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Cruise Control (Cruise Ship Christian Cozy Mysteries Series Book 6)

Page 12

by Hope Callaghan

  Dot pulled it back up, rewound the recording. Andrea and Lucy peeked over her shoulder to view the tape. “I caught a glimpse of someone walking around inside,” Dot reported in a low voice.

  While Dot spied on the apartment below, Millie inserted the rope through the harness ring, she knotted it several times and held both ends. The two women stepped out onto the balcony and stood near the rail to wait.

  Millie turned to Dot. “Let’s run another visual to see if the apartment is empty now.”

  Dot repeated the same steps, lowering the phone, attached to the selfie stick and then slowly making her way along the edge. She pulled it back up, quickly switched to replay and watched. “Nope. Still no go.”

  Gloria tugged on the harness straps nervously. “This waiting is torture.” She stepped inside the suite and began pacing the floor, the metal hooks of the harness clanking noisily. “I hope they hurry up.”

  They waited another few minutes and Dot lowered the phone a third time. She walked along the edge of the balcony before pulling the phone back up, stepping inside the suite and then gazing at the screen. “Coast is clear,” she whispered in a loud voice.

  “Finally!” Millie handed Gloria the mic and then the hanger hook. She wrapped the two ends of the rope through the metal balusters and then wrapped it once around the bottom rail. “That should hold. I’ll need some help lowering Gloria.”

  “I’ll do it,” Liz volunteered.

  Gloria shook her head. “Not that I don’t trust you, Liz, but I don’t trust you.” She glanced at her friends. “Andrea and Margaret. Can you two help Millie?”

  Liz crossed her arms and backed into the corner of the balcony to pout.

  Millie turned her attention to Gloria. “Climb over the side and hang on. When the girls are certain they have a secure hold on the ropes, we’ll lower you down,” she whispered and held a finger to her lips. She pointed down.

  Gloria gave her a thumbs up and then straddled the railing.

  The color drained from Dot’s face as she watched her friend cling to the side of the balcony. What if the girls lost their grip and Gloria plunged into the sea below? She couldn’t remember if Gloria even knew how to swim.

  It was too late to ask.

  Millie, Margaret and Andrea gripped the ropes tightly as Gloria released her hold on the railing and quickly disappeared from sight.

  The rope inched forward.

  “Move up,” Millie motioned them forward.

  Lucy peered over the side of the rail and gazed at the top of Gloria’s head. “A little more rope,” she said.

  The girls fed a little more rope and then tightened their grip. “And…she’s in. Give it some slack.”

  The plan was for Gloria to place the mic just inside the apartment, high enough so Captain Armati’s dog, Scout, wouldn’t be able to reach it yet low enough so that no one would notice.

  Lucy clasped her hands and started to pray as she gazed anxiously over the side.

  Gloria climbed over the side of the rail, shepherd’s hook in hand and made an “up” motion with her thumb.

  “Back up, back up,” Lucy flipped her hand, palm up and made an “up” motion.

  Andrea, Margaret and Millie began tugging furiously on the rope.

  Lucy grabbed another section and all four of them quickly pulled Gloria to the edge of the rail.

  Gloria vaulted over the side of the balcony railing, lost her balance and fell on her rear, a grin spread across her face from ear to ear. The adrenaline rush caused her hands to shake and she fumbled with the safety gear hooks.

  With the gear off, the girls stepped inside and closed the slider. “Well?”

  “No one was in the apartment except for the cutest little dog. He was about this big.” Gloria held her hands a few inches apart.

  “Scout.” A lump formed in Millie’s throat and tears burned the back of her eyes. At least Scout was okay. She didn’t dare dwell on Captain Armati lest she break down and start bawling.

  Ruth shifted her gaze from the monitor to Gloria. “Whoops! I guess you’ll need an orbiter and headphones.”

  She popped out of the seat and headed to the closet again, returning moments later with a large cone shaped device. Attached to the narrow end of the cone was an oblong black handle.

