Page 19
reformist politics and stability 10, 39–43, 47
sun-grown coffee 34, 127
Côte d’Ivoire 56, 64, 134
Cuba 58
Daviron, Benoit 99, 138
Dean, Jodi 17
debt peonage 32
Dominican Republic 63
Dunkin’ Donuts 100, 119
Dutch East India Company 26
devalued dollar 60–1
development and fair trade 112
embedded liberalism 48–50
feudalism 27–8
financialization of coffee chain 124–6
global financial crisis 124–5
historical understanding and 24–5
rise of the South 131–6
state theory and 7–10
unequal competition 25
see also capitalism; coffee trade; market conditions; socialism
ICA system 63
Robusta beans 56
support for fair trade 142
El Salvador 47
ACPC and 120
CLAC and 140
continuing inequalities 143
ICA system 63, 68
violence and coffee politics 38
Arabica needs 31
birds and other animals 127, 129
chemical pollution 127
climate change and 129–30
full-sun vs. shade-grown 126–9
impact of coffee agriculture 145
marketing and 107
not an ICA concern 69
overconsumption and 112
small farmers friendlier 128–9
states reject standards for 121
sustainable coffee 6, 20
Vietnam and 89
water conservation 129
wet-method process 35
Arabica beans 56
climate change research 130
coffee statecraft and 136–9
expansion of coffee trade 26
shade-grown coffee 128
trademarking initiative 21, 117–18, 136–9
Ethiopian Commodity Exchange (ECX) 137–9
Ethiopian Fine Coffee Stakeholder Committee 137
coffee consumption 26
colonialism and imperialism 12–13, 23–8
ICA agreements and 58
fair trade
certification and standards 85, 109, 110, 115
corporate power and 98
CSR and 118–19
ethical consumerism 95
governance of 20
growth of 20
and ICA 68
influence on corporations 93, 114–18
movement of 5–6, 107–14
prices and 110, 111
public relations of 113–14
small farmers 115
in South 139–42
Starbucks bypasses 115–18
the state and 114, 146
uneven development and 112
see also inequality and poverty; social justice advocates; sustainable coffee
Fair Trade USA 116
Fairtrade International (FLO) 107–8
limits of 141
Northern dominance of 140
split with Fair Trade USA 116
farms, large/plantations
boom and bust history 50–8
dominate coffee-growing 14
environmental impact of 128–9
inequality and 143–4
Starbucks’ certification of 115–16
Vietnamese state-owned 80
farms, small
boom and bust history 50–8
burden of inputs 123
coffee prices and 1
continuing inequalities 143–8
fair trade and 108–9, 115, 139–42
ICA system and 19, 67, 69–70
illness from chemicals 127
indigenous Latin Americans 36
less environmental damage 128–9
majority growers 14
organization of 98
state intervention and 6, 148
thrive in certain areas 33
Vietnam’s statecraft and 77–83, 87
Figueres Ferrer, José 41
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 129
Foundation of Organized Small Producers (Fundeppo) 140
Haiti and 29, 47, 56
Vietnam and 74–5, 77
Frundt, Henry 111
Galindo, Maurice 120–1
Gates (Bill and Melinda) Foundation 127
branding and 99
women workers 101–2
General Foods 44–5
GLOBAL Good Agricultural Practices (GLOBALG.A.P.) 110
Gowan, Peter 83
economic statecraft 8, 9
on US dollar 125
Guatemala 47
continuing inequalities 143
earthquake 61
ICA system 63, 68
violence and coffee politics 38–9
Haiti 29, 47
Harvey, David 8
Hills Brothers 101–2
continuing inequalities 143
end of ICA 63
Horton, Tim see Tim Hortons
branding and 99–101
nationalism 101
imperialism and colonialism
capitalist system 146
decline of colonial power 37
“free trade” disadvantages 16
historical view of 12–13, 18, 23–8, 46–7
Latin American independence 35
Vietnam 75–6
ACPC and 120
economic development 131
end of ICA 63
rise as exporter 134
Robusta beans 56
statecraft 85–6
indigenous populations
El Salvador’s La Mantanza 38
Guatemala 39
historical pressure on 32–3
rise as exporter 134
Robusta beans 56, 59
inequality and poverty
continuing crises 143–8
crisis situations 21
fair trade consumption and 112–13
historical view of 24–5, 37, 46–7
ICA system and 67–8
price fluctuations and 3, 64
states and 5–7, 48–50, 93, 95
see also fair trade; social justice advocates
Inter-African Coffee Organization (IACO) 134
Inter-American Coffee Agreement (IACA) 54–5
International Coffee Agreement (ICA)
assessment of 66–70
Bogatá Group 62
collapse of 63–5, 71–2, 92–3, 124
collective action 19
environment and 69
establishment of 57–8
Geneva Group 60–1
political economy of coffee 7
rise and fall of 18–19
system of 49–50, 58–63, 83
International Coffee Organization (ICO)
anti-leaf rust campaign 145
environmental impacts and 69
Galindo on market 120–1
percentages of coffee export 135
on price drop 1–2
reorganization 65
top exporter statistics 86
International Monetary Fund 76
international organizations
in global chain 8
see also International Coffee Agreement; International Coffee Organization; United Nations
Islam and coffee 26
Jaffee, Daniel 109
Jamaica 128
Japan 59
Java 26, 30
“Juan Valdez” campaign 45
JustUs! Coffee 114
Kapoor, Ilan 148
Kennedy, John F.
