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Aloha Fantasy

Page 8

by Devon Vaughn Archer

  He did so with a bed-shaking, earth-shattering orgasm just as Danica reached her climax. They both moaned and groaned, gasped and quavered, refusing to stop until the incredible moment had passed successfully. Only then did they manage to catch their breaths and regain their equilibrium.

  “Was that better than the first time?” Boyd asked.

  Danica was positively giddy while caught in the afterglow. “Do you even have to ask?”

  He laughed. “No, I guess we answered that loud and clear.”

  “Yes, I believe we did,” she stated emphatically.

  “We’re definitely good together.”

  Her eyes widened. “Just good?”

  “How about superb?”

  “That’s more like it.”

  Boyd grinned, loving that they could banter like two people who knew each other inside and out. He could only imagine the possibilities as they further engaged one another in bed and out.

  * * *

  Danica was dressed appropriately for what Boyd promised her would be an adventurous drive followed by a two-mile hike to Papakolea Beach, also known as Green Sand Beach. She brought along her Canon 35 millimeter camera, wanting to get the best possible shots, some of which she hoped to add to her portfolio. But mostly she simply wanted to enjoy another aspect of the Big Island, as well as see another side of Boyd as he put on his group tour guide hat.

  There were four others taking part in the tour: Kimberly, a sixty-something retiree; Larry, a mystery novelist doing research for a book; and Thomas and Judith, a married couple in their thirties and frequent visitors to the islands. They used a four-wheel drive vehicle to navigate the treacherous road leading to Ka Lae, or South Point, located in the Kau District of the island.

  “Ka Lae is the southernmost point in the United States,” Boyd pointed out as he drove down Hawaii Belt Road, “contrary to popular belief that this distinction belongs to Key West, Florida.”

  He eyed Danica, sitting beside him and next to Larry. She was, as always, a sight to behold even if she didn’t realize it. Becoming intimate and seeing everything she had to offer only brought the point home. Having her on this trip made it that much more satisfying than his usual guided tours.

  “How often do you come here?” she asked.

  “Oh, about six to eight times a year,” he told her. “When my schedule permits.”

  “I think the setting is perfect for an island mystery novel,” Larry said.

  Boyd grinned. “I can’t speak for that, but the Big Island is certainly full of mysteries and can keep one in suspense.”

  “I’ll bet,” he agreed.

  “What can you tell us about those wind turbines?” Kimberly asked from the backseat as Boyd turned onto the mostly one lane South Point Road.

  “They’re part of the Kama’oa Wind Farm,” Boyd said. “When the turbines are in full operation, the electricity they generate can power a hundred homes. Sadly, one third to one half of the turbines usually aren’t even operating at any given moment.” Boyd circumvented a pothole, and then steadied the wheel while driving through blind curves and hilly stretches toward the beach, surrounded by pasturelands. “It was here in Ka Lae that the first Polynesians, after a month at sea, made land.”

  “Mahalo to them,” said Thomas. “I’d hate to think that, had it not been for them, we just might have never known that paradise truly existed.”

  “Mahalo, indeed!” seconded his wife, Judith.

  “I think we can all join in on that chorus,” Boyd said, knowing how gratifying his life had been growing up on the Big Island. Not the least of which was the opportunity to meet Danica, though credit for at least part of that date with destiny had to go to his sister.

  He parked the vehicle so they could experience the hiking aspect of their journey. “Everyone out,” he declared. “Now comes the best part of the tour.”

  “You mean there’s something even better than what we’ve already seen?” Danica asked him.

  Boyd grinned. “You’ll see soon enough,” he promised.

  She smiled back at him and began to snap pictures, wanting to capture every moment she could of this once-in-a-lifetime trip.

  They came upon some rundown structures and support ruins, prompting Kimberly to quip, “You call this better?”

  Boyd gave a little laugh. “Not exactly. It’s what’s left of army barracks that were here during World War II, followed by a missile tracking station built in the 1960s by the navy. It was eventually taken over by the air force, before it closed in the late 1970s.”

  “Interesting,” remarked Larry, taking notes.

  “Everything about the island of Hawaii is,” Boyd bragged as they neared Papakolea Beach. “The beach is one of only two green-sand beaches belonging to the United States. The other is in Guam.” He trekked on. “It’s located in a bay half circled by Pu’u Mahana, a cinder cone that was formed nearly fifty thousand years ago.”

  “How did the sand get its green color?” Judith asked.

  “Courtesy of olivine crystals found in the cinder cone,” Boyd answered. “It’s a common mineral found in Hawaiian lava that, because of its density, often accumulates on the beach rather than washing out to sea as is the case with most volcanic sand.”

  “You really know your stuff,” Danica told him, quite impressed.

  “It’s taken much of my life to get to know this island I love,” he said. “It’s still a learning process.” They’d reached the rise above the beach. “Here we are…”

  Boyd led the way for a climb down the cinder cone to the green sand, taking Danica’s hand to help her to get down safely. The others carefully followed.

  “We definitely don’t have any green beaches like this in Oregon,” joked Larry.

