Abomination: Devil Worship and Deception in the West Memphis Three Murders

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Abomination: Devil Worship and Deception in the West Memphis Three Murders Page 16

by Ramsey, William

  Allen: You were talking about he had made some threats to you and had talked about some of your family members and Deanna can you describe in detail exactly what kind of threats these were and the way he phrased them?

  Shane: Okay one of the threats was against my uncle whom had told him that if he had fought with me that my uncle would jump into and threatened him by saying if he jumped in he cut him to pieces and bury him in Deanna's front yard.

  Allen: Okay, now how old is your uncle?

  Shane: He's 16.

  Allen: He's 16.

  Shane: Right now.

  Allen: Okay, he goes, does he go to school also at Marion?

  Shane: He uh, went to school at Marion yes.

  Allen: Okay, now did you ever hear this or is this something your uncle told you?

  Shane: I didn't over hear it, it was something my uncle and several other people told me.

  Allen: What is his name?

  Shane: Kyle Perkins.

  Allen: Kyle Perkins, okay, he made this threat to Kyle Perkins.

  Shane: Yes he did.

  Allen: Allegedly.

  Shane: Yes.

  Allen: As far as any threats that he made directly to you what can you remember any of.

  Shane: Most of them were generally just short you know like “I'm going to kill you” or you know like when he had me down on the ground he said “I'm going to kill you, I'm going to rip your eyes out” and all this stuff, you know generally you know just short phrases there was no long drawn out threats.

  Allen: On your way down here from your residence you were explaining to me that you and Damien had talked on numberless occasions when you first meet Deanna and first meet him. Can you recall anything in particular that you might have talked to him about did he ever talk about any religious beliefs any thing of that nature?

  Shane: No he didn't talk about any religious beliefs at the time but I do know at the time he did talk about going to church but he didn't talk about God, he talked about how when he was at church he generally cut up in the back he generally made fun of it. He did talk about you know about sitting in the back hollering things like groovy and stuff like that you know while the preacher was preaching but other then that he didn't tell me about his beliefs he didn't tell me you know whether he believed in God or whether he was a God fearing Christian or whatever nothing like that.

  Allen: Okay, generally back when, now most of this occurred now correct me if I'm wrong, most of this occurred at the beginning of, I mean at the end of the school year 92 is that correct:

  Shane: That's correct.

  Allen: Okay, did you have an occasion, did you go to school this last school year?

  Shane: Yes I did.

  Allen: Okay was he in school at that time?

  Shane: Not at that time he did come back to the school at the beginning of the school year he was in the office and I saw him there, uh, back I don't think they admitted him back into the school back in class or anything, I did see him in the office once, though.

  Allen: Okay, as far as I know this would be something you would of heard but you had mention to me also something earlier about how you made the observation that people he hung around with tend to do things he said can you explain that?

  Shane: He was very imposing person he when he was around some one he could, he was around “friends” he could silence them with just a glance. I mean he could look at them and they would be quiet. You know if they were saying something he disagreed with or if they were disagreeing with him he would just have one look and they would be quiet. It seemed to me that all his friends feared him including Deanna Holcomb. The way it seemed to me that she was around him because she was afraid that if she left he would kill her.

  Allen: Okay, who was some of his friends that you know of as people that he hung around with.

  Shane: At the time the people that he hung around with I didn't see many more of his friends. There was a lot of them that was involved this particular, you know. I don't remember his name was Jason that's all I knew him as.

  Allen: Jason.

  Shane: He was the blonde hair curly.

  Allen: Do you remember him from school?

  Shane: Yes I remember him from school.

  Allen: I've got a photograph here of the three that were arrested. Do you know who this person here is?

  Shane: Damien Echols.

  Allen: Okay.

  Shane: Jason Baldwin. I didn't know his last name but...

  Allen: But that is the one you are referring to?

  Shane: That is Jason.

  Allen: That hung around with him at school.

  Shane: I do not know the, I don't know the third.

  Allen: You don't know him, you didn't go to school with him?

  Shane: I think. I know that I did go to school with him I heard his name around school before, but I've never seen him or interacted with him. (inaudible)

  Allen: Other than Jason Baldwin and Deanna dating him prior to you dating Deanna Holcomb any other close friends of his that you remember?

  Shane: Not that I knew by name, okay because like (inaudible) the people I really hung around with when I was hanging around with Damien was him and Deanna and Jason Baldwin (inaudible) I ever knew and talked to. Everyone else was kind of like background generally but they did say things occasionally that, that Damien would just you know like I said sounds from a glance and that seemed a little bit odd to me. They he would be able to scare someone so much that he wouldn't have to say anything to them.

  Allen: Deanna Holcomb---has she ever told you anything about why she was so afraid of him or anything? I know probably from the newspaper articles and things of that nature that there was supposed, so like, dog, cats sacrifices different things of that nature, rumors of things of that nature. Do you know anything that Deanna ever mentioned anything about some things that Damien would do that made her scared of him, or...

