The Necronists: A Paranormal Steampunk Thriller (The Guild Chronicles Book 2)
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Up the stairs on the far side of the walkway strode a young woman. In her late teenage years with platinum hair, she wore an exquisite white, form-fitted dress, modest yet alluring on her body. As she walked closer, she first reached the body of Guild Master Hume and gave it a cursory glance, then walked to where Saint Yves was suspended and struggling. With his every movement, the seething mass compensated. When he began to incant, the ooze flowed to his mouth and nose and gagged him.
"Save your strength and spells, Gerrard." She coached the Seer.
As she walked towards Rose and Dolly, the slime holding Gerrard moved, keeping him near her. She now stood in front of the two beasts suspended in the ooze she controlled. The girl was close enough that Rose could see the lace on the woman's bodice move. It changed slowly as if it were woven right onto her, like skin. Rose slowly reached up and moved her scrying goggles over her eyes.
"Should I feed you to the abominations you and your Brothers created?" the girl said to the Guild Master.
Rose adjusted the lenses, not because the woman's aura was faint, quite the opposite. The goggles reconciled what she saw in the aether versus the material form. "Angelica?"
"It's good to see you again Sister Rose, and you as well, Detective." The Sorceress purred.
"What's she talking about?" asked a pallid and sweating Dolly. Rose was concerned for him, could be too much for his mind to absorb. "Dolly, everything is going to be OK, that girl is Angelica Du Moya."
"Wait, the Voodoo Queen I saw Thomas knife in the back?" color came back to his face "Suddenly, I don't feel nearly as fucked as you Saint Yves," he finished holstering his pistol.
The two remaining creatures were slammed into rejuvenation tubes, lids shut. The black tentacles deftly locking the tops then receding back to the reanimation chambers where they emanated from.
"See how times have changed Detective? Now I am saving your life," Angelica gloated, eyes on Gerrard.
Rose watched the ichor move. With her special goggles, she could observe the eldritch energy weaving through the fluid, the energy flow emanated from Angelica's aura. Rose still held the Rod but relaxed her grip. Get out of this fight or flee mentality girl and get a grip on what is going on here.
The Voodoo Priestess brought the Necronist down to her eye level, he was completely cocooned in the ichor. "What should I do with you?" Without turning her gaze, Angelica followed up by saying, "Careful Sister, you and I do not need to be enemies."
Rose took the risk and engaged the Rod, not as a weapon but as a tool of understanding.
She let herself go to the Rod and an acceptance of what was to come. As she did, her vision slid into the astral spectrum. Rose could see Angelica's fury, not from hatred or pain from her banishment but loss and uncertainty. She could see that the enchantress felt out of control of her newfound body and powers.
"Angelica, I swear I meant you no harm. I wanted to protect you from the authorities, and to get a fresh start for you and me," Gerrard pleaded. Rose could sense he was genuine, she could feel his desire and affection for Angelica. The visioning was becoming more complex now she was forming up traces of the past, glimpses of Gerrard and Angelica's history in Haiti and the results, now she knew what Angelica desired and it was not this Gerrard.
"I know Gerrard, we both had our own paths to follow and from time to time they cross in interesting ways. It's appropriate that you were here for my rebirth."
"Because he wasn't there for the birth of your child. You're not going to kill the father of your son, are you?" Rose interceded, her duty to help.
"You said it yourself Angelica, you have been reborn and obviously with additional power. Few receive second chances like this, don't waste it going down the path of vengeance again," coached Rose.
"We have a child?" asked Gerrard, disoriented and bewildered.
"Yes, a son. I named him after you," responded Angelica, "and I was not killing for vengeance, I was resetting the scales so that my son would receive his birthright as the grandson of Ernesto Moya. Those two half-brothers of mine, the two shits did worse than just cheat me from my legacy, they sold me, sent me away as a slave."
"Someone recently told me we are all in each other's lives for a reason or a season. I know why I am here Angelica, this is the Rod of Raziel, the Archangel, the protector of Adam and all of his descendants. It has helped me to see I am here for you, to help you get control," said Rose. The words resonated with Angelica, Rose could see the spectral aura change intensity and color moving from a fiery red towards a golden hue.
The Voodoo Queen replied, "I can see into your soul and know you have not yet used what you learned at our last encounter.”
"I have been tempted to do so only to help another, but have resisted. Come home with me and I will help you to get control and get what you want without having to draw your power from the darkness of your pain and anger,” replied Rose.
"Angelica, please let me help you with your newfound power. We need to make sure you will live and thrive. I know that Hume had little success keeping his animations alive longer than a few weeks. I will make sure every resource of the Guild is available for you," said Gerrard.
"I am sure this is all very important but as the only normal person here and I might add, sane; that Allard fella, I would like to have a word with him before he gets away with trying to kill us all with those things," Dolly pointed to the pile of meat puppets.
The black goo eased away from the exit then Angelica set Gerrard down on the deck. The ichor returned to the tanks and some absorbed back to Angelica, skittering across the floor and absorbing into her skirts.
“Detective go get your man.”
Friday the 29th of March
9:50 p.m. The Necronist Monastery
Henri collected his personal effects from his room, including the clock Caiaphas gave him.
