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The Bachelor's Perfect Proposal (Bliss Series Book 2)

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by Michelle Jo Quinn

  One of the bartenders interfered and handed Veronica a cloth, while turning the man away. Two other staff approached and guided the man, who was clearly inebriated, out of the ballroom. She and the bartender surreptitiously exited the ballroom through one of the side doors, which led to the terrace.

  “Excuse me, I have something...” I didn’t finish what I wanted to say. I yanked my hand away from Louisa’s grasp and ignored her calling my name.

  I had to find her, to check and see that she was okay. The crowd had moved toward the middle of the room where the dance floor had been set up. Taking a different door on the side, I slipped out into the cool night. The threat of rain hung in the air.

  “What an ass!” The deep timbre of a man’s voice boomed. “Your dress is never going to be the same, Nica.”

  Nica? Was that a shortened version of Veronica? I preferred her full name. I moved closer, hiding behind a topiary. The pulse in my neck thumped madly.

  “I know. And it’s my favorite, too. Are you sure I can’t have it dry-cleaned?” I remembered the sweet tone of her voice from earlier. This time, there was a hint of sadness in it. I wanted to walk over there and kiss the frown away.

  “No, hon, ‘fraid not. You can try to hand wash it but be very, very careful. It’s real vintage.”

  Her laughter suspended in the air like sleigh bells on a wintry night. I committed it to memory. One day, I would elicit those sweet giggles from her, among other sounds.

  “Real vintage? Is there such a thing?” she asked.

  “You know what I mean. Well, I’d better get in there before Pyotr gets wild with the vodka. You coming in?”

  “I will in a few. I just need to breathe for a bit.”

  Through the spaces between the leaves, I saw the tall bartender wrap Veronica in his arms. “We’re so proud of you. Last-minute, and you came up with this amazing event.” He kissed the top of her head. How I ached to do that.

  “Thanks, Gerard. Seriously, thanks for tonight. I couldn’t have done it without you guys. I’ll be back in, straight to the kitchen. I wanna raid those unserved desserts.”

  As I pressed against the plant, the leaves rustled. The bartender and Veronica looked up. I cursed at myself. And when the man, Gerard, said, “I think you should come in now. It’s not safe here. There might be perverts in the bushes,” I cursed myself again.

  Veronica took his advice, tilting her head to the side to check on the intrusion. Me. They walked back into the ballroom, leaving me cold and angry at myself for losing that first chance of alone time with her.

  And it was my last and only chance that night.

  When I returned to the gala, a hand gripped my arm. Cynthia Benjamin greeted me with a wide smile on her face. She was as close to an aunt as I could ever have. “Cynthia!” I kissed both her cheeks.

  “I didn’t know you were going to be here. Who was the lucky lady?” Cynthia asked, flattening the lapels of my jacket.

  “I was unlucky enough to say yes to Louisa Marie Alfonso-Parker.” Cynthia hissed. “Yes, I know, I know. It was better than the alternative.”

  “Which was?”

  I wasn’t ready to admit that I’d accepted because I didn’t want to be alone. Misery sure loved company. “I’m not entirely sure. You’re a bit late to the party.”

  “Fashionably late, my dear. We had some issues with Isobel. I swear that girl will be the death of me.” She rubbed her temples, trying to ease thoughts of her rebellious teen daughter.

  “You just think that because your firstborn is near perfect. Speaking of whom, has he told you?”

  “Yes—” She clapped her hands together. “—and we can’t be happier. I’m glad the decision came from him. Although I have a feeling I have you to thank as well.” She patted my chest.

  “It was all Jake’s idea.” It had been. My best friend, after several years of being the fascinating, talented doctor he was in some other part of the world, had decided to return to California to be closer to his family. “Build roots,” he had said, “fall in love. Start a family.” Just two nights ago, while on the phone with him, I’d thought he’d lost his mind. I thought he’d contracted dengue fever and had been completely delusional. Jake and I had approached life like a game, always competing to see who would end on top, even when it came to women.

