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Heaven Cracks, Earth Shakes

Page 30

by James Palmer

  Hai Rui Dismissed From Office (play)

  Haicheng earthquake (1975)

  Hakka people

  Han Chinese

  Han Song (blogger)

  He Jianguo (earthquake survivor)

  He Long, General

  Hebei province

  Henan people

  Hiroshima, compared with Tangshan earthquake

  Hmong people

  Ho Chi Minh (prime minister of Vietnam)

  Hoover, Herbert

  ‘the howling song’

  Hu Jintao

  Hu Keshi (head of SSB)

  Hu Yaobang (politician)

  Hua Guofeng: as Chairman; character; congratulates Haicheng team; death; Mao’s funeral address; as placeholder; plot against Gang of Four; resignation; rise to power; slogans; visits Mao Zedong; visits Tangshan city

  Huang Tianhui (militia commander)

  hukou (residence permit) system

  Hunan province

  ‘Hundred Flowers’ campaign

  Hungarian Revolution


  I Ching

  India, Maoism and Naxalites

  Indian Ocean earthquake/tsunami (2004)

  Japan: Anti-Japanese War; aid to China

  Jiang Dianwei (earthquake survivor)

  Jiang Qing (wife of Mao): anti-Deng campaign, see Gang of Four; arrest; attacks Zhou with art; character; ‘Criticise Lin Biao, Criticise Confucius’ campaign; criticism of; death; and Gang of Four; and Mao Zedong; see also Gang of Four

  Jiang Zemin (politician)

  Kadeer, Rebiya (businesswoman)

  Kailuan mining complex; see also mining

  Kang Sheng (intelligence chief)

  Kanto earthquake, Japan (1923)

  Katrina, Hurricane

  Khrushchev, Nikita

  Kim Il Sung (prime minister of N. Korea)

  Klein, Naomi

  Korean War

  Lao She (writer), suicide

  Lee Kuan Yew (prime minister of Singapore)

  Lei Feng (soldier)

  Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich

  Liberation News

  Li Chi

  Li Hongyi (earthquake survivor)

  Li Xiannian

  Li Yulin (mining official)

  Li Zhisui (Mao’s physician)

  Liao Bingxiong (cartoonist)

  Liaoning province

  Lin Biao, Marshal

  Lin Liguo (son of Lin Biao)

  Lisbon earthquake (1755)

  ‘The Little Red Book’ (Mao Zedong)

  Liu Shaoqi

  Liu Xinwu (writer)

  Liu Yingyong (SSB)

  Long Baoyin (Guizhou police officer)

  Long March

  Long Wenfei (Niulang Party secretary)

  Long Zhengyun, persecution of

  Lu Guilan (earthquake survivor)

  Luo Ruiqing, General

  Lysenko, Trofim (‘peasant scientist’)

  Ma Tianshui (head of Shanghai Garrison Command)

  Malenkov, Georgy

  Manchu people

  ‘Mandate of Heaven’ (tianming)

  Mandela, Nelson

  Mao Anqing (son of Mao Zedong)

  Mao Anying (son of Mao Zedong)

  Mao Xinyu (son of Mao Anqing)

  Mao Yuanxin (nephew of Mao Zedong)

  Mao Zedong: character; choice of successor; criticism of; and Cultural Revolution; death; and Deng Xiaoping; early life/rise to power; embalming of; funeral; and Gang of Four; and Hua Guofeng; ideology; ill-health; images of; and Jiang Qing; legacy/nostalgia; and Lin Biao; and Liu Shaoqi; mausoleum of; and military; personality cult; reactions to death of; and re-writing of history; sums up life’s work; and Wang Hongwen; and Zhou Enlai

  Maoism; see also Mao Zedong


  May Fourth Movement (1919)

  Mencius (philosopher), impulse to rescue

  Mercalli scale

  ‘Million Heroes’

  mining: Kailuan mining complex; miners; and Tangshan earthquake

  Ministry of Culture

  Mo Yan (novelist)

  Molotov, Vyacheslav


  Monte Cassino

  Muldoon, Robert (prime minister of New Zealand)


