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Margaritifer Basin (Margaritifer Trilogy Book 1)

Page 49

by Gregory Gates

  “And of course, nightly entertainment at the piano bar.”

  She smiled. “Now that would seem to be right up her alley.”

  “Indeed. Um, speaking of Gabe, would you mind if we talked shop for just a minute?”

  “No, of course not.”

  “I know you’ve spoken with her about her background and some of her emotional issues.”

  Susan nodded. “Yes.”

  “Has she ever mentioned that her mother used to beat her?”

  She glanced at him, startled. “No. How did you learn this?”

  “She told me, eight or nine months ago. When she informed me that Pathfinder missed its target by twelve kilometers she had this terrified expression on her face, and asked me if I was going to hit her. I couldn’t believe it. She actually thought I might.”

  Susan stared at the table and shook her head. “That may explain a few things. Why did her mother…?”

  “Gabe said her mother would strike her when she made mistakes.”


  “I didn’t delve further. Struck a wrong note on the piano for all I know. But it certainly made an impression on her.”

  “Poor child.”

  “Yeah. Did she tell you she attempted suicide when she was twelve?”

  Susan gasped. “No.”

  “That she was institutionalized, received shock therapy, the whole treatment?”

  She shook her head.

  “And that she’s estranged from her parents? Hasn’t seen her mother in fifteen years?”

  “No, she told me none of that.” Susan stared silently at her plate for a moment. “Jeff, are you certain Gabe is the right person for this? I know she cares very much for you, and that you care for her, and that she’s incomparably brilliant, but…”

  Jeff sighed. “I can’t begin to tell you how many times I’ve asked myself the same question. But she’s so much better now than when we started.” He paused and thought for a moment. “I think she’s found two things here with us that she’s never had: purpose, and friends that care for her.” He looked into Susan’s eyes. “Sue, I couldn’t take that away from her even if I wanted to.”

  Susan nodded. “Just playing devil’s advocate.” She smiled. “I like her too.”

  He grinned. “Well, you just go right on playing devil’s advocate. Keep me honest.”


  Jeff reached over, took her hand, and smiled softly. “I like the team we have.” He shook his head. “I see no reason to change it.”

  She smiled and bit her lip. “Yeah.”

  Finally, they capped off dinner with fresh strawberries and cream. Jeff sat back, took a deep breath and sighed. “Sue, that was exquisite. You really outdid yourself.”

  “Thank you. It was fun.”

  “How about we adjourn to the other room? I’ll help you with the dishes later.”


  As they passed the bar, Jeff said, “Would you like a drink?”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  “What would you like?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe… sherry?”

  “Ah, that sounds good.”

  While he poured a couple glasses of sherry, Susan wandered on into the great room.

  Jeff followed her a minute later. She stood with her back to him as he approached. “Your drink, Madame.”

  She stood for a moment longer then slowly turned around. Her blouse was fully unbuttoned and sufficiently parted to provide Jeff with an ample view of her delicate braless cleavage.

  Jeff froze and gulped. “Oh my.”

  She gazed into his eyes, panting softly, and nervously licked her lips. “I’ve never tried to seduce a man before, and I’m not sure how to begin.”

  He nodded, eyes-wide. “Well, um, I’d say you’ve made a very good start.”

  She smiled softly, her bosom heaving with each breath.

  “Uh, Susan, are you sure about this?”

  She nodded and bit her lip. “I’ve been thinking about it since you and Abby…”

  “That was almost a year ago.”

  “Yes, I know. It’s been a long wait.” She glanced at the floor and gave a tiny shrug. “I don’t know just what Abby was feeling that morning but, from the expression on her face, I have a pretty good idea.” She looked back at Jeff. “I want to feel that way too, even if only once.”

  Jeff set the glasses down on an end table, walked up to her, slipped his hands inside her blouse, gently grasped her tiny waist, and gazed into her eyes. “Are you sure you aren’t perhaps giving me a bit more credit than I deserve?”

  Susan smiled softly and shook her head. “I don’t think so. If you can please Abby like that, I’m confident you can handle a simple little girl like me.”

