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Page 7

by Dylan Allen

  “Fine, but we will call you. Is three hours enough time?”

  “Yes.” I clip and then hang up. If this is the last normal afternoon I’m going to have for a while, I intend to make the most of it. Fuck caution, I decide to fling it into the wind. I stride back into the restaurant with a smile on my face and plan coming to life in my mind.

  An hour later, I’ve had two more of these delicious mimosas. My stomach is full and I feel the effects of the alcohol nicely.

  Cara and Louis have hit it off something fierce. And I’ve decided I’m going to take Simon home. I know it’s crazy and a complete 180 degree turn from where I was this morning but he’s gorgeous and I am crazy attracted to him. And after my call with Agent Walker, I need this.

  “Cara, come with me to the ladies, will ya?” She looks up at me with glazed eyes and smiles in her good natured way. We stand up to make our way to the lady’s restroom. We are both nicely toasted and giggle at nothing as we walk. Once we’re in and the door is locked, I turn to her and say, “Listen, I want to take Simon home with me… you good to get home on your own?”

  Cara’s trademark bug eyed look has the same effect on me as it always does. I burst out laughing. “What? You’ve been bemoaning my cobwebbed pussy, I’m ready to dust it off. Can you help me with this or are you going to be a cock block?”

  Cara throws her arms around my neck and jumps up and down like I just told her I had won the lottery. “Fuck yeah, Ad! I got you, girl. Go and get properly fucked. It is about time.” She’s practically squealing.

  I laugh, but inside I am mess of nerves.

  We walk out of the bathroom and into the restaurant. I look at Simon across the room. He looks up as if he feels me looking at him and we lock gazes. My nerves disappear. I want this. I need this, and I’m going to take it.

  Simon’s eyes don’t leave mine as I approach the table and in the thirty seconds it takes me to cross the room, I feel like we’ve had an entire conversation. My eyes have told him what’s on my mind and in my heart; his eyes have told me he understands, and he wants the same thing.

  As soon as we reach the table, he says, “We took care of the bill while you were gone. Are you ladies ready to get out of here?”

  This is obviously a rhetorical question because he stands up and hands me my purse in one fluid motion. Cara looks at Louis. “Which way you going?”

  “West, to Earl’s Court,” he replies with a smile matching hers.

  “How convenient, I’m headed to Hammersmith. Want to ride together?”

  He doesn’t even hesitate. “Yes, let’s.” And with a swift peck on my cheek from Cara and wave from Louis, they are making their way out of the door.

  I look at Simon, ready to make a quip about how I bet they’ll be going all the way to Earl’s Court together.

  My quip dies in my throat though. Simon is looking at me with unabashed desire in his eyes. He doesn’t say a word. He puts his hand out for me to put mine into it. He links our fingers and brings my hand to his mouth. And without a word, we’ve reached an agreement.

  He leads me out of the restaurant and we cross the street to catch the tube. But just as I start to dig around for my fare card, he sticks his hand out to hail a black cab.

  We get in with the atmosphere around us seemingly electrified. The cabbie breaks our spell momentarily to bark, “Where to?”

  “Is my place okay?” I ask Simon. He nods as if unable to speak. I rattle off my address to the cabbie and he pulls away from the curb.

  Simon’s eyes are on my mouth—to say they are heated would be an understatement. His head comes toward mine and I feel my eyes fluttering closed. My lips are tingling in anticipation. This man. There is something about him that makes me feel like nothing is impossible. As he leans toward me, time slows, and I feel every single second of the moment.

  Once his lips touch the corner of mouth, every thought flees my mind. They are warm and soft. The touch is as light as a whisper’s breath and yet I feel it all the way to the tips of my toes. He moves his lips across mine—brushing back and forth— and I know this will be unlike any kiss I’ve ever had before. With every single touch, I feel myself unraveling.

  As soon as my mouth touches the corner of her mouth, I feel like I’ve touched paradise. Seriously, I don’t care how crazy that sounds. She is intoxicating. Her scent, her skin, her hair, her body, her smile, it is all driving me crazy.

