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Bred by the Mafia Monster

Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  “He took from me,” said Klaus. “Nobody does that and gets away with it. Now I’ll make him suffer. Destroy his marriage. Torture and kill his eldest son. Should I send him your fingers one at a time? Or maybe your eyes?”

  Mario began shaking his head, panic setting in. “This is all wrong.”

  The metal door opened, one of Lastra’s goons peeking out. He immediately received a bullet between his eyes, his body slumping forward onto the asphalt. Klaus turned to see Renzo tucking his gun away.

  “Put him in the trunk of my car. Make sure he keeps quiet,” said Klaus. “We’re not ready to leave just yet.”

  Mario was pistol-whipped and dragged toward Klaus’s car.

  It was time to return to the party, to stir up a bit more drama before excusing himself. He’d already been away from Isabella for too long. Being away from her made him anxious. Until her father was dead, she’d never be safe.


  Bella paced in front of the windows. She wanted to know what was happening. Was Klaus safe? Had he killed her father?

  She’d heard him talking with his own father and brothers about using her failed assassination as an advantage. They wanted to oust her father, to humiliate and destroy him for attempting to kill her. As much as that should make her happy after what he’d done, it still made her sad things had to turn out this way. She’s always been loyal to her family, to a fault. It had all been for nothing.

  Her cousin’s confirmation was going to run red—Accardi vs. Lastra. She hated that their families were enemies. Their marriage started out as a political ploy, but they’d fallen in love and there was no going back. Once Klaus killed her father, would there be war between their families again? Would the Accardis forever see her as the enemy? A woman with Lastra blood?

  One day, she hoped to carry Klaus’s children. They’d become a bridge between their two worlds. Would that be enough?

  She picked up a seashell from the shelf in front of her. Isabella turned it over in her hand, remembering their honeymoon, the beach, the freedom. It had been perfect, a fantasy. Her reality was something she needed an escape from, and that wasn’t a life worthy of children.

  Everyone had expected their marriage to fail. They were enemies, and the wedding had been arranged. But they were more alike than anyone could have ever realized. Their mutual experiences only fueled their love for each other. She wouldn’t give up. Klaus said he’d protect her, promised he’d give her the world.

  She continued to pace, restlessness not allowing her to sit and wait patiently.

  When she tried to get too close to the front door, one of Klaus’s men stepped in front of her, a subtle warning that she wasn’t going anywhere.

  “I need to know what’s happening.” Hours had passed. She couldn’t take the silence another minute. No one had called or updated her. The wait was driving her crazy.

  “Klaus wants you safe. He gave implicit instructions.”

  She rolled her eyes and headed back to the kitchen. Hired guns were commonplace in her entire life, so the patrols inside and outside didn’t unnerve her. They were only an irritation because she wanted her husband back.

  A sudden bang and flurry of conversations near the entrance caught her full attention. She rushed closer, only to find Klaus, one of his brothers, and a few other men ushering in a flailing man with a black hood over his head. Was it her father? Was he going to kill him in their own home?

  She wanted no part of this, couldn’t look her father in the eyes knowing his fate. Isabella froze in place, unable to take another step forward.

  “Bella, go upstairs,” Klaus snapped.

  Having him home gave her some sense of peace, but this wasn’t even close to over. She still couldn’t move, her feet as heavy as lead.

  When Renzo pulled off the hood, she gasped aloud. It was her older brother, Mario. Why was he here? What was happening?

  “Klaus?” She approached them. “Why is he here?”

  “Isabella? I thought you said she was dead,” Mario shouted before her husband slapped him on the side of the head.

  “No, that’s what your father believes because he called for the hit,” Klaus said. “Now I’m going to show him real pain. He may have written his daughter off, but you, no, you he values. He’s been grooming you to lead for years, hasn’t he?”

  “Klaus, no,” said Isabella.

  This was going too far. No, she wasn’t very close with her brothers, but that didn’t mean she wanted any of them dead. This was all her father’s doing. They were just victims, the same as her. Whether her father loved them more than her or not wasn’t the issue.

  “Not now, Bella.” Klaus glared at her. “I know what I’m doing.”

  She shook her head, not sure what to do or think. Would he actually kill Mario? Klaus was capable of unspeakable horrors. He’d committed every crime imaginable, so she knew this wasn’t a game.

  “He’s my brother.”

  This time, he paused, looking her in the eyes. “Take him to my office,” Klaus said. He approached her as the others headed in the other direction.

  “What’s happening? This wasn’t part of the plan,” she said.

  He cupped her face and kissed her forehead. “It was. I want him to know the pain he thinks he caused me. Once he thinks I’ve kidnapped and killed Mario, we can finally put an end to this.”


  “He’ll call for vengeance. I know there’s nothing he wouldn’t do to get your brother back. Even if it’s just to save himself from appearing weak.”

  “And then what?”

  “We all show up. In a public place. My father already has a plan, one that will work. Lastra will look like a fool. His crime will become public,” he said. “When I kill him, there won’t be a war.”

  “What about Mario?”

  “I don’t care about Mario. I just need your father to believe I’m using him as revenge for your death. I need him to admit it out loud. Then it’s over.”

