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The Mafia's Curvy Woman (Curvy Women Wanted Book 15)

Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  It took her a few seconds to realize he was covered in blood.

  “That smells good,” he said.

  “Erm, I have enough for us both.”

  He nodded.

  “Wait, I think you should get cleaned up first.”

  “This isn’t my blood.”

  “I gathered.”

  “I lost one of my men today.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  He nodded.

  She put her chopsticks down and went to him. There was not a part of him that wasn’t covered with blood. Grabbing his hand, she walked him toward his room.

  “May I go inside?” she asked.

  “You’ve not been sleeping there?”

  “I made up the spare room. I didn’t want you to be mad.”

  “You’ll sleep in my bed from now on.”

  “Noted.” She entered his room, and he told her which door to open. She did so and walked into a bathroom. It was almost the same size as his bedroom.

  Her guest bedroom and bathroom were much, much smaller. She didn’t mind as she liked just having the space for herself.

  She turned on the shower, and as it warmed up, she began to strip him down.

  “Will these clothes need taking care of?” she asked.

  “I’ll deal with it.”


  She removed his clothes and tried not to stare at his heavily muscled, inked body. He was straight out of a bad boy magazine that fathers were always worried about their daughters falling for.

  His cock stood out, long and thick. Even covered in blood, he was ready to fuck.

  Petal didn’t touch him though. She made sure not to touch him.

  Opening the shower stall, she waited for him to get inside, and when he did, she was about to leave, but he caught her hand, dragging her into the shower.

  He pressed her against the wall, taking her hands and holding them above her head.

  Without another word, his lips were on hers.

  The only part of him that wasn’t covered by blood was his face.

  Closing her eyes, she moaned as his body pressed against hers. His cock poked her stomach.

  He was so big. When they had sex, at least the first time, it was going to hurt really bad. She whimpered as he bit her lip.

  “I’ve thought about you all fucking week. Do you have any idea how hard it has been to stay away?”

  “You don’t have to stay away.”

  “It wasn’t by choice, Pet.” He kissed down to her neck. “I can’t wait to fuck you. To know how you feel when you come all over my cock. For a woman that has been sold for pleasure, you don’t seem to have a problem with it.”

  “I don’t. Not when it comes to you.”

  “You want me too?”

  She stared into his blue eyes and nodded. “Yes.”

  “You’re still a virgin?”


  “Yet you want this?” He pressed his cock against her stomach.


  “It doesn’t frighten you?”

  “A little, but not enough to run screaming. I’ve been protected my whole life. Even now, I’m protected. I want to…” She stopped talking. What else could she say?

  “Talk to me, Pet.”

  “I don’t think I can.”

  “I won’t let you come and I won’t touch you.”

  “You’re supposed to be washing away the blood.”

  “And it’s doing a wonderful job.”

  He pulled off her shirt, and next unsnapped her jeans. She watched him kneel before her and couldn’t help but wonder how many women he’d done that for. She couldn’t imagine it was a whole lot.

  Marco Guidi was the kind of man who didn’t kneel for anyone.

  He tore her panties off, throwing them aside. “From now on, you don’t wear any of them, understand?”


  “Good. I don’t want anything in the way of what is mine.”

  She gasped as he put his hand to her pussy. This was really happening. It was finally going to be real. Petal only hoped she could survive it. The pleasure was already more intense than she could have ever hoped.


  Work would always come first.

  Marco was used to working his ass off, no matter the hour. The mafia didn’t care if he’d been awake for forty-eight hours; if they needed him, he was there, no questions asked.

  It was the way of his world, what he was used to, and he didn’t have a problem with that most of the time.

  Being called away from Petal that first day, he had wanted to kill a whole lot of people, and he had. He’d lost one of his best soldiers. The blood on him was from Luca, the man who’d died in his arms. From the time he was eighteen, Luca had been a good solider and one of the few men he trusted.

  Watching him die had been heartbreaking.

  The only thing to do after was to come home. There would be a lot more deaths, and a lot more pain before he finally found his own death. He had accepted that.

  Men in his line of work, they often had a short life expectancy. There were always a rare few who were lucky, but staring into Petal’s brown eyes, he would never have called himself lucky, until this very moment.

  She was naked.

  Most of the blood was off him.

  One week he’d been thinking about spreading her thighs open and having his way with her. A full seven days of yearning, of wanting, of blue balls that drove him crazy. He’d never had blue balls, but he’d never waited for one woman to satisfy his appetite before.

  Everything to do with Petal was all new to him.

  No other woman would do. The only pussy he wanted was hers.

  “You know you’re all mine. You can’t look at another man or have another man.”

  She smiled. “We’ve already been over this.”

  “Good.” He grabbed the sponge and soap. “Clean me.”

  She took the items from him, and he watched as she lathered up the sponge before putting it on his skin. She worked the lather into his flesh, and the water ran it right off.

  He couldn’t look away, mesmerized by her.

  From the moment he noticed her, he’d been addicted. She kept on working the lather into the sponge before washing him.

