressed guy I didn't recognize held out his arm and Chloe slipped hers through it. So that's the lucky bastard, huh? I wished I could get closer to eavesdrop on their conversation but my vantage point wouldn't allow it. My jaw ached from clenching so hard and I berated myself for not going over there when I first saw her come outside.

  I hated the fact that she looked so damned happy with the bastard. And that I had been taking a piss when the fucker turned up. Although seeing her kiss him hello would have no doubt hurt like a bitch, I wanted to assess how deep her feelings were for him. Knowing how passionately she had kissed me, I guessed that it was a surefire way of discovering
how tough my competition was.

  And he was competition.

  Because little did he know what he'd let himself in for. Regardless of her words and mine, there was still something between us. I just had to figure out a way to make her realize it too. And no fucking preppy looking dude was going to change that. Seriously he was like the antithesis of me in every single way.

  From where I was standing it was clear there was no visible ink. He was so clean shaven he looked almost teenage. And his clothes made him look like someone's dad. Jeez she was really all out to not be with someone like me.

  But I had to change her mind.

  I just didn't know how.

  The next day I got up early and took a shower. It was peaceful being back in my own apartment. I'd gotten sick of all the drama at the club. And of the women throwing themselves at me now that Cain was out of the picture. The fucks I'd had since Chloe had been quick and simply a way to get some relief from the case of blue balls I had going on. But none of them could hold a candle to her. They had all been purely physical. Nothing else.


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