B003EEN38U EBOK The Complete Poetry A Bilingual Edition nodrm
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48 Stephen M. Hart and Jorge Cornejo Polar, Cesar Vallejo: Research Bibliography (Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer, 2002), 19-21.
49 Georgette de Vallejo and Raul Porras Barrenchea, eds., Poemas humanos (1923-1938) (Paris: Les Editions del Presses Modernes an Palais-Royal, 1939)-
50 Juan Larrea, ed., Cesar Vallejo: poesia completa (Barcelona: Barral, 1978), 197-
51 Fernandez Palacios, "Georgette," 285.
52 Ibid., 285-86.
53 Georgette de Vallejo, Cesar Vallejo: obra poetica completa: edicidn con facsimiles (Lima: Francisco Moncloa Editores, 1968); Fernandez Palacios, "Georgette," 286.
54 Georgette Phillipart Travers de Vallejo, "Toi ma vie," 11-5-6, Masque de Chaux: Mascara de cat (Trujillo: Instituto de Estudios Vallejianos, 1997), 94.
55 Fernandez Palacios, "Georgette," 287.
56 In the collection of manuscripts (mainly correspondence by and to Georgette) held at the Hogar Clinica San Juan de Dios, a picture emerges of Georgette's fraught negotiations with various translators and editors around the world. Letters are to various parties including G. de Cortanze, S. Yurldevich, E. Ballon Aguirre, T. Hermans, O. Giddle, G. Jenebelly, M. Vagenhende, A. Schellekens, J. F. Azais, R. Marty, H. Podesta, A. Miro Quesada, J. Wilson Izquierdo, E. Villanueva, J. C. Comm, among others. I am grateful to Hermano Alejandro Torres Espinoza for allowing me to see these manuscripts. Of interest also is Georgette's will dated September 7, 1979, naming Fernando Szyszlo as the executor.
57 Espana, aparta de mi este caliz. Poemas (Barcelona: Ediciones Literarias del Comisariado, Ejercito del Este, 1939). See Tomas G. Escajadillo, "Se encontro la primera edicion de Espana, aparta de mi este caliz," Rana, nos. 7-8 (July 1978): 15-17.
58 Juan Flo, " Introduccion," in Cesar Vallejo: autografos olvidados, ed. Juan Fl6 and Stephen Hart (London: Tamesis, 20030-30-
59 Enrique Ballon Aguirre, ed., Cesar Vallejo: teatro complete, 2 vols. (Lima: Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, 1979)-
6o The typescripts are available for consultation by personal application to Hermano Alejandro Torres Espinoza, currently director of the Hogar Clinica San Juan de Dios.
61 Juan Flo, "Acerca de algunos borradores de Vallejo: reflexiones sobre el surgimiento de la novedad," Nuevo Texto Critico 8 (1995-1996): 93-127.
An expansive bibliography is provided in the RGV edition. Here I will mention only recent collections of Vallejo's complete poetry, as well as works and/or authors mentioned in my notes. Since RGV does not list translations of Vallejo's poetry in English, I have listed all the collections that I am aware of at this time.
Ferrari, Americo, ed. Obra poetica. Paris and Madrid: Coleccion Archivos de A.L.L.C.A. XXe siecle, 1988.
Gonzalez Vigil, Ricardo, ed. Obras Completes. Vol. i, Obra Poetica. Lima: Banco de Credito del Peru, i99i.
Hernandez Novas, Raul, ed. Poesia completa. Havana: Editorial Arte y Literatura and Casa de las Americas, 1988.
Larrea, Juan, ed. Poesia complete. Barcelona: Barral Editores, 1978.
Vallejo, Georgette de, ed. Obra poetica completa. Facsimile edition. Coleccion Piedra negra sobre una piedra blanca. Lima: Francisco Moncloa Editores, 1968.
Bazan, Jose Cerna. Sujeto a cambio: De las relaciones del texto y la sociedad en la escritura de Cesar Vallejo. Trujillo: ABC Publicidad S.A.C., 2004.