  Two days ago, he’d confessed that he’d been exhausted and lonely, and searching for a real purpose, for true happiness. Despite his love for what he’d been doing, something was missing from his life. It was time for him to grow up, and he had advised me to do the same. I’d laughed at him but regretted not telling him that I had been feeling quite lost as well.

  Until tonight.

  “We’re so proud of him.” Cynthia’s words brought me back from my recollections.

  “As am I.” And that hit me harder than a brick wall. I immediately zeroed in on Veronica, huddled behind the bar, sneaking a bite of something into her mouth.

  Evelyn had advised me to stay clear of Veronica, because I wasn’t the right man for her. I could be. I could turn myself into someone Veronica would be proud to call hers. It didn’t matter that her vintage dress was old; she cherished it, which meant she wasn’t enamored by glitz and glamour. I’d witnessed enough men—wealthy, good-looking, of different pedigrees—approach her throughout the night, and all she did was politely smile at them and walk away.

  She wanted romance.

  She wanted happily ever after.

  She wanted true love.

  I could be the man to sweep her off her feet. And I knew how to start.

  After excusing myself from Cynthia, I searched for Santiago.

  Before the event ended, I walked out of the grand ballroom without Louisa’s arm wrapped around mine, with my own new venture, and my thoughts filled with a goddess in a black vintage dress, Veronica—the woman who would turn my life around.

  Bliss Before the Storm


  Many moons later…

  How could I ask him to go, while at the same time ask him not to go? Maybe I could figure it out later, when he looked less sexy.

  I blew a raspberry that fanned the hair on my forehead.

  Like that was ever going to happen. Levi, less sexy? Never with a capital ‘N’!

  Not when he had on black Armani boxer briefs that left little to the imagination, his glasses, and nothing else. Problem was, I didn’t have to imagine. I could pull those down, past the tattoo on his hip, and take a nice, long peek at his...

  “Did you say something?”

  Eyes up! “What?” I propped my elbows on the mattress.

  Levi peered over his glasses. He’d totally caught me, red-handed and dirty-minded! I cleared my throat and dragged my eyes back to what I was reading: some hoity-toity Sweet Sixteen event details.

  Levi snapped his book closed and set it aside. He reached for me, ghosting the pads of his fingers along my spine, pushing my shirt up and off. Then he blew warm breath from the small of my back all the way to the nape of my neck.

  I was drowning in desire. How could I work with him around?

  “You wanted to ask me something, sweetheart?”

  “Hmmmm...” Closing my eyes, I hummed at the vibration of his voice behind my ear. “I didn’t say anything.”

  “Oh, but you have that look.”

  “What look?” A look of want? Of fire-coated desire? I screwed my eyes tighter when he pushed my bra strap off one shoulder and peppered kisses on my skin.

  “All you have to do is ask me, my sweet, sweet love.” He punctuated those words with flicks of his tongue along my neck.

  “I didn’t say... I... Levi, you gotta stop or I... Please let me finish.” I panted in between words, while Levi trailed those kisses down my back to one side of my ribs.

  Then he stopped. Completely. And leaned away from me.

  Looking over my shoulder, I gaped at him. He sat against the headboard, grinning. “Why did you stop?” I protested.

  He shru
gged and cocked his head to one side. “You told me to.”

  I pouted. Reaching forward, Levi tilted my chin up, tugged my bottom lip and leaned in for a quick kiss.

  “Now, ask me.” He sat back, arms crossed over his chest, and had that sexy smirk on his face.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Trying to ignore him, I glared at the paperwork before me.

  “Veronica, you are a horrible liar.” Levi added a chuckle. He wrapped his arms around my waist and propped his chin on my shoulder.

  I clicked my tongue, feeling like I’d already lost this battle and I might as well give up. “What makes you think I’m lying?”

  “For one, you can’t even look at me.” I stared at him over my shoulder and then narrowed my eyes to prove a point. Yet, he continued. “And…your mother called me today.”

  I disengaged from him, turned to face him and sat on my heels. My head swam from my quick change of position, but I shook it off. “She what?” My voice raised an octave higher.