  “Glad to hear that,” Boyd said lightheartedly. “Otherwise it wouldn’t be so special in Hawaii.”

  “Good point.”

  Danica took some photographs, loving the spot and feeling glad she had come. “You were right,” she told Boyd as they stood apart from the others. “This place is magical.”

  He smiled satisfyingly. “Would I lie?”

  “Not this time,” she quipped.

  “Or any other time,” he told her. “Not to you anyway.”

  Her lashes fluttered. “Am I that special to you?”

  Boyd gazed at her with sincerity. “Yes, you are. Especially after the other night.”

  Danica colored. “Oh, that.”

  “Yeah, that, and whatever comes after.”

  She met his eyes and liked knowing there was an “after” for them to explore. “Why don’t we talk about it later, behind closed doors? Right now, you have more people than me to play host to.”

  Boyd wished they had this magnificent stretch of beach all to themselves. “Okay,” he said. “Behind closed doors it is. Looking forward to it—or you.”

  Danica grinned. She too was looking forward to exploring everything with him behind closed doors, for as long as she could. Or was there any limit to how far this could go?

  * * *

  That night, Danica lay on Boyd’s bed with him atop her, fitting nicely between her legs with his erection inside her.

  “Thought we were supposed to talk,” she said softly.

  “So talk,” he said. He was on his knees and looking at her gorgeous face and body beneath him.

  She frowned. “Right now?”

  “Why not?” Boyd grinned mischievously. “You can’t say we don’t have each other’s undivided attention.”

  Danica could not argue with that. Or could she? “It’s kind of hard to carry on a conversation when I’m naked and you’re inside me.”

  “There’s more than one way to speak,” he challenged her, prop
elling himself further into her moist and hospitable body. “In this case actions speak as loud as any words could.”

  Again Danica had a hard time disputing that, as their actions were definitely speaking for her. She moaned as his movement within her made her tingle all over.

  “I think we’re getting to know each other better than I know Ashlyn,” she said, while sucking in a deep breath.

  “I suppose that’s true in some ways,” Boyd conceded. “Are you okay with that?”

  “Hmm…” Danica thrust her hips boldly at him. “How could I not be?”

  Boyd came back at her. “My sentiments precisely.” He hoped their getting to know one another intimately was just beginning.

  “We’ll save the talking for later,” she whispered as her focus returned to the sizzling moment at hand.

  “If you say so,” he said, rubbing her nipples between his fingers and getting the anticipated reaction.

  “Right now, I say give me your mouth.”

  “You’ve got it.” Boyd lowered his face and she peppered it with hot kisses. He returned them in full fervor as their perspiring bodies clung together while the sex heated up the night.

  When her second orgasm had finally lessened its intensity, Danica lifted her face from Boyd’s shoulder, having ended up on top.

  “Where do you see this going?” she decided to ask.

  Boyd caught his breath, but didn’t shy away from question. “It can go anywhere you want.”

  “But I live in Chicago and you live in Hawaii.”


  She regarded him. “So you’re okay with a long-distance relationship?”

  “Haven’t had one before, to be honest,” he told her. “I usually think that they don’t work, but then again, I’ve never met a lady like you. So I’m game for anything.”

  Danica liked his response. Still, she wanted to be sure he was being serious. “So you don’t see this as just a casual thing?”

  He locked eyes with her. “Do you?”

  “No, not at all,” she said. There was nothing casual about the way they went at each other in bed.

  “Neither do I,” he promised. “Whatever we want to call this, it’s something to hold on to, something we should allow to grow.”

  That pledge was good enough for Danica—for now. She wrapped her hands around him. “Let’s get back to the holding part and go from there.”

  Boyd smiled, becoming aroused again. “Sounds good to me.”

  * * *

  Danica spent nearly an hour chatting on the phone with Boyd the next day and enjoying every second. She was amazed that they never seemed to run out of things to talk about—even when not having sex and checking out the city. But even more surprising was the phone call she got on Skype from her friend Hunter.

  “How are the natives treating you on the Big Island?” he asked after he greeted her.

  “Making me feel like a queen.” Or at least one of them was, she thought to herself.

  “That’s because you are a queen, Danica. Or are you just realizing that?”

  “I’ve always known it.” She decided to play along with his charming personality. “Just as I’ve known that Ashlyn is a goddess. I hope you’re treating her that way.”

  “Yes, I’m absolutely treating her like a goddess and more.” Hunter’s face lit up. “You and I have been friends for a while now, but I like you even better now for doing right by me with Ashlyn.”

  “You really like her, huh?” Danica watched his handsome features look back at her.

  “I adore her!” he responded bluntly. “She’s everything my ex-girlfriend pretended to be till the truth came out.”

  “I’m happy to hear Ashlyn’s made such an impression on you. Seems like the feeling’s mutual.”

  “We get each other,” Hunter declared. “She understands where I’m coming from and vice versa.”

  “Hmm…sounds like a love fest,” Danica said. “Or is that too presumptuous?”

  “It’s not. Quite the contrary, that’s pretty damned close. And getting closer by the day.”

