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Thrilling Heaven (Room 103)

Page 2

by Sidebottom, D H

  ‘Don’t choose him Jen, please don’t choose him. I love you…..’

  I closed my eyes to the memory assault and stiffened when the screen door opened and Kyle stood grinning at me, completely naked and obviously aroused if the view of his erect penis was anything to go by.

  My stomach dropped through my arse and I frantically fought the urge to pummel this man stood before me, beat him to a pulp for ruining my life and taking me from the only thing in my life I had ever wanted.

  “Hey, Darling” he leered as his eyes roamed over my body and then grimaced when he spotted a few bruises.

  He swallowed heavily before he lifted his eyes to me and I could see him shake off the guilt as he took a step closer to me.

  “I thought you were playing football with Jake?” I asked, hoping he had just forgotten and my reminder would see him belting back out of the shower and disappearing.

  Right, Jen. Good luck with that.

  “He had to cancel, something to do with Harriet puking…” he whispered against my neck as he nuzzled me and I grimaced when his hand settled on my breast.

  My eyes squeezed shut when his teeth dug into the soft flesh under my ear and his cock slipped between my thighs, stroking along my sex slowly.

  “You feel so good, Jen. It’s a good job you’re a great fuck, otherwise I’d have divorced you years ago.”

  “Yeah” I murmured as I fought the bile that was rising slowly up my throat and I silently wondered if there was any way I could suddenly become a shit shag.

  Suddenly I was flung around and pushed into the tiles, my already sore cheek hitting the ceramic with force, before he took me feverishly and violently.

  I let him.

  I didn’t have a choice really.

  I never did where Kyle was concerned.

  Fifteen minutes later, Kyle held the facecloth to my bloodied nose and rolled his eyes at me humorously. “Fancy bashing your nose on the tiles you daft mare; they’re hard you know, Jen.”

  I gave him a tiny tight smile and nodded, it was easier to just agree. What was I supposed to say ‘Hey you great big knob, if you hadn’t grabbed my hair and rammed my face into the tiles then I wouldn’t have nose bleed right now!’?

  He tenderly dabbed at my face, gently wiping away the blood as he planted a soft kiss to my forehead.

  “Ethan’s back.” I spat out quickly.

  What the hell, Jen? What the hell did you say that for?

  You know why, so he didn’t find out from Brett and batter you for not telling him, that’s why!

  I heard his teeth crack as he ground them together tightly and his fingers curled around the washcloth so forcefully I was glad it wasn’t my neck he had been holding when I told him.

  He narrowed his eyes on me “You speak to him?”

  “No” I answered honestly. I didn’t tell him I had just stared as Ethan repeatedly announced my name.

  He whipped the washcloth in my face angrily, its slap on my skin made me jump, and then exited the shower, snatching up a towel and pulling it around his hips before he slammed the bathroom door so hard the contents of the cabinet rattled.

  Well, that got rid of him Jen.

  I peered at myself in the steamed mirror, wiping at it to clear a section and frowned when my cheek had gone from the purple it had been this morning to a black shade now.

  My nose was still trickling blood over my top lip and the sight suddenly brought on the ‘what if…’ the ‘I should have…’ and the ‘why didn’t I…’

  “Come on Jen, pull it together girl” I scolded myself as I straightened my shoulders and took a deep breath before going in search of my wonderful husband.

  Chapter 2

  “You gonna tell me what the hell is up with ya’?” Zoe grumbled as I peered at her over the froth of my coffee.

  “Nothing’s wrong with me.”

  She lifted one of her perfectly plucked brows at me and I scowled back in return. “Jen, listen to me now.”

  I gulped at her tone, knowing what was coming and I braced myself for it. She knew a lot more than she let on but so far she had kept her own council, yet today, sat in the little coffee shop we always frequented, I knew it was finally coming.

  Her hand slid across the table and settled gently over mine, giving it a small squeeze before she lifted her finger and stroked it across the black bruise on my cheek. “You need a place, babe, then my spare room is all yours.”

