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Thrilling Heaven (Room 103)

Page 8

by Sidebottom, D H

  “And…” Zoe encouraged as I grinned back at Ethan, his gorgeous smile aimed at me and I could read the heat in his eyes as he gazed at me.

  I pulled in a heavy breath to dowse my arousal as I turned back to Zoe and E.

  “And… I got pregnant, Ethan got pissed and Kyle got Ethan’s full honesty when he told Kyle we had been sleeping together for two years.”

  “Shit” Zoe murmured.

  I nodded and bit my lower lip when Ethan tilted his chin towards the house before he disappeared through the back door.

  “Excuse me, I just need the loo.” I told them as I handed Lily back to E, who lifted her brow and smirked at me as she glanced at Bulk’s house.

  “Have fun with that” she winked and I gulped at her knowledge but headed quite briskly towards the same door Ethan had gone through.

  As soon as my foot stepped over the threshold, I was gripped by the waist and pushed up against the now closed door, Ethan wrapping his lips over mine frenziedly.

  “God, I need to slide my cock into your perfect pussy so bad.” He breathed against my mouth.

  I gave him a moan in reply as I kissed him back just as fiercely and fumbled with the button on his combat shorts, freeing his heavy cock into my hands.

  “Stroke me, baby, make me even harder for you” he murmured over my jaw as his teeth nibbled at the delicate flesh.

  I did as he asked, sliding my fist over the long length of him and squeezed the crown, twisting before I slid it back down.

  “Shit, no. I’m not gonna last” he hissed as he lifted my jean skirt over my hips and pulled my knickers to one side before lifting me up and supporting me against the wall, he thrust into me in one harsh swift movement and we both groaned loudly.

  “Yes, that’s it Ethan. Fuck me.” I moaned over his neck as I pulled in his flesh and bit him hard.

  “Christ…” he grunted before he began his relentless rhythm, his hips thrusting recklessly and wildly as my back banged harshly against the door.

  “Baby…” he growled as he exploded inside me. “Sorry, I couldn’t…” he grated through his teeth but I silenced him as his bar slid over my g-spot and his spunk hit the entrance to my womb, the combination prompting my own climax and my sex clenched him tightly and firmly as I clawed at his back.

  “Oh Jesus, Jen” he groaned as I pushed against him and took every bit of him inside me, prolonging both our orgasms and consuming every drop of his cum from him.

  “I just adore the sausage they give you at these types of barbie’s. Filled me up real well.” I told him on a pant.

  He stared at me before a huge grin lifted his face to a stunning magnificence. “And I think you cooked that sausage very thoroughly, baby.”

  I grinned back at him as he leant forward and tickled the tip of my nose with the tip of his tongue, “By the way, Jen…” his tongue moved down and swept over my bottom lip as his eyes locked me down. “…I love you” we both whispered together.

  Chapter 11

  “I just wanna fuckin’ talk to her!” Kyle shouted from outside the kitchen door.

  “Oh shit! How the hell did he find me?” I hissed as Ethan slid me off his new erection and planted my feet on the floor. “Stay here” I warned him but he shook his head.

  “No fucking way are you facing that piece of shit on your own.”

  “Ethan, please. Let me handle this, he deserves to be told if nothing else, he’s still my husband.”

  “And he’s still the wanker that hits you” he bit out as he grabbed the door handle and opened the door, exiting before me so I couldn’t argue any further with him.

  I pulled in a deep breath and followed him out.

  Kyle’s eyes caught mine immediately as Jax and Hunter held each of his arms.

  I gasped as I saw each of his injuries, both his eyes were black and bruised, the bridge of his nose was stitched, as was his cheek bone.

  One of his wrists was in plaster and the way he held himself upright was evidence of his broken ribs.

  They had really worked him over and I frowned at my hurt for him.

  “Jen,” he choked out and I could tell he was drunk “please, I just wanna talk, darling.”