  “Thanks.” Millie slid the headphones over the top of her head, carried the cone shaped device out onto the balcony and set it in one of the deck chairs. Millie pointed the cone toward the railing and then stepped back inside.

  Now that the first phase of their mission had been accomplished, the girls quickly grew bored.

  “I’m hungry,” Dot said.

  “Me too,” Margaret agreed.

  Andrea tapped Ruth on the shoulder. “Lucy and I ate not long ago. Why don’t you head out with the others and grab some lunch?”

  Ruth blinked rapidly. “Whew! Yeah. I’m starting to get cross-eyed.”

  Andrea settled into the seat Ruth vacated and all of the girls, except for Lucy, who took over the listening device and Andrea, who monitored the computer screen, headed out to grab a bite to eat.


  Boris Smirnov tapped the gun in the palm of his hand as he paced back and forth across the floor of the bridge. Time was running out. It was three o’clock in the afternoon and Majestic Cruise Lines had only three hours left to drop the duffel bag filled with fifty million dollars in unmarked bills on the helipad. If not, he vowed to begin killing the crew aboard Siren of the Seas, starting with one of the top dogs, either Captain Armati or the man in charge of the money, Purser Donovan Sweeney.

  The plan had gone off without a hitch and Boris’s Russian counterparts had done their part to ensure his team – and their weapons – had arrived onboard the ship undetected.

  It was a shame some of his comrades would not live long enough to enjoy the spoils of their newfound wealth, but the less people alive to talk about the operation, the better. It also meant more money for Boris.

  Boris wasn’t sure yet where he would celebrate his newfound wealth. He was leaning toward settling in Cuba, but other southern Caribbean islands were tempting, as well.

  Perhaps he would travel around to the various islands and then contemplate a permanent home while he sipped frozen margaritas on the beach and counted his millions.

  The only “fly in the ointment” so to speak had been the young blonde who had scaled the side of the ship and caught a glimpse of Boris and his team. He wasn’t sure how much the woman had seen and it gnawed at him.

  In fact, it had bothered him so much; he had sent one of his men out into the ship to track her down. She had been wearing a staff uniform. Boris knew enough to know she was not one of the crew, but someone with a higher status, not to mention a lot of guts…or stupidity.

  Boris smiled grimly. He had told his underling he was not to return to the bridge without the woman or else he would toss him overboard…not that the underling would live much longer anyway.

  He had noted a brief flicker of recognition in the captain’s eyes when the woman was spotted, but Captain Armati was a strong man and despite a beating, he had not divulged the woman’s name.

  When the captain regained consciousness, they would try again…

  “Comrade!” A stocky man in dark clothing stopped short. He lifted his hand in salute.

  Boris placed both hands behind his back. “Yes.”

  “We have word from the outside.”

  Boris Smirnov followed the man to the other side of the bridge and over to the radio controls. He handed Boris a sheet of paper. “The team onboard the yacht said this message just came in.”

  “We received your demand for fifty million dollars in exchange for the release of our ship, along with the safe return of both our crew and passengers. We need another twelve hours to secure the funds and reach the ship for drop off. Please respond.”

  The message was signed, “Ted Danvers, CEO.”

  Boris crumpled the sheet in a ball and threw it across th
e room. “Incompetence!” he roared. He strode down the hall and into Captain Armati’s apartment.

  When Boris reached the bar area, he pulled out a half-empty bottle of vodka, unscrewed the cap and took a big swig. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before slamming the bottle down on the counter.

  The other two hijackers stared uneasily at one another but no one dared approach Boris in his current state.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Ivan Gusev stood just outside the bridge and stared at the closed door. Where to start looking for the girl? There was a chance she had been injured during the fall, which would mean she had been taken to medical.

  He made his way down to guest services and when he reached the front of the long line, he approached the petite brunette behind the counter. She looked frazzled and he knew why. All of the people around him that were waiting in line were grumbling about the lack of internet and phone connection. Not only that, the passengers had noticed the ship was not moving.

