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Aloha Fantasy

Page 5

by Devon Vaughn Archer

  “Hope I get to meet Lowell while I’m here,” she said, smiling.

  “I’m sure that will happen.” Boyd imagined that Lowell would probably try to hit on her, as that was his nature. Never mind the fact that finding companionship never seemed to be a problem for him. In fact, it was just the opposite.

  Either way Boyd considered Danica off-limits to his good friend. Especially considering he had his own eye on her and wanted to see where things might go between them.

  “So you were married once, right?” Danica asked innocently, hoping to gauge his feelings about the subject of marriage in general.

  Boyd chewed his chicken thoughtfully. Just how far back in his life had Ashlyn gone in their chitchats?

  “Yeah,” he muttered. “We met in college, thought we were in love, but it fizzled pretty quickly when it came time to prove it was the real deal.”

  “Sorry to hear that.” Maybe she shouldn’t have brought up what was obviously a painful subject. Had that made him leery of a future marriage?

  “It was a long time ago, relatively speaking,” he said, realizing that in some ways it seemed like only yesterday that he’d walked down the aisle. “The truth is that I was a different person back then and didn’t really know what I wanted in life or from a relationship. I think she felt the same way.”

  “And now?” Danica asked, dabbing a napkin to her lips. “Do you have any idea what you’re looking for in that area?”

  Even as she asked the question she was amazed that she was trying to pin the man down and find out what he wanted in a woman and possibly a wife. Would Ashlyn give her a virtual high five for courage? she wondered. Or a thumbs down for asking too much, too soon?

  Boyd peered at her and one thought seared his consciousness. Maybe I’m looking at what I’d like to find in a woman.

  “I have a pretty good idea,” he answered vaguely. Last thing he wanted to do was frighten the poor woman into believing he could tell in two days that she was exactly the type of person he could fall madly in love and lust with. Instead he switched the subject matter to her. “I take it you’ve never been married?” Or had Ashlyn failed to mention this in the times she’d talked about her friend?

  “Heavens, no,” Danica said, as if the notion was unthinkable to her. She felt it best to clarify. “I don’t mean to say that I’m against the institution of marriage. Just the opposite. I’d love to get married someday, if the right man comes along.”

  Boyd smiled, considering it fortunate that the men who had come into her life obviously fell well short of that right one she was looking for. Again, they seemed to be in the same boat. As did Ashlyn, whose love life had soured almost as much as his had.

  “I feel the same way,” he said. “If the connection is there with the right woman, anything is possible.” He stopped short of declaring she was such a person, considering the short-term nature of her stay in Hawaii. Yet he wanted to keep an open mind, as always, knowing there were no limitations. If the sexual attraction between them demanded that they see it through, he wouldn’t turn his back on the vibes. And definitely not on a hotter-than-hot woman like her.

  Danica smiled as she sipped some water. She was glad to know that they had similar views about finding the ideal person for a committed relationship, including marriage. But what about the here and now? Could or should they put past long-term objections aside for short-term sexual and emotional gratification?

  She had her answer the moment she’d landed in Hilo and hoped to meet someone with whom sexual chemistry was clear from the start. Boyd fit the bill more than any man she had ever laid eyes on before. As far as Danica was concerned, the more she got to know Boyd, the more she liked Ashlyn’s big brother and wanted to see what would happen between them when the time was right.

  * * *

  Boyd wished he could read Danica’s mind. He was sure they were in sync on many levels, but he wondered if the pull he felt toward her was real or just lust.

  They went out on the lanai after lunch, bringing their drinks with them. While Danica was admiring the spectacular view of the island’s natural wonders, Boyd was more focused on admiring the woman and her natural wonders. He could only imagine just how wonderful they would be when he got to see her in the purest form.

  “You must miss Ashlyn,” Danica said, turning to Boyd. “Or does she need to be gone longer for that to happen?”

  He flashed a half grin. “Yeah, guess I do miss her a little. But don’t tell her I said that.”

  “She’ll never hear it from me.” Danica smiled. “Do you two hang out a lot?”

  “Not as much as when we were younger,” Boyd said, remembering the times they played around the house, made a real mess of things and went swimming. He truly missed those days, but realized they had grown up and things changed. “She has her friends, I have mine. We try not to crowd each other too much, but still like to keep an eye out for one another.”

  “Your eyes can only see so far,” Danica said. “Across the ocean is a long way to keep tabs on one another.”

  “Tell me about it. That doesn’t mean I can’t find other ways to see what my kid sister is up to while vacationing in the Windy City.” Boyd gazed down at Danica’s glowing face. “What can you tell me about this Hunter dude who Ashlyn seems high on?”

  Danica met his gaze. She wondered if this was about her fixing Ashlyn up with her friend or Boyd’s overprotectiveness of his sister. Either way she had no problem defending her choice of Hunter as someone Ashlyn might be attracted to.

  “Well, Hunter is a lifelong Chicagoan, with a master’s in finance,” she began. “He’s cute as a button, has a great sense of humor and has been to Hawaii at least half a dozen times that I know of.”

  “You two ever date?” he had to ask, considering her high regard of the man.