  Nagy, Imre (Hungarian politician)

  Nanchang referendum

  Nanjing, student protests (1976)

  Nanjing massacre (1937)

  National Bureau of Statistics

  National Day (1 October)


  natural disasters: Banqiao dam disaster (1975); panic of leaders following; see also earthquakes


  Nie Er (composer)

  Nina, Typhoon


  Nixon, Richard, visits Beijing (1972)

  October Revolution

  One Child Policy

  Paris Commune

  Peng Dehuai, Marshal

  Peng Zhen (mayor of Beijing)

  People’s Daily

  People’s Liberation Army (PLA); and Red Guards; rescue efforts following Sichuan earthquake; rescue efforts following Tangshan earthquake; save Douhe dam; and Shadian incident

  People’s Militia

  ‘Petofi clubs’

  Phomvihane, Kaysone (prime minister of Laos)

  Pol Pot

  Qian Gang (writer)

  Qiao Guanhua (politician)

  Qin Shihuangdi, Emperor

  Qing Ming (‘Festival of Brightness’)

  Qinglong county: disaster management /earthquake prediction team; preparedness for Haicheng earthquake; preparedness for Tangshan earthquake

  Qinhuangdao city

  Quan Yu (scholar), suicide

  Quanzhou County massacre (1967)

  Quincheng Prison

  Ran Guangqi (head of Qinglong Party)


  Red Flag (newspaper)

  Red Guard Movement: background and motivation; denounces Western music; desecration of religious sites; division and civil war; ‘the howling song’; persecutions by; and PLA; ‘struggle sessions’; targets of; uniforms of; see also Cultural Revolution

  religion/religious groups

  Richter scale

  Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, The (Shirer)

  Rummel, R. J. (political scientist)

  Russia, see Soviet Union

  San Francisco earthquake (1906)

  Schecter, Jerrold (editor of Time)

  Sendai earthquake (11 March 2011)

  Shaanxi earthquake (1556)

  Shadian incident (1975)

  Shanghai: attack on the Bund; and Gang of Four (power base); ‘January Storm’; Shanghai Garrison Command; Shanghai Revolutionary Committee

  Shi Yunfeng (dissident)

  Shih, Victor (political scientist)

  Shijiazhuang city

  shunkouliu (‘slippery rhymes’)

  Sichuan province

  Sichuan earthquake (16 August 1976)

  Sichuan earthquake (12 May 2008); death toll; ‘dofu-paste schools’; magnitude; relief efforts; rumours following

  Sino-Japanese War, see Anti-Japanese War


  Song Binbin, meets Mao

  Soong Qingling (wife of Sun Yat-Sen)

  Soviet Union: compared with PRC; ‘Doctors’ Plot’; relations with PRC

  Speer, Albert

  Spring Festival

  Stalin, Joseph

  State Seismological Bureau (SSB); blames Gang of Four; Haicheng prediction; public mistrust of; search for epicentre of Tangshan earthquake; Tangshan conference and warnings (1975)

  Sun Yat-Sen

  ‘Sweep Away All Cow-Demons and Snake-Spirits’ (Chen Boda)

  Tahrir Square, Cairo


  Tan Zuoren (dissident)

  Tangshan city: airport used as medical centre; building style; as centre of/ and mining industry; Chen Boda visit (1967); earthquake museum; founding of; hospital for earthquake victims; Hu
a Guofeng visit (1976); memorial wall; orphanages; population; rebuilding of; resumption of industrial production; SSB conference; unemployment; see also Tangshan earthquake

  Tangshan earthquake (28 July 1976): aftershocks; aid; damage to buildings; death toll; disposal of bodies; forced donations; effects of; effect on mines; films about; granary raids; international aid refused; looting and responses to; magnitude of, and energy release; mistaken for nuclear explosion; and politics/propaganda; precursors; prediction and monitoring prior to; remembrance day; relief efforts of PLA; rescue efforts of Tangshanese; rumours of cover-up; suddenness of; survival accounts; victim support; zones of intensity

