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Aloha Fantasy

Page 13

by Devon Vaughn Archer

  Boyd grinned, a feeling of warmth coursing through his veins. “It’s nice to hear that and I feel the same way about you, even if it isn’t my birthday.”

  She raised her chin and gave him a kiss on the lips to show her appreciation and more. “We’ll have to try this again when it is your birthday.”

  “Don’t think I can wait till then to taste your lips again on mine,” he said, and initiated a longer kiss.

  By the time they pulled apart, Danica was seeing stars and her heart was pounding. She imagined they were going to go straight to the bedroom and finish this by giving each other wonderful orgasms.

  Then Boyd told her, “I’ve got something special planned for your birthday.” He noted she was wearing a sexy pink sleep shirt and was barefoot. Any other time he would have loved to have ripped that fabric right off her magnificent body and made passionate love to her right here and now. But there was plenty of time for that a bit later. “You’ll need to dress for an outdoor adventure.”

  Danica’s eyes widened, noting he was wearing a casual print shirt, black jeans and brown boots. “Another amazing tour in store?”

  “In a manner of speaking, but no green beach,” he promised. “You will need to pack an overnight bag, though.”

  “Hmm…sounds mysterious.”

  “It isn’t, really. But I guarantee you it’ll be a lot of fun and a birthday to remember.”

  She grinned. As far as she was concerned, her birthday was already unforgettable. Anything else and she might burst with joy. But it would be worth it, so long as she ended up in his comforting arms.

  “I’ll just need a half an hour and we can be on our way,” Danica told him. “In the meantime make yourself at home.”

  “I will, thanks,” he told her, flashing a cute grin.

  She had no doubt he would, given that this was still his house, technically speaking. Maybe someday he would move back to it, should Ashlyn ever choose to move elsewhere—such as Chicago.

  Heading upstairs, Danica liked the idea of sharing this house and its wonders with Boyd, maybe even as man and wife. Or mother and father. But she was getting ahead of herself again. They still hadn’t made any definitive plans about being together beyond early next week when she was scheduled to go back to Chicago, much less any talk of love and devotion. Or walking down the aisle.

  That didn’t stop her from feeling they were headed in that direction. Danica just needed to be patient, as Ashlyn suggested, and enjoy spending her birthday with the man who made her heart flutter.

  * * *

  Boyd watched as Danica disappeared from his sight, tempted to go after her, make love to her and put everything else on hold. She had that type of powerful effect on him, making him want to be intimate with her every waking hour. He could only envision how often the days and nights would heat up if they were together always making wild and passionate love.

  If he had anything to say, it was a matter of when and not if. He had grown to care for Danica Austin too damned much to ever let her walk away from his life. Now that he had a better handle on what she wanted, Boyd fully intended to make her happy.

  First there was her birthday treat. Afterward, things should begin to fall into place.

  Boyd used the time alone to walk around the residence he’d once called home. It was just as magnificent every time he set foot inside. He was comfortable there and could see that Danica was, as well. It would be a suitable house for them to make a life together. But he had moved on to his own place and, should Ashlyn ever decide she wanted out, he would acquire her half and sell the house at a premium price. That had always been the plan and he saw no reason to think otherwise.

  As it was, he couldn’t imagine Ashlyn ever wanting to cut ties with her slice of paradise. Maybe she would want to buy him out and live here with Hunter. Though not totally comfortable with the notion of seeing another man living there other than himself, Boyd would not stand in the way of his sister’s happiness. Just as he knew she would never stand in the way of his.

  Especially when he had Ashlyn to thank for bringing such immense happiness to his life in the form of her gorgeous friend Danica.

  * * *

  “So how long are you going to keep me in suspense as to where we’re headed?” Danica asked, looking at Boyd behind the wheel as they drove down Kohala Mountain Road in the Kohala District.

  Boyd smiled at her. “Have you ever gone horseback riding?”

  She lifted a brow. “Yes, I have. When I was a girl, I often visited my grandparents in Mississippi who had a farm with horses. I learned how to ride then.”

  “And you haven’t been on a horse since?” he asked.

  “No,” she admitted. “I never knew that at some point a dark and dashing Hawaiian cowboy would want to take me horseback riding.”

  He laughed. “I suppose even a crystal ball wouldn’t have been able to predict that. Not a problem. It’s like riding a bike. Once you’ve done it, you never forget how.”

  Danica sneered playfully. “Right, except that it’s a longer distance when you fall off a horse.”

  Boyd imagined that nice ass of hers being bruised by hitting the ground. “That won’t happen. These horses are so tame, you can practically ride them without doing anything at all but holding on.”

  “We’ll see about that,” she said hopefully.

  They passed a sign that read Kahua Ranch.

  “We’ve arrived at our destination,” Boyd said.

  Danica gazed about at open pastures and rolling hills on both sides, seeing cows, sheep and, of course, horses. “This should be interesting.”

  “I promise it will be that and more.” He grinned and drove into an area where visitors parked.

  Outside, Danica brushed against him. “I take it this is one of the places you do your tours?”

