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Page 17

by Dylan Allen

  She gasps.

  I feel the clasp of her pussy as her orgasm builds, and I feel that tingle at the base of my spine that tells me mine is starting too.

  Addie’s pussy clenches and she starts to shake as she comes. Her thighs tremble and her eyes shoot open. She only says my name once as she collapses on top of me.

  I am right behind her as an orgasm so strong, I am afraid I’m going to black out, rushes from the base of spine through my cock. Her name is the only sound on my tongue as I grasp her hips and thrust up into her as ride out my orgasm.

  The first coherent thought I have is that Addie hasn’t said a word. She’s laying on top of me, knees still on either side of my hips and her hands are draped over my shoulders.

  She is breathing hard and trying to catch her breath. I pull back and move the curtain of hair blocking her face from my view.

  I am greeted by a sleepy, sated smile. Her eyes still closed when she says, “Simon, your dick is huge.”

  This is not what I’m expecting, and I bark out a laugh as she puts her head back down on my chest.

  “Is that a good thing?” I ask when she doesn’t say anything else, unable to hide the grin from my voice as I force myself to disengage from her body. It feels like stepping out into the cold after being in a warm comfortable bed.

  She only nods and groans in protest when I lift her off me. I walk us over to the couch and I set her down gently and walk to the bathroom down the hall to get rid of the condom.

  When I come back she has pulled her jeans back on and is buttoning them up. She is looking down, focused on her task, so I can’t see her eyes. Does she regret what just happened?

  “You okay?”

  She looks up at me and the look on her face—one of contentment and happiness—completely eases my worries. “I’m perfect.” Her smile is radiant

  “Yes, you are.” I walk and sit down next to her and pull her into me.

  I run my hands down her back and she sighs. Her sigh turns into a yawn, one so large, I’m surprised her jaw doesn’t crack.

  She gives me a sheepish look from under her lashes.

  “You’re tired. I should probably go,” I say, even though I feel the disappointment at the prospect of leaving keenly.

  “Do you have to?” she asks, her voice a little small and dejected.

  “Are you inviting me to stay, Miss Dennis?” I pull her closer to me, smiling at her in a way that I hope matches hers from just a few minutes.

  “Yes, if you can,” her hand comes up to cup my cheek, and she leans in to kiss me.

  “Yes, pretty Addie, I can. But I need to take a shower. And…do you have extra toothbrush?”

  “You’re in luck, sexy Simon,” she volleys back “I do.”

  I lead him to the bedroom and show him around my bathroom. Once he has his towels and toothbrush, I grab my toothbrush and go down to my half bathroom to brush my teeth there. I know we had sex tonight, but sharing my night time ritual with him seems like something more intimate than I am ready for.

  When I get back to my room. I hear the shower running as I crawl into bed—exhausted from our fucking and our conversation. I also feel lighter and more hopeful than I have in years. I realize this is the first time I will have a man spend the night in my bed.

  I can hear Simon singing in the shower. I imagine waking up with him tomorrow morning, and I reach up to rub my little gold fern pendant. “Okay, I heard you and I did it.”

  My last thought as I drift off to sleep is that this is better than any dream that might be waiting for me. I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

  October 11, 2014

  I start to drift awake and know right away I am not in my own bed. I can smell that enticing peppermint scent. The memory of the night before comes rushing back to me.

  Dancing with Addie, kissing her. Both of us unburdening ourselves. Coming home with Addie. Fucking Addie. I smile as I remember coming to bed finding her fast asleep, crawling in next to her and pulling her small, soft, warm body next to mine. Sleeping next to her felt better than I could have imagined.

  I couldn’t believe how good it felt to tell my story. For her not to look at me like I was a piece of shit, but like she was proud of me.

  I roll over to grab her, only to find her spot in the bed empty and cold. This jolts me awake. I look at the clock, seeing it’s just past 8am. I glance around the room and listen for any clues as to whether or not I am alone in her apartment.