  She had avoided his dick.

  “Clean me.” He took her hand and wrapped it around his length so she had no doubt as to what he meant. “Use your hand, not that thing.”

  She nodded but didn’t say a word.

  For all of her bravado, Petal was a little embarrassed. He saw the heat in her cheeks and couldn’t help but smile.

  “Never held a cock before, little virgin?”

  “You know I haven’t. It’s what being a virgin is all about.”

  “A hymen can stay intact, Pet, even when you do other things.”

  “These hands haven’t touched anyone else, and this body hasn’t been touched by anyone. I’m a virgin in all things.”

  “Do you want to remain a virgin?” he asked, cupping her ass. He gave the rounded globe a squeeze, and she whimpered but didn’t pull away.


  “You don’t?”

  He watched as she licked her lips and shook her head.

  “You want to know what it’s like to ride a cock, to be fucked, to be sated?”

  “Yes.” The single word was so faint, but he heard it. There was no doubt where it had come from.

  She didn’t avert her gaze, and he liked that she was willing to take what she wanted without backing down.

  Letting go of her ass, he took the soap and sponge from her. He moved her into position so he could lather her body. She stayed perfectly still, but he saw her nipples and the flush to her body.

  The loofah got in the way, and he soaped up his hand, touching her, washing her, getting her ready for him and him alone. He turned her so her back was then to him.

  Marco took extra time with her ass. He loved touching her, and he couldn’t get enough of th
is ass.

  When they were both clean, he turned off the shower.

  “What about our hair?”

  “Another time.”

  Opening the shower, he wrapped a towel around his waist and then held one out for her.

  Petal stepped into his arms, and he kissed her as he wrapped it around her body.

  “Are you hungry?” she asked.

  “Not just for the food you’ve cooked.” Taking her hand, he led her back into his bedroom.

  He stopped them both at his bed.

  Gripping her towel, he pulled her close and slammed his lips down on hers. She melted against him, wrapping her arms around his neck and moaning his name as he broke from the kiss. Trailing his lips down, he pulled the towel from her body. He did have every intention of going straight to eat some food, but the bed, Petal … his desires wouldn’t fade. He wanted her, and already denying himself the pleasure of her body for a week was enough to drive him crazy.

  Pressing her down onto the edge of the bed, he nudged her back. She moved into position, and he held one of those large tits as he flicked the tip of her nipple with his tongue.

  She moaned, and he sucked it into his mouth, loving the gasp and the deeper sounds of pleasure coming from her lips. They were addictive, and he couldn’t get enough of them. He didn’t want to ever have his fill of her. She was fucking incredible.

  Sliding between her open thighs, he knew this first time wouldn’t be the best for her, but he could make it perfect.

  Petal was going to be addicted to his touch and want to be fucked by him repeatedly.

  Chapter Three

  Petal gripped the sheets beneath her, trying hard to focus on Marco and not get lost in the sea of pleasure. His mouth felt so good on her nipples. She closed her eyes, opened them again, and watched as he moved to the other breast, licking and sucking.

  Marco pressed the mounds together, clearly not in any kind of hurry when it came to her body, and it drove her crazy because she didn’t want him to stop what he was doing. It felt amazing, and she moaned his name, filling the room with her pleasured sounds.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he said.

  He began to kiss down her stomach, and he spread her thighs. She didn’t fight him as he worked her, holding her open for his touch.

  When his hands slid over her pussy, she couldn’t tear her eyes away from him. He stroked across her curls.

  Her mother had advised her to completely shave it off, but she couldn’t bring herself to do that.

  “Do you want the hair gone?” she asked.

  “No. I like this.”

  She cried out as he slipped a finger between her slit and touched her clit. That small touch was enough to have her coming off the bed.

  Marco pressed a hand down on her stomach, keeping her in place. He moved down to her entrance and slid right back up to her clit, circling the bud.

  “How does that feel?”


  “Really good?”


  “It’s about to get a whole lot better.”

  He moved between her thighs, and she’d read enough books to know what was coming next.

  His tongue stroked across her clit, and she cried out, the instant pull of heat shocking her to her core.

  She had touched herself many times, the books she’d read arousing her to the point she had no choice but to take care of herself. She was no stranger to an orgasm, but Marco touching her, licking her, it took the sensations to a whole new level, shocking her at just how amazing it felt.

  He flicked her clit with his tongue before sucking it into his mouth. She wasn’t going to be able to last much longer.

  Her orgasm was already starting to build as he worked her nub like a pro. Marco knew what he was doing, and as she got close, he kept up the same motions of teasing her, drawing her pleasure to the edge, until she was finally thrown over, and it left her breathless.

  His name was like a mantra coming from her lips.

  Marco wasn’t done. He moved up between her thighs, and she didn’t have time to come down from her orgasm before his cock slid between them, the tip of him bumping her clit.

  “This is going to hurt. I’m not going to pretend this won’t be painful, but it will end.”

  She nodded.

  What could she say to him exactly? There was nothing to be said. Words were useless to her.

