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Six: Company of Sinners MC #2

Page 17

by Lisa J. Hobman

  I pulled him into a bear hug and slapped his back. “Fuck, dude, I’m so glad you’re still here. It’s good to see you, man.”

  He shrugged. “Where was I gonna go?”

  Okay, so he had a point. Considering he told me his memory was sketchy, I doubted he'd have a clue where to start. “Oh, I wondered if you might get spooked and jump a flight out of Dodge.”

  He shook his head as he peered at me and scrunched his brow. A look of suspicion if I ever saw one. “Nah. I have too many questions that need answering.”

  Shit, where the hell should I start? “Sure… sure you do. So… what’ve you been doing today?”

  He informed me that I had an admirer and I instantly had an inkling he meant Chloe. But I guessed he'd got it wrong about her feelings for me. Considering the recent encounters we'd had, I suspected she was filled with anything but admiration.

  But when I questioned him he insisted. “Nope. She went all doe-eyed when she found out I knew you.”

  “You’re talking about sweet Chloe? Chloe with the big brown eyes and chocolate colored hair? The one who used to pole dance over at The Fox Hub?”

  His eyes widened with shock. “Wait, what? She used to do what?”

  I couldn't help laughing at his reaction. “That’s where we first met her. You must remember her, dude. She was the best fucking dancer they had. But then… well, something happened, I don’t know what, and she left. Disappeared for a while. When she came back, she got a job in the library, and I haven’t seen her much since.” Okay so some of it was true. Cain didn't need to know all the gory-ass details and I wasn't prepared to tell him, regardless of how much she probably hated me for what I'd put her through. What had happened was between her and one else.

  I showed him a video on my phone of Chloe as Nina, strutting her sexy stuff to one of my favorite songs in the hope it might jog his memory. It certainly jogged mine.

  He asked about the track. The goddamn track of all things. “You’re kidding me, right? I’m showing you your little sassy library assistant cavorting, and all you can think about is the song? Queens of the Stone Age would be proud. It’s their track ‘I Appear Missing’.” I laughed again, bewildered. “Fuck, man, you must have it bad for someone if you’re not looking at her tits.” As soon as the words fell from my mouth a twinge of guilt tugged at my insides. I hated that I'd just spoken about her that way. But again, Cain didn't need to know the extent of my feelings when I didn't fully understand them myself.

  He shook his head and a crease appeared between his eyebrows. “Come on, man. She seems really nice. Don’t you think you’re being disrespectful?”

  Fuck, did he read my mind? I felt the heat of a furnace rise in my face and I hit the stop button on the video. Jeez it came to something when the two baddest asses in town were getting pissy with each other over treating some woman like meat.

  “I was just trying to prove a point.” I couldn't hide the sulkiness in my voice.

  Thankfully he smiled. “Yeah, well, now you have. She really seems to like you.”

  I wished he was right. “I doubt it. Let’s just say that I’m not exactly the kind of guy someone like her goes for. Well not her now anyway. She wasn’t working at the club long. I don’t think she was right for the place. She was too… I guess… nice.”

  He slapped my shoulder. “Sounds like you might like her too.”

  We needed to get off the fucking subject.

  I took Cain back to the Club on the back of my bike and when we got there he was greeted with a very warm welcome from Delilah. After I managed to drag her off of him I took him up to see Colt. Watching Cain's reaction as Colt filled in the gaps in his memory was gut wrenching. And once it was over, all I could think about was Chloe. The guilt at how I'd talked about her still twinged in my chest when I remembered. But along with the guilt, a little spark of hope had sprung to life at hearing Cain say she obviously liked me too. Maybe she and I had a chance after all? But how the hell could I make her see that I was willing to change? Not completely, obviously. I mean once you're involved in club life it's hard to go back to being some normal dude with a regular job and all that shit. But I was hoping that maybe she could learn to accept me and all my baggage as a package deal.

  If Cain was right.

  God please let him be right.

