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Six: Company of Sinners MC #2

Page 19

by Lisa J. Hobman

  As Colt and I had abandoned the teenage douche-bag at the side of the highway, he'd made some weird comment about big brother still watching us that neither of us understood. I figured that once the kid arrived back at Loki's Legion, his father would insist on retaliation and it was only a matter of time before even more shit hit the proverbial fan.

  All I could think about was Chloe and her new, clean cut boyfriend. I missed her like crazy and it was pretty clear I was driving Cain mad talking about her, but I didn't really care.

  I sighed as I stared into the bottom of the glass at the dark liquid which was the same color as her eyes. “I mean...her eyes are just so—”

  Cain sighed and gripped his hair with one hand in exasperation. “Aaargh! Beautiful, yeah you said. Jeez man can you just give it a rest, huh? Her eyes, her tits, her legs. She's fucking gorgeous I get it. Just call her, dude. Tell her all this shit and give me a fucking break, please.” He slammed his empty glass down, grabbed the bottle he had been drinking from and disappeared up the stairs.

  After he said that, I made several attempts over the next hour to contact Chloe by phone, but she'd rejected my calls. My texts then began to bounce back as undeliverable and I realized she had blocked my number. Dammit. She was hell bent on staying away from me, that much was evident. I resolved that as soon as I was able, I'd be going around to see her. I had to. Okay, so I was obsessed, but I couldn't fucking help it. That's what she did to me.

  We were locked in the same four walls, for God only knew how long, and I was getting stir crazy. The rest of the guys were playing pool or making out with the club sluts, and for a moment I was jealous that I couldn't just go get my rocks off with some random chick.

  I was relieved when Delilah came walking through to the bar from the girls bathroom grinning like the cat that got the cream. Her hair was completely different.

  “Gone for a new image, huh?” My rhetorical question was more of a statement of the obvious.

  She touched her hair and shrugged. “Yeah. It was time for a change.”

  I shook my head and rolled my eyes. Women. She headed for the stairs and I guessed she was off to harass my lovesick buddy again, which was a complete waste of her time seeing as he'd taken a bottle of Jack with him and would no doubt be asleep or too wrecked to talk. When will she learn that he just isn't interested?

  Cain had been upstairs for about an hour and I was still sitting at the bar drinking yet another whiskey. Drinking wasn't something I liked resorting to. In my mind it made me weak but it was the only way I could blur the thoughts of Chloe from my mind.

  I had just split up a fight between Weasel and Rapid—who had apparently been fucking the same woman and neither wanted to share—when I heard shouting coming from upstairs. Cain was seriously pissed and I guessed right away that it had something to do with Delilah. I ran up the stairs two at a time and arrived at the door to his room just as Dee shoved past me wearing only a pink robe.

  I shook my head and snickered. “You lovers had a little tiff?”

  Cain glared at me like I'd just killed his grandma. “This is not a fucking joke, man. I’m outta here, dude. This whole place is going crazy. I can’t deal, Six.” He grabbed his sweats and pulled them on followed by a shirt and he too shoved past me.

  I grabbed for him but missed. “Whoa, Cain, what happened? Why are you so pissed?”

  He stopped and turned around to face me. And then at the top of his voice he yelled, “Delilah broke into my room and stole the perfume I bought that reminded me of Kelly from Scotland and wore it so that she could smell like her. She even dyed her fucking hair. And then she snuck into my room sucked me off in the dark. She’s sick. And I can’t be here anymore.”

  Wow. I knew she was desperate but that was beyond the pale. Kind of made my stalking tendencies look like a nice little hobby. “Oh, man. That’s some fucked-up shit.” And it really was.

  “Ya think?” He carried on stomping away and descended the stairs to the main room. I jogged after him in case he decided to rant at Dee again. Poor bitch didn't really need that in spite of what she'd done.

  I watched as he headed for the door that led out into the compound. Aww fuck. I had to stop him from going out there. It wasn't safe. Before I could reach him, he was through the door and I followed, but he had already made it half way across the yard.

