Book Read Free

Just Tell Her

Page 27

by Nicole Pyland

  “God, no.”

  “Yeah, neither would I. I think I’d probably shoot whoever it was.”

  Hailey nearly cackled at that and Charlie stared at her confused but smiling.

  “You’d shoot someone trying to have sex with your kid?”

  “Depends on the situation, but yeah.”

  “That’s cute, Charlie,” Hailey said. “It’s cute that you’d be that protective.”

  “With my kid, hell yeah,” Charlie replied and smiled.

  Then, she saw a small house that she’d describe more as a cottage coming into view. It was painted white but looked like it could have used a fresh coat about ten years ago. There were shutters on the two windows, and the front door matched their dark green color, or at least they looked dark green in the dark. There was light inside, but it was muted and flickering. Charlie glanced at Hailey.

  “Come on.” Hailey pulled her along.

  Hailey opened the door and allowed Charlie to walk in first. The house was definitely small but appeared to be in good condition. There was a small kitchen to the right with old appliances and a living room of about the same size to the left with a loveseat that had seen better days. Hailey flicked on the light switch next to the door. Charlie heard it close behind her.

  “When was the last time someone lived here?” Charlie asked as a stall because she still wasn’t entirely sure why they were there.

  “This way.” Hailey took her hand and pulled Charlie past through the small hallway.

  Charlie saw the bathroom on the right and then, straight ahead, was the bedroom, and the nervousness suddenly overtook her. Hailey pushed open the door and Charlie gawked at the room.


  Hailey had seen to it that the room was lit with candles. They were everywhere. They were on the small table by the bed and on the dresser that lined the wall opposite the bed. They were on the top of the headboard. There were even some on the hardwood floor. The bed was a full, which was apparently the norm around here, but Charlie could tell there was new bedding. The candles, providing the flickering light, allowed Charlie to notice the rose petals strewn about the bed and the speaker Hailey’s phone was attached to, that was presenting them with slow jazz music.

  “You never got to have this, Charlie.”

  Hailey was behind her, but Charlie couldn’t turn to look at her, because she suddenly felt shaky and more nervous than she’d ever been.

  “Hailey, we should talk and-”

  “We will.” Hailey’s arms were around her waist, and her head was pressed against her shoulder. “We can talk all night, if you want to. I want to know about what I’ve missed since you left and since you got back.” She kissed Charlie’s neck, and Charlie trembled. “I want to know about work, and Eddie, and I want you to tell me how your friendships with Lena and Summer are going. I want to talk to you about the wedding we just attended, and how our friend is now married, and our other friends are about to have a baby.” She turned Charlie around in her arms. “I want to talk about all those things, Charlie, but I want to start by telling you that I am sorry.” She pressed her forehead to Charlie’s. “I am so sorry that I pulled away from you. I was scared of losing you because I couldn’t be what you wanted me to be. But then you went away, and I did lose you, and I hated it. I hated myself for making that mistake.”

  “Hailey, it’s-”

  “It’s not okay, actually,” Hailey interjected. “Cereal, Charlie.”

  “What?” Charlie opened her closed eyes at that and pulled back a little.

  “You always make sure you have that stupid cereal I like so much in your apartment, and you brought it here, even though we weren’t talking.”

  “I don’t understand, Hails.”

  “You love me. You love me even though I eat a stupid cereal, made for kids, and even though I try to lecture you with studies about cold and lack of sleep. And you love me when I take thirty-minute showers, because I think better in the shower than I do when I’m actually trying to think. It’s your shower that I’m using, and you’re running late for work. You even love me when I date all the wrong women and try to convince myself that they’re right. I get it now. You just love me.” She put her hand on the back of Charlie’s neck. “I’m sorry. And tonight, we can talk all you want; we don’t have to do anything. But Charlie, I want to. I want you. I want us.” Hailey squeezed Charlie’s waist with her hand. “Am I too late?”


  Hailey waited for Charlie’s reply, but she didn’t let go of Charlie’s neck or her waist, despite the trembling in both of her hands that she knew Charlie could feel.

  “No,” Charlie said.

  Hailey watched the smile on Charlie’s face grow wide, and she ran her hand along Charlie’s cheek.

