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Reckless Abandon (Reckless - The Smoky Mountain Trio Book 2)

Page 10

by Sierra Hill

  “Be careful. I want to see you after my tour.”

  I’m stunned into silence when his lips claim mine. He sucks my bottom lip into his, tugging it, and then biting it, before I feel his tongue brush along the seam as I automatically open for him.

  The kiss isn’t long but packs a wallop. My knees buckle when he pulls away, leaving me disoriented and slightly fuzzy in my brain.

  “What was that for?” I ask, my voice raspy with arousal.

  “I’ve wanted to kiss you like that for years, but I was scared you’d fucking hit me. I guess you could call it a Cam bucket list item.”

  I chuckle. “Consider it marked off.”

  Sage swats my ass and winks. “That ass of yours is on the list, too. Just so you know.”

  I choke out a cough, swinging my backpack over my shoulder and turning toward London.

  London’s broad smile comes into view as she moves in close, encircling us in her open arms.

  “Whatever happens,” she says, staring up at us both, her green eyes flickering with light. “I’m so glad we had last night. It just reaffirms the feelings I’ve always had for you both.”

  She reaches up and kisses Sage, long and deep. My cock jumps and demands attention.

  And when she finishes, she turns to me, wrapping me in her arms.

  “I want you to come back to me in one piece. I need more of what we had together last night.” She looks between me and Sage for confirmation, which we both give her in the form of a smile from me and an eyebrow raise from Sage.

  “Cam, do you know the reason London gave me each time she turned down my proposals?” Sage asks, turning to look out the window to avoid my direct eye contact.

  “No, what was that?”

  He turns back and stares between us and a remorseful smile appears on his lips. “You. You were the reason, Cam. She said she couldn’t marry me because it wasn’t fair to either one of us. She loved both you and me. And she also knew I was in love with you, too. We were only two-thirds whole without you.”

  I nod, not surprised by the confession. I know it’s true with everything in my being.

  As if the world is on fire and spinning out of control, I lean in and kiss him again, and then kiss London. I need their love as the forcefield around me to protect me from all the shit the world has thrown my way. And the fire that rages in and around me.

  “I love you both so much. I never stopped,” I murmur against London’s lips and then turn to look longing at Sage.

  We say our goodbyes and I agree to call them once I’ve returned home.

  Chapter 22

  The smoke is thick.

  It surrounds me.

  Chokes me.

  Blinds me.

  I’ve been cut off from the rest of my crew except for Mullins, who stumbles behind me, as we try to outrun this thing. It’s a flash of an inferno that rages like an angry monster – a fire-breathing dragon that wants revenge.

  I drop to the ground and begin digging the trench that I’ve taught many recruits after me to use in situations like this. When you’re surrounded and trapped, this is how you hope to keep yourself safe. Protect yourself from the harsh, hot death of the blaze.

  I note my coordinates and contact the lead dispatch on the team.

  “Get down, Mullins. Help is on the way.”

  I lay down and close my eyes, praying for that to be true – the bleak reality that we may not be rescued a severe threat to our lives.

  My life flashes before me as the heat grows so hot that the hair on my arms singe.

  My last thoughts are of Taylor, Sage and London. Crying. Saying goodbyes. Begging me not to go, but if I must, to come back to them.

  I told them I loved them. It was all I had to give.

  And then I inhale my final breath.

  To be continued…

  The conclusion of The Smoky Mountain Trio

  Reckless Hearts (October 2018)


  Thank you to the following people outside the book world who furnished me with answers to my questions related to the USAF and the laws related to involuntary manslaughter in the state of Tennessee.

  Melanie Woods, the shy girl who I’ve known since elementary school and junior high, who grew up to be a kickass Airman in the United States military! Thanks for answering my questions related to the Air Force and officer training vs. enlistment. And thanks for the sacrifices you’ve made in serving our country.

  Nichole Dusché, Attorney at Law, Nashville TN. She was kind enough to not only email with me but speak to me over the phone and provide me with her legal insight and expertise about the what-if’s in Sage’s fictional case. She was amazingly helpful and even went so far as to offer up her own husband, a police investigator in Nashville, as a resource! That’s southern hospitality, folks.

  To my author friend and critique partners, A.R. Hadley and Leslie McAdam. Thanks for your solid advice, pointers and feedback. The support I receive from you both is phenomenal.

  To my editors Debbie and Nicole – thanks for your honest feedback and solid suggestions in making this story come alive.

  All my beta readers, ARC readers and bloggers – you are the best! I love that you gave this serial a chance and didn’t want to murder me over the cliffhangers.

  About the Author

  Sierra Hill published her first indie-contemporary romance in 2014 and hasn’t looked back. She loves to read and support other indie-authors in the community, as well. It’s her tribe.

  Sierra is a sucker for cheap accessories, enjoys traveling to see her favorite bands perform live and loves good seafood.

  Sierra resides in the Pacific Northwest with her husband of twenty-plus years and her long-haired, German Shepherd rescue pup.

  You can stay connected with Sierra through her newsletter, website and other social media sites. Go to:

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