Coyne, Andre. Cesar Vallejo y su obra poetica. Lima: Ed. Letras Peruanas, 1957.
Escobar, Alberto. Como leer a Vallejo. Lima: P. L. Villanueva Edit., 1973.
Espejo Asturrizaga, Juan. Cesar Vallejo: Itinerario del hombre. Lima: Ed. Juan Mejia Baca, 1965.
Flores, Angel. Aproximaciones a Cesar Vallejo. 2 volumes. New York: Las Americas Publishing, 1971.
Franco, jean. Cesar Vallejo: The Dialectics of Poetry and Silence. London: Cambridge University Press, 1976.
Hart, Stephen. Religion, politica y ciencia en la obra de Cesar Vallejo. London: Tamesis Books Publishers, 1987.
Izquierdo Rios, Francisco. Cesar Vallejo y su tierra. Lima: Ed. Rimac, 1972-
Meo Zilio, Giovanni. "Neologismos en la poesia de Cesar Vallejo." In Lavori della Sezione Fiorentina del Grupe, Ispanistico. Florence: C.N.R., Casa Editrice G. D'Anna, 1967.
NealeSilva, Eduardo. Cesar Vallejo en sufase trilcica. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1975-
Ortega, Julio. La teoria poetica de Cesar Vallejo. Providence: Editores del Sol, 1986.
Sharman, Adam, ed. The Poetry and Poetics of Cesar Vallejo: The Fourth Angle of the Circle. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 1997.
(excluding those by Clayton Eshleman, for which see acknowledgments)
Boyle, Peter, trans. I Am Going to Speak of Hope: An Anthology of Selected Poems by Cesar Vallejo. Sydney, Australia: Consulate General of Peru, iggg.
Cardona-Hine, Alvaro, trans. Spain, Let This Cup Pass from Me. Los Angeles: Red Hill Press, 1972.
Dorn, Edward, and Gordon Brotherston, trans. Cesar Vallejo: Selected Poems. Harmonds- worth, England: Penguin Books, 1976.
eds. The Sun Unwound: Original Texts from Occupied America. Berkeley: North Atlantic Books, 1999. (An anthology including all the translations published in their 1976 book, above, with one additional poem.)
Fogden, Barry, trans. The Black Heralds. East Sussex, England: Allardyce, Barnett, Publishers, 1995•
Hays, H. R., trans. Poems of Cesar Vallejo. New Directions Annual 15. New York: Meridian Books, 1955. (Eleven poems. These translations, along with thirty-five more, were reprinted in Ironwood 15 [1980].)
Higgins, James, trans. Cesar Vallejo: A Selection of His Poetry. Liverpool: Francis Carnes, X987.
Knoepfle, John, James Wright, and Robert Bly, trans. Twenty Poems of Cesar Vallejo. Madison, Minnesota: Sixties Press, 1962.
Price, Richard, and Stephen Watts, eds. Cesar Vallejo: Translations, Transformations, Tributes. Middlesex, England: Southfields Press, 1998.
saiz, prospero, trans. "Selections from Cesar Abraham Vallejo's Trice." Abraxas 38/39 and 40/41 (1990/1991). (Fifty-two poems.)
Sarko, Mary, trans. Spain, Take This Cup from Me. Washington, D.C.: Azul Editions, 1995.
Schaaf, Richard, and Kathleen Ross, trans. The Black Heralds. Pittsburgh: Latin American Literary Review Press, 19go.
Seiferle, Rebecca, trans. Trilce. Riverdale-on-Hudson, NY: Sheep Meadow Press, 1992.
trans. The Black Heralds. Port Townsend, WA: Copper Canyon Press, 2003.
Smith, David, trans. Trilce. New York: Mushinsha-Grossman, 1973.
Smith, Michael, and Valentino Gianuzzi, trans. Trilce. Exeter, England: Shearsman Books, 2005-
-, trans. Complete Later Poems, 1923-x938. Exeter, England: Shearsman Books, 2005.