  Colt arranged a big shin-dig on account of Cain being back in the fold. All the other CoSMiC charters from around the state were invited, and some from out of state. The idea was that we were supposed to drink a few beers, eat a few burgers and come up with a plan of action. A way to safeguard all of us and to stop the rival club war that was still brewing beneath the surface.

  Toward the end of the night I was bored out of my head. I had encouraged Cain to go upstairs with Delilah and I was getting tired of watching half dressed women cavort around badly to my favorite music, ruining it completely for me. I'd purposefully thrown away every drink I'd been handed, knowing full well I was going to leave at some point and head to see Chloe.

  But would she let me in?

  I rode across town at speed, the cool early morning air hitting my face and awakening all my senses. As I kicked up a gear, eager to get to her apartment, I was trying to figure out what the hell I could say to make her realize that she did still like me. That I'd been an asshole of epic proportions and that I'd had a severe case of male pride.

  It was one in the morning when I reached her building and the door was locked. Fuck it. I walked around to the side and peered up at her bedroom window. No light. Great. But what the hell did I expect really at this time of day? A disheartening sinking sensation knotted my stomach but as if fate had wanted to intervene a light suddenly came on in her room. I did the only thing I could think of and picked up some pieces of gravel ready to throw but I caught sight of two silhouettes in the window.

  He was there with her.


  Chapter Thirty


  Okay so maybe Cain had gotten it completely wrong when he'd said that Chloe liked me. I stood there at the side of her building as if in a trance while the silhouettes in her window moved together like they were kissing. My constricted stomach muscles knotted tighter still.

  Bastard, she's fucking mine.

  My fists clenched around the small chunks of stone that I'd picked up ready to throw to get her attention, but the silhouettes disappeared from sight which was worse. My mind raced as it tortured me with concocted images of them in bed together and I was on the verge of finding a huge fucking rock to smash the window with. Yeah that'll get her fucking attention alright. But a few minutes later in the silence of the early hours, I heard the main door of the building open. Tiptoeing as quietly as I could, I made my way around to the entrance, making sure to stay in the shadows and I watched as the prick left. Okay so maybe they didn't have sex...unless that happened before I arrived. Thankfully the door was slow to close and I managed to jam my foot in and open it. Slipping inside before he glanced back over his shoulder. In the street lights I saw a smug grin on his face and immediately wanted to smack it off.

  Well, I was in a whole new category of stalker now. There I was on the verge of breaking and entering. Something I hadn't done for many years. And certainly never because of a woman.

  Once on Chloe's floor, I tapped lightly on the door of her apartment. She was smiling as she opened it—I guess expecting her new beau to be there—and there was a pink glow to her cheeks until she realized it was me and the color disappeared.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” she growled through her clenched teeth.

  I rubbed the back of my neck under my pony tail as I fumbled around my brain for the right words. “I...I had to see you. We need to talk, Chloe.”

  She tried to close the door but I wedged my foot in the space. She put all her weight behind it. “We have nothing to talk about, Six. Nothing. Just leave.”

  The pain in my foot was excruciating even though I was wearing heavy boo
ts and my eyes began to water. “You're gonna break my fucking bones. Just let me in, please. I promise I'll keep my hands to myself. I just...I need to say some things to you and you need to listen.” My own jaw was clenched and she suddenly widened her eyes as if realizing she really was hurting me.

  “Shit, I'm sorry, I didn't mean...just come in.” Her eyes closed, defeated and she stepped aside for me to pass her.

  I limped over to the couch and sat down heavily, reaching to rub at my foot. She followed me and sat in the chair opposite. I trailed my gaze up her lean, bare legs to her white shorts and on up to her braless chest under the pale blue tank top. Her nipples poked through the flimsy fabric and my tongue came out to wet my lips. Her hair was bunched up on the top of her head and she was free of make-up, like she had been getting ready for bed.

  “Is your foot okay?” she whispered.