  I get up and call her name as I pull on my jeans and walk out into her living room. It looks like Addie. Bright turquoise pillows adorn a white fabric sectional. Dark wood floors are dotted with bright throw rugs in colors that match the rest of the place. She has a huge bookshelf taking up an entire wall, decorated with pictures of her nephew, her sisters, and famous city skylines. She has carvings I recognize as being from Ghana dotted on shelves all over the walls.

  In the middle of the room is a beaten silver coffee table, a slip of paper on it. I walk closer and pick it up and read a note scrawled in dark blue ink.

  Simon, I went for a run. I should be back by 8. You look so hot when you’re sleeping. Xoxo, A.

  I smile at the idea of Addie stopping to write me a note before she heads out. It all feels so domestic.

  I glance at my phone. I’d sent Kyle a text right before I went to sleep last night, and I see he responded with:

  It’s about fucking time.

  I can’t resist the urge to check on him and Henry though, so I send another quick text, asking what his plans are for the day and what time he needs me home.

  I sit down on her couch and read her note about ten more times before I realize it’s almost 8:15am and she isn’t back. Would it be weird for me to text her? I mean, I am alone in her place, she went running, maybe she is hurt or something.

  Just as my thoughts start to spiral in a crazy direction, I hear a key in the lock and the door opens. Addie walks through and fuck, she looks like she just ran a triathlon. She’s drenched in sweat, her hair is plastered to her forehead and neck, and her running shoes are caked in mud.

  “Hey!” she trills out as she closes the door. I notice she is carrying a white bag in her hand and just as I am about to ask what’s in them, she lifts it in the air. “I stopped for brekkie. Sausage sandwiches,” she exclaims enthusiastically.

  She slips into the kitchen.

  “Hey, yourself.” I follow her.

  “Thanks for bringing breakfast.”

  I’m admiring the view her tight running pants are giving me of her ass, and I’m about to tell her I am much more interested in her than what’s in the bag when she turns around. I reach for her and her eyes narrow in knowing mock anger.

  “Simon! Stop!” She says giggles, dancing out of my reach. “I stink; I need to shower. Eat, and I’ll be right back.” Before I can protest she ducks under my arm and out of the kitchen.

  Oh, I am going to eat all right.

  I follow her to her bathroom, and I can hear the water running already as I approach. I step in to see her back is to me. She has already stepped out of the pants and is pulling off her tank top and sports bra. Her body is incredible. She’s got curves, and I’m all about them.

  I start to step out of my jeans before she notices I am in there with her. She gasps, whirling around with her arm across her chest like she has something to hide.

  “What are you doing in here?” It’s obvious what I’m doing. I don’t even bother answering her as I back her up into the shower.

  “I’m going to wash you, babe, and then I’m going to eat you. And then I’m going to take you back to your bed and I’m going to fuck you.”

  I reach around her to grab the loofah which is hanging on the wall behind her and pour her soap onto it. Peppermint fills the entire bathroom and as I start to make good on my promise, Addie’s protest dies on her lips.

  November 4, 2014

  Monday has never felt so good. It’s been three weeks since Simon and I slept togeth
er; we’ve been inseparable since. Sex with him is incredible. There is no ego between us. He likes that I know what I want, and he demands I give him what he wants, too. He’s rough and soothing at the same time; I am glad I work out because he has so much stamina. I spent Sunday morning in bed with Simon. He fucked me three times before he left to go home.

  After he left, I had spent the rest of the day trying to focus on work I had to prepare for the week. My time in his office was coming to an end. I have two weeks left to finish my analysis and present my findings and opinion to Montiva. So much is riding on this piece of the project; I really needed to focus.

  Cara texted at 5pm, said she wanted to meet for dinner and, after full day’s work, I was game. We met at our favorite tapas restaurant, Il Pirata, in Mayfair. It’s like a museum on the inside with artwork adorning every single piece of walls. The food is incomparable and the wine is cheap but good. We eat here regularly and are seated at our usual table, a little two-seater in a secluded corner, when we arrive.