  “Relax, love, she asked me if I’m going home for Thanksgiving with you.”

  That sneaky little she-devil! No wonder she’d bugged me with so many questions about Thanksgiving dinner this weekend.

  “She thought it was time to meet the man schtupping her daughter. Those were her exact words, by the way.” Levi’s shoulders shook with laughter.

  I huffed. It was so like my mother to go behind my back like this. Time for plan B. Ducking my head, I flipped innocently through the pages of work beside me. “You don’t have to come. It’s just a boring dinner with my mother and my sister. Nothing huge. Maggie might not even be there. For the last two years she’s gone to her boyfriend’s for the Holidays.”

  “Oh, but she said everyone will be there this year, and they’re all eager to meet me.” Damnit Mother!

  I crawled seductively to him, batting my lashes and licking my lips, and straddled his lap. “Or...” I trailed a finger from the hollow of his throat down to the center of his deliciously toned abs. “We can just forget all about it and stay here all…weekend…long, without any disruptions.” I peered up at him from under my lashes, caught my bottom lip between my teeth and let my finger wander further south.

  His attention panned to that last bit. I let go of my lip and licked the center of his slightly parted lips. He moaned and tickled my sides. I bucked on top of him.

  “Nice try, you little nymph. We’re going. Unless you’re too embarrassed to introduce me to your family?”

  “Embarrassed? No, not at all. I’d love for you to meet them one day…someday—” Never. “—It’s just...”

  Worry filled his blue eyes.

  “My mother isn’t the best cook. We might end up eating sandwiches…which, for her, is still a stretch.”

  His expression changed into something more relaxed. “I’m sure it’ll be fine. I told her I’ll bring wine. I’ll bring a case so we can gargle with it if the food is thoroughly inedible.”

  He didn’t know how likely it was that would happen. Clearly, he’d thought about this and determined it was a great idea. It was impossible to win when he’d already made up his mind. “Okay, fine, you can come.”

  “I love it when you say that.” Levi nuzzled my neck, pushing my hair off to the side.

  “Pervert.” I playfully slapped his naked chest and tilted my head so he could access more sensitive areas.

  “What are you bringing?” he asked against the apex of my shoulder and neck.

  Now, that was the million-dollar question. Levi still had no idea of my lack of cooking skills. I mean zero. Nada. Zilch. I could eat food, I could serve it, but I could not cook it.

  “What I bring every year, Rice Krispie squares with Reese’s Pieces.”

  He stopped nibbling on my earlobe and looked at me straight on. “What are those?”

  I chuckled. “What do you mean what are those? What do you think?” He shrugged. Oh my god. “You don’t know what Rice Krispie squares are! Oh you poor, rich, sheltered man.”

  “I could take a wild guess that they’re made out of rice.”

  “Not rice, rice cereal. And butter and marshmallows. They’re super good. I pretty much grew up eating them.” Wrong! I grew up eating those and only those. “I’ll make extra to keep here for snacks.”

  “All right. Sounds delish. Speaking of snacks...” His fingers made their way up my back, and underneath my bra clasp. I swatted at his arms. “No. I have work to do. Go read your book.” I reached for my paperwork. He took it from me and threw it on the floor. I gasped. I would have protested louder, but Levi showed me some other more pressing matters.

  L’action de Grace


  To say Veronica was nervous would be an understatement. I reached over and grabbed her hands to stop her from wringing them. I was afraid that she would separate her joints in frustration. I’d had a hard enough time getting her into the car. She’d tried to come up with unbelievable excuses just so I would give up and tell her that we could stay.

  Her last attempt had nearly worked. When she told me she hadn’t worn underwear, I’d been tempted, but once I devastatingly discovered that she’d fibbed, the plan was back on.

  “Why are you so anxious? It’s just me. I love you no matter what happens tonight.” I glanced away from the road to give her a once-over.