I wish I had a gun.
Henri lacked the ability to tap deeply into the aether and therefore was never a candidate for Saint Yves' Wyrding of Adepts. He Possessed an intellectual comprehension of metaphysics and that took him down the track of the White Wyrding. He would have to figure something out, he couldn't think of any place to get his hands on a weapon. Henri didn't know how he would get himself up to the airship or where it was but knew he must get outside and somehow sneak on to the Cop’s airship if he was to retrieve the soul magnet.
Throwing the last of his things along with Hume’s notebook into his bag he stepped out to the halls of the dormitory. Other Necronist in nightshirts or getting dressed milled about in the halls. "Seer Allard what is going, on I heard Guild Master Saint-Yves is here, and there was a commotion in the research cavern," said a young Necronist.
"It would be best for you to go back to your cell," Allard scolded making his way past the growing group. He made his way down the stairwell at the end of the corridor near the second-floor study; once on the ground floor he unlocked a side exit and slipped away.
He came around the side of the building and spotted a small boat hovering just off the ground. "Ah, they have a landing craft," he said to himself. Looking up, he saw the shadow of the mother-ship above against the moonlight and clouds, the airship was formidable. He walked towards the smaller craft he could make out one person, a man. He walked closer thinking how he might subdue him, but then he would face operating the craft. No, he needed the man, a Necronist with Adept training could influence another's actions and harness their soul's intent. He didn't have this training.
The front doors opened, and the pilot's attention went to the group coming out of the Monastery. Henri looked and saw it was Saint Yves and the others. He heard yelling in English then several of them ran toward him. "Shit," he said realizing it was the Detective and his envoy. His instinct was to run, and he high tailed it around the corner of the building hesitating a second, thinking should he go back in but instead kept running towards the back of the property.
As he looked forward, he could see the orcha
rd that separated the Monastery from the Chateau. Producing a mental calculation as he ran, he looked back to see the English Detective was gaining on him. Henri had a good start on his pursuers, but he didn't have that man's stamina. When he entered the edge of the orchard, he dropped his bag and stopped running, his chest heaved, and he couldn't catch his breath. He wouldn't be caught, he had options. Quickly he rummaged through his bag and took out the clock opening the port. He set the tiny levers on the front to activate the clockworks then twisted the hands on the activator face to match the current time. The clock worked and projected a portal.
Henri's head swiveled back and forth between watching the portal and the group closing in on him. He never paid attention before, how long it took for the gate to form. The Tick-Tock of the clock made time seem to go slower.
It was ready, he grabbed his bag and leap through into the Nexus. Looking back, he saw the detective and the woman with the short hair closing in and he worried they would follow. Henri had only one move, he took his bag and threw it at the clock. It must have hit as the gate shuddered and disappeared. He was left staring at the water pouring from top to bottom in the copper doorway.
He sat down then laid back trying to catch his breath and think about his next move. He needed Hume's device on the ship more than ever since the notes he had stolen was in the bag he threw at the clock.
What if I told Caiaphas the truth that I don't know how to replicate Hume's work? He thought laying on the floor of the Nexus trying to catch his breath.
10:12 p.m. Outside the Monastère de la Prairie vallonnée
"Here hold this," Dolly said to Rose as he handed her the clock that somehow had allowed Allard to disappear. Dolly rummaged through the leather overnight bag Henri Allard had thrown at the clock.
"How can you see a thing out here?" Rose asked.
"Not well, I'm just making sure there isn't any other weird shit in his possession, besides a magical clock."
"Let me look," Rose dropped her goggle over her eyes and peered into the bag. Flipping them up quickly, "nothing on the ethereal spectrum."
When Rose looked up, she glimpsed at Gerrard and Angelica speaking to each other "wait a minute," she said. Rose slipped out the Rod and summoned guidance then observed, "Let's give those two a minute."
"We need to get after this guy," Dolly guided.
"Where?" asked Rose.
"My first instinct is to go back the Guild House in Paris. There may be something there this Allard needs, after that I'm stumped," Dolly suggested, placing the clock into the duffle bag to enter into evidence.
Rose elbowed Dolly, motioning her head toward Gerrard. "Here is my suggestion, those two are fire and ice, we need to keep them apart for the time being. I would like her to return with me to Hawkin's House to help her regain control, and keep an eye on her. I believe Enzo the Abbotless monk could mentor her like he has worked with me these last few months."
"That's a big ask, to transport her into the country after what we witnessed."
"You want to just let her roam free or leave her here with them? I think that plan is more dangerous."
"Point taken,” said Williamson.
Rose and Dolly returned to the runabout where Angelica and Gerrard were speaking to each other. The Guild Master argued that she should stay with him.
"Well, he got away through some door to another dimension. Is this some Necronist trick?" Dolly broke into the couple's conversation.
"Nothing I know about unless this was astral projection," Gerrard offered.
"No, his physical body left as well. It was like he opened a door to another place," finished Rose.
"Apparently using this," said Dolly, holding up the clock. "Seen this before?"