  I frowned at her and swallowed in defiance. “Why would I need your spare room Zo, everything’s fine?”

  She stared silently at me, both of us in a silent face-off until she finally relented. “Why Jen, you’re stronger than this? And what the hell was all that in the shop with the rocker dude?”

  I pursed my lips at her angrily, “Zo, leave it. There is nothing wrong and, well, Ethan and Kyle don’t get on, that’s all.”

  She scoffed angrily and we both diverted our attention to the happenings in the café to wind in our necks and dampen our anger at each other.

  “So,” she yielded eventually taking a large gulp of the frozen lumpy shit she was drinking. “Room 103 in Slink’s.”

  I grinned and nodded at her “You do the guitarist’s tat?”

  She rolled her eyes dramatically and sighed heavily, “Did I, and on one of his glorious man cheeks no less.”

  I smirked at her but she smiled nervously, “He, uhh, Romeo, that is, he uhh…”

  “Spit it out, treacle.” I urged, amazed at her sudden nervousness.

  This wasn’t Zoe, she was always proud and bold, always the life of the party, bubbly and manic but now she appeared like a timid little girl, caught stealing the last lollipop from the cupboard.

  “He wants to see me, uhh, wants to take me out…” she stuttered as she gulped.

  “And?” I lifted my own brow at her now but her pain was evident and I took her hand in mine this time.

  “Zo, you think Shane would want you to wait until you die?”

  Her pale blue eyes lifted to mine, rimmed with tears and an ache so fierce it fisted my heart. “No” she whispered and I smiled at her and nodded.

  She took a deep breath and nodded back; both of us silently communicating that she finally needed to move on and start dating again.

  “I was thinking of asking him to the birthday party you have been secretly organising for me” she grinned knowingly.

  My jaw dropped open and I stared at her in shock. “How the hell, Zo?”

  She laughed at me loudly, “Jen, babe, you are many wonderful things but covert is not one of your talents.”

  I shrugged at her.

  I had kept the biggest secret of my life undisclosed for two years; so I had thought a thirtieth birthday party would’ve been easy.

  She laughed again but grabbed my hand and pulled me off my chair. “Come on, we need to find you a killer outfit for my secret party.”

  I groaned in frustration. Zoe’s idea of a killer outfit and my idea were totally different, and I cringed at what I would be forced to buy.

  I just hoped it would be appropriate for Kyle’s ideas as well.


  Kyle entered the bedroom and smiled sweetly at Zoe before placing a soft kiss on her cheek, “Happy birthday, Zo.”

  She grinned happily at him, “Doesn’t Jen look gorgeous?”

  Kyle’s eyes shifted to me, seated on the vanity stool. He lifted a finger, gesturing for me to stand and I did, standing still for him to inspect me.

  “Stunning” he said without any expression and I knew he didn’t approve of the short red dress Zoe had insisted I wear, but he wouldn’t voice that opinion in front of Zoe.

  I gave him a hesitant smile. “Zoe said I should wear this” I told him, hoping to defend my actions for showing so much leg.

  He just nodded and gave me a stiff smile before turning back to Zoe, giving her his killer smile, the one he used on every other woman except me. His smug demeanour made my skin crawl but I kept that judgment to mysel

  “You ready for the off?” he asked as he preened himself in the mirror and straightened his tie.

  Kyle had always been good looking and he knew it and used it to his advantage - usually to seduce every woman residing in London, but he didn’t know I knew that snippet of information.

  For one, I didn’t give a damn and for two, I secretly hoped he would find one that he would fall in love with and leave me for, but I had never had much luck in life.

  His light brown hair highlighted his deep hazel eyes whilst his chiselled cheekbones and jaw gave him that hot bad boy look.

  He was a bad boy alright, just not in the way people thought.