  “Actually this is somewhat off the beaten path for my tour guiding. But I’ve been here before and thought it would be a perfect way to enjoy your birthday.”

  “I see.” She smiled, appreciating the thoughtfulness and definitely feeling up for the adventure. Looping her arm through his, she eyed Boyd. “So let’s go enjoy this cowboy and cowgirl adventure.”

  “Yes, let’s.” He smiled down at her. “And, just for the record, those cowboys and cowgirls are referred to in Hawaiian as paniolos.”

  “I’ll try to remember that.”

  * * *

  Soon they had saddled up on horses with a small group of others on a tour through one of the oldest working cattle ranches in Hawaii.

  Danica was surprised at how gentle and well trained her horse named Pompei was. She had no trouble keeping her balance. As Boyd had said, her previous rides were all starting to come back to her. The fact that he rode by her side confidently, as if to be there just in case she needed him, was further comfort.

  “King Kamehameha gathered his warriors in this spot to prepare them for conquering the islands,” Harry Wong, the thickly built leader of the tour, noted, tilting his wide-brimmed hat in the true style of a paniolo. “And during World War II, Kahua served as a retreat for soldiers.”

  Danica removed her digital camera from her saddlebag and snapped some pictures of lush pastures speckled with grazing cattle, breathtaking panoramic views of the Kohala Mountains and a pristine coastline, as well as majestic cinder cones and ancient Hawaiian ruins.

  “So what do you think?” Boyd asked, admiring her as she took pictures with the enthusiasm of a little girl surrounded by sights to behold and with the skills of a professional photographer. And all while staying firmly on her horse. “Was this worth the trip?”

  Her eyes twinkled. “I’m loving it.” Thanks in large part to sharing the experience with him. “I could spend all day out here.”

  He chuckled. “So coul
d I.” Admittedly, though, he was looking forward to spending some time with her indoors and in private, to help make her birthday really complete.

  “Then we’re both hooked.” Danica licked her lips and got Pompei to put on a little speed, moving ahead of Boyd before he caught up to her and they laughed playfully.

  That evening they joined others at the ranch for an outdoor barbecue dinner.

  “I feel like I’m back in Chicago,” Danica quipped as she dug her teeth into the tasty rib.

  “Wanted you to feel right at home,” Ned Simmons, the cook, joked. “So we brought a little bit of Chicago here for you.”

  She laughed and peeked at Boyd, wondering if he could ever feel right at home in Chicago. Not that it mattered much, since her goal was to make a life with him on this laid-back, breathtaking island where apparently there was no shortage of romantic adventures that could well last a lifetime.

  Boyd loved watching Danica lick her fingers, then her lips after she nibbled and sucked on the rib. She was clearly enjoying herself as he hoped she would. He had a feeling she would fit right in as a relocated Hawaiian. Something that would make him equally happy.

  He bit into corn on the cob and grinned as this time it was Danica eyeing him amusingly.

  “Be sure to save room for dessert,” she said, noting that it was macadamia nut pie. Not to mention whatever he had in mind for their private dessert.

  “So why don’t you help me out here,” he tossed back, handing her the corn on the cob.

  “I can do that.” Danica accepted the challenge, and put her mouth up to the corn and removed it with her teeth.

  “Indeed, you can at that!” Boyd laughed at how well she went with the flow. She never failed to impress him with her ability to adapt, along with being so gorgeous. Another reason to want her in his life for keeps.

  After dinner they enjoyed live Hawaiian music while participating in line dancing.

  Danica had never done this before, but was a quick learner, with Boyd showing her the ropes like an old pro and personally making sure she was in step with other couples.

  “This is such fun,” she told him.

  “Sure is,” he said candidly. “You’re definitely a natural.”

  She grinned. “So are you, darling!”

  Boyd beamed. It was the first time she had used this term of endearment and he liked hearing the word roll off her appealing lips.

  Once the dancing had ended and everyone was laughing and catching their breaths, a circle suddenly formed around Danica and Boyd. Danica wondered what was going on while regarding the mischievous look on Boyd’s face.

  She had her answer quickly. With Boyd leading the way, they began to sing “Happy Birthday” to her in Hawaiian.

  Danica put her hands to her face, overwhelmed at the sweet gesture from people she had just met today and from Boyd, who had obviously orchestrated this birthday treat. He favored her with a thousand-watt smile and put an arm around her while belting out the words in a rich baritone.

  When it was over, everyone clapped and a warm feeling swept over Danica. “Mahalo,” she cooed, fluttering her lashes up at Boyd, in particular. “I’m going to get you for this.”

  He grinned good-naturedly. “Bring it on!”

  A cake was brought out with a single candle and Danica made her wish that this ride she was on with Boyd would never end. He gave her a kiss as everyone cheered them and she felt as though they truly were a happy couple for the whole world to see.

  Chapter 11

  Boyd waited till they were in their room at the Kahua Country Cottage before giving Danica the type of kiss she deserved for her birthday, tilting her head over to one side and laying it on thick and with great pleasure on his part.

