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A Private Affair

Page 11

by Dara Girard

“I meant what I said.” He set the dishes aside to dry. “What are we going to do about work?”

  “I’ll ignore the rumors.”

  “I think we should put an end to them.”

  “And I told you, there’s no need to, you’ll be gone in a few months anyway.”

  He turned from the sink and dried his hands. “I wish you’d stop saying that. If I have to commute I will. I plan to stick around.”


  “You sound surprised.”

  “I am.”

  “What part of ‘you don’t have to try hard to make me your third husband,’ don’t you understand?”

  “I thought you were just helping me save face.”

  “There’s no one else around except us and I’m still saying it. I thought I made it clear that I like being with you. Maybe I haven’t been very convincing.” He pulled her close and kissed her then looked down at her clothes. “Too bad you’re not wearing an apron.”


  “Because in my dreams I was always taking it off you.”


  “Yes.” He leaned in to kiss her but she held him away. “What?” he asked.

  “I just got an idea.”


  “Go into the living room. I’ll be right there. There was always a fantasy I wanted to play out with my third husband.”

  His eyes lit with interest. “Really?”

  “Yes, are you willing to help me?”

  “Okay, but what do I have to do?”

  “Just go into the living room.”

  “That’s it?”

  “You’ll like this. I promise. When you get there, close your eyes.”

  He sighed then did.

  “Okay, they’re closed,” he said.

  Moments later he heard her heels on the floor then felt her presence in front of him. “Hey stranger do you come here often?” she said.

  He opened his eyes and saw Carissa holding a tray of strawberries and chocolate wearing only high heels and an apron.

  “Is this your first time here?” she continued.

  He stared up at her open-mouthed. “What?”

  “You’re supposed to play along. I’m your waitress and—”

  He jumped to his feet and removed his shirt and trousers with an efficient speed that shocked her. “I’m not hungry,” he said in a low voice then pulled her into his arms.

  “This isn’t part of the fantasy,” Carissa said, her voice breathless as she felt the heat of his skin against hers. “You’re supposed to nibble on the strawberries and—”

  His hungry dark gaze slid down the length of her. “Who wants to nibble on a little piece of fruit,” he said, his hands scaling down her bare back to her waist, sending a warm shiver through her. “When they’ve got a big piece of chocolate?” He didn’t expect a reply and he didn’t get one when he captured her mouth with his own in a kiss that was hard, hot and searching. Within seconds he changed her fantasy into something more exciting and definitely wilder. Because she liked watching him eat, and found it subtlety erotic, she’d imagined stripping off his shirt, pressing her body against his while feeding him fresh strawberries dipped in chocolate. His beautiful mouth wet from the sweet juice and stained with a hint of red, which she’d kiss away.

  Instead, his mouth devoured hers with an appetite more ravenous than she could have dreamed. His lips covered hers with a passionate fury that made her forget herself and all her insecurities. She’d been a little worried that she may have gone too far. She’d once tried a fantasy with Morris—she’d pretended to be a police officer who’d pulled him over for speeding—but the effort had fallen flat when he found her outfit ridiculous and the dialogue more so, reminding her that ‘people like us’ don’t do ‘things like that’. The incident had left them both embarrassed and she’d never tried to surprise him again.

  But not Kenric. He made her feel as if she were as desirous as a Bond Girl and as sultry as a beautiful stage star. She didn’t even realize he’d removed her apron until she lay naked on the couch, his hot flesh covering hers.

  He reached for a strawberry and traced the shape of her mouth with its tip. “You’re so beautiful.”

  That’s when the tears fell. She didn’t even know she was crying until she saw his face suddenly change.

  He started to get up. “Am I hurting you?”

  Carissa grabbed his arm, nearly frantic, pulling him back down, scared to ruin the mood. “No, please don’t stop.”

  He brushed away a tear. “But—”

  “I’m so happy.” She kissed him. “You’ve made me so happy.”

  She felt his tension ebb and his face relaxed into a devious grin. “I haven’t even done anything yet.”

  “Then why are you making me wait?”

  He held the strawberry over her mouth. “Open wide.”

  She did just that, but instead of the strawberry he gave her his tongue instead, which she didn’t mind. It explored her mouth then slid a sensuous path down her neck, then to her chest where he captured her breast in his mouth, his tongue toying with her nipple, then he licked her sweet center until she felt she was in a whirlwind of ecstasy. He followed soon after, his entry as smooth as hot butter melting on a warm biscuit. She wrapped her legs around him, wanting to drive him in deeper never wanting the sensation to end. She’d always thought that ‘two becoming one’ was just a myth until that moment. She felt bonded to him, not just on a physical level, but something much deeper. Deeper than she’d ever felt with another man.

  For a brief moment she wanted to push him away, to reclaim herself, but then she surrendered, knowing her heart was already his. Knowing that Lina was right, he’d have to be careful because she had every intention of making him hers. “Do you think husband number three will like my fantasy?” she whispered in his ear.

  He grinned then gave her a reply that needed no words.