  “Klaus, he’s not that stupid. He’ll never admit to putting a hit out on me. I know him that much.”

  “So do I.” He stared down at her. “Trust me, baby.”

  She exhaled, pressing herself against his body as he held her close. His scent calmed her, made her feel safe.

  “Why can’t we run away from all this, Klaus? Forget everything and never turn back?”

  She knew they had more money than they could ever spend. Why stay? Why be greedy for more when their lives were constantly at risk?

  “Soon, there won’t be a reason to run, Bella. I won’t give in and spend my life looking over my shoulder. This bullshit needs closure.”

  “You mean my father needs to die.”

  He licked his lips. She knew he was trying to sugarcoat her reality because he loved her, and that meant a lot coming from a man like Klaus Accardi. “If we want a future together, sacrifices must be made. Listen, Bella, I want it all with you. You’re going to give me sons and daughters. We’ll create something new … better.”

  “You always sound so confident.”

  “My job is to take care of you. That’s what your father is trying to take away from me. To soil my name by blaming me for your death. Only he can’t start spreading rumors if I keep pretending you’re alive.”

  “It’s probably eating him up on the inside.”

  “It is. That’s what we want. Now, can you trust me to take care of this?”

  “Promise you won’t hack up my brother? It’s not his fault being born into this family.”

  “I promise. Nothing too serious.”

  She narrowed her eyes but knew he was most likely playing with her.

  “This is all happening in two more days?”

  Klaus nodded. He ran the backs of his fingers along the swell of her breast. It amazed her how one touch from her husband could make her forget all her troubles. Sometimes she wondered if he knew full well the power he wielded over her. “I can’t wait to see this body change, to watch
these tits swell up and your body grow to carry our babies. There’s nothing I want more.”

  Was she already pregnant? Anything was possible since he refused to wear protection during sex. Was that even something she wanted, though? Could they have a traditional family when their entire world was so dysfunctional?

  Right now, she just needed to get through the next couple of days. Her father had two more days to live, two more days to instill fear in everyone in his house. If Klaus’s plan went smoothly, maybe they’d live out their dreams. If not, their families would destroy each other. No one would be safe.

  “Where are you keeping Mario?”

  “Don’t worry about the details, Bella. I’m your husband. Trust me to handle this.”

  He kissed her lips and the world went away.

  She whispered against his lips. “Klaus, I feel so lost.”

  “Don’t give him that power,” he said. “As soon as I deal with this shit, I’ll join you upstairs. If you need an escape, I’ll give it to you.”

  Isabella knew exactly what her husband was capable of. He exuded power and masculinity. He was a beast in bed, one she craved. Klaus was also a monster.

  Chapter Eleven

  Mario’s screams had filled the basement. In the end, Klaus had no choice but to take him down there. He’d seen how much it had affected his woman, and Isabella would always come first to him.

  Having her brother this close clearly upset her. She knew about this life but that didn’t mean she completely understood it.

  The last thing in the world he ever wanted to do was cause her pain, but to make it in this world, pain was a necessity.

  He placed the knife on the table. His brother had already picked up the finger that contained the gold band. The crest of the Lastra family.

  Mario whimpered. “You’re going to take everything from me.”

  “Your father should have thought about that when he had the chance.” Klaus turned to look at Mario. The man whimpered. Tears ran down his cheeks and pain was etched across his face. There was no doubt taking a finger hurt. He cut right through the bone.

  One of his men had already bandaged up the wound. It was a clean cut, but he’d never get the finger back.

  “I had no idea about what he did,” Mario said.

  “You just didn’t care.”

  “Isabella’s not my responsibility. Women make us weak.” Mario gritted his teeth as Klaus pressed the blade against the man’s throat.

  He had no intention of killing Mario because that would start a war. The end game here wasn’t to bring violence to the streets. It was to take out a problem. Isabella’s father was a big fucking problem. With him still alive, his wife would never be safe, and that, he couldn’t have. This had to be cleverly done as well. When they finally had children, he wanted his family safe. There couldn’t be any chance of them being hurt because of his past.

  “Do you want to head out?” Renzo whispered after coming to his side.


  “You sure? I’ve got it here. I don’t need you to worry.”

  “I can handle this,” Klaus said.

  “Look, I get it. You’re the oldest and can take on anything. I’m not questioning your ability, but … you’re close to victory. I know she’s upstairs and you’re worried. Go and see her. Do what you need to do. I’ve got this.”

  “Are you telling me to go and fuck my wife again?” he asked. Klaus found it funny that his brother was trying to convince him to go have sex.

  “We need to keep Mario alive. Personally, I’d have fucking killed him and dumped the body, but that’s why you’re in charge and I’m just the sidekick. I’ve got more balls than brains. You know we’ve got to keep him alive. Go and fuck your wife. When you’ve emptied your balls, you’ll have a clearer head.”

  “I have a desire to put a bullet in your brain,” Klaus said.

  “Yeah, get in line. You know me.”

  Mario was in and out of consciousness. Considering he was supposed to be the next in line to take over the Lastra name, they were truly fucked if he couldn’t take a beating, or a finger being taken.