  I called out to him, “Cain! You shouldn’t be out here, man. It’s not safe.” He spun around and lifted his arm as the security lights came on and dazzled him.

  Suddenly a loud bang sounded from outside the lot. I almost jumped out of my skin. But then I watched in horror as my best friend cried out, clutched his chest and crumpled in a heap.

  “Cain! Noooooo!”


  Cain was in a bad way and I swore my heart was about to split in two. I was holding it together as best as I could. Trying to be the strong, tough guy so that Delilah and the others could fall apart on me but the vision of him laying there in the yard covered in blood as I tried to revive him made my stomach roil every time I thought about it. He was my best friend and I had already lost him once. How the hell would I cope if he died this time? What the hell would I do?

  Loki's Legion had overstepped a major damn line and I was ready to draw blood. Anger knotted my already sore stomach and as I stood there watching Dee stroke his hair, I simultaneously clenched and unclenched my fists and my jaw. The bastards. The fucking evil, scum-sucking bastards. I wanted to finish them all. I wanted them all to suffer the way they had made us suffer. But the fact was the violence had to stop. And as much as I wanted to kick the living shit out of Deak and his puppets, I had to rein myself and my aggression in this time.

  I left the hospital at around two a.m. and climbed on my bike. My teeth ached from the number of times I had squeezed my jaws together to fend off the emotion fighting for escape. I couldn't show any weakness. Not in front of the others. Once my helmet was secure I started up the engine and tore off at speed. I rode for what felt like hours and didn't care how much danger I was putting myself in by doing so. I just needed to ride. To try and clear my head. But for once, being on the bike wasn't helping.

  There was only one thing for it.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  I was awoken by someone banging on my door and I was suddenly filled with fear. It was almost three in the morning. Who the hell would be here at that time unless it was the cops or someone intent on harm? My hands were shaking and I pulled the covers up to my chin as I stared at the bedroom door. What the frick do I do? Shitshitshitshit.

  The banging stopped and I held my breath as I tiptoed from my bed to the door.


  I almost jumped out of my skin and squeaked. My hands covered my mouth and my eyes widened. Blood was whooshing in my ears as my heart battered my rib cage.

  “Chloe...Chloe please.”

  Six? What the hell? I walked to the front door. “What do you want?”

  “I just...I need to talk. I know I fucked up. But...I just need a friend right now.” His voice cracked as he spoke and my heart cracked with it. “Just a friend.”

  I clicked the dead bolt and opened the door to be greeted by a lost looking, broken man. He didn't look like Six at all. His eyes were bloodshot and his skin pale. His hair was unkempt and it was clear he hadn't rested for a while.

  “Please...can I just come in?”

  I nodded and stepped aside for him to enter. The distasteful odor of sweat and stale alcohol wafted into my nostrils as he walked past me and over to the couch. He slumped down and immediately dropped his head forward into his hands. I closed the door and walked over to sit beside him.

  Placing a hand on his back I rubbed gently. “What the hell happened, Six?”

  He turned to face me. “Um... Cain's been shot... He...he may not make it, Chloe. He's...he's in a really bad way.” And with that his lower lip began to tremble as tears spilled over from his red rimmed eyes.

nbsp; I gasped and moved to put my arms around him but he crumpled into my lap, burying his head into my stomach and clinging to me as if his life depended on it. A pain filled sob vibrated through his body and salt water welled in my eyes too. I had never seen him like this. He wasn't the type to show emotion but this was clearly breaking him in two. My tough, six foot plus wall of muscle and tattoos was reduced to a little boy right before my eyes.

  I stroked his hair, trying my best to comfort him but not really knowing what to do. What to say. Eventually he sat up and wiped his face roughly with his palms.

  “Fuck. Sorry about that. I don't usually do that. I guess I'm just so wound up about everything. I just can't deal with all the shit that's happened over the last year.”