  I’m not sure what happened during that call, but she came back and was suddenly more flirtatious. She had two more drinks and while I can tell she has a nice buzz, she seems to be very aware of what she’s doing.

  When she went to the bathroom, Louis joked that he was taking Cara home today. I wanted to make the same joke, but Addie’s been so closed off I didn’t even want to say it out loud in order not to jinx it.

  Then she stepped out of the bathroom and the look in her eye as she walked toward me spoke volumes. “I need you. Give me what I need,” was clearly readable, and I’m sure my agreement was easily read as well. Something had rattled her and she wanted to forget.

  I understand. I have my little brother and nephew waiting for me at home. In the cab, I was so relieved when Addie gave her address instead of asking to come back to my place I couldn’t even speak. I feel bad wanting to know her secrets without being ready to reveal mine. But mine aren’t only about me.

  At least, that is what I tell myself to justify moving forward with her without being completely honest.

  She sighs as my lips touch that bewitching corner of her mouth and her breath smells like the citrus of the cocktails she has been drinking. I brush my lips across her mouth, just getting the feel of her lips. They are as soft as an overly ripe peach and just as sweet.

  I pull back a little to look at her. Her skin is glowing and her cheeks are slightly flushed. I can see the pulse point in her throat beating a rapid staccato and duck my head to place my lips there. She whimpers and brings her hand up to rub my head, caressing my closed cropped hair.

  I touch my tongue to her pulse. I am tempted to suck the sensitive skin. I want to mark this woman and make sure she won’t forget me for a while.

  I restrain myself and kiss my way back up her neck. That peppermint scent… it slays me. I kiss and lick my way up her jaw and finally get back to her lips. I don’t kiss her yet. Instead I trace the perfect bow of her lips with my tongue.

  Before I can finish, her tongue darts out and she touches it to mine. We groan in unison into each other’s mouths and we lose our patience at the same time. Our lips meet and everything falls away.

  We aren’t in a cab heading to her place. We are in our own little bubble and nothing is more important than this kiss. As I suck her plump lower lip into my mouth, she pulls my top lip into hers and I know I’ll never get enough of kissing her sweet mouth. I bring my hands to the side of her face, slipping my fingers into her silky curls and tilt her face so I can deepen the kiss.

  I start to move my hand down her bare, smooth shoulder and my hands are itching to cup those juicy tits that have been teasing me all day.

  But we are interrupted by the loud cough of our cabbie. I open my eyes and we are, I assume, in front of the block of flats where Addie lives.

  I pull back and reluctantly end our kiss with a soft swipe on her mouth. Her eyes are still closed and for a second, I just look at those lashes I assumed were fake—they are not—as they fan out on the top of her high, prominent cheekbones.

  I shake her slightly and when her eyes open, they are the color of molten gold. I pay the cabbie and open the door. I grab her hand to help her out of the cab. I start to shut the door and hear the cab driver say in very heavily accented English, “All right, young brother, all right.”. I can hear his chuckle even after I’ve closed the door to his cab.

  Addie’s already at the front door of her building punching in the code. I walk up behind her and this time I do nothing to hide how much I want her. I press my hard cock into her soft ass and bend my hea
d so my lips graze her ear. “Do you feel that, baby? That’s what you’ve done to me.”

  She turns her head and her tongue darts out to lick my lips. “Well, let’s get inside so I can take care of that for you.”

  August 31, 2014

  I unlock the door to my apartment and Simon practically falls in after me. I start to laugh as I turn around.

  “Easy tiger—” The rest of my sentence is swallowed as Simon pushes me back against the wall outside my kitchen and brings his lips down on mine in a way that lets me know he has not come here to talk, laugh, or play.

  His tongue traces my lips before it plunges inside my mouth and then it’s like a battle. Our tongues clash and suck and lick and fuck. I feel his hands run down my back and grasp my ass as he pulls me to him. I can feel his hard as stone cock pressing into my stomach and holy shit, my already soaked panties get even wetter as I relish what he will feel like inside of me.

  “You like that, Addie?”