  Her shoulders slouched forward as she sighed. “I wish it was just that. It’s not you that’s the problem. And it’s not Maggie. You’ll take a liking to her for sure.” She paused and worked her bottom lip between her teeth. “It’s my mother.”

  I chuckled. Maybe I shouldn’t have. Her mother couldn’t be as intolerable as mine. “She sounded lovely over the phone.”

  “Ha! Right. Because it wasn’t freaky enough that she managed to track you down and force you to come for Thanksgiving dinner.” I kept my eyes on the road, but I could feel the tension emanating from her as she spoke. “Don’t you find that a little bit odd? I asked her how she did it and she said ‘I have my ways, Nica’. I mean, come on!” Her hands detached from mine and flew in the air.

  “I thought it was sweet. I would have met her eventually.” I placated her, taking one of her hands again and bringing it to my lips. “Veronica, I’m very serious about this relationship. I would have asked to meet your family sooner or later.” Just as long as she didn’t ask to meet mine.

  She huffed out a heavy breath. “Fine. But you can’t say that I didn’t warn you. And you can’t blame me for anything wrong that happens. Ever.”

  “I promise.” I kissed her hand again and snickered against it. Looking over, I saw her pout and could not help but be a tad nervous myself. I was great with families and parents when I wasn’t too serious about the relationship. But with Veronica…I’d suffer if something happened to us.

  This had to work. I had to impress her family, let them know I was the right man for Veronica, even though, through and through, I hated to admit I wasn’t worthy of her love.

  As soon as we parked on the driveway of her childhood home, a portly woman dressed in a plum taffeta evening dress waved at us from the porch. I kept my laughter in check as I unfolded myself out of the car, walked to the back, and opened the trunk.

  “Oh my freaking lord.” Veronica groaned beside me, gripping me like she had talons. Her face paled. “What is she wearing?”

  “Hallooooo!” Her mother glided down the steps to us, patting her hair in place as she approached. She practically pushed her daughter aside to get to me, and when she did, she hugged me so tight I struggled to catch my breath.

  Veronica’s eyes widened. She swung herself toward her mother and tried to peel her away from me. “Mom, you’re choking him!”

  I straightened as soon as she let me breathe. God, for someone a head and a half shorter than me, the woman was strong.

  She placed a hand over her chest. “Oops, sorry. I get a little bit excited sometimes.”

  “Not to worry. I’m still in one piece.” Befo
re I could retract that last statement, worried that I had offended her, she cackled.

  She turned to her daughter. “Oh, I like this one, Nica, he’s funny. And so handsome too!” She pinched my left cheek.

  “Oh my god,” I heard Veronica say again. Panic replaced her embarrassment. “Maggie! Help me out here!”

  A tall girl with curly blonde hair came bounding down the steps and swung an arm over their mother. “Can’t you wait ‘til they get in the house at least? Hi, I’m Maggie, and you’re Levi.” She extended a hand.


  “Come bring your stuff inside.” Maggie nodded toward the house, a small yellow Cape Cod with an expansive and well-cared-for garden in the front.

  “We don’t have stuff. We only brought Rice Krispie treats and wine. They’re in the car,” Veronica told them.

  “Well…not exactly.” I was going to pay for this. I gave Veronica a crooked smile while I took a bag out of my trunk. “We’re staying for the weekend.”

  Veronica gaped.

  “Your Mum made me promise to keep it a secret.” The look Veronica gave me said enough. If I was the type to shake in my boots, I would have.

  Maggie whistled. “Oh boy, you’re in deep shit now.” She clapped my shoulder and shook her head. “Bad move, Levi, bad move. And here I thought you looked smart. I guess pretty doesn’t always come with brains, even for guys.”

  Veronica huffed and turned on her heels. She stomped all the way to the open light blue door.

  “Oh, don’t you worry about her. She’s just upset it wasn’t her idea,” her mother assured me. “Come inside before the neighbors start snooping. Mrs. Claremont across the street is a nosy little bi--”

  “Mother!” Maggie interjected. She rolled her eyes and walked back into the house. Her mother followed, defending herself and swinging her full skirt as she went.


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