"Detective, I hardly know this Allard, he is a Silver Seer in the White Wyrding who showed promise. He has served..., I think his whole service in the Guild has been here working with Hume,” said Gerrard.
"So, all of this has been under your nose and you missed it?" accused Dolly.
The Guild Master summoned his stoic demeanor, "You can thank me for bringing you here and helping you to identify the prime suspect in your case. It is not common practice for my Wyrding to interfere with the work of the other Guild Masters or to let an outsider get involved," finished the Seer.
"I appreciate your help, just chalk up my questions to a simple Police Detective witnessing extraordinary things. I suggest our next steps are to return to Paris and check in with the city police, have a look for Allard there," replied the Detective.
"I'm afraid that with the current circumstances, I can't leave. I'll wire-type High Guild Master Crocus to look out for Allard and get the authorities involved," said Gerrard.
"I can't argue with that," Dolly turned to the pilot of the runabout, pointing upward, "Get her stoked up, we're ready to go."
Rose turned to Angelica, "Please come with us back to London. I will help you and protect you."
"Do I look like I need protection?" The young girl said as her face scowled and her dress changed its pattern.
"Yes, protection from yourself. You see the fire, the rage; it's too strong and you will lose what you really want in that rage. I have resources, including others who can help too," Rose stepped closer to the teenager and whispered in her ear, "All that is here is in the past, he wants to relive what was. You are reborn, immaculate, I will teach you a new way Angelica, a way to achieve what you really desire and not follow the path of resentment and retribution."
"I left much back in London and I will accept your help in getting back what is mine, but don't fool yourself that I am some bird with a broken wing for you to fix. If I am a bird I am the Phoenix," Angelica whispered back.
10:37 p.m In the Nexus
Henri lay on the floor of the Nexus catching his breath. What have I gotten myself into? Be calm, I need to stay focused. Henri looked up and noticed for the first time a thin seam in the ceiling, a panel. Maybe there was a way out through it but it was too high to reach.
He stood and paced in the confines of the Nexus. Surrounded by the copper panels reflecting a distorted image, he knew the door he came through was now closed to him. If he opened it the Englishman likely would be waiting to arrest him, but the soul magnet was there, he desperately wanted it back. In front of him was the portal he knew where it lead, the lab under the slaughterhouse. The other doors were a mystery, he could just pull the chain and walk through to somewhere and disappear. He pulled the chain to go to the lab and see what he could devise their. It was better than standing in the vestibule waiting for someone to come through.
Stepping through the gate into the laboratory, he was shocked to see Caiaphas and Doctor Bernard along with another man he hadn't met before. His entrance had drawn all their attention.
"How good of you to join us, Seer Allard, we were just having a conversation about recent Guild developments."
"The police came after me at the Monastery," Allard blurted.
"Careful about what we talk, about no need to share unnecessary information," Caiaphas scolded. " An English Detective traveled to France with a Necronist Guild Master to investigate what I have been doing," said Allard in a panic.
"So, the Detective I met in Harpsichord has identified one of our members and upstairs we have the Marshal who has been following me. I think the Authorities are coming in” said the stranger.
"Marshal? So now we have the police circling of this place and of two of our members. I have to get out of here!" screamed Allard the consequences of his action now swirling around in his head.
"Settle down. We will adjust our plans and move forward, Traveler..."
Allard interrupted Caiaphas ignoring the look of anger that passed over his face. "Stop with all this code and secret society bullshit. If I am being chased by the English police and you have an American Lawman after you, we are done. Unlike you, I am a Necronist and when I am caught, they won't leave me to the justice system they will take me and obliterate my soul," All
ard's words highlighted his cracking nerve. Now the other two men were visibly worried.
"While we are a Brotherhood, I am the Director and it is in times of strife that the leader points the way forward. Since you're in no state to think straight I will tell you what you will do to remain safe," Caiaphas turned to the American stranger, "Go to your friends at the railroad and arrange for a dedicated locomotive with freight cars. Move all the critical equipment off the premises and onto that train. Get it moving towards Chicago." Caiaphas turned to Allard, "You, Seer Allard, I want you to use your Necronist methods on our captive and learn what that Marshal knows; then kill him. Do you understand?"
"Yes, I... do..." Henri nodded his head.
"Are you getting squeamish on me, Seer? Your hands are already drenched in blood; you killed hundreds with your contraption, so if you pale in this duty it better not be on account of a misplaced moral position. How you end him is up to you, if you're too tender to choke the life out of another man with your bare hands then by all means, use a Necronist trick and suck out the soul from a distance, but take his life or I will take yours." Caiaphas walked towards the gate and pulled the chain; the clockwork mechanism above the copper rectangle operated and water poured from the gateway. "I'll be back soon and provide further leadership," finished Caiaphas, as he passed through the gate.
Friday the 29th of March
11:40 pm Guest Stateroom #4 The Peregrine
My state room is next door, Dolly’s is down the hall to the left and the lavatory or they like to call it the head on the Peregrine is at the end of the hall on the right.
Angelica or Lilith didn’t answer she was looking at all the objects in the room. Touching the finishes then she got a glimpse of herself in the looking glass. “She is a pretty girl isn’t she?” Said Angelica touching her long white hair.