  And then his hands are moving. His finger snake between my legs and he rubs the swollen lips of my pussy with his fingers as he looks up at me. “Fuck, you’re soaked. Is that all for me, Addie? Is your pussy hungry, baby?”

  Holy shit. His dirty mouth is everything. I love it. Before I can answer, his mouth is back on mine. While his finger continues to rub my pussy, his tongue fucks my mouth and my senses…they simply scatter.

  I bring my hands up to grasp both sides of his neck and I am holding on for dear life because I know if I let go, I will evaporate. I am burning with need; I’m helpless to do anything but surrender to Simon as he feasts on me.

  Suddenly, his fingers are gone from my pussy and are back under my ass. He lifts me and puts me on the counter that runs along the side of my kitchen. My legs fall open and his mouth is back on mine as he steps between them. His hands go to the thin straps of my romper and pulls one down roughly to reveal my strapless, barely-there lace bra.

  He makes a sound I can only describe as a growl and his teeth clamp down on my nipples through my bra. He bites down without any pretense at tenderness. I yelp at the pain, and his teeth are replaced by tongue and lips. He pulls my bra down and without missing a beat, draws my swollen, sensitive nipple deep into his mouth.

  His hand goes around my back and undoes my bra strap without me even realizing. Then his mouth moves to my newly exposed nipple and he bites that one too. Holy shit, it hurts, but at the end of the pain is a frisson of pleasure so sharp, I think I could come from it alone. Suddenly, his teeth are gone, his mouth and tongue replacing it. He sucks and licks my nipple, while his fingers roll and pull the other one in rhythm with his sucking.

  Without any warning, Simon’s mouth is gone and I start to protest, but then he’s thrown me over his shoulder in a fireman’s hold.

  “Bedroom?” is all he says. I can only point to the back of the apartment.

  As we walk, Simon kicks of his shoes and starts to unbutton his shirt with his free hand. When we get to my room, I am flying through the air one second and am on my bed with Simon between my legs the next. He moves so fast his hands are almost blur. He pulls my romper and panties down with one swift motion and suddenly I am completely bare in front of him.

  He sits back on his heels and stares down at me. The smile on his face resembles that of a man who has just conquered a huge obstacle and set the world record doing it.

  His huge hands run down my sides until they meet at the tops of my thighs and spreads my legs. He stares at my pussy before he looks me in the eye.

  “Does this pretty pussy belong to me tonight, Addie?” I am only able to answer by moving my head in a nod.

  “Good, baby, because I am going to eat this pretty pussy until I’m full. Then, Addie, I am going to fuck you so that when I’m done, your pussy won’t forget my cock, my mouth, and my fingers in it. Ever.”

  I gulp, my throat desperate for moisture. Who is this man? How does he know what I need to hear? He leans down and places a soft kiss on my mouth. It completely belies the look of hard determination in his eyes.

  Then his head is between my thighs and he kisses his way up from the inside of my knee up toward the center of my legs. It tickles, causing me to start to squirm and laugh, but Simon is undeterred. His mouth kisses my lips before he brings his hand up and his first two fingers part them, exposing my clit to him and the laughter dies in my throat.

  “Fuck, baby, you are so wet, I cannot wait to know how you taste.”

  His tongue runs from the entrance of my pussy to my clit and it is like nothing I have ever felt. My hands come to his head to hold it in place because I can’t risk him stopping. I feel his chuckle vibrate against me before his mouth closes over my clit and he starts to suck. My hips buck off the bed as this man eats me like I am his favorite meal.

  He is gentle, yet I can feel his eagerness. His tongue is magic, his lips are exquisitely soft and I am in another galaxy.

  He takes two fingers, puts them inside, and starts to pump them hard and fast. I can feel my orgasm starting to build and I almost don’t know what to do with myself. It builds and then suddenly, with no warning, it crashes over me and I am coming. Screaming Simon’s name as I writhe and rub my pussy into his face, yet he does not slow down. He eats me through my orgasm and I have to push his head away when I can’t take it anymore.

  His head pops us from between my thighs while he’s actually licking his lips still slick from my come. “Fucking delicious, Addie.”