  Husband number three. Kenric lay on the couch holding Carissa, his body languid, his mind never more alive. Husband number three. Other men may be daunted by the idea, but he liked the challenge. The other two didn’t know what they’d lost. He hadn’t even considered getting married for another few years, but she’d changed all that. She’d changed a lot of things. He couldn’t imagine a future without her in it. Husband number three. Three had always been a lucky number for him. The prospect didn’t bother him, his family would be a problem, but he’d handle them. For the first time in his life nothing felt impossible.


  Over the next several weeks they expanded meetings from private lunches and intimate dinners to include romantic breakfasts. When Carissa caught Kenric reaching for the cinnamon to add to one of her recipes, before changing his mind and putting it back, she decided it was time to buy him an apron and have him help in the kitchen.

  She gave him the apron one Saturday afternoon when he stopped by her place. She’d given him the gift after he’d taken a seat on the couch and he’d received it with the same awe as if she’d bought him an expensive watch or a new car. He gingerly pulled the apron out of the bag then ran his hand over it like he was skimming over silk instead of rough cotton.

  “This is really mine?” he asked, inspecting the pocket and then the trim.

  Carissa tried not to laugh, not understanding why he was so impressed by such a simple gift. “Yes. Now you can really help me in the kitchen.”

  His gaze met hers, his eyes bright with eagerness. “I get to help you in the kitchen? I won’t be in the way?”

  “No, I like your help,” she said, but from the expression on his face she might as well have said ‘you’ve just won the lottery’.

  He jumped to his feet and put it on. “Tell me what you want me to do.”

  “I hadn’t planned on anything special.”

  “I don’t care.”

  And she soon discovered he meant what he said. No task was too menial, whether it was scrubbing potatoes, peeling oranges or washing
lettuce. He never complained, always following her lead, which surprised her. He also liked offering suggestions that never failed to make whatever dish she was making more delicious. Twice they had Malcolm join them—Carissa didn’t want him to feel neglected—and they baked poppy seed cookies and made a lemon cake and once, all three of them went to the beach and had a picnic.

  “I’m not sure I can keep our relationship a secret much longer,” Kenric said one afternoon as they lazed on the couch after they’d returned from shopping at a Farmer’s Market.

  “We just have another month to go,” Carissa said.

  “Exactly,” he said with a heavy sigh. “But it feels like years.”

  “Why should anyone know?”

  “Because I want to show you off. Sneaking around like this makes what we have feel dirty somehow. Like we’re doing something wrong.”

  His words pleased her but she knew she had to be rational. “The overall mood at work is still too delicate.”

  “What’s delicate about it? I’ve been here over a month, the restructuring is going along smoothly. No one else is getting laid off.”

  “People still feel a little displaced even though there haven’t been any more layoffs. There’s still departments being shifted and changes that people have to grow accustomed to. That takes time for people to get adjusted to.”

  “What does that have to do with us?”

  “It just doesn’t look good. I have to appear to be neutral. How will anyone feel they can trust me, if they know I’m seeing you?”

  “So I’m still the enemy.”

  “Try to see it from another point of view.”

  “I don’t want to,” he said in a petulant voice.

  She looped her arm through his and rested her head on his shoulder. “What if I make


  He shook his head. “It won’t work.”

  “But you haven’t tasted it yet.”

  “It still won’t work.” He gazed down at her. “We’re just delaying the inevitable.”

  “Please just consider my reputation. People have already said—”

  He stiffened. “People have already said what?”

  “You’re getting upset.”

  “I’m not upset. Tell me what people have said. And who are they?”

  “Forget it. Let’s just wait a couple more weeks and then we can decide how we want to announce our relationship. Okay?”

  Before he could reply her cell phone alerted her to a text. She looked at it then swore and jumped to her feet.

  “What is it?”

  Carissa put on her shoes. “We have to go. It’s Lina.”

  “Is she okay?”

  “She said her water broke.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Carissa dialed her brother’s cell as she raced up the stairs, but it kept going to voicemail. She’d told him that he didn’t have the luxury of turning off his phone, especially with Lina so close to her due date. She imagined Lina alone and writhing in pain.

  She pounded on the door, but when she didn’t get a quick reply, she took out her spare key and opened it. She rushed inside and saw water on the floor. She knew a woman’s water broke, but she’d never expected this much. She frantically searched the apartment.

  “Lina! Lina, we’re here,” she said, rushing towards the bedroom.

  “Oh thank goodness you’re here,” Lina said coming out of the kitchen.

  “Have you called Glenn? How close are the contractions?”


  Carissa paused. “Aren’t you in labor?”

  “No, this place is flooded because one of the kitchen pipes burst or something.”

  Carissa blinked, nonplussed. “A kitchen pipe?”


  Carissa held up her cell phone and waved the text at her. “You said ‘my water broke’.”

  “And it did, in the kitchen.”

  “What did I tell you about sending me messages like this! I said emergencies only.”

  “This is an emergency! Don’t you see the water? It’s everywhere.”

  “You could have called a plumber instead of calling us up here.”

  She lifted a sly brow. “Oooh, did I interrupt you two doing something kinky?”

  “It’s not funny.”

  “Oh, that’s right,” Lina said dismissively. “You don’t do things like that.”