  “Never.” Danica looked at him with amusement. “Too close as friends to ever want to cross that line.”

  “Sounds like the man walks on water nevertheless,” Boyd muttered.

  “Not quite, but he is an excellent swimmer.” Danica smiled, hoping she wasn’t being too lighthearted about this. She certainly didn’t want him put off on Hunter. Especially as it related to being a good catch for Ashlyn.

  “Has he ever been married? Any kids?” The last thing Boyd wanted was for Ashlyn to live in the shadow of an ex-wife. Or to have to deal with children who belonged to another woman and might never accept her as their mother.

  “Hunter’s never been married. He was involved with someone for a good while, but that ended amicably when they realized they weren’t meant for each other at the end of the day. Happens that way sometimes.”

  Boyd conceded that much, having experienced it firsthand. “And you think there’s a realistic chance he might be meant for my sister? Or did you pair them together just to have a good time?”

  “Maybe a little of both.” Danica shrugged. “I guess I felt they could find the right things in each other. I also knew that Hunter was a real gentleman and a fun-loving guy who could show Ashlyn the best of what Chicago has to offer. If I’m wrong, I’m sure Ashlyn will let both of us know.”

  “Yeah, I guess so.” Boyd had to admit, if only to himself, that at least it seemed as though Ashlyn was in safe hands with Hunter. Whether or not she fell hot and heavy for him remained to be seen. Boyd wondered how things might go with Danica once they got through feeling each other out. He had a sense she was just as keen to find out.

  “It’s nice that Ashlyn has a big brother to watch over her,” Danica offered, feeling a little envious that she never had an older brother to have her back.

  “Comes with the territory,” he stated, aware that Ashlyn considered him to be overbearing or meddlesome at times—which worked both ways. “With our parents gone, that falls down to me.”

“I’m sure she appreciates it deep down inside.”

  Boyd regarded her. “I agree, just as I appreciate the things Ashlyn does for me, like send her good friend over to the islands so I can get better acquainted with her.”

  Danica’s eyes widened playfully. “So you think that was her plan, huh?”

  “Ashlyn is always a bit sneaky when it comes to doing what she believes is best for her brother. In this case I suspect it was pairing me up with her very attractive friend.” He put his drink and hers on a glass table, then pulled Danica closer to him. “I have to admit that I can’t complain one bit.”

  “Neither can I,” she said, feeling the patter of her heart with him so near.

  “Then let’s not.”

  Boyd cupped her cheeks and brought their mouths together, angling his face just right to make the kiss perfect. He slid his tongue inside Danica’s mouth and played with her tongue, enjoying its moist softness. She made a humming sound, sparking desire in him as her hardened nipples pressed against his body.

  She wants me as much as I do her. The thought emboldened Boyd to deepen the kiss, widening his mouth as she did the same. He caressed one of her breasts, finding it a perfect fit for his large hand. He moved his thumb purposefully across the nipple a couple of times and relished her reaction.

  Boyd’s reaction was just as telling. He could feel his erection throbbing, wanting to be set free, so they both could achieve some satisfaction.

  He wanted to rip her clothes off and make love to her without ever leaving that spot. But was it the right time to take that step for which there was no return? Hadn’t she indicated a little while ago that they needed to slow down? Maybe she would come to regret it if they pushed the envelope too soon, despite their strong sexual sparks.

  After sucking in a deep breath, Boyd pried their mouths and bodies apart. “I think we should finish the tour.”

  Danica cast her eyes upon his with surprise. “Are you sure about that?” She had lost herself in the kiss and the man and was ready to let him have her.

  Hell, no, he wasn’t sure. But he did think that allowing his libido to dictate things would probably be a big mistake. He needed her to want him even more than she did now, to feel overpowered by the passion they could bring to each other. That way the first time they made love would be something neither would ever forget. And be something they couldn’t possibly prevent from happening again and again while she was on the island.

  “I am sure. There are still a few other things I think you need to see.”

  “Such as?”

  Boyd thought quickly of some hot spots, though none were as hot as the vibes passing between them at the moment. “The Pe’epe’e Falls is a must for a professional photographer,” he told her. “I suspect you’d also like the Lili’uokalani Park and Gardens, and maybe we can check out the Mauna Loa Macadamia Nut Plantation.”

  They all sounded interesting to Danica, but not half as interesting as the man before her. He had to know she was into him, maybe more than she should be at this point. Maybe it was a good idea to take a step back and see if the fire burned just as hot later after they’d both had a chance to cool down.

  “Since you’re the tour guide, I’ll defer to your wishes,” she told him patiently.

  Boyd took that as a good sign. Especially since his wish list was growing in leaps and bounds now that she had come to the island. Soon what he wished for would have nothing to do with anything but the two of them in bed, all over one another.

  Chapter 4

  That evening, Danica couldn’t wait to talk to Ashlyn so they could compare notes about switching residences and potential romances. After spending an entire day with Boyd and experiencing a fair share of fireworks, Danica had said her goodbyes to him an hour ago with tentative plans to accompany him and a group of others on a guided tour on Friday, three days away.