  He stands up and starts to finish removing his shirt when a loud tone sounds from the pocket of jeans. The jeans he hasn’t even unbuttoned yet.

  His eyes close with resignation as he fishes the phone out and after glancing at the caller ID, answers it. I feel irritation prick me. My irritation is quickly replaced by concern as I hear a loud male voice screaming the minute Simon answers the phone.

  “Kyle! What the hell is happening? I can’t understand a word you’re saying. Calm down!” Simon shouts back. I hear more yelling and Simon’s face goes from confused to an expression of abject horror as whatever the caller is saying becomes clear. “Kyle, text me the address, I am on my way.” He says all this as he starts to button his shirt.

  He hangs up and says without looking at me. “Addie, family emergency. I’m sorry I have to leave right now.” I stare at him as he turns to leave my bedroom without waiting to hear my response.

  I jump up to pick up my clothes from the floor. I have no idea what to say or do, but I follow behind him as I pull my romper back on. “Simon, what’s going on?”

  He’s bent over trying to put his shoes back on. “It’s my nephew. There has been an accident; he’s been taken to the hospital. I need to go meet my brother there.”

  I am spurred into action at his words and start putting my shoes on, too. He looks at me with eyes looking tired but also bewildered. “Addie, what are you doing?”

  I glance at him as I buckle the straps of my sandals. “I’m coming with you, of course.”

  He grabs my hands to still them and pulls me up into a standing position. He looks me in my eyes with his own eyes almost pleading. “Addie, no, you can’t. I need to go right now, and I don’t know what I am walking into. Please.” He is nearly begging me. “I’ll call you when I know what’s going on, but you can’t come with me.”

  I deflate, even though I know he’s right. We are practically strangers. Offering to go with him was presumptuous, but it felt like the right thing to do. I nod, looking him in the eye is hard, but I don’t want to add my hurt feelings to the pile of things he is thinking about now.

  With a smile I say, “Yes, sure. Go.” I raise up on my toes to kiss him, but he is already reaching for the door handle. And without so much as a distracted “Bye” he rushes down the hall and out of my building.

  August 31, 2014

  I rush into the A & E at Hammersmith Hospital, fury and fear warring within me. I hurry to the thankfully patron free reception desk and choke out, “My nephew, Henry Phillips, was broug
ht in earlier this evening by my brother Kyle Phillips. I am his guardian.”

  The attendant gives me a careless glance and instead of responding types dispassionately on her keyboard. The rage usurps the fear and I roar, “Are you going to answer me? He is seven fucking months old!”

  “Sir, I am looking him up. You need to watch your tone. I understand your concern, but your anger won’t make my computer work any faster.”

  I take a moment to really look at the woman in front of me. Her accent lets me know she is West African and her mostly gray hair lets me know that despite her unlined face, she’s probably old enough to be my mother. Immediately, I’m ashamed. “I am sorry. I received a frantic phone call from my brother forty minutes ago.”

  I leave out the fact that forty minutes ago, instead of being home where I should have been, I had my head between the legs of a woman I have no business pursuing.

  She sighs, wearily and looks up at me with tired eyes. “Mr. Phillips, unfortunately, I understand. Your nephew is in room 310-E, straight through the double doors. A social worker from Children’s Social Care is with your nephew and your brother.” She gives me a sympathetic smile before she turns back to her computer.

  The next few hours are a nightmare I wish I could forget. There a million questions. Some I can’t answer properly. Sharon was watching Henry while I was out and Kyle was at a study group. He is just starting to crawl and he was on the floor in the living room and somehow managed to pick up a stray ten pence piece and swallowed it. Normally, this would just pass and come out in his poo, but his throat is so tiny and it became lodged. They had to remove by endoscopy. He’ll be fine, but the social worker questioned us all separately and cautioned us about proper supervision of a child.

  Sharon is inconsolable. She was useless in the interview with the social worker, all she did was cry and mumble completely meaningless apologies. I am so angry with her I can barely look at her. I know it was an accident, but all I can wonder is how long she had her eyes off him.


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