  He chuckled. “Simple? I don’t think so.”

  “Jeff, Abby has enjoyed the pleasure of your company and, if my guess is correct, Gabe will, for many, many years to come. But right here, right now, it’s my turn.”

  He glanced away from her and sighed. “I’ve really managed to make a mess of this, haven’t I?”

  She gently placed her hand on his cheek and turned his head back to face her. “I don’t see it that way.”

  He cocked his head to one side, leaned over, parted his lips, and kissed her, passionately.

  Susan wrapped her arms around his neck and clutched him tight, almost desperately.

  Jeff reached behind her, grasping her firmly in a hug, nearly lifting her off the floor.

  After a minute, their lips parted and they stood, breathless, staring into one another’s eyes. Susan smiled. “I guess I need something to stand on, or very high heels.”

  Jeff grinned. “I have a better idea. Why don’t we go upstairs, and get more comfortable.”

  She nodded.

  In Jeff’s bed, they made love, repeatedly, at times gently, at times with ferocity, until the wee hours of the morning, and both were utterly exhausted. And then they slept, tightly wrapped in one another’s arms.

  In the morning Jeff awoke to the excruciatingly delicious sensation of Susan still curled in his arms. He barely dared breathe for fear of disturbing her. The sensuous scent of Opium still lingered in her mass of jet-black hair pressed between them and fanned over her shoulder and back. After a time he was compelled to stretch and yawn.

  That was all it took to cause Susan to stir. She moaned softly, snuggled more tightly, and reached behind Jeff to pull him close.

  Jeff nuzzled her hair, kissed the back of her head, and whispered, “Good morning.”

  She took a deep breath and sighed, “Is it morning?”

  “Yeah, pretty sure.”

  “That’s too bad. I don’t want it to be morning… ever.” She rolled over, facing him, snuggled down in the bed a little, and rested her head under his chin. She rubbed her cheek against his chest and spoke softly. “That was the most wonderful evening I have ever had. Thank you. Thank you very much.”

  “Um, to say the pleasure was all mine would probably be trite beyond description.”

  She wrapped a leg over him, pressing her body against his, giggling softly. “And inaccurate.”

  Jeff wrapped his arms around her then rolled on his back, bringing Susan with him, to lie atop him. “Hmmm, that feels good.”

  “I’m not squashing you?”

  He chuckled. “Hardly.”

  She scooted up a bit, took his face in her hands and kissed him. “I don’t care what it’s like outside, I don’t want this night to end.”

  “Well, then let’s ignore the sun.” He rolled them over and, resting on his elbows, spread her legs with his, and kissed her lips, and cheeks, and neck. Then worked slowly down to her breasts, down across her belly, through her luscious patch of black hair, and beyond.

  Susan lurched up, grabbed the top of the headboard with both hands, and gasped. “Oh god!”

  Friday, June 12, 2015 (T minus 284 days)

  Abby called from the hall. “Boss, you around her
e somewhere?”

  “Yeah Abby, in the bedroom.”

  She knocked at the door. “You decent?”

  “You care?”


  “Well, then come on in.”

  She stepped into the room, then glanced at him, looking a bit disappointed. “Oh, you’re no fun, you’re all dressed.”

  He smiled. “Yeah. What is it?”

  “I wanted to ask…” She paused and sniffed the air.


  She sniffed again, then smiled softly. “Well, you and Sue found a way to pass the time while we were gone, did you?”

  Jeff coughed, cleared his throat, and frowned. “Um, what are you talking about?”

  She sniffed the air once more. “Can’t you smell it?”

  Jeff sniffed. “No. Smell what?”

  “Opium. You must be desensitized from overexposure.”

  Jeff curled his lip and groaned. “Um…”

  Abby grinned. “It’s alright, I approve. It’s about time. In fact, long overdue.”

  He took a deep breath, sighed in resignation, and gave her a sheepish smile. “Uh… yeah.”

  She nodded. “Uh huh, I thought there was something a little different about her. But, Jeff, you need to air bedding before Gabe comes in here. She has a very acute sense of smell.”

  “I already did. Changed the sheets, pillow cases, towels… everything.”