  She was eager to spend as much time with Boyd as possible, but did not want to monopolize his time. Or become so hung up on him that she lost perspective on this trip, which was supposed to be one big adventure that included a possible fling. Not a vacation where she couldn’t bear to be without her friend’s brother constantly at her side.

  Already, though, Danica was beginning to feel that way. They had ended things like they had the previous night, with a kiss. Only this one was more passionate. Their hands had wandered everywhere possible without going beneath their clothing. It was all she could do to exhibit some self-control and not simply jump the man.

  Danica pushed those thoughts away and texted Ashlyn, asking to meet on a Skype call. A quick response told her Ashlyn was ready to chat.

  A few moments later they were facing each other thousands of miles away.

  “Aloha!” Ashlyn said, smiling from cheek to cheek, holding a goblet of red wine.

  “Back at you.” Danica smiled, tasting some of the macadamia nut honey wine her friend had left for her.

  “Have you settled in yet?” Ashlyn asked.

  “Getting there. How about you?”

  “I’m becoming more and more at home in your city with each passing day.”

  “Oh, really?” Danica cocked a brow. “That wouldn’t have anything to do with Hunter, would it?”

  “It has everything to do with that hunk of a man,” her friend said. “He really has his act together. He seems to know this city inside out and even impressed me with his travels to Hawaii. He also speaks highly of you.”

  “Probably because he knows I’d get him back for anything less,” Danica joked. “Seriously, I’m happy to hear that things seem to be working out.”

  “So far, so good. We’re going out to dinner tomorrow night, then the symphony. I just love a cultured man.”

  “I can see that.” Danica had a feeling she’d chosen the perfect man for her friend. It seemed that this had the makings of something serious, assuming they came to terms with the distance issue. Danica imagined she’d face the same issue were she to fall in love with Boyd. Not that she was averse to relocating to Hawaii if it meant being with the man who loved her. She wondered if he would leave the islands for love, at the end of the day.

  “Enough about me,” Ashlyn said. “Let’s hear about your day.”

  “Well, I spent most of it with your brother.”

  “Really? So you two are getting on well?”

  “Yes,” she admitted. “Boyd seems like a great guy.”

  “I taught him well,” Ashlyn quipped.

  Danica chuckled. “Or maybe it was the other way around?”

  “That, too.” Her friend laughed. “What did you two do?”

  “What didn’t we do?” She went through their visits to the museum, to the plantation and everything in between.

  “You really have been busy,” Ashlyn said.

  “Guess that was sort of the point in switching lives.”

  “Very true.” Ashlyn paused. “Beyond the sightseeing, how are things with you and Boyd?”

  Danica smiled, knowing this was coming and eager to report some promising news. “As well as could be expected.”

  “Oh? Do tell, please.”

  “We’ve kissed.” Danica blushed like a schoolgirl.

  “Really?” Her friend smiled. “That was quick.”

  “Some things just can’t wait,” she said thoughtfully. “He’s a great kisser.”

  “I’ll take your word for it, girlfriend.” Ashlyn sipped her wine. “Can’t say the same for Hunter, as he’s been the perfect gentleman thus far. Maybe too perfect.”

  Danica laughed. “No such thing where men are concerned.”

  “I suppose you’re right,” Ashlyn said. “Patience was never my strong suit, especially when I’m hopelessly attracted to a man.”

a could relate, as she wanted Boyd more than she had ever wanted any man in her life, which would make having him that much sweeter.

  “I’m sure in the coming weeks, if not days, Hunter will step up and give you what you want.”

  “He’d better!” Ashlyn giggled. “Anyway I’m happy to know that you and Boyd are becoming better acquainted in the romance department.”

  “Looks that way—thanks to you.” Danica grinned at her friend. “So what took you so long to introduce me to your brother?”

  “Only an ocean and thousands of miles separating you,” Ashlyn replied. “You were both in different places, figuratively and literally, till now. But that situation appears to have rectified itself and the rest is up to you two.”

  “I could say the same thing about you and Hunter,” Danica said. Her friend usually seemed to have trouble holding on to relationships for one reason or another.

  Ashlyn nodded. “I believe we’ve both lucked out.”

  “Definitely!” But Danica didn’t want to press her luck. There were still several weeks of traded lives to go through, with no certainty as to which way the pendulum would swing for them. As of now she couldn’t be more enthusiastic as to what the short-term future held. And maybe even the long-term future was something to ponder…

  * * *

  Boyd spent much of the following morning in his massive and well-equipped home office checking on his investments. Though he had an advisor who had done right by him thus far, he preferred to mainly rely on his own assessment of risks. Using his instincts, along with all the high-tech tools at his disposal, was key to making sure he was on top of things when it came to building his fortune.

  After being satisfied that his money was working for and not against him in every sector, Boyd worked up a good sweat in his fitness room for an hour or so. He thought about Danica and what a joy it was that she had suddenly shown up in his life. The notion of just how far they could take things excited him. While he hadn’t particularly been looking for romance and, indeed, had tried to discourage Ashlyn from trading houses with her friend, Boyd was glad that his sister’s stubbornness had prevailed.


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