  “I’m not?” she repeated for confirmation.

  “No, you’re not.” Charlie pressed their foreheads back together. “Hails, you could never be too late. I’ve been waiting for you my whole life.”

  Hailey pressed their lips together. Before, a comment like that would have scared her to death, but not anymore. She was ready for this. She was ready for Charlie. Charlie’s lips moved with her own as if that was what they should have been doing all along. Hailey felt Charlie press her body closer and she walked them back toward the bed. She had to finally admit to herself that she’d wanted this for a long time. Her body was already starting to react to Charlie’s pleading gasps and frantic touches, as Hailey pressed her against the bed. They stopped there for a moment, and Hailey moved her lips to Charlie’s neck. She slid her tongue up and then back down, while her hand slid around to Charlie’s stomach and stopped there.

  “Do you want to stop?” Hailey asked, knowing they had things to talk about and wanting to give Charlie a chance to tell her they should do that first.

  “No,” she replied instantly.

  Hailey pushed on Charlie’s stomach enough to tell Charlie what she wanted. Charlie sat on the side of the bed before she leaned back and rested on her elbows. Hailey bent down and removed her shoes for her and then undid her own strappy ones, kicking them aside. She knelt down in front of Charlie and pulled her legs gently apart, while Charlie watched with darkened eyes. Hailey slowly slid her hands up and down the outside of her thighs, listening to Charlie’s intense breathing, before moving to the insides. Charlie’s dress was slid up her legs, revealing the same white underwear beneath it that Hailey had seen earlier. She leaned down and pressed her lips to the inside of Charlie’s thighs, over, and over, moving back and forth as her hands slid up and down her calves, feeling the muscles tense and relax as she did. When Charlie dropped back on the bed, no longer able to support herself on her elbows, Hailey looked up at Charlie’s chest rising and falling faster than she’d seen it before. She moved her lips back to where they were and applied more kisses to new spots of skin she was dying to touch. She used her teeth to graze over spots and then her tongue to sooth them, leaving light red marks in their place. Her hands were on Charlie’s hips, that were lifting slightly off the bed with nearly every touch of Hailey’s mouth.

  Hailey moved one hand to the inside of Charlie’s thigh, took her thumb and slid it over Charlie’s underwear that she could now see were already soaked through. She smiled at the sight and flicked her thumb back and forth, hearing Charlie’s gasps as she did. She felt the throbbing between her own legs intensify, and she squeezed her thighs together involuntarily while she leaned her head in further and pressed a kiss just above Charlie’s clit, earning her a raise of Charlie’s hips and a need to see and feel more.

  She stood up and watched as Charlie watched her. She pulled Charlie back up by the hands and reached around her back, while she allowed their tongues to play with one another. She pulled down on Charlie’s zipper and pressed her lips to one shoulder, while she slid the strap of the dress down and then did the same with the other strap. The dress didn’t require much else to fall to the floor, leaving Charlie only in her underwear. Hailey took a
step back and stared at Charlie’s perfect form. Her skin was flawless, her abdomen was toned, her legs were long and lean; and Hailey couldn’t be that far away from her anymore.

  Her lips were back on Charlie’s. She felt Charlie’s hands around her back hastily attempting to slide Hailey’s zipper down. Hailey stepped back slightly only to allow it to fall to her feet. She stepped back into Charlie’s body, pressing her thigh between Charlie’s, earning a near grunt. She pushed her down onto the bed and climbed on top of her. They moved, while their lips remained attached, until they were at the head of the bed. Charlie had rose petals attached to parts of her arms and likely her entire backside, but Hailey would pull those off her later, one by one, and possibly with her teeth, she thought as Hailey took Charlie’s hands in her own and placed them above their bodies while her lips moved down to her collarbone.

  “God, Charlie,” she uttered when her lips made it to the tops of Charlie’s breasts.