  Bulk came to stand beside me as did Ethan and Kyle’s eyes narrowed on his brother’s. “Well, well, little brother. You finally caught the fish then.”

  I placed my hand on Ethan’s forearm as he stepped towards Kyle. “Don’t” I urged and he halted before turning to look at me.

  “He needs sorting, Jen. Please let me be the one to do it” he beseeched and I rolled my eyes on him.

  “Let me deal with him.” I repeated as I nodded at Hunter and Jax to release their hold on him.

  Kyle shook himself off as if their touch gave him some sort of disease. “We need to talk” he ordered sternly and I nodded as I walked to the rear of the garden and over to a small table and chairs.

  Kyle followed as did everyone’s eyes and I gulped back the shame of bringing my personal life to Bulk’s door.

  “Little lady,” Bulk shouted and I turned to look at him, “we’ll be just here if you need us.”

  I smiled a thanks and nodded as I caught Ethan’s worried glance.

  I sat in the chair opposite Kyle and gave him my attention. He remained silent for a while, his elbows resting on his knees as he leaned towards me.

  His eyes lifted from the ground to me and I could see the pain in his eyes. “You should have told me you were leaving.”

  I scrunched up my nose and stared at him, his ignorance building my temper from simmering to a rapid boil. “Kyle, you put me in hospital, I would have thought me leaving you would have been a given.”

  He pursed his lips and nodded slightly. “Yeah,” he said quietly “but, you could have at least told me.”

  “I didn’t get the chance, seems as though you knocked me out cold for two days straight.”

  He sucked air through his teeth and glanced over at Ethan watching us “Didn’t take him long to move in.”

  “He never left, Kyle” I told him quietly.

  His eyes shot to mine in confusion and I put my hand over my heart. “Putting miles between us never widened the distance connecting us.”

  His face contorted in pain but he knew all this already and hearing it might just make him understand it. “I’ve always loved Ethan, Kyle. You know this, that’s why you made sure he was no longer a rival.”

  He sighed and pulled a packet of cigarettes out of his jacket pocket and lit one, drawing deeply on it before blowing it out in exasperation. “But you chose me, Jen.”

  I stared at him with wide eyes. “No Kyle, you made me choose you. You threatened to kill Ethan, threatened to hunt him down and make him pay if I chose him. You made us this way, Kyle. You made our marriage the disaster that it is” I spat out angrily.

  His blazing eyes lifted to mine as his fists clenched and I could see him rein in his temper as he risked a glance at the guys who had taken a step closer when they sensed his rage.

  “He was my brother, Jen. You were fucking my brother. How did you expect me to react? Make fucking wedding plans for you both?”

  I sighed and nodded, my shame at what we had done to him gushing back even after nine years, “I know.”

  He leaned forward and rested his forehead on my lap and I placed my hand in his hair, stroking gently as I desperately tried to alleviate as much pain as I could.

  “But, I love you so much Jen. I always have, that’s why I couldn’t… wouldn’t let you go.”

  “It’s time to let me go now, Kyle.” I whispered as I rested my head on his.

  He was still for a while and I could feel his tears dripping onto my bare thighs but he sat up and gazed at me, his eyes suddenly dark and cold. “Never…” he hissed quietly as he faintly opened his jacket pocket and displayed the small gun he had inside.

  My eyes shot up to his in horror as my breath stunted and my blood turned to steel. “You either walk out of here with me or Ethan’s fore
head gets impaled with one of the nice little bullets I have loaded into this thing.”

  I could feel the ice shiver race around my body and squeeze at my lungs, freezing my breath inside me in a panic. I shook my head at him and pleaded with my eyes when I couldn’t voice any words.

  He nodded slowly, “I don’t care how I get you, but let me tell you now; You. Will. Never. Be. Free. Of. Me… Never!”

  He leaned towards me, his eyes penetrating me with his promise. “You are mine Jen, till the fucking death. Whether you choose that to be Ethan first is up to you” he shrugged nonchalantly as I still stared with huge eyes at him.