Alliance for Progress 58
Arabica beans 56
Colombian mild beans 59
wet-method processing 35
Keynes, John Maynard 49
Kraft Foods Group
corporate control of market 97–8, 143
price fluctuations 4
roasting 13
inequality and 10
reform of 21
Latin America
coffee agreements 56–7
continuing inequalities 143
rapid market liberalization 82
see also individual countries
Latin American and Caribbean Network of Small Fair Trade Producers (CLAC) 21, 140–2
Lefeber, Louis 67–8
Light Years IP 138
brand identity 100
CSR and 119
market conditions
competition and unpredictability 90–1
cost-price squeeze 122–4
developing consumers 43–6
ethical consumerism and 95
as “free” 5–6
manipulation of 12–14
price fluctuations 1–5, 88–9
rapid liberalization and 82
social impacts of 67–8
the state and 4–5, 10–11, 91–3, 120–1
Vietnam’s state policies and 94
see also coffee statecraft; coffee trade; corporations; fair trade; inequality and poverty
brand power and 12, 98, 99–101
environment and 107
ethical image 106
Maxwell House 45
media and information outlets 9
uneven economy and 4
view of Vietnam and 90
end of ICA 63
fair trade 109
shade-grown coffee 128
wet-method processing 35
“Mugmates” campaign 45
National Coffee Association (NCA) 117–18
National Federation of Coffee Farmers (FNC) 45
corporate control of market 97–8, 143
CSR and 119
price fluctuations 4
roasting 13
Vietnam and 81
New York Coffee Exchange 124
continuing inequalities 143
end of ICA 63
fair trade in 109
leaf rust outbreak 61
nongovernmental organizations
statecraft and 5
understanding post-ICA industry 93
uneven economy and 4
North America see Canada; Mexico; United States
North and South
coffee statecraft and 21
fair trade and 118–19, 139–42
food sovereignty 141
low-paid workers 101–4
overconsumption and 112
rebellion against North 139
rise of the South 122, 131–6
see also imperialism and colonialism
organic coffee 98, 129
Oxfam International
fair trade movement 107
income disparity 4
on price drop 63
supports Ethiopian trademark 117–18
Pan American Coffee Bureau 45, 53
Pancafe Productores de Café SA 62
Papua New Guinea 63
Pendergrast, Mark 54
Penfold, Steve 100
Peru 35, 63
Planet Bean Coffee 114
free trade fantasy 16–18
Southern fair trade and 142
state-led development 39–43
state violence 35–9
see also coffee statecraft; economics; states
Ponte, Stefano 99, 138
Portugal 29–30, 35, 56
Procter & Gamble 13, 97–8
Rainforest Alliance 6
Renard, Marie-Christine 106–7
roasters and retailers
blend Robusta with Arabica 73
consumer market trends 20
corporate domination 13, 90
green beans 35
ICA system 58, 62
power of 97–8, 98, 122
uneven economy and 3–4
workers and brand 103
Rockefeller Foundation 127
Russia (and former USSR)
economic development 131
effect of Soviet fall 63
low consumption 59
market for Vietnam 79, 82
Rwanda 56
Sachs, Jeffrey
The End of Poverty 24
Salvador see El Salvador
Sara Lee 13, 97–8
Schultz, Howard 105, 118
La Siembra 114
in Brazil 29–30
debt peonage replaces 32
European expansion and 27
Social Democratic Party (Costa Rica) (PSD) 41
social justice advocates
ethical consumerism and 95
organization of farmers 98
states and 5, 94
understanding post-ICA industry 93
see also fair trade; inequality and poverty
social relations
authoritarian states 37
capitalist economy and 18
commodity production and 23–4
decline of social regulation 108
historical view of 46, 47
market vs. social spending 97
social movements 8, 10
see also inequality and poverty
social responsibility see corporate social responsibility
socialism 49
soft drinks 45–6
South Korea 133
Soviet Union see Russia (and former USSR)
Spain 27, 35
Sri Lanka (Ceylon) 26, 30
Starbucks Coffee Company
anti-unionism 104
brand identity 100
continuing control 143
CSR and 103–6, 117
ethical marketing 106, 113
Ethiopian trademark and 117–18
fair trade and 20, 115–18
market size 14
tax avoidance 104–5
capitalism and class 7
corporate tax avoidance 104–5
corporations more powerful than 10–11
decline of colonial power 37
economic statecraft 8–9
historical view 46–7
as ineffective with poverty 95
intervention/non-intervention 6, 146
neoliberal policies 15–18, 42, 134
not influenced by fair trade 114
power over markets 120–1
refusal to reform 121
relations with corporations 95–6
social democrat governments 142
social regulation 49–50
territorial and capital logics 8–10, 48, 146
see also coffee statecraft
Sumatra 26
supermarkets and price fluctuations 3
sustainable coffee
corporate power and 98
influence on corporations 93
Vietnam and 83
Talbot, John M.
coffee speculation 63
global coffee industry 7–10
Tanzania 56, 136
Tchibo 13, 97–8
think tanks
understanding post-ICA industry 93
uneven economy and 4
Tim Hortons 100
Topik, Steven 30
Touré, Aly 134–6
trade see coffee trade
trademarking, Ethiopian initiative 21, 117–18, 136–9
TransFair USA/Fair Trade USA 116
transportation 25
Uganda 4, 25
United Nations
Human Development Index 3
social spending 97
ed Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
coffee prices 2
fair trade price comparison 111
trade statistics 66
United States
1929 Stock Market crash 52
army instant coffee 55
coffee consumption 30, 36–7, 43, 133