  Danica momentarily lost her breath from the powerful kiss, opening her mouth wide to take in Boyd’s lips raining down on her as only he could. If this wasn’t pure heaven, she didn’t know what was.

  When Boyd brought her back to her feet, Danica could tell by the look in his deep, enchanting eyes that something was on his mind. She considered the possibilities.

  Boyd put his hands around her narrow waist and peered into the eyes that thoroughly mesmerized him as the rest of her did. “I don’t want you to leave,” he said softly, yet with a firmness that illustrated his seriousness.

  Danica heard the words, which were music to her ears, but wasn’t quite sure of their meaning. “So what are you saying exactly?”

  He took a breath, but did not waver. “I want you to stay in Hawaii so we can have a life together here.” Ashlyn had told him this was what Danica wanted as well, as opposed to him making the move to Chicago.

  Danica smiled, realizing this was all she could have hoped for, making a life together with Boyd. But there were still details missing. “So are you saying you want to live together or…?”

  “That would work,” Boyd told her. But because he wasn’t sure if she was ready for that he added, “Or you could stay with Ashlyn while you make the transition from the Mainland to the Big Island. I’m sure she would be happy to have you stay with her.”

  “I think she probably would,” Danica agreed. “That’s assuming she and Hunter don’t decide to get together and maybe share her house. If that were the case, I doubt they’d want me hanging around.”

  “So then you could move in with me,” he said. It seemed the best solution right now to bridging the gap. “There’s more than enough room for your things and we wouldn’t have to play house hopping.”

  “Is that what you call what we’ve been doing?” she asked.

  “That and a lot of other things come to mind to describe what we’ve been doing,” he countered sexily.

  “I won’t ask you what those things are.” Not that she had to, knowing full well what he meant.

  “So what do you think?” Boyd pressed, eager to move forward with a life together.

  “I think I would love to move in with you.” Danica couldn’t help but flash a bright smile.


  She nodded, imagining cooking scrumptious meals for him during the day and making steamy love to him at night, all the while enjoying everything the island offered when they weren’t working. But even that enthusiasm had to be tempered by certain realities.

  “Of course, I’ll have to go back to Chicago first and get some things together,” she said sadly.

  “I understand.” He wrapped his arms around her from behind. “Care for some company?”

  She looked up at him. “What do you think?”

  “I think you find me irresistible,” he boldly pronounced, and nibbled on her neck.

  “You’re really quite full of yourself, aren’t you?” she teased.

  “I’m much more full of you and everything about you.”

  “Hmm…I like that,” she cooed, and she also liked the feel of his lips tickling her neck. She turned around so their lips could meet in a full and stimulating kiss before she pulled away reluctantly. “I’d love for you to come to Chicago.”

  Boyd’s mouth curved upwards into a nice smile. “Then I’ll be there.” What wouldn’t he do for this woman who had turned his life upside down? Right now, he couldn’t imagine anything. He would take care of some business and fly to Chicago before she ever had a chance to miss him.

  They began to kiss with even greater passion with their bodies pressed together invitingly.

  This time it was Boyd who stepped away, hard as it was to do. “Why don’t we hop in the shower and get that horse scent off us?” he suggested. “Then we can pick up where we left off.”

  Danica smiled. “That works for me.” In fact she looked forward to rubbing soap all over his body and to him doing the same to her.

  * * *

The shower got steamier by the second, with Boyd and Danica taking turns getting each other worked up with strategic use of the soap and their hands over every inch of each other’s bodies. Afterward they carried the slow and torturous seduction to the bedroom. Deep kissing, stimulating touches and body friction led to some extended foreplay and oral gratification.

  Danica was so caught up in pleasuring Boyd that she could barely focus on the sensations he was dispensing between her legs. That was, till the surge of orgasmic ecstasy overpowered her, causing sheer elation as she came powerfully in waves of utter satisfaction.

  Boyd’s arms were wrapped around Danica’s legs, steadying her when the moment of impact caused her to quiver wildly. He relished the sweet taste of her release and bringing this appeasement. His time came shortly thereafter as Danica picked up the pace with her mouth till he could no longer stand it and climaxed while taking a deep breath of total contentment.

  They extricated themselves from their contorted limbs and bodies, bringing their mouths together for some heavy kissing. Despite her climax Danica needed him inside her now more than ever.

  “Make love to me,” she demanded, her voice hard and desperate.

  “I want to with every fiber in me,” he said, kissing her again before putting on a condom and preparing himself for a workout like no other with this woman who had given herself to him in mind, body and soul. That he’d returned himself in kind was as a reflection of their super chemistry, sexually and otherwise.

  Danica widened her legs for Boyd, eager to take him inside her, to feel the fullness of his erection penetrating her lustfully. When he did just that, she nearly cried out from joy. She brought her body up to meet his time and time again, loving the carnal nature of their strong desire to share themselves with each other sexually. She sought out Boyd’s lips, greedily wanting them on hers, wanting his hot, juicy kisses. Her tongue tingled madly from his masculine taste. Their mouths crushed into one another, unwilling to have any separation between them, such was their great need for the kiss as part of their fervent lovemaking.


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