  I swallowed hard and nodded as my chest heaved, my stomach lurched and my tears froze inside me as I shut down and stood up.

  He rose from his chair and grasped my hand tightly. “Not a fucking word, you understand?”

  I nodded in reply and his hand tightened, “Say it!” he spat in my ear.


  He led me across the grass and everybody stared at us but Ethan frowned at our hands clasped tightly together.

  “See, she’s always been mine, brother” Kyle mocked in Ethan’s face.

  “Jen?” Ethan stuttered and I lifted my eyes to his confused ones.

  “I’m sorry, Ethan.”

  He shook his head rapidly as though I was crazy, and maybe I was but I wouldn’t risk him for anything. “Don’t, Jen. You promised me, what the hell are you doing?”

  His face contorted with so much pain I had to look away but the desperation in his voice clawed at my heart and tore it wide open.

  “She is coming back with her fucking husband, that’s what she’s doing, so back the fuck off and leave us to it now.” Kyle ordered with venom and Ethan narrowed his eyes on him.

  “You hurt her ever again and I’ll cause you so much fucking pain, you’ll wish you were dead!” He growled at Kyle.

  Kyle smirked at him then laughed “Bring it on, bro.”

  He turned to the rest of the stunned group and saluted them before he stepped away.

  Ethan caught my arm and looked at me distraughtly, “Whatever he said he would do, Jen, don’t listen to him. I can look after you.”

  I shook my head and tried to tell him with my eyes what was happening but he couldn’t see it.

  “Please…” he begged as tears welled in his eyes and my own flooded forward as Kyle yanked on my hand and pulled me away.

  “By the way, Ethan…” I shouted loudly as I was pushed into the driver’s seat.

  I clenched my teeth in anger when I realised Kyle had drove here drunk and I was relieved he was making me drive us back.

  I placed my palm on the window to Ethan as Kyle rounded the car to the passenger side.

  “I love you.” Kyle mouthed at me as he nodded firmly and my heart lurched when I realised that he knew Kyle had threatened me with something and I wasn’t choosing Kyle over him.

  I nodded in return and he kept his eyes fixed on mine until I pulled away and I knew he would still be stood there, immobile and silent for a long while.


  Chapter 12

  I watched the car disappear around the corner before I went in search of E.

  I found her staring at me with sad eyes as she held a crying Lily to her shoulder. “Hey, sexy girl, it’s fine” I soothed her and she hiccupped but quietened.

  “How the hell do you do that?” E asked with a slight grievance and I laughed at her.

  “Same wavelength.” I offered with a grin.

  “How come you’re not falling apart?” she now asked with confusion covering her pretty face.

  “We need to talk.”

  Her eyes searched my face before she nodded and went in search of Jax.

  She returned a moment later without Lily and we both walked into Bulk’s house and directly into his study.

  I closed the door quietly behind us and waited for her to sit down as I braced myself for her wrath. “I need you to contact Sal Yemen.” I told her bluntly.

  E had had some trouble with Sal, the head of the mob that ruled London, after he had kidnapped E and made her give up some information she had about them but after she gave him what he wanted he offered his assistance if ever she needed it.

  She regarded me with a stunned expression before sighing heavily, “You know I can’t do that, Boss.”

  I chewed on my bottom lip as I pleaded with my eyes, “Hot stuff, you don’t even have to speak to your Dad, but I need help here.”

  She narrowed her eyes and bit her tongue between her teeth as it poked out a little and I recognised the action from one Jax always used when he was reining in his temper; husband and wife seemed to even share habits now and the thought made me sigh in solitude, loneliness creeping in now Jen had gone again.

  “Why do you need help from Sal anyway?” she asked cautiously and I cringed at her perception.

  I turned my gaze away from her and onto the huge photo of Bulk with his dead wife on the wall; the scene also ate at my heart.