  I shook my head and reached out to squeeze his arm. “No need to apologize, Six. Look, why don't you go take a shower and I'll make you something to eat.”

  He chuckled and smiled. “Trying to tell me I stink?”

  I cringed but couldn't help returning his smile. “A little.”

  His shoulders juddered as he laughed. It was a wonderful sound after what I had witnessed only moments before. He tucked his greasy hair behind his ears. “Okay, well better go get cleaned up then, huh?” He stood and shrugged out of his leather cut and jacket, dropping them onto the couch where he had been sitting.

  He began to walk toward the bathroom but stopped just as he passed me. “Thanks Chloe. I know I've been a total dickweed to you and I'm truly sorry. Thanks for being a friend tonight.” He squeezed my shoulder and walked through the door to the bathroom.

  A friend. The word sounded strange when speaking about Six and I. The amazing sexual chemistry that we had always shared didn't feel the same. Perhaps he had finally given up and decided to let me move on. But could I deal with having him in my life as a friend? That was the question.

  Around twenty minutes later he appeared in the kitchen doorway where I stood preparing him a cold cuts sandwich. I could sense him before I saw him, but when I turned around I almost swallowed my tongue. He was standing there in his jeans, no shirt, no socks. His hair wet and slicked back from his shower. The fly of his jeans was open and I could see that he wasn't wearing any underwear. I heard him laugh and I lifted my eyes to connect with him.

  “Why, Chloe dancer are you ogling my body?”

  His fake southern belle accent made me giggle. “Haven't heard that name in a while.”

  His smiled disappeared. “Well I don't suppose I can call you it any more really.”

  I shrugged. “Oh I don't know. I kinda liked it.”

  His demeanor brightened. “You did?”

  I chewed my lip. “Kinda.”

  We shared a definite moment where the chemistry between us smouldered like a flickering ember. But he broke the spell when he cleared his throat.

  He pointed to the plate on the counter top. “So, is that my sandwich?”

  I turned and inhaled deeply to calm my jangling nerves and I handed him the plate.

  He picked up the sandwich and took a huge bite. A groan erupted from his chest and his eyes rolled back. “Fuck me. Almost better than sex,” he moaned with a mouth full of bread and ham.

  “Urgh, you are truly disgusting.”

  He winked. “And baby you know it.” He swallowed and gave me his panties melting grin. My heart stuttered in my chest and I covered my reaction with shake of my head and a roll of my eyes.

  We sat in the living room as he ate his food and once he had finished he washed it down with the coffee I had made for him.

  He cleared his throat. “So, how's it going” he asked without making eye contact.

  Why the hell is he asking me? What good will it do? “Oh...fine...thanks for asking.” And please let that be the end of the conversation.

  “He treating you right?”

  I sighed. It was not a topic I wanted to discuss with my ex. “Yes. It's all good.”

  He lifted his head and suddenly made intense, penetrating eye contact. “All good?”

  I knew exactly what he was getting at. But he didn't need to know anything about my sexual relationship with Zak...or lack thereof. “Yes. All good,” I repeated. “We have things in common you know? He has no dad...” My words trailed off as that snippet of information seemed to be all I could think of.

  He nodded and pulled his lips in between his teeth. He was clearly unhappy about my response and a twinge of guilt tugged at me for lying through omission about our relationship status.

  Eventually he spoke again. “I'm happy that you're happy, Chloe. I really am. You deserve to be. And you deserve someone who isn't involved in all kinds of twisted shit. So... I wish you well.”

  His words seemed so final and caused my insides to knot. I had to fight the growing urge to slide into his lap and hold him close to me one last time and admit the truth.

  His voice dragged me from my reverie. “You know... I used to love watching you dance. And...not because of the sexual aspect. Well not just because of that.” I glanced over at him to see him smile sadly. “I always said you could have been... you a show. A professional gig and all. You're more than good enough.”

  “That's really kind of you. Thank you, Six.”

  “Hey, I mean it. You're so graceful.”

