Dare to Seduce
Page 6
“Can I get you a drink?” he asked.
She nodded. “I’ll have a glass of chardonnay if we have it?”
He opened the small refrigerator in the bar area and pulled out a bottle. “Looks like we’re well stocked.”
He pulled out the cork and poured her a glass.
“Decklan called me while I was getting dressed. They wanted to join us for dinner, but Amanda isn’t feeling well. They figure it’s better she rest before the rehearsal and wedding.” Lucy shook her head and sighed. “I feel so bad for her, going away for her wedding and ending up sick.”
Max nodded. “Hopefully it’s a twenty-four-hour thing and she’ll feel better tomorrow. Although I can’t say I’m disappointed to have you alone for the night.”
Warmth settled in the pit of her stomach at his words. She eased into the soft, plush couch and curled her legs beneath her. “So what did you want to do for dinner? The main resort has a great restaurant, and there’s also poolside dining.”
Before he could answer, a knock sounded at the door. “I’ll get it.” Max strode over to the door and returned with a young woman dressed in the resort’s standard khakis and white shirt, carrying in a tray of food.
She placed everything on the table in front of the couch as per Max’s instructions. “Can I get you anything else?” she asked.
“No thank you, we’re good,” Max said.
She smiled. “Enjoy.”
“Thank you,” Lucy said, surprised that Max had obviously thought ahead. Then again, he’d set up this beachfront bungalow for two, so nothing he planned ought to surprise her.
“What are we eating?” she asked.
“I thought we’d have drinks and appetizers here, and then if you wanted a more substantial meal, we could head up to the resort.” He sat down beside her, stretching one arm behind her, then pulling her against him. “Or we could stay here for the night,” he said in a gruff voice that left no doubt as to which choice he preferred.
He pressed a kiss to her temple, his lips warm, his touch both sweet and arousing at the same time.
“We’ll see,” she said playfully, knowing exactly what her body wanted, what she finally accepted she was ready for. She took a long sip of the velvety, rich wine before pulling the silver top off of the selection of hors d’oeuvres. “Oh, I love brie and crackers.”
He immediately leaned forward and cut a small piece of cheese, placed it on a cracker, and held it out for her to taste, his gaze intent on hers. She opened her mouth, and he slid the cracker onto her tongue, his fingers trailing over her lower lip as he pulled away. Her body trembled at his deliberately sensual touch, her breasts heavy and tight, her sex wet and needy. She chewed the creamy, crunchy snack and moaned. “Delicious.”
He cocked an eyebrow. “Is it? I wouldn’t know.”
She grinned and picked up a cracker, added a slice of brie, and lifted it toward him. He opened and pulled the food into his mouth along with her fingers, sliding his lips along her skin before releasing her with a pop. He grinned while chewing and swallowing.
“Good?” she asked.
“Mouth-watering,” he said, sexy lips lifted in a seductive grin.
She laughed. Laughed! She’d done more laughing today than in the recent past. She bit down on her lower lip. Had her life been that boring? Routine, maybe. No, she thought, hating the admission. It had been boring.
“What is it?” Max asked, those unique amber eyes focused on her. Today they seemed rimmed in a rich brown. As usual with Max, he was attuned to her mood changes and thoughts, even if he wasn’t aware what those thoughts were.
She glanced down. “My own laughter took me by surprise.”
Max’s brows furrowed. “Go on.”
“I just realized it’s been too long since I’ve laughed in my everyday life.”
“Can we blame the asshole?” he asked, obviously trying to lighten the mood.
She shook her head, although she couldn’t contain a smile. “I think the blame falls right here. I let my life get away from me. I let him control things and change the things about me and my life that made me happy.”
“Have you asked yourself why?”
She didn’t have to ask. She already knew. If she stayed with Lucas and let him mold her to fit his needs, she was in no danger of falling hard for him. No danger of becoming so emotionally attached that it would hurt when he left.