  “I saw Zak leave. Did you...did you fuck him, Chloe?” I hadn't meant to say the words out loud and I maybe could've used better ones, but shit they were out there and I couldn't take them back.

  She gasped and crossed her arms over her chest, pushing her breasts up but covering her protruding nipples. “That's none of your damn business. And if that's why you're here then I suggest you fuck off and go home right now.”

  Anger and arousal spiked deep within me as I stared at her. “No...that's not why I came here. I hate it when you cuss, Chloe, you know that.”

  “Oh yes. I forgot you're the king of double standards.” Sarcasm dripped from her voice.

  Trying my best to ignore it, I continued as if she hadn't spoken. “And I'm sorry. I know it has nothing to do with me but... Did you? Did you fuck him?” What the hell, Six? It was like words were coming out of my mouth of their own volition and I was powerless to stop them.

  She straightened her back. “What if I did?”

  I closed my eyes and dropped my head forward. The thought of another man on top of her, sliding his cock into her pussy—a pussy that belonged to me—made my blood boil. “Chloe, just tell me the fucking truth, okay?”

  She laughed derisively. “Why? So you can get angry and beat the shit out of Zak? Would that make you feel like the big man, huh? Jealousy is a shit color on you by the way. And it's funny how you don't want me until someone else does.” I lifted my face to find her glaring at me. A fire burning in her eyes. “I wouldn't tell you the truth if my life depended on it. You don't own me. You have no right to come here and ask such personal questions. We were over long ago. Or did you forget that you sent me away and told me not to bother contacting you?” Her rant continued and I just sat there, listening for a few moments.

  Old fucking ground.

  What was the point of going over that shit again and again? I stood and walked over to crouch before her where she sat. I placed my hands on her thighs, squeezing lightly and her breath caught as she sank farther into her seat. I came up onto my knees and bent forward so that my mouth hovered over hers, dangerously close. The smell of coconut body lotion infiltrated my senses and I inhaled deeply, breathing her in. Her chest began to rise and fall quickly and initially I wasn't sure if I was scaring her. I contemplated backing off but as I watched, her pupils dilated and she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. She moved her arms and arched her back so that her tits pushed forward.

  My nostrils flared and my dick hardened. “Did. You. Fuck. Him, Chloe? Did he make you come?”

  With her gaze locked on mine she shook her head slowly from side to side. Relief flooded my veins and without thinking further I crushed my mouth to hers. Her thighs parted and I reached down to grab her ass and pull her against my erection where it pushed at the front of my jeans. Her hands came about my neck and gripped the straggly strands of hair that had escaped from the band that was holding it back.

  Fuck I needed to be inside her.

  I was at desperation point.

  I swallowed hard and pulled my mouth away. “What the fuck are you doing to me? I can't stop thinking about you, Chloe. And the thought of some other guy kissing you...touching you and being inside you makes me want to take fucking lives. I...I need you. Don't you get that?”

  Without answering she reached for the hem of her tank top and swiped it over her head baring her pert tits to me. I immediately bowed my head and sucked a stiffened peak into my mouth causing her to moan and tug at my hair again. Fuck she tasted so damn good.

  Pushing me away once more, she shimmied out of her shorts and spread her thighs. I gazed down at her pussy and could smell her sweet arousal. She reached up and pulled the band from her hair allowing it to fall free, cascading around her tits.

  She took a ragged breath. “Fuck me, Six. You say you need me, so show me how much.”

  I hesitated for a split second, wondering what the hell was going on in that head of hers and why she had changed her mind so damn fast. But after a brief contemplation, I stripped out of my clothes as fast as I could. Once I was naked and sheathed I pulled her ass toward me, pushing my cock into her tight, wet body. A groan left my chest as the sensation of her tightness accepting me in, deep, rippled through every single nerve ending. I slipped my hands under her ass and lifted her. My mouth found hers and her nails scratched at my back as I carried her over to the door that lead to the bedroom. Finding it was closed, I pressed her up against it and withdrew my cock slowly, torturing both of us.