  What the man had pulled himself through amazed me but that was a story for another day.

  “Please, E.”

  “Do you realise what you’re asking, Boss? He’s your fucking brother!”

  “NO! HE’S NOT” I growled at her.

  She reared back at my vehemence and I scrunched my nose in shame, “Sorry, hot stuff.”

  She sighed and nodded at my apology. “The most I can offer is to arrange a meet for you both, but that’s as far as I go, Boss.”

  I closed my eyes in relief and nodded in confirmation, “Thank you.”

  She sucked on her lips and I knew she was holding something back from me so I nodded in encouragement for her to say what was on her mind.

  “You know how much I love you, Boss but this… are you sure it’s what Jen wants? She did go with him after all.”

  I nodded. “She told me, when she left. She told me she loved me and I knew then he had threatened her.”

  E frowned at me and I could hear the cogs turn in her head, “I didn’t hear her, Boss. I’m sorry but she didn’t…”

  I halted her words with a finger against her lips. “If Jax just said to you ‘Lock, stock and barrel’, what would you interpret that to say?”

  “That he loves me wholly, it’s our thing” she admitted openly and I nodded.

  “And ours is, By the way… I love you.”

  She smiled softly and cupped my face tenderly. “Then let’s get your girl out of there” she winked as she delved into her bag and pulled out a business card from her purse.


  Two weeks later, I scanned the huge foyer as I waited for Sal to come and greet me. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t bricking it. My swirling stomach and loose bowels an hour earlier had been proof of that and I chewed on my lower lip as I took in the opulent furnishings.

  A simmering E was still cooking beside me. A condition that Sal would meet me was that E came with me.

  “If the bastard turns up, I’m gonna seriously shave your eyebrows and tattoo a fucking care bear on your ass whilst you sleep.” She hissed under her breath beside me as she referred to her father whom she hated with a passion.

  I had no doubts she would stick to her word.

  My eyes closed in distress when a man with E’s exact hair and eye colouring walked through a door at the end of the corridor and she stiffened immensely.

  I just hoped she would let me choose which of the care bears I wanted inking on my backside.

  “Eve.” He said softly and E turned to me with a furious glare.

  “Make that a fucking care bear and Harry bastard Potter” She fumed.

  I nodded with a wince as I pictured the round specs on my right cheek, “Can I have Snape instead, he’s way cooler?”

  Her growl shut me the hell up instantly.

  “Sal is sending someone for you,” he said to me then turned to E “you can come with me Eve, Sal wants to see your friend alone.”

  I grit my te
eth as her chest puffed out and she snarled at her father, “I don’t think so.”

  He sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of his nose in obvious distress. “Please, Eve. Just a cup of coffee, that’s all.”

  She snorted loudly and folded her arms under her breasts, ignoring him completely as she shifted her eyes around the room.

  A guy about our age walked down some stairs and E stiffened further. “Well look who it is. Little E, my friend who shares my ink” he smirked and my brow rose at the steam that projected from E’s ears.

  I was so in deep shit when we got out of here. I knew she would threaten the graveyard again, as she usually did when she was pissed with me. That place frightened the pants off me.

  “I am so sorry, hot stuff. I love you. Remember how much you love me too” I whispered in a plea, hoping her love for me would control her need for revenge.

  She ignored me, her fury with me boiling her brain, as she turned to her father. “Just one drink” she told the lesser of the two evils.

  He smiled wide and nodded as the other guy laughed quite insanely and my brows rose at him unconsciously.

  He tipped his head at me and narrowed his eyes. The cold expression had my guts churning and my arse cheeks tightening.

  He looked at me like I would imagine a piranha would as it spotted a dead shark on the sea bed. Hungry and delighted.


  “You,” he pointed to me and I gulped in terror, “come with me.”

  I nodded like a fucking maniac, frightened to do anything else and I didn’t miss the smug smirk E gave me when she noticed the familiar stance my body took when I was terrified.


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