  Nikki Tan swiped the stray strand of hair out of her eyes and smiled at the tall, broad shouldered man in front of her. “Can I help you?”

  “Yes. I am looking for the ship’s doctor. I feel…chest pains.” Boris clutched his chest for emphasis.

  Nikki’s eyes widened and she reached for the phone. “I can call for one of the medical staff to come assist you.”

  “No!” Boris shouted and then lowered his voice. “I mean, no. I can go there on my own if you tell me how to get there.”

  Nikki leaned over the counter and pointed at the bank of elevators on the other side of the desk. “Take the elevators to deck two. Exit the elevators, turn left and go to the very back of the ship.”

  “Thank you.” Boris smiled and stepped away from the desk as he headed to the bank of elevators.


  Danielle fidgeted on the examination table, wishing she were anywhere but here. Although she was a little sore from the impact of hitting the water, she felt fine. She had grown weary of Doctor Gundervan and his staff hovering over her.

  She glanced at the clock on the wall. Ten more minutes and she would be free to leave, at least that was what the good doctor had promised.

  Danielle kicked the bottom of the examination table with the heel of her sopping wet sneaker as she plucked at her damp work shirt. All she’d been trying to do was help and the only thing she’d accomplished was to be on the receiving end of a stern reprimand courtesy of Andy, who had just stormed out of the medical center.

  Andy had been madder than a wet hornet and informed her she was on restriction indefinitely.

  Danielle glanced at the purple welt on the side of her arm. She was going to have a humdinger of a bruise, thanks to the bridge’s windowsill she’d managed to crash into on the way down. At least the hijacker, who had taken a pot shot at her…well, several pot shots, had missed.

  Doctor Gundervan emerged from the front. “Well, young lady, if you’re sure you’re feeling alright, you’re free to go. I suggest you head back to your cabin and get some rest.”

  Danielle slid off the table. “Sweet! I’m a little sore but with the bottle of pills you gave me, I should be good as new. If not, I have your number,” she joked.

  Doctor Gundervan walked Danielle to the door and held it open. “I would like you to check in with me later this evening to let me know how you’re feeling,” he said.

  “Ten four.” Danielle gave a small salute before stepping out into the hall. She was a little sorer than she cared to admit and slowly limped down the hall.

  When she reached the end of the hall, she changed her mind, realizing she would need some water to take the pills. She half thought about using the bathroom tap water but quickly nixed the idea.

  Danielle pushed the “up” button on the elevator and stepped inside.

  Out of nowhere, a burly man with sandy blonde hair stuck his hand between the elevator doors to prevent them from closing. He stepped inside.

  She gave him a quick glance before she pushed the button for the eleventh floor.

  The man pushed the button for deck ten.

  Something about him caused the hair on the back of Danielle’s neck to stand up and she took a step back.

  Watch your back, Danielle. Casey’s voice echoed in Danielle’s ear. She instinctively reached inside her soggy pants pocket and rubbed the small, smooth stone between her index finger and thumb.

  It had been almost a year now since Casey’s death…one long, painful year and her heart still ached, even now.

  Perhaps the fall had been more traumatizing than she initially thought.

  Danielle crossed her arms and clenched her jaw as she focused on the blinking elevator numbers, willing them to move faster.

  Get off the elevator, Danielle. Casey’s voice warned. Danielle had heard his voice several times over the past year as he warned her of impending danger. So far, his warnings had always been spot on.

  She impulsively jabbed a lower floor button, hoping to get off as quickly as possible. She was in luck. The elevator stopped on deck nine.

  The doors opened and there were several people standing outside the elevator, waiting to get on.

  Danielle darted off the elevator.

  The stranger followed her off.

  Danielle picked up the pace as she hurried to the stairs, taking the steps two at a time. Her aching body groaned in protest at the exertion.

  She didn’t look behind her…she didn’t need to. She knew the stranger was following her!