  They were all trained in torture. Taking and giving it.

  Klaus washed his hands in the sink, taking off any blood that he’d missed. Isabella should be used to seeing a little blood, but this belonged to her brother.

  Leaving the basement, he locked the door behind him and went in search of his woman. Klaus found her curled up on the chair, looking over at the doors leading onto the balcony.

  He’d given the order to his men that under no circumstances was she to go outside. The moment he entered the room, she lifted her head and looked at him.

  “Is he still alive?”

  “I’m not going to kill him, Bella. He’s a bargaining chip. Nothing more.”

  She exhaled, her body visibly relaxing. “You looked ready to murder him.”

  “He’s close with your father, of course I want to kill him.”

  “He’s like me, Klaus.”

  “Darling, I know you want to believe that, but I’ve heard of Mario’s temper. He can dish it out but he can’t take it. A lot of women have been beaten up by him.” He’d read the file on all of the Lastra men. They all had tempers, but more often than not, they took it out on the women around them.

  To Klaus, the Lastra men were nothing but cowards. Hurting women was easy to them. They were the weaker sex and they used that to their advantage.

  “I don’t like any of this,” she said. “I thought I wouldn’t care. My dad tried to kill me. He even thinks he succeeded. I don’t know. What’s it all coming to?”

  Klaus closed the distance between them.

  He reached out, cupping her cheek. “You’ve got to stop caring about them.”

  “I’m not like you.”

  “I don’t want you to be like me. It’s one of the many reasons I love you. You’re a strong woman, Bella. Always will be.”

  She pressed her face against his palm. “You make me feel strong.”

  He tilted her head back and gave her a single kiss. She grabbed his arms, releasing a moan. His cock hardened.

  She wore a sexy, sheer negligee. The dark red of her nipples peeking through the lace.

  Sliding his finger down, he stroked across one mound. She sank her teeth into her bottom lip.

  “How can you be thinking about this right now?” she asked.

  “When it comes to you, I’m always hard.” And he was. It didn’t matter to him what had happened ten minutes before he got to her. The moment he was in the room with her, he fucking craved her.

  Some men may consider his feelings for Isabella a weakness. They weren’t. They drove him to be better, to think smarter. To make sure she lived in a world she deserved.

  He released one strap of her negligee, then the other, trailing them down until her breasts kept the fabric in place. Grabbing the sides, he tugged, and out spilled her breasts. Heavy, with hard nipples just waiting to be sucked on.

  She rested her hands on his trousers, but he held her neck and tilted her back so she was offering her tits up to him.

  The worry in her eyes changed. Her eyes dilated and a flush worked up her chest. Bending down, he captured each nipple into his mouth, sucking on the buds. He flicked the tips, and it wasn’t long before feminine moans filled the room. With his free hand, he cupped between her thighs, rubbing across her slit.

  She wore a pair of flimsy panties, and it was so easy to slide his finger beneath the band and touch her cunt. As he circled her clit, she spread her thighs without being asked and began to rock against his hand.

  His arousal got thicker, harder.

  Isabella worked to open his pants. The sound of his zipper coming down echoed around the room. He let her go, just long enough to ease his cock out, and he shoved his pants to his knees.

  She wrapped her fingers around his dick, working up and down the length. Pre-cum leaked out of the tip. She ran her finger across the head.

  “Lick it,” he said.

  He gripped her neck and she leaned in. Her tongue danced across the tiny slit, tasting his arousal. She covered his cock and sucked him down until he hit the back of her throat, but he didn’t want to come into her mouth. He pulled out from between her lips and moved her until she was bent over the chair.

  Lifting up her negligee, he exposed her nice round ass. The panties were easy to tear off her body, and he spread the cheeks of her ass wide. Staring down at her pussy and her anus, he wanted to be in both places, but tonight, he had to come deep inside her cunt. To have her swimming with his cum.

  He placed the tip of his cock at her entrance and slowly began to fill her. Taking his time, relishing every single inch as she took him.

  Her pussy was so tight. It was like she was swallowing him whole.

  Klaus reached between them and stroked her clit. His name spilled from her lips as he brought her close to orgasm. Each touch had her tensing, thrusting back against him.

  He wanted her to come first before he had his fun. She begged to come and he gave it to her. Not prolonging her arousal, allowing her to explode.

  Klaus had no choice but to close his eyes and grit his teeth in an attempt to gain control. He was so close to blowing in her pussy.

  Returning his grip to her hips, he began to pound inside her even before she’d finished coming down from her orgasm. He couldn’t get enough of her. The sounds she made. Licking his fingers, he pressed against the puckered hole of her anus.

  She tensed up but didn’t stop pressing back against him.

  He released a growl as he pushed his finger into her ass and took her pussy at the same time.

  When she was pregnant, he’d enjoy her ass more.

  He was so close.

  Klaus wanted this to last, but he couldn’t contain himself.

  Slamming balls deep inside her, he filled her up with wave upon wave of his cum. There was no way she wasn’t going to be pregnant after he’d finished with her.


  Isabella sat in the back of the car and stared up at the large house where the final meeting would take place. The outfit was gathered. For two short days, she could imagine life was normal with Klaus.


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