  His cock went to her entrance, and she had imagined this moment so many times. She didn’t think it would be that painful, but as he slammed to the hilt, she was proven wrong. Marco didn’t take her slowly.

  He tore through her virginity, claiming it in one hard thrust that had her screaming. He covered her mouth with his hand, silencing her.

  She stared into his eyes as her pussy felt on fire from his deep possession. She couldn’t move. He was so big. It hurt a lot more than she anticipated. She didn’t know what to do.

  “I’m so sorry. I wish it didn’t hurt. I don’t ever want to hurt you.”

  His hand was still over her mouth, but as the seconds passed, maybe even minutes now, the pain began to ebb away. Marco still didn’t move, and she was thankful of that. There was no way she wanted him to move right now.

  From the books she’d read, she knew there was going to pain. It was considered part of the process, but to actually experience it, she didn’t want to feel pain of any kind again. She was a wimp when it came to hurting. She didn’t handle it well, and often cried. Her father would get angry because he hated to see any of his girls in pain.

  Marco removed his hand, but she didn’t scream.

  Tears leaked out of the corner of her eyes, but so long as she didn’t stop looking at Marco, everything was fine.

  She could think and feel.

  “Does it still hurt?” he asked.

  She shook her head. The pain was gone. All she felt now was full. Full, and strange. She wanted to move, but fear of what it might feel like held her back.

  “Do you trust me?”

  “I don’t know.” Her voice didn’t sound like her own.

  “One day, you’ll trust me.”

  She had no idea what to say to him about that. This was all new, and in the back of her mind, she wondered if he’d send her back once he had his fun, or whatever this was.

  Pushing those thoughts away, she focused on him.

  He began to pull out, and she reached out, grabbing his waist.

  “Does it hurt?”


  “Are you expecting pain?”


  “Don’t. Just let your body do all the work. Can you do that for me?”

  She nodded. Talking right now seemed too hard for her. She just wanted to breathe, and not think about anything.

  Marco pulled all the way out of her, and there was no pain. She didn’t want him to leave, so she held him, hoping he’d stay deep inside her.

  “You like that?” He began to slowly rock inside her.



  Marco took her hands, placing them either side of her head, and began to thrust inside her. He started off slow, and gradually, as she began to meet his thrusts, he started to fuck her. The pain transformed into the best kind of pleasure. She couldn’t even begin to describe it.

  Her body took over, and she wanted him to go harder, faster, to fuck her with everything he had and to never let her go.

  Once he started, she didn’t want him to stop.

  When he came, she felt the pulse of his cock as he slammed in deep, and she knew she was never going to be the same again.


  Marco wasn’t used to taking care of a woman after fucking her. The women he’d been with all knew what to do, and afterward, left him alone.

  Staring down at the blood on the sheets and his cum dribbling out of Petal’s pussy, he couldn’t leave her. He didn’t want to.

  Running her a bath, he carried her through and gently lowered her into
the water.

  “You don’t have to do this.”

  He noticed she didn’t like too much attention and often shied away from his touch. She’d had no problem with his hands all over her during sex.

  “I’m taking care of you.”

  “I know this is … weird. I can take care of myself.”

  He cupped her cheek, tilting her head back so she had no choice but to look at him. “I’m taking care of you. End of discussion.”

  What Petal needed to realize was he considered her part of his pleasure. She wasn’t a chore or business.

  She was what he’d been wanting for some time now.

  His sweet little curvy virgin was no more, and he fucking loved that he was the first. He was going to be the only man between those sweet thighs. They had felt good wrapped around him. They were nice and juicy, and if he’d not been holding her hands, he’d have held those thighs, feeling the strength as he pounded away inside her.

  He had a lot of plans for Petal.

  “I’ll be back. Just relax. If I don’t find you doing that, I’ll spank your ass.”

  Her cheeks were a beautiful shade of red, and he would have no problems when it came to turning her bottom the exact same color. Stroking her cheek, he kissed her again and went back to his bedroom.

  The bloodstain shouldn’t affect him.

  In his world, that was a sign of a completed truce or deal. Marriage was never about love or emotions. It was always a business contract. Marco had simply taken what he wanted, struck a deal with her father, and now she was his in every way. Her father couldn’t take her back, if he would even try, which Marco doubted he would.

  She belonged to him.

  Removing the sheets, he tossed them into the laundry basket and placed clean ones on the bed.

  Petal had been his first virgin. He’d known she was going to hurt as he took her. Women always felt pain during their first sexual experience. He would give her a chance to heal, and once he knew she wouldn’t be in pain again, she was going to have to get used to him being inside her.

  Remembering the tightness of her sweet cunt, wrapped around him like a vise, he wanted to fuck her again. Only this time, he wanted her to come all over his dick.


  There was no reason for him to rush anything. All he wanted to do was spend time with Petal.

  She was not a job he needed to complete. She was all about his pleasure. He walked into the bathroom and smiled as he saw Petal doing exactly as he asked.


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