  She is leaving in a week, and I am in denial. I’m so happy for her. She has worked hard, and I know an opportunity like this doesn’t come along twice in a lifetime. There isn’t even a small part of my heart that is sad she is taking it. I will just miss her. So, every time she calls me, I drop what I’m doing for her.

  Dinner was fabulous. She talked about Louis a lot. Things between them are serious now, and the prospect of leaving, even if it’s just a two-hour train ride, has her torn. She is going of course, but Louis’ career is here and the Paris ballet is well… there.

  This was obviously weighing heavily on her mind because she didn’t once ask me about Simon and the abrupt change in our relationship. I didn’t mind at all. I want to keep what’s happening between us to myself. It feels special and sweet; I don’t want anything to touch it.

  I’m smiling from ear to ear as I step on the elevator of Montiva’s office building. My smile dies as soon as I see Matthew step into the elevator, too. I want step back out, but I refuse to let him intimidate me.

  “Good morning, Addie.” He sneers at me when the doors close, and it’s clear no one else will be joining us.

  “Good morning.” I don’t bother looking at him. I am already holding my phone, and so I unlock it and begin swiping through my e-mail.

  His chuckle is contemptuous and dry. But he doesn’t say another word to me on our way to their floor. He moves to stand so close to me I can feel his breath fanning the hair on my neck. Again, I refuse to be intimidated, and I don’t move. The ride has never felt so long and when we reach the twenty-fifth floor, my skin is crawling.

  When the door opens, it takes all my willpower to not sprint off. As I walk down the hall to my office, he calls after me. “Have a great day, Miss Dennis.”

  His use of my last name causes me to pause and look back at him, but he is walking casually down the hallway in the opposite direction.

  I try to shake off the unease that has settled around me and make my way to my office.

  I remember Simon is probably already in his office and a flitter of nervous excitement hits my stomach. We had a very sweet text exchange before bed last night, but things are so new. We decided to keep our relationship status to ourselves for now, so no one at work knows about us.

  My phone lights up and my thoughts are immediately drawn away from Simon to the other pressing personal matter in my life. My father and his fugitive status. Agent Walker’s number illuminates my screen, and I decide to take her call.

  “Yes, Agent Walker?” I don’t bother disguising my irritation.

  “Miss Dennis, there has been a development.” She doesn’t waste time on the niceties either. “Your father’s identity has been confirmed and we are working with the government of the country where he is currently domiciled to extradite him to the United States”

  The room tilts. I start walking quickly towards my office and once inside, shut the door.

  “Why are you calling me? What has any of this got to do with me?” I try to sound nonchalant, but I am struggling to catch my breath. What the hell is going on? They found him? Now?

  “He’s in Syria.” She says this like it’s supposed to explain something.

  I am not surprised. It is the country of his birth. I can’t believe he’s been there all this time.

  “Isn’t that the first place you looked for him when he went missing? How did you miss this?”

  “We didn’t look there. It seemed like the last place he would go. He hasn’t lived in Syria since he was a very young boy, he has little family there, and honestly, we thought he would have gone somewhere less obvious.”

  I roll my eyes. “Again, what has this got to do with me, Agent Walker?”

  She sighs. “We don’t have an extradition treaty with them, and they are not exactly our allies at the moment. We are hoping to compel him out of hiding. So, I was calling to see if you had thought more about my request for a press conference.”

  “No. I haven’t thought about it. I won’t do it. I don’t understand why, if you know where he is you don’t just do some Navy SEAL shit and go get him.”

  “You watch too much TV, Miss Dennis.”

  “No, actually, I don’t watch enough, Agent Walker.” I growl “I don’t watch TV because I’ve been studying and working my ass off for the last thirteen years to remove the stain that man left when he committed his crimes, then ran away and left his family to face the consequences. You are asking me to risk my career, my name, my reputation, everything to help you with this operation. My answer will always be no.”