  Her hands disconnected with Charlie’s, but she noticed that Charlie kept her own where they were. Hailey move her hands around Charlie’s back, not wanting to waste any time. She quickly undid the clasp and moved her hands back around and under the cups of the bra, grasping at firm breasts without even removing it all the way. Charlie’s hips lifted. Hailey pressed her thigh between them again. She rolled down into her without even thinking about it and knew that her body was more than ready for more. Charlie lifted herself up, and Hailey used that to remove the bra entirely. She stared down at her chest. Her hands went back and she clutched Charlie’s breasts in both hands, while she continued to slowly assault Charlie’s neck with her lips and tongue.

  “That feels good,” Charlie said between breaths.

  Hailey used her thumb and forefinger to play with one of Charlie’s nipples. The sensations this action brought out in Charlie were wonderful, but even Hailey was reacting. She was certain that she’d never wanted someone, or something, more than she wanted Charlie Adams in this moment. She leaned down and captured the other nipple between her teeth. She was the one that moaned when Charlie’s hips lifted up and pressed against her. She sucked on the nipple, and when Charlie’s hands moved to the back of her head, she used her free hand to move them back where they were, above both of them. Once she knew Charlie would keep them there, she slid down lower and met Charlie’s abdomen with her tongue, feeling the muscles ripple as she dragged it up and then blew on the wet spots as she moved back down. Charlie’s skin broke out in goosebumps. She swirled her tongue around Charlie’s belly button before dipping it inside, causing Charlie to jerk.

  Hailey slid down further, but then sat up straddling Charlie’s legs. She pulled her own bra off and cast it aside. Her chest was heaving, and she saw the desire in Charlie’s eyes take over. Charlie sat up and pressed her hands to Hailey’s breasts while she kissed between them. Hailey moved her hand to the back of Charlie’s head, encouraging her to continue. She gasped when she felt Charlie’s teeth pull at her nipple before she started sucking on it.

  “God,” Hailey exclaimed and felt herself losing control.

  Charlie’s arms were around her and moving up and down her back. Hailey felt her center press against Charlie’s body, and she slid against her.

  “I can feel you,” Charlie said and then moved back to watch Hailey’s hips roll against her body. “Oh, Hails!” She held onto Hailey’s hips as if she wanted to feel what Hailey’s body was feeling and holding onto her would allow that.

  “Lie back,” Hailey told her.

  Charlie looked up at her pleadingly, but Hailey stopped moving, and Charlie moved back against the bed. Hailey climbed off her and slid Charlie’s remaining article slowly down her legs. Her eyes never left Charlie’s. She tossed them aside and then tore at her own ungracefully to climb back on top of Charlie. Charlie gasped when she felt Hailey’s thigh between her own again, and Hailey felt how wet Charlie was for the first time while allowing Charlie to feel her own wetness against her thigh.

  “Hails, I-” Charlie stopped herself as her head rolled back against the pillows.

  Hailey watched her from above until she felt Charlie’s hands on her back, and then she was being rolled over, and Charlie was above her, kissing her and then kissing her neck. Hailey’s hands went to the back of Charlie’s head as she lowered herself down to take Hailey’s nipple back in her mouth. Hailey felt Charlie’s hand begin to slide down her stomach and land on her thigh, as if she was waiting for permission or courage. Hailey was ready. She knew she’d come quickly if Charlie touched her, but she didn’t want to come like this.

  “Hey, come back up here.” Hailey tugged on the back of Charlie’s head and encouraged her to meet her eyes. “You’re so beautiful, Charlie.”

  She lifted her head to connect their lips and used the distraction to roll Charlie back over. Charlie pulled back from her lips and smirked at Hailey with a lifted eyebrow, knowing what Hailey had just done. Hailey leaned back up again, but practically yanked Charlie up with her this time and kissed her hard. She held Charlie’s head in place while Charlie’s hands were on her hips.

  “Hailey, I want you,” Charlie gasped out as she moved her mouth to Hailey’s neck. Hailey took Charlie’s hand in her own and held them clasped together for a moment before she guided Charlie’s hand between her legs. “Oh.”

  Hailey gasped audibly at the first touch of Charlie’s hand to her wetness. She held Charlie’s hand there and then pushed on it, giving Charlie the hint. Charlie slid her hand down through Hailey’s wetness, and Hailey felt one finger circling her entrance. Her hips began to move again. Charlie slid one finger inside her, causing her to press down into Charlie’s body and then start rocking against her. Charlie slid it out, and then slid two fingers back in, while her palm pressed to Hailey’s ready and swollen clit.