  “Open the windows, and leave them open.”

  “Ahem, right.” He glared at her. “Did you want something?”

  “Oh, yeah. Um… I forgot what it was.”

  “Great. Then go away.”

  She started to turn for the door and stopped. “Jeff, can I ask you something?”


  She bit her lip. “How come you haven’t slept with Gabe?”

  His eyebrows went up. “Um, who says I haven’t?”

  She grinned and shook her head. “Jeffrey, don’t be silly. If you had, it would have been written all over her face for weeks. She’s head over heels in love with you, and there are some things that girl just can’t keep secret.”

  “Yeah, alright. Well, not to put too fine a point on it, Abigail, Gabe appears to have more self-control than you and Sue. To date, she has, uh, declined to seduce me.”

  Abby chuckled. “Seduce you? Is that what Sue did? Damn, sorry I missed it. I’ll bet that was entertaining.”

  “Abby, go away.”

  “Okay.” At the door she stopped, turned back to him, smiled, and said softly. “Open the windows, now.”

  Jeff chuckled. “Yeah, okay. And,” he smiled and nodded at her, “thanks.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Friday, July 3, 2015 (T minus 263 days)

  Jeff stared at the image on the computer screen. “Jeez, it’s not much of a crack.”

  Heidi’s voice came over the speakerphone. “No, it’s not. It’d probably survive the burn just fine, but why take the chance? Let’s get it fixed or replaced.”

  “Oh yeah, I agree.”

  “Now, I’ve already talked to Jim Davis about it, but he couldn’t give me a prognosis until Rocketdyne has a look at it. They’ll be here Monday.”

  “Okay. Well, one more glitch.”


  Chrissie’s voice came over the intercom. “We’re back.”

  Jeff nodded at Gabe, who got up and keyed the intercom. “Okay. We’re just finishing up. Be there in a minute.”

  “Heidi,” said Jeff, “our guests have arrived. You’ll be here tomorrow?”

  “Yeah, arrive Providence at ten.”

  “Alright, Chrissie will be there to pick you up. Looking forward to seeing you.”

  “Thanks. Yeah I’m looking forward to seeing all of you too.”

  “Okay, then we’ll see you tomorrow. And, Heidi, thanks, nice catch.”

  “No problem, boss. See you tomorrow.” And she hung up.

  Gabe came back to the desk and stood staring at the J-2 engine nozzle image with Jeff.

  “Son of a bitch,” he groaned.

  Gabe put her hand on his shoulder. “We’ve got time, and they have more nozzles.”

  “Yeah, I know, but jeez, these things are 50 years old, and these were supposed to be the good ones. What kind of shape are the others in?”

  “Jeff, if they can’t replace or repair it, are we done?”

  He shrugged. “I dunno. But if they can’t, well, we’re all gonna have to sit down and have long talk, that’s for sure.” He took a deep breath and sighed. “Well, let’s not worry about it now, we’ve got company.” He got up. “Come on, let’s go meet Abby’s parents.”

  At the top of the stairs in the entry hall, Jeff, Gabe and Susan were met by Abby, Chrissie, a well-dressed middle-aged gentleman of about Jeff’s height and build, and the most stunningly beautiful woman Jeff had ever laid eyes on. She was maybe five foot eight; wearing exquisitely tailored gray herringbone slacks and dark green, sleeveless silk blouse, unbuttoned far enough to show a hint of cleavage. Slender, soft round curves in all the right places, a mildly athletic build, looking like she might play tennis, chestnut hair that flashed with hints of copper when she turned her head and cascaded over her shoulders tumbling in soft waves nearly to her waist, and sparkling hazel eyes that glistened behind delicate gold-rimmed glasses. Mercy!

  Gabe gasped softly, “That’s Abby’s mother? Looks like she should be her sister.”

  Jeff nodded and whispered, “Yeah. And she’s a year older than me. Wow.” He walked quickly down the hall and held out his hand. “Brad, Diane… Jeff Grey, it is so nice to finally meet you!”

  Brad took Jeff’s hand. “It’s a pleasure, Jeff. Abby has told us so much about you.”