Was she ready to share something like that with Max, a man who accepted her as is and who she could fall for way too easily?
She blew out a deep breath. “I have and it’s complicated.”
He reached out and brushed her hair behind her ear. “Well, we wouldn’t want complicated to mess with the here and now.”
“That’s it? You aren’t going to push for an explanation?”
“Nope. I’m going to do something else instead.” His golden eyes glittered with determination and more than a hint of desire.
“What might that be?” she asked, leaning in. The closer she got to him, the more she could inhale the masculine scent that drove her crazy.
“I’m going to make sure you focus on having fun now and every day we’re here. I don’t want you to forget what it feels like to live life. And enjoy.”
Her heart beat faster at the prospect, because it had been so long since she’d done just that, and Max seemed to understand.
“Where do we start?” she asked.
“With fantasies. Nothing more fun than some fantasy play, right?” he asked with a sexy wink.
“Umm, right?” She ran her tongue over her dry lips. “When you say play, do you mean the kind of play you did at Paradis?” she asked, naming the sex club he belonged to.
His jaw tightened at the question. “What do you know about the club?”
She swallowed hard. “Just that you, Decklan, and Amanda have gone there. And there was one in L.A.”
He narrowed his gaze, the dangerous look in his eyes setting her nerves on edge. “You’ve been there?” he asked incredulously.
She shook her head. But she’d wanted to check the place out. At the very least, she was drawn to the idea of being dominated.
Max blew out a long breath. “But you were curious.”
Again, she nodded.
“About which part?”
She tilted her chin and met his gaze. “I find the idea of being dominated… exciting. Which makes sense, I guess, considering I let Lucas basically run my life.”
“No. That’s not the same thing. What Lucas did was selfish. Dominance and submission… It’s a gift.” He stared at her for a long while, assessing her and clearly thinking.
She didn’t know what was going on in his head, and she twisted her hands nervously in her lap.
“Stand up.”
“What?” She blinked at the demanding tone in his voice.
“I said, stand up.”
Same commanding voice and Lucy rose without thinking.
A slow, sexy grin edged his lips. He folded his arms across his tanned chest, his muscles a thing of beauty. He lounged even more casually against the sofa, his relaxed position at odds with the note of power in his tone. It didn’t escape her notice that she responded to that command. Her breasts felt full, her nipples tight and pressing against the flimsy white dress, something he had to have noticed.
“Remove your dress,” he said.
“What?” She glanced at him, startled. But her pulse began to pound, and arousal seeped from her sex.
“You heard me, princess. Undress.”
She shook her head, about to balk… when understanding dawned. He was showing her what the sex club was like. What being dominated was like. He was inviting her into this part of his world. And offering her a way to find herself again, to let go and enjoy.
“I’m waiting.” He drummed his fingers against the cushion, his impatience showing.
She stood at a crossroads. She could say no and he’d snap back to the easygoing Max she normally dealt with, or
she could… play.
Lucy gathered every Dare family trait she possessed, strength, courage, and fortitude, and made the decision to indulge and enjoy. She reached down, grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled it over her head, tossing it onto the floor beside her, and faced the man of her dreams.
* * *
Max stared at the vision before him and wondered what he’d done to get so fucking lucky. It’d been a gamble, pulling his Dom voice on Lucy, but everything inside him said to pull her in and keep her close. She wanted this. And he was determined not just to keep her enjoying life but to show her the difference between some asshole boyfriend telling her what to wear and how to style her hair and the beauty in what they could be to each other.
And beauty was such a mild word for what he saw when he looked at her. He rose to his feet and walked around her, taking her in. The long, lustrous dark hair hanging down her back, the nicely rounded breasts and rose-colored aureoles, tight, perky nipples.
“You. Are. Perfect.” His gaze traveled downward to the bare mound he’d felt earlier.
She visibly shivered. “I don’t make it a habit to walk around the house naked. Or to stand at attention while some guy studies every inch of me.”