  Temple of Heaven, Beijing

  Tian Han (playwright)

  Tianjin city

  Tiananmen incident (1976): mourning of Zhou Enlai; persecutions following; suppression of mourning

  Tiananmen Square: flower theft; Great Hall; Mao meets Red Guards (1966); Mao proclaims PRC (1949); Mausoleum of Mao Zedong; Monument to the People’s Heroes; naming of; protests (1919); protests (1989); Zhou Enlai’s funeral; see also Tiananmen incident

  Tibet; earthquakes of 1950 – 51; Yushu earthquake (2010)

  ‘Tomb-Sweeping Day’, see Qing Ming

  Tsinghua University

  Unit 8341

  United States of America, relations with PRC

  ‘University of the Toilers of the East’

  USSR, see Soviet Union

  Utopia bookstore, Beijing

  Wang Chengmin (SSB)

  Wang Chunqing (disaster manager)

  Wang Dongxing (security chief)

  Wang Hongwen, arrest; character; death; rise to power; spies on Ye Jianying; see also Gang of Four

  Wang Huaixiang (politician)

  Wei Guoqing (military leader)

  Wen Jiabao

  Wen Jie (poet)

  Wenchuan earthquake (2008), see Sichuan earthquake

  Wenhui Bao (newspaper)

  Whitlam, Gough (prime minister of Australia)

  Witke, Roxane (anthropologist)

  ‘Workers’ Command Post’ group

  World War II; see also Anti-Japanese War

  Wu De (mayor of Beijing)

  Wu Han (deputy mayor of Beijing)

  Wu Zetian, Empress

  Wuhan incident

  Xi Chuan (poet)

  Xiaojinzhuang (‘model village’)

  Xing Lu (historian), mother of

  Xingtai earthquake (1966)

  Yan Xuetong (political scientist)


  ‘Yang and Bai Anti-Party Group’

  Yang Jisheng (scholar)

  Yang Yuan (secretary of Tangshan Party)

  Yang Zhikai (earthquake survivor)

  Yao Cuiqin (earthquake survivor)

  Yao Wenyuan; see also Gang of Four

  Ye Jianying, General; at Mao’s deathbed; meeting with Li Xiannian; rise to power; spied on by Wang Hongwen

  Ye Yonglie (writer)

  Yonghegong Temple, Beijing

  Yu Boren (diplomat)

  Yu Jianrong (political scientist)

  Yu Shen (Qinglong science committee)

  Yu Xuebing (earthquake survivor)

  Yuan Qingwu (miner)

  Yuan Wuyi (earthquake survivor)

  Yushu earthquake, Tibet (2010)

  Zhang (Tangshanese railway worker), journey to Fengnan

  Zhang Chunqiao; arrest; death; observes Tiananmen incident (1976); see also Gang of Four

  Zhang Daguang (earthquake survivor)

  Zhang Heng (mathematician)

  Zhang Lei (writer)

  Zhang Linzhi (minister of mining)

  Zhang Qiuqiao (commissar)

  Zhang Wenzhong (earthquake survivor)

  Zhang Youlu (earthquake survivor)

  Zhang Yufeng (Mao’s assistant)

  Zhang Zhixin (dissident)

  Zhang Ziyi (actress)

  Zhao Fu (nurse)

  Zhao Zhengkai (‘Bei Dao’)

  Zhao Ziyang (politician)

  Zheng Meipian (daughter of Zheng Nian), death

  Zheng Nian (Nien Cheng, memoirist)

  Zhongnanhai, Beijing

  Zhou Chunlin (head of Shanghai Revolutionary Committee)

  Zhou Enlai: character; death; funeral; and Mao; mourning for; popular affection for; protection of historical sites; see also Tiananmen incident

  Zhou Rongxing (minister of education)

  Zhu De, Marshal

  Zhu Yinlai (mining student); earthquake rescue

  Zhu Yuanzhang (Emperor of Hongwu)

  Zhukov, Marshal Georgy

  Copyright © 2012 by James Palmer

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  eISBN : 978-0-465-02349-3




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