  Her legs tightened around me, pulling me back in. “Harder, Six. I want you deep and hard. Now!”

  I'd never known her to be like this. Vocalising a desperation that matched mine as I thrust my hips forward, driving myself as deep as I could with a throaty growl. I withdrew again but rammed myself in harder this time.

  Her eyes closed and her head rolled back. “Yes, that's it, Six, right there. Fuck me. Fuck me harder!”

  My nails dug into the soft flesh of her ass at her command and my groin tightened. I loved hearing her tell me what she needed from me. I loved that she gasped and writhed against the base of my cock searching for friction, her pussy leaving my skin glistening with her arousal. She reached down between our slick bodies and rubbed at her clit. It was the most erotic thing I had ever witnessed and I focussed my attention on her fingers as I pounded into her body.

  Leaning forward I sucked hard at the skin of her shoulder as the pleasure became even more intense and my cock throbbed inside of her. I was on the verge of release but I wasn't ready for this to be over.

  When I pulled away there was a red bite mark that stood out as a stark contrast on her alabaster skin. “Tell me Chloe, baby. Tell me what you need. What you want me to do to you.”

  I breathed heavily as she moaned, “I need to you own my body right now, fill me and make me remember you forever. I don't ever want to forget this. Mark me again, Six. Make me come hard.”

  Her sexual commands were such a turn on but this wasn't like her and fear niggled at the back of my mind at her choice of words... Make her remember? Why?

  I pushed the worry aside, deciding I was over-thinking and I concentrated on watching her work her fingers harder and faster. “Fuck, you look so damn good, Chloe dancer. So fuckin' hot. So beautiful. You're mine, do you hear me? Your pussy is mine.” Suddenly overcome with a deep, unfamiliar feeling that welled up from my soul I cried out, “I fuckin' love you, Chloe! I love you!” The words spilled from my mouth in a rush of adrenaline and emotion just as she cried out. Her pussy tightening around my cock as incoherent, hoarse, pleasure-filled moans left her throat.

  Following her into the abyss, the most mind-melting orgasm tore through my body. Wave after wave washed over me as my heart almost burst from my chest. I locked my gaze on her beautiful face once more and began to pepper her cheeks and neck with kisses. Every place I could reach was touched by my lips as my thrusting began to calm and she eventually opened her eyes. But the small flame of hope that had manifested inside me was suddenly doused by the tears trailing from the corners of her eyes.

  I released her ass and allowed her feet to to
uch the floor as I withdrew from her body and cupped her face. “Hey, what's wrong, baby?” I wiped the tears away with the pads of my thumbs and crumpled my brow as I stooped to connect with her eye to eye. Dread began to creep over my skin like cold fingers as I watched her lip tremble.

  She reached up and tenderly touched my cheek. “Six, you need to know that this...” She gestured between our naked bodies. “It will never happen again. This has to stop. We're not good for each other. We're a toxic mix you and I. Poisonous. You confuse the hell out of me and I lose sight of who I am when I'm around you and yes I do have feelings for you but I'm trying to move on with my life. I have to make a fresh start. I can't be who you need anymore and I don't think I ever really was.” More tears spilled over and her voice cracked as she spoke. “I'm plain old Chloe, the Library Technician. Your life is so complicated with so much going on. You want to protect me but you can't. I have to deal with what I've done but I don't need to add to the drama. I don't want it. I need someone Zak... So this...this is goodbye, Six. It has to be goodbye.”

  Her words were like a direct strike. The pain was real and I staggered back as if she'd shot me in the heart, scrunching my face and clutching at my chest with one hand. “Did you not hear what I just said to you? What I just fucking admitted to you? My fucking feelings? Are they worth shit to you?”

  She sniffed as she swiped the dampness from her face. “I heard you, Six. And you've no idea how much I wish it was true... But you were on the verge of coming. And I think we both know that our emotions get caught up in such an intense moment. Things get...misconstrued. We both know that deep down.”

  What the fuck? Who the hell is she trying to convince?


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