  Diane also shook his hand. “Yes. Oh, this is such a delight.” She glanced around. “Your home is exquisite, it’s so very nice to be here. It’s embarrassing that it’s taken three years for us to finally get together.”

  Jeff nodded. “Yeah, well I guess we’re all pretty busy. Anyway, we’re delighted you could finally make it, and honored to have you.” He motioned to Gabe and Susan. “May I present Dr. Gabriel Frederick, Gabe, and Dr. Susan Lú.”

  They all shook hands and exchanged greetings. Brad looked Gabe up and down. “Abby told us you were tall but, wow.”

  Gabe grinned sheepishly.

  Jeff looked Diane over. “Well, now I know where Abby got her looks.”

  Diane blushed. “Thank you.”

  Abby rolled her eyes.

  Jeff motioned toward the great room. “You arrived at just the appropriate moment, Abby’s and my favorite time of the day.”

  Diane smiled. “Oh? What’s that?”

  Abby grinned. “Cocktail hour.”

  Jeff made drinks for all, and they took seats in the great room. “You had a good flight?”

  Diane nodded. “Yes, it was wonderful. I love your plane.”

  “Thanks, we like it too.”

  “I flew with Abby several times when she was flying charter jets but never got to sit up front because of their rules. Sitting in the cockpit and seeing what she actually does was quite an experience.”

  Jeff grinned. “Yeah, I remember well when Abby and I picked up that plane in Wichita, and flew here. I’d never flown a plane at that point but knew I was going to have to learn. Watching her fly was a mistake. It looked way too easy.” He laughed. “I soon learned it’s not.”

  “So you fly too?” said Brad.

  “Yeah, all of us do.”

  “That plane?”

  “Uh huh. From first lesson in a single-engine Cessna to a Citation type rating was about a two-year crash course.”

  Gabe elbowed his ribs and frowned. “Don’t say that.”

  “What are you complaining about? You’ve walked away from every one of your landings.”

  “So far.”

  Jeff grinned, then glanced at Abby. “You didn’t take them out over the ocean and fly elliptics, did you?”

Abby rolled her eyes. “God, no. I’m tired of having to steam clean the interior.”

  Diane gave her a questioning look. “Elliptics?”

  Abby made a wave motion with her hand. “Yeah, going weightless.”

  Diane grabbed her stomach. “Oh my god! The mere thought makes me nauseas. You’ve actually done that?”

  Jeff nodded. “Many, many times. That’s part of our weightless training regimen. Between the trips out and back, we’ll be weightless for a total of about fourteen months. We need to get used to doing things in that environment.”

  Diane gasped. “Oh, good god. Is it hard?”

  “No, it’s just different. It takes a bit of getting used to. But once you get the hang of it…” He shrugged.

  “Oh, god, I think I’d be barfing my guts out.”

  Gabe shook her head and groaned. “Oh please, don’t remind me.”

  Jeff smiled. “Yeah, well, I think all of us lost our cookies a few times at first. Well, all except Abby, who seems to have a cast-iron stomach. But, you get used to it.”

  “I would love to try that,” said Brad.

  Abby pointed at Brad and gave him an impish grin. “Be careful what you ask for.”

  Diane shook her head and cringed. “Not while I’m along.” She glanced at Jeff. “Can’t you do that in water?”

  “Well, yes and no. You can practice some weightless activities in water because, well, you’re floating. But, you’re not actually weightless. Even though you are floating, you’re still doing so within gravity. I mean, there’s still an up and down. In true weightlessness, or microgravity, there is no up or down. So doing things in a pool is a useful experience in terms of handling large loads and trying to do things like, I dunno, turn a wrench, but it’s not the same as actual weightlessness.”

  Diane nodded. “I see.”

  “I don’t mean to change the subject,” said Gabe, “but, Diane, you’re bracelet is gorgeous. What is it?”

  Diane held up her right wrist and twirled it around. “Oh, thank you. It’s a charm bracelet.” She leaned her head on Brad’s shoulder. “Brad bought it for me in Florence about five years ago. We’ve been adding charms to it from everyplace we’ve visited since then.”

  “How many have you got?”


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