He stepped into her personal space and tipped her chin so she met his gaze. “As to the first, if you lived with me, you damn sure would walk around the house naked.”
Her eyes opened wide, her thick lashes blinking in surprise.
“And as far as the second, I’m not just some guy.” He leaned in and nipped at her lower lip. “I’m your guy. For now,” he quickly added before she could put up any mental or emotional barriers. “And your guy is going to make you feel good. Let’s sit.”
He picked her up and settled them back on the couch, her naked skim warm and sexy as she curled into him. He stroked his hands along her back and hip, seducing her with his touch until her body gradually relaxed in a way that told him she was finally getting comfortable with the whole naked thing, which was exactly where he needed her to be.
“So about making me feel good…” She glanced up at him, a little shy and a whole lot curious. “What do you have in mind?”
“Well, first I thought we’d have more to eat,” he said, doing his best to ignore the fact that he was hard as a rock and she would feel the evidence soon enough. The denim on his jeans was soft when he’d pulled them on, but now it chafed against his swelling cock.
He ignored the discomfort and looked over at the selection of food on the table. Bypassing the real meal, his eyes went directly to dessert. He took the top off of the Nutella sauce that came with the zeppole he’d ordered and slid his finger through the creamy sauce.
“Ooh, a man who goes right for sweets. Be still, my heart.” She placed a hand over his chest instead of her own and sighed dramatically.
He grinned and smeared the treat onto her lower lip, then set about licking her clean, his tongue sliding over and around her mouth before heading inside so she could have a taste. His tongue stroked hers back and forth, deliberately keeping things light.
“Oh, yummy,” she murmured against his mouth.
“My kiss or the Nutella?”
“The Nutella, of course.” She grinned, and his heart beat faster in his chest at the sight.
He had her relaxed and comfortable. Time to up the ante. He grasped her hair and tugged her head back until her gaze met his.
She gasped at the unexpected pull. “Max!”
“Got a problem, princess?” He tugged harder, then sealed his lips over hers, changing the kiss from fun and playful to hard and demanding, controlling her position with his hands in her hair, keeping her neck bent so he could devour her mouth. And she let him, moaning as he staked his claim.
He slid a hand down her neck to her chest, until he reached her nipple and pinched hard. She moaned, squirming against him, clearly enjoying harder play. He knew he did, and watching her fall into the sensations he was giving did something for him, made him feel powerful and so fucking hungry for her.
Lucy’s lips were bruised from Max’s possessive kiss, her nipples aching from his touch, and her entire body was on fire, every nerve ending centered on her pussy. Her sex throbbed; her core felt empty and needy. But Max didn’t seem in any rush to get to the main event.
He dipped his finger into the Nutella and rubbed it over her nipple, the cool sensation a shock to her tender flesh. He bent his head and licked up the creamy spread, his warm breath another stark, contrasting sensation that sent a heated thrill through her.
She couldn’t focus worth a damn, was unable to lift her hands to touch him or reciprocate anywhere, not that he seemed to want it. No, his sole focus was her pleasure and the occasional delicious bite of pain. She’d never experienced anything like it, and he was taking her to sensual places she’d never been before.
Meanwhile, he continued to play, coating her belly button and the trail down to her sex with a dessert she’d never think of the same way again. He set her back on the couch and proceeded to lick it up, his tongue trailing over her skin, her belly undulating of its own accord. With each lap, her sex pulsed hard and desire flashed through her brain. She needed his tongue lower against her clit, making her come, and she tangled her fingers tightly in his hair and pushed his head in an attempt to move things along.
He rewarded her with a nip of his teeth and lifted his head to meet her gaze. There was a bit of Nutella in the corner of his mouth, but before she could call attention to it, he licked it away. And her mouth watered at the sight, her entire body quivering with need.