  “Yes,” Hailey moaned and rocked slowly against Charlie’s pressing hand.

  She reached around her own body with her left hand and pressed her body further into Charlie’s while holding onto her tightly. She wanted her inside her whole body. She wanted them to be one in every way. Her hand made its way behind her to between Charlie’s legs. She wouldn’t be able to thrust inside her this way, but she would be able to touch her. She needed to be touching her. She pressed two fingers into Charlie’s wetness, which she’d been unprepared for, and jerked her body before relaxing into the touch, while Charlie continued to work inside and outside of her body.

  Hailey’s fingers slid up and down while she pulled Charlie’s face up with her free hand, allowing her to see her eyes. She pressed her fingers against Charlie’s clit and felt how ready she was for what was about to happen. She flicked her fingers gently against it, barely grazing it, as Charlie began moving faster inside her, curling her fingers and pressing her palm harder. Hailey’s hips were moving faster, and she felt herself getting closer just as she started pressing harder to Charlie’s clit.

  “I’m-” Charlie’s mouth was wide open, but no words came out.

  Hailey knew she was close and she kissed her. She kissed her hard and knew she’d likely bruise Charlie’s lips, but she kissed her because she wanted to be kissing her when she came, and with one more thrust and hip roll down into Charlie, Hailey came. Her body rocked and was uncontrollable as she jerked into Charlie’s hand, only being held in place by Charlie’s protective hand on her back. Hailey’s movements caused her own fingers against Charlie’s clit to press harder. She rubbed them up and down, and up and down, until Charlie’s eyes shot open and then closed again. Hailey wrapped her arm around Charlie’s shoulders and pulled her into her. She rocked and pressed until Charlie came in her arms. Then, she kissed her just as hard and lowered them both down to the bed, keeping herself straddling Charlie, since Charlie’s fingers were still inside her. She pressed herself against Charlie’s chest and listened to her heart while she felt her own intense rhythm match it.

  They shared a moment of calm silence before Hailey pressed her hands into the mattress so that she could h
over over Charlie. She watched Charlie’s closed eyes and cheeks reddened, thanks to their activities, and she smiled. She pressed her lips to Charlie’s neck again and then went lower still, causing Charlie to pull out of her.

  “Beautiful,” Hailey muttered against Charlie’s skin as she made her way down.

  “Hails, what-”

  Hailey slid all the way off the bed and pulled on Charlie’s legs until they were hanging off.

  “I can’t wait,” Hailey finally said; and she didn’t.

  “Oh, Hailey,” Charlie exclaimed as Hailey’s mouth met her center.

  Hailey’s tongue slid around, tasting Charlie, before she decided to land on Charlie’s clit. She licked up and down, while Charlie’s hips rose and fell. Charlie pressed both hands to the back of Hailey’s head. Hailey took her between her lips and sucked on her already swollen and sensitive clit. Hailey felt Charlie’s hips lifting, while her hands pressed her face down into her more, and she wanted all of her. She wanted to feel her inside. She took her left hand, that had been helping to hold down Charlie’s eager hips, and placed it on the inside of Charlie’s thigh, waiting for the right moment before she thrust two fingers inside her.

  “Oh,” she said as she pulled back for a second. She watched as her two fingers pulled out, bringing Charlie’s arousal with them, and then pushed back inside. She kissed the inside of Charlie’s thigh and continued to focus on the sensation of feeling Charlie like this. “Baby,” she said and slid them in deeper before returning her lips to Charlie’s clit.


  Charlie came in Hailey’s mouth after a few perfectly timed thrusts of her fingers. She felt her entire body trembling, as Hailey moved back on top of her and they slid back on the bed. Hailey hovered over her and pressed a hand to Charlie’s heart.

  “Are you okay?” she checked as Charlie was visibly shaking.

  “Yes,” Charlie confirmed and pulled Hailey down into her. She ran a hand into Hailey’s hair and pressed Hailey’s sweat covered body down against her own. “How could you ever think I’d want anything more than this?” she whispered into Hailey’s ear.


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