  He’s right behind you Pickle. Pickle had been Casey’s pet name for his older sister, his only sibling, who always seemed to get in a pickle.

  She quickly blinked back the tears that stung the back of her eyes and focused on putting as much distance as possible between her and the sinister stranger, but it was too late.

  Danielle felt a sharp pain in the back of her head and then her world went dark.

  Ivan Gusev picked up the blonde, easily flung her over his left shoulder and ascended the one flight of stairs to the bridge.

  “Hey! Everything alright, dude?” A young man wearing a heavy metal t-shirt and black swim trunks approached Ivan.

  Ivan slowly turned. He had a split second to decide what to do. “Yes. My girlfriend, she have a few too many, you know?” He tipped his head back and lifted his hand as if guzzling an invisible drink.

  “Ah.” The young man smiled and nodded. “Cool.” He waved and headed down the hall.

  Ivan watched until the young passenger disappeared before turning and rapidly walking to the door that led to the bridge. The last thing he needed was to run into anyone else, especially a crewmember who might recognize the unconscious woman draped over his shoulder.

  When he got to the door, he rapped loudly. The door swung open and Ivan, still carrying Danielle, disappeared inside.


  “Oh my gosh!” Andrea stared at the computer screen in disbelief. She clicked the mouse over the play button and slid it to the left to rewind. “Check this out.”

  Lucy shifted the right headphone off her ear and gazed at the computer screen. “That looks like Millie’s friend. What’s her name?”

  “Danielle. A man just carried Danielle into the bridge!” Andrea jumped out of her chair. “We’ve got to do something!”

  “Wait! I hear something!” Lucy adjusted the headphones and cranked up the volume.

  “Put her there!” A man with a thick Russian accent spoke. “We will find out what she knows once she comes to.”

  Lucy heard a soft moan and could only surmise the person moaning was Danielle.

  “We’re back!” Liz breezed into the suite and swept off to the side, accompanied by the other girls.

  “Shh!” Lucy put a finger to her lips and pointed at the headphones. She was amazed at the clarity of the small listening device.

  The others tiptoed into the room and hovered around Lucy.

  Andrea clicked the back arrow on the video and then paused it at the poin
t where the man, carrying Danielle, reached the door.

  Lucy shook her head. “It’s quiet.” She looked at Andrea. “Show them what you have.”

  All eyes turned to the computer monitor. Andrea pressed the “play” button and they watched in horror as the man approached the bridge carrying an unconscious woman. He rapped three times on the door, it opened and the two of them disappeared inside.

  “That was Danielle,” Millie muttered.

  Annette, who had met up with the girls near the buffet area, grimaced. “Yeah. They must have thought she’d seen too much inside the bridge before she plunged into the ocean.”

  “Wh-what do you think will happen to her?” Dot asked.

  Millie frowned. “They aren’t going to keep her around. My guess is they will try to find out what she knows, who she told and then get rid of her.”

  Gloria began to pace. “We need to do something. We need to figure out who the mole is, come up with a plan and rescue everyone!”

  “I heard something while you were gone. It was a man’s voice.” Lucy looked at Millie. “Maybe you’ll recognize it.” She handed the headphones to Millie and Millie slid them on.

  Lucy replayed the tape to the spot where she recalled hearing the voice.

  Millie listened quietly and then her mouth dropped open. “Oh my gosh! I-I think I might have an idea who the mole is!”

  “We’re running out of time. Danielle is in big trouble. These guys mean business,” Millie added.

  The wheels were spinning in Millie’s head. The only way to access the bridge was through the captain’s apartment and in through the slider.

  Now that the mic was in place, they would be able to tell if anyone was around. Still, it was risky. They needed a visual of the apartment, to see what was going on. Otherwise, whoever went in could very well walk right into a trap.

  “I can borrow one of the rolled fire escape ladders from maintenance,” Annette suggested. “Attach it to the side of Gloria’s balcony, roll it down and access the captain’s balcony.”


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