  Zoe returned his grin with one of her own and nodded excitedly. “Yes, let’s get to this surprise party I’m not supposed to know about.” She giggled and Kyle looked at me with high brows.

  I shook my head at him and huffed, “I always said she should work for the MI5!”

  He barked out a laugh, an actual real one and I smiled when the sound of his laugh brought back memories from when we were happy, which also brought memories of Ethan, so I pushed that back immediately.

  Zoe held out her elbow to me and I hooked my arm through hers. “After you birthday girl” I gestured with my free hand and she nodded respectfully as we descended the stairs and made our way to a night that would change my life.


  The room was buzzing when we arrived, everybody having arrived before Zoe to surprise her. She did a good job and acted amazed at the attention. Kyle chuckled beside me as he snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me close.

  “Why the fuck are you wearing that fucking dress? You look like a whore!” he hissed in my ear and dug his fingers into my hipbone.

  I flinched and swallowed back the pain. “I didn’t have a choice, Zoe bought it for me especially. What was I supposed to say?”

  He plastered a false smile on his lips and nodded to a passer-by before his smile dropped again and his teeth clamped my earlobe. “Say, fucking no thank you. It’s fucking simple, Jen.”

  I winced at the pain but he removed his bite before he drew blood, becoming an expert at knowing when to pull back before it left a mark.

  I turned my head to see Zoe approaching, her dark eyes narrow on Kyle and I knew she had witnessed his small discipline but she smiled as she got to me. “Dance, babe” she ordered as she pulled me onto the dance floor.

  Manoeuvring her lithe long body behind me, she draped her arms down the front of me and we rocked together as she rested her chin on my shoulder.

  “He does that again, I don’t give a fuck where we are, I will rip his bloody knackers off and feed them to that doorman over there” she whispered in my ear as she tilted her chin towards a huge guy stood watching us both dance.

  I presumed he thought we were gay the way Zoe was grinding her hips into my arse and I stiffened slightly with her words but I didn’t give her a response.

  She lifted her hands and cupped my tits as she gave him a wink. “That’ll give him something to look at” she snorted in my ear before she spun me round and cupped my arse.

  “Will you stop” I chastised but struggled to hold back the laugh, “you are so bad!”

  She winked at me and narrowed her eyes, “Don’t tell me you’ve never thought about it, Jen.”

  “You’ve had too much to drink, treacle.” I giggled but she suddenly pressed her lips over mine.

  The shock of it had me stood solid, not moving a single muscle as her lips moved over mine.

  She reared back a little and gazed at me before she cupped my chin and came down again.

  What the hell.

  You only live once.

  So I gave it her back.

  We were both laughing as we pulled apart and the room exploded in cheers.

  I shook my head at her in humour when she winked at me. “That’s what I call a birthday kiss” she smirked as she raised her arms in the air and started swaying to the next track as she bumped her hip into mine.

  A body appeared behind me and I was suddenly sandwiched between Zoe and a tall dude covered in piercings and I mean covered, they were everywhere; his brows, his nose, his ears, his lips. He even had some dermal piercings down the side of his neck.

  His chin rested on my shoulder and I turned my head slightly to look at him. He grinned at me and I could tell he was plastered, “Hey.”

  “Hi” I smiled back as Zoe nudged further against me and the wicked smile she displayed would see me slapping that arse of hers when we got out of here.

  “Bulk” he introduced himself and I grinned and gave mine and Zoe’s names.

  “Now this is a better sandwich than the shit ham over there” he smirked and I raised a brow at him.

  “Think you can handle us both do ya’?”

  The roguish tilt of his lips had Zoe laughing even harder. “Did you seriously just ask a bloke whether he can handle two women, Jen?”

  “Oh Shit” I breathed and Bulk stiffened when Kyle barged through the dancers and glared at me from behind Zoe.

  “Hey, babe” I smiled nervously and my dance partner had the perceptiveness to shift back.

  “Jen” Kyle practically snarled at me and I swallowed harshly as his wild eyes settled on Bulk moving slowly back off me.