“You’re a bad girl, princess. I told you that I’m calling the shots.” He rose to a standing position, keeping her in his arms, and strode to his bedroom, dumping her on the center of the bed.
He stood over her, a bare-chested god she wanted to crawl on top of and fuck until she screamed her release. There it was. He’d ramped up her need, had gotten her to the point where all she craved was him. Hot, hard, and thrusting inside her. From the bulge she’d felt while sitting on his lap and the thick outline in his jeans, there was no doubt he had to want the same thing.
“Max, come here.” She crooked a finger his way.
“Not so fast,” he said in that uber-alpha tone she was coming to love, that made her wet and breathless. “First I want to know how much you really want to play.” He eased one hip down on the bed and slid next to her. He lifted her chin with his hand. “You have to know, your answer has nothing to do with how much I want you. You could say no, and I’d be perfectly happy with vanilla sex as long as it was with you.”
“Vanilla?” she asked, confused by his term and aroused by the notion that he had even more in store for her.
“In the club world, vanilla refers to people who have regular sex with… no kink.” He opened the drawer beside the bed and pulled out a pair of padded cuffs. “These are kinky.” He winked while handing them to her to feel.
She swallowed hard, surprisingly turned on by the idea of being bound by him. She ran her hands over the padding on the inside. “You brought these with you?”
He shook his head. “I know more about your fantasy island than you think. Anything I wanted, they were willing to supply.”
He handily hooked one end of the cuffs to the slatted headboard and held the other out to her. “Your choice.”
She didn’t have to think long or hard. Instead she held out her hands. She wanted this with him. Needed it.
“You trust me,” he said gruffly.
“I do.”
His eyes softened, and the kiss he placed on her lips was gentle and giving. His mouth was warm, a combination of nuts and chocolate, and she could live on his taste.
He broke their connection too soon and stood beside the bed. “Arms over your head.”
She obeyed immediately and felt the thick cuffs wrap around first one wrist, then the next, each closing with a definite click that echoed throughout her body. She tugged and found herself bound, a scary feeling th
at caused her to struggle against the cuffs.
“Relax.” He placed a calming hand on her forehead. “You say the word, I’ll release you immediately.”
“A safe word?” she asked.
“I think no will work for us. Red if you really want one.” He stared into her eyes. “Are you good?”
She looked at him and grinned. “Green. Sir.”
His golden-brown eyes darkened, and his hands went to the waistband of his jeans. In seconds, he’d shed them. Apparently he hadn’t felt the need for boxers or briefs, giving her a first glimpse at his gorgeous cock. Her hands itched to wrap around his thickness and just feel.
Of course she couldn’t move, could only look, her desire amped up at the sight. He placed one knee on the bed, then the other. He pulled her legs apart and settled between them.
“What are you thinking?” he asked.
She hesitated because she’d never expressed her desires out loud. Okay, she’d rarely had these kinds of desires before Max. Never had them was more like it.
“You’re going to have to tell me if you want anything more to happen tonight.” He held his cock in his hand and rubbed the engorged length over her sex, back and forth, coating himself in her wetness, teasing her with strokes of heat and hardness that felt good but were not enough to take her over that edge he’d built her up to. And kept her at now.
“I want to… taste you.”
He leaned over, making sure to align their bodies, his erection in direct contact with her clit, and pressed a scorching-hot kiss on her lips. He thrust his tongue in and out, groaning as he mimicked sex by fucking her mouth.
Ripples of pleasure, like mini fireworks, went off everywhere, and she began to rotate her hips in an attempt to generate the friction she needed to come.
He lifted his head and grinned. “How was that? For a taste?”
She narrowed her gaze. “Not quite what I had in mind.”
He shrugged, rolling one shoulder. “Then you’re going to have to be more specific.”
Lucy sighed and forced out the unfamiliar words. “I want to taste your cock.” And while she was at it, she decided she might as well lay it all out there. “And then I want you to fuck me. Hard.” Because she was so empty and needy she hurt.