  “I had a really good feeling you two would be a great match,” she told him. “Not that I’m taking all the credit.”

  “Take every drop of credit you want,” Hunter insisted. “I was almost willing to throw in the towel on finding someone who could light up my life. Then came Ashlyn. I definitely owe you a steak dinner when you get back.”

  “That’s so sweet.” Danica had never seen him this way before. Obviously he considered Ashlyn the real deal. But was it really a match made in heaven? Or just raw sexual appeal?

  She bounced the same question back to herself with Boyd. Were they just getting warmed up for a deeper relationship? Or would she wake up one morning and find that her prince had turned into a frog?

  “So enough about us for now,” Hunter said. “Ashlyn tells me that you’ve got something going on with her brother.”

  “I do.” Danica had no qualms admitting.

  “Hooking up in Hawaii—sounds like paradise.”

  She laughed. “It is.”

  “Well, bringing a slice of paradise to Chicago is just as fantastic.”

  “I can see that,” she returned.

  “Isn’t it amazing that we both found someone from far away to make us feel human again?” Hunter asked.

  Danica smiled. “Yes, it is. Feeling human is nice all the way around.”

  “Maybe the four of us can get together sometime,” Hunter suggested.

  “Maybe. We’ll see how things progress for us and go from there.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  Danica said her goodbyes, happy that Ashlyn’s new romance wasn’t all just one-sided. Just as her own romance with Boyd was certainly a two-way street. With plenty of road ahead of them.

  Chapter 7

  On Tuesday Danica decided to venture out on her own to check out Hilo and the surrounding districts. After all if she was to essentially step into Ashlyn’s shoes, she had to know the lay of the land as well as she knew Chicago, her comfort zone. There was even the possibility that she might someday relocate to Hawaii, especially if she was involved in a serious relationship with a certain handsome gentleman who wanted the same thing. Though it was still too early to tell if this was where she was headed with Boyd, Danica was certainly keeping her options open. The last thing she wanted was to return to Chicago with no real prospects for romance, while the man who really did it for her was still in Hilo.

  Danica snapped out of her reverie as she drove down Kamehameha Avenue, getting a handle on downtown shops and galleries. Spotting the Hilo Farmers’ Market on Mamo Street, she parked and went inside.

  Not quite sure where to start, Danica decided her best bet was right in front of her at the tropical fruits and vegetables stand. She bought fresh bitter melon, sweet corn, papayas and strawberries. Moving on, she also purchased Peruvian tamales and Portuguese sweet bread.

  By the time she left the farmers’ market, Danica had added to her purchases and felt sure she’d come back again. She wanted to cook Boyd dinner and felt this place was a good start to the man’s stomach, if not his heart.

  She went from there to the Prince Kuhio Plaza on East Puainako Street, a very large enclosed mall on the Big Island. Ashlyn had told her about it and Danica was not disappointed in the slightest, finding familiar and new stores to shop at and increase her wardrobe.

  While she was taking a break on a bench and doing some people watching, Danica received a call from Blair.

  “Sounds like you’re having fun,” she told Danica.

  “I am,” she had to admit, munching on a candy bar.

  “How about some more fun?” Blair asked. “Have you be
en to a luau yet?”

  “Actually I haven’t.”

  “In that case I’d like to take you to one tomorrow, if you’re not doing anything.”

  “That sounds fabulous.” Her calendar was pretty open, except for the time she spent in or out of bed with Boyd. “I’ve always wanted to go to a luau.”

  “Wonderful. This one is in the Kona District, so it’ll take us about two and a half hours to get there, but it’s worth the drive.”

  “I’m sure it will be,” Danica said. “What time should I be ready to go?”

  “Four o’clock would be perfect.”

  “Four it is. I’m looking forward to this.” And every other interesting thing she could experience while being on the island of Hawaii. She hoped that Ashlyn was also taking the time to explore and enjoy the great attractions of Chicago with or without Hunter by her side.

  Danica finished off her long day by driving up Waianuenue Avenue to Wailuku River State Park. There she took pictures of the Rainbow Falls she’d heard about, managing to see the rainbows in the mist created by the waterfall. It was amazing to witness. She was sure that some of her clients would want to make use of the pictures she took here and elsewhere on this scenic island.

  * * *

  Boyd readily accepted Danica’s invitation to dinner. Any reason to spend time with her was good enough for him. He wasn’t sure if they had the staying power to keep this thing going once she left Hawaii, but he sure as hell didn’t want to see it end. Not when he felt so alive when he was with her. They clicked and that was something he didn’t take for granted, knowing how difficult it was these days to connect with someone.

  He brought the wine, handing the bottle to Danica who, as always, was stunning in a black sleeveless pinstripe dress with a low-cut neckline and slingback pumps.

  “Hawaiian guava wine,” she said, studying the bottle, though far more interested in the man himself.

  “Yeah, it’s one of the fruit-blended wines from a local winery,” he told her.

  “Hmm…it looks tasty.” Danica eyed him and found that her words aptly applied to Boyd, too. He looked dashing in a lavender striped shirt, black pants and stitched loafers.


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