  That wasn't a word I ever expected to fall from his lips and I suddenly felt my cheeks heating. “Really?”

  His caramel eyes widened with enthusiasm. “Really. Chloe, you have this air about you. Something...superior but not...not in a conceited way, if you know what I mean?”

  I shook my head. “No, I'm afraid I don't.”

  He sighed, and ran his hands through his damp hair, clearly exasperated with himself. “I mean... shit... You're too good for The Fox Hub. Too good for the library.” He moved his face and gazed into my eyes once again. “Too good for me.”

  “Six, I—”

  “Would you dance for me once more?”

  Huh? I stared at him in disbelief. “What? Here?”

  He nodded slowly, keeping his eyes focused on me. “Here. One last time.” He moved closer to me and reached out for my hand. My fingers were swallowed up in his rough palm and he smoothed his thumb over my knuckles. “Look, Chloe, I know I've lost you. I lost you before I even had you. You and I are from completely different worlds. I was dumb to ever expect anything different. And...if I'm going to have to let you go permanently, would you dance for me one more time? Please? I...I don't mean in a sexual way. Nothing like that. I just... I want to see you dance again.”

  His eyes sparkled and at that moment my heart shattered into a million tiny pieces. He was willing to let me go and it almost broke me. I swallowed hard as I kept my focus on him, trying hard not to let my emotions run free and I nodded.

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  Chloe walked over and flicked on her iPod in its docking station as I dragged the coffee table out of the way. The center of her living room wasn't an ideal stage but it was all the stage we had and I needed this.

  One last dance.

  She wore little black sleep shorts and a black tank top. Her slender but shapely legs seemed to go on forever and as I trailed my gaze up to her tight round ass I had to remind myself I was letting her go. There was no point getting aroused by the sight of her. Not anymore. It was strictly platonic from here on in.

  And that thought crushed me.

  The opening bars to “Spin, Spin Sugar” by Sneaker Pimps surprised me. It was a strange choice of song and I wondered, as I listened to the opening lyrics, what she was trying to say...if anything. Or was it simply that she had danced to this at the club and that's what she thought I wanted. She closed her eyes and with her back to me she began to move around the small space I had created for her. But it all felt so damn wrong. Her moves were taken straight from a pole routine. Overtly sexual in spite of what I'd asked for. She pushed her breasts together and arched her back before bending and gripping her ankles givin
g me an amazing view of her ass but this wasn't what I had meant.

  Not at all.

  “Stop.” The word left my mouth before I could halt it.

  She did as I commanded and turned to face me, panting. “What is it?”

  I stood and walked over to her iPod and hit the stop button. I rifled through the tracks and found the perfect one.

  I closed my eyes to gather myself before turning to face her again. “I don't want to watch Nina. I want to see the real Chloe dancer. My Chloe dancer.”

  As the opening bars to “Anyone But You” by Hinder began to play, I gestured to the floor for her to continue and I went and took my place on the couch again. My heart was thudding at my ribs because of the song I had chosen and so I took a deep calming breath. I lifted my chin to find her standing there, staring at me. I smiled but my heart ached and I hoped it didn't show.

  Suddenly she was moving again. Her eyes closed and her fingers reached out into the space between us as she expressed every single word of the song as it played out. Her chocolate brown hair fanned out as she made the tiny space feel like an auditorium. Her arms wrapped around her body as she dropped to her knees and curled up in a ball before stretching and reaching toward me again. It was then that I noticed the damp trails on her cheeks and I had to swallow the ball of emotion that had caught in my own throat.

  Goodbye was heart-breaking.

  Even for a tough, tattooed biker.

  Especially when it was a word you simply didn't want to utter.


  He changed the track.

  Such a beautiful, sad song. So appropriate for the pain I felt inside. I should've been happy that he was finally willing to move on. And that this dance was my parting gift to him. But he didn't know my deepest feelings. He presumed I was moving on because my feelings for Zak were growing. But the truth was I didn't know if I was able to do that, let feelings for someone else take over my heart.


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