  “Miss Dennis, your mother and your sisters…”

  “They can do whatever they want. My answer will always be no. If this is all you are calling me about then our conversation is over. I just got to the office. I have a busy day ahead of me and we are wasting each other’s time.” Without waiting for her response, I hang up.

  With trembling hands, I put my phone down on my desk. It’s not even 8:00 in the morning and I already feel like going home.

  What am I going to do? I had worked so hard to separate myself from all of this mess. I knew it was selfish, but my father had already stolen so much from me. Was it wrong to want the rest of my life?

  I put my head in my hands and sit there, trying to figure out what to say to my sisters and my mother. And this is how Simon finds me when he walks into my office a few minutes later.

  “Hey, what’s going on?” He rushes around to my side of the desk and crouches down so we are at eye level.

  The concern filling his eyes makes me feel guilty and I try to smile. I know it doesn’t reach my eyes when he doesn’t smile back.

  “Nothing. I’ve just had a rough morning. I don’t really want to rehash it.” I move to stand up, but he stops me. His deep brown eyes pierce me as he speaks.

  “You don’t have to rehash it. But don’t fucking tell me it’s nothing, when I ask you what’s wrong. We’re beyond that.”

  He stands up, walks to my door, closes and locks it.

  “I’m your man. That means we don’t keep shit from each other. We don’t hide from each other, and we have each other’s backs. So, Addie, if someone is fucking with you. They are fucking with me. Clearly, you need a reminder.”

  He stalks toward me, and I feel my pussy getting wet. My nipples are already hard, and I am so turned on. I love this Simon. I love not having to be in charge.

  He’s standing in front of me now; his cock is at eye level. I can see it straining against his charcoal gray wool slacks. My mouth starts to water.

  “Tell me you understand me, Addie, and tell me you agree.” He starts to unbuckle his belt.

  “I’m your woman. You’re my man. I’ve got your back, and I know you’ve got mine.” My voice is breathless, husky as I stroke him through his trousers. “I am so turned on right now. I want you to fuck me.”

  “Oh, baby.” He runs this thumb over my bottom lip. “I’m going to fuck you. But first, I want your mouth.” He unb
uttons his pants and pulls them and his briefs down in one smooth movement. His cock springs free, and I marvel at how gorgeous and big it is. He’s so hard it’s almost hitting his belly button. I reach out to touch him.

  My hand wraps around the base of him and I bring my mouth to his weeping, swollen head and dart my tongue out to taste his pre-cum.

  The groan coming from deep in the back of his throat is all of the encouragement I need. I lick him from base to crown to give my hand some lube and then take as much of him as I can into my mouth.

  He’s large and even with his cock hitting the back of my throat, there is enough left for my hand to wrap around his base. My tongue caresses him as my lips form a tight seal around him. Both of his hands go into my hair to cup my head as he pumps his hips, fucking my mouth.

  He’s whispering encouraging, “That’s it, baby,” and “Suck my cock, Ad.” When I bring my hands up to cup his balls, he hisses and his grip on my head tightens as he pumps into my mouth.

  Suddenly and forcefully, he pulls out of my mouth. “I only have time to come once, and I want to come inside you.”

  He whips me up into a standing position and turns me around so that I am plastered, face first, to the floor to ceiling window overlooking the courtyard of One Canada Square. He pulls my skirt up and pushes my panties to the side.

  Two thick fingers push inside my pussy.

  “Simon, oh my God…” I moan. His fingers feel like heaven.

  He bends over, and I know he’s reaching into his pocket for his wallet and for a condom.

  I am dying to feel him inside me, and when his fingers pull out and are replaced by his cock in one hard, fast complete thrust he stretches me to the point of pain, and yet the pleasure is so overwhelming I am lost to it.

  One of his hands comes up and grabs my neck, pulling me back to him while the other rubs my clit relentlessly. His mouth comes to my ear. While Simon fucks me, he tells me how much he loves the way my pussy feels. How he dreamed about fucking me all night long, and how he is going to fuck me again tonight.


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