  “I’m furious with you.” She turned to Kenric. “I’m sorry about dragging you into this.”

  “Why are you apologizing?” Lina demanded. “I did—do need your help.”

  Carissa made a sweeping gesture with her arms. “That’s it. This is the last time I’m going to respond to your crazy texts and I mean it.”

  “Want me to look at it?” Kenric asked.

  Lina laughed. “Men with hands like yours wouldn’t know a wrench from a washer.”

  “Lina,” Carissa said in warning.

  Kenric shrugged without offense. “She’s right, but I’ll still take a look anyway.” He started towards the kitchen then halted at the sight of a photo on the bookshelf.

  “That’s Glenn,” Lina said noticing his interest. “He was attending college at the time. That’s him on campus. Handsome isn’t he?”

  Kenric didn’t respond, almost as if he hadn’t heard her then headed to the kitchen. Carissa wanted to ask him about his strange response but Lina spoke first.

  “I hope he doesn’t make things worse,” she said.

  Carissa went to the closet and grabbed a mop. “I don’t think that’s possible.”

  “I don’t know why you’re so angry. How was I supposed to know you’d misinterpret—”

  “Don’t call me again. I mean it. I’m through with your games.”

  “It’s not a game.”

  “You know very well you could have handled this on your own.”

  She spread her arms out wide. “Look at me. I’ve got the belly the size of a beach ball. I can hardly reach my top shelf anymore.”

  “You’re not helpless, you just like to act like it,” Carissa said then started to mop up the water.

  “I think I found the problem,” Kenric said coming into the room minutes later. “But your husband should check things out before you call in a plumber. I’m not sure you’d want the expense.”

  “My husband can afford whatever we need.”

  Carissa stiffened at her tone. “That’s not what—”

  “It’s okay,” Kenric said.


  “I’m really sorry about that,” Carissa said as she unlocked the door to her apartment. When Kenric didn’t respond she turned to him nervous. Was he angry? But his expression didn’t look angry. He looked pale. She gently touched his sleeve, concerned. “Kenric?”

  He looked at her as if coming out of a deep thought. “Hmm?”

  “What’s wrong? Are you sick?”

  He shook his head. “Nothing. No, I’m fine.”

  She didn’t believe him. She touched his forehead. “You’re not running a fever, but you may want to lie down. I’m really sorry about this.”

  “You don’t have to be. Family is family, right?”

  But she didn’t care for his nonchalant tone, something about it didn’t ring true.

  “But something is bothering you.”

  He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “I don’t know much about plumbing so it might not be anything.”


  “The pipe didn’t burst, it was loosened. It may have become loose over time, but—”

  “But you think that she might have done it deliberately.”

  “No, I don’t know. I don’t see why she would.” He swallowed and rubbed the back of his neck again. “Excuse me,” he said then left her and went down the hall.

  Carissa heard the bathroom door close and swore, hoping he was okay. Lina had been up to one of her tricks again, but she vowed she wouldn’t fall for it again.


  He wasn�
��t going to be sick. Kenric took several deep gulps of air until he felt his stomach settle. He gripped the side of the basin, until the wave of nausea passed then he splashed his face with cold water. He’d lied to Carissa and he didn’t like the feeling. He had been disturbed by what he’d suspected Lina had done to the pipe, but that wasn’t what had bothered him. It was Glenn’s picture. Now he knew where he’d remembered him from and why. The why was the worst part. He took another gulp of air as another wave of nausea hit. He squeezed his eyes shut and gripped his hands into fists. No, he could control this. He would manage. The sensation passed and he splashed his face with more cold water. He wouldn’t let that bastard win. Carissa was the greatest thing ever to come into his life and he wouldn’t lose her.

  Kenric stared at his reflection in the mirror, suddenly feeling as helpless as he had fifteen years ago. Why did he have to be Carissa’s brother? He’d never thought he’d meet him again, now as he remembered the dinner soon the sound of his voice and his mannerism came flooding back to him.

  He should end their relationship. It was the best way out, no matter how much it hurt. He should cut things clean and quick and never look back.

  He heard a soft knock on the door. “Kenric? Kenric, are you alright?”

  The sound of her soft voice pierced his very soul. He loved her. It wasn’t until this moment that he realized how much. “I’m fine,” he said wiping away tears as regrets assailed him.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yea. I’ll be out in a minute.” He heard her hesitate, then leave. He stared at his reflection again, suddenly feeling as tired as an old man. The face looking back at him said, You should let her go.

  I don’t want to, he replied.

  This is bigger than you. What if she finds out?

  She doesn’t have to find out yet and her brother hasn’t said anything.

  You know he will and what will you do when he tells her who gave him the scar that nearly killed him?

  Kenric put the face towel back. Letting her go was the wisest choice, a noble one. It would be best for both of them. He opened the door, feeling drained and defeated, suddenly he felt her arms around him as she hugged him close. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.”

  At first he didn’t move, too stunned to respond. She’d been waiting there for him? He gathered her close, knowing he wasn’t going to be wise and he didn’t care about being noble. He had her and he wasn’t going to let her go.


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