  Suddenly we were surrounded by about five rockers and I flashed Kyle a warning with my eyes and a faint shake of my head to back off before he started something at Zoe’s party.

  Zoe swung round and grabbed Kyle’s hands, “Dance with me, Kyle.” She smiled brightly as she started moving her hips against his and he looked down at her, before his killer smile erupted and he grabbed her hips, pulled her into him and gave her his best moves.

  God, I loved this girl.

  “I’m gonna grab a drink” I told Kyle who still continued to glare at me but gave Zoe his ‘come fuck me’ eyes.

  Seriously, my best friend?

  I trusted Zoe impeccably, knowing she would never do that to me, but my husband, who thought it was fun to flirt with her in front of everybody just to humiliate me for what had just happened, would.

  What the hell. Go for it jerk!

  “Bud, please” I told the barman who smiled and reached for the bottle, popping the cap expertly as a hand slapped a tenner on the bar and I turned to see Bulk stood beside me.

  “An apology for stirring things with your boyfriend there, little lady” He smiled and I realised how good looking he actually was, his teeth white and near perfect as a dimple appeared in his chin, giving him a cheeky look.

  I shook my head at him, “Don’t be silly, you were just having fun. It’s not like you touched me up or anything.”

  He grinned at me as if telling me that would have been his next step and I shook my head and laughed.

  “Does he do that a lot?” he asked and I frowned in confusion.

  He cocked his head towards Zoe and Kyle “Give you shit for dancing with someone, and then feels your friend up in front of you?”

  “Kyle’s… Kyle” I tried to explain.

  Bulk took a pull on his own bottle before his eyes caught mine and I shivered as his gaze seemed to bore through me and read everything inside me; my thoughts, my mind, my soul and my heart.

  “How long you been together?”

  “Thirteen years” I told him as I took a hefty drink, my nerves at this man’s canny ability to scrutinize every part of me knocking up my need for a diversion.

  He nodded slowly and sucked on his lips, “And how long have you been unhappy?”

  I stared widely at him but he just held his own, no show of remorse or apology at his question.

  “Excuse me, but I really….”

  He lifted a brow at me, a silent dare to deny his perception but I just swallowed and sucked on my own lips.

  He nodded as if I had given him an answer before he leaned forward towards me. His eyes swept the area around us as his mouth settled against my ear, “You need to get out sweetheart, before he de
stroys that tiny flicker of a flame you have left.”

  I coughed and stepped away, lowering my gaze on the floor, not wanting him to see the truth in his words behind my eyes.

  “I should go” I whispered before I swung round and banged straight into a hard muscled chest.

  “I think it’s about time we went” Kyle growled as his eyes rested on Bulk.

  I nodded, knowing any argument would make my night worse.

  Bulk slid off the bar stool he was situated on, “You gonna be okay, sweetheart?”

  I nodded but didn’t turn to him and Kyle tilted his head malevolently, “You got a problem, mate?”

  “I don’t have a problem – mate, but the little lady here might.”

  Oh bloody crap and bollocks!

  Kyle stepped forward and the evil grin he donned had my blood pounding in my ears and my hands sweating. “Kyle, don’t” I warned as I placed my hand on his chest.

  He looked down at me and narrowed his eyes before he grabbed my hand from his chest and lowered it between us.

  I tried to stand as still as possible as his death grip actually cracked my fingers but one of my legs instinctively flinched as I clenched against the pain.

  “Okay, it’s my party and I don’t wanna end up crying at it!” Zoe bounded up to us and God bless her, she slid her hand between us and took my hand from Kyle. “Come on Kyle, I need a lift home.”

  Kyle and Bulk stood their ground, both of them daring each other to make the first move until Zoe grabbed Kyle’s forearm and pulled him across the room.

  I shot an apologetic glance at Bulk but he shook his head and slipped a piece of paper in my hand “You ever need me, little lady, you have my number.”


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