  Shane: She didn't tell me any thing in detail. She did tell me that he scared her, that she thought he was crazy. She told me that several times whenever the subject came up about him which I generally tried to avoid there because, then one thing I wanted to do was get her away from him. She didn't tell me anything about sacrifices or anything but she did tell me that at one time they had sexual intercourse in a room full of people watching them, she told me of you know that is the main thing she told me about like a circle of people were watching them, and that is with candles around and everything like that which you know kind of reminded me of you know unusual practice.

  Allen: Did she ever talk about being tied up or anything?

  Shane: She never told me anything about that.

  Allen: Is there anything you could add that, at this point that might be beneficial in this investigation as far as any information that something that you may have heard from someone else something that hadn't been brought up so far that might assist us in kind of way?

  Shane: Nothing but the fact that I know Damien is exactly highly intelligence he knows a lot about things. He knows how to work with a person's mind. He can manipulate a persons mind to where what he believes in he finds someone that he can't control that he can't influence, he hate them.

  Allen: Okay, so you feel like most of the people that he dealt with as far as Jason Baldwin and Deanna at time were the kind of people he preyed up on?

  Shane: Yeah, it was very noticeable they were susceptible to another persons mind if they imposed it you know they would believe what they told...

  The investigation returned to Deanna Holcomb:

  Allen: As far as Deanna..did she ever mention anything about Damien being a devil worshiping or anything other than what you gather from the sexual intercourse they with a group of people in a room and candles?

  Shane: She didn’t say he was exactly worshiping. She said that he proclaimed himself to be the Son of Satan. Occasionally, that he did strange things that lead her to believe he was demoniac. Or you know that he, he, the things he wrote---I rea
d a little bit of his poetry which generally mainly about death, about dark forces...People would think he was like a Satan worshipper just by looking, at the time I know him. You know because of the way he dressed, but you know looks sometimes are deceiving. You know he might exactly been in it, he just might of wanted people to think that.

  Allen: There was talk at school he, in fact I read this in the newspaper, that the talk at school that he had some kind of skull something around his neck. Did you ever see any him at with any skulls?

  Shane: Like necklaces and things like that with bones on them, yeah when Deanna broke up with him he gave her two things gave her a coin, golden coin and crows foot.

  Allen: Crows foot.

  Shane: And a crow’s foot. The crow’s foot was generally used in black magic. Was supposed to be a hex. He gave her a crows foot, he generally gave her a choice. Gold coin was supposed to represent pleasure, the crows foot was supposed to represent pain. Okay, that I mean he did things that did represent black magic.

  Allen: You basically know the difference between what they call white magic, vicar, [Wicca] and black magic.

  Shane: Yeah, I have done a little study in that area and have looked up quite a few things.

  Allen: Was this prior to this, or just over the years.

  Shane: Just over the years, Just in general I absorbed, knowledge of just about anything I can get my hands on.....In Wicca there is a downward pointing pentagram but it is used for warding off. For you to know that is what is supposed to be used for. It’s supposed to be used forward that is a warding pentacle. And if its right side up its supposed to be invoking pentacle.

  Allen: In what you have gathered from these, talking to these people and stuff, what is you assessment of what happened to the boys as far, now at this point Damien has been charged and it hadn’t been proven guilty at this point say that Damien did do this, you feel that was some kind of a ceremony or something that was being done?

  Shane: Due to the graphic nature of what would happen, it might have been, but the thing is there’s not any ceremony that I know of. You know because I do know a few ceremonies, you know and that one seemed generally sexually related, because of you know the certain dismemberment of the bodies...it looks like a ceremony, but it’s not any that I know of.

  Allen: Have you ever heard oh, I don't want to just right out ask it, have you ever heard any bi-sexual tendencies of Damien or Jason or anybody that he has associated with?

  Shane: I haven't heard of any but you know, I kind of figure if he were in black magic there would be bi-sexual tendencies.

  Allen: There be or there wouldn't be?

  Shane: There would be because in, in all magic including Wicca there are ceremonies which include bi-sexual sex magic is what it is called. It does include, you know, bi-sexual intercourse.

  Allen: Is there anything you would like to add before I conclude this statement?

  Shane: No118

  June 17th, 1993

  Stephanie Dollar

  Police Interview

  Mrs. Dollar, age 25 in 1993, spoke well of Jessie Misskelley. She would let him babysit her three children, ages 5, 7 and 9. She replied in questioning that she could not believe he was capable of murdering the three boys.119

  June 18th, 1993

  Charles Ashley, Jr.

  Investigative Report

  Detective Allen interviewed Charles Ashley, Jr. on June 18th, who stated that he has seen Damien Echols about 2 or 3 times walking by himself coming from the wooded area underneath the overpass at Lakeshore (under I-55).120

  June 18th, 1993

  James Guy Bailey

  Handwritten Statement

  I always saw Jason + Damien at the skating rink. He said Damien always wore “a black trench coat all the times I saw him---even if it was hot outside.” Added that he saw Damien once at Vickie’s trailer and Jessie went there “alot...Jessie stayed at his house alot, too.” He had heard that Damien was “a devil worshipper.”121

  June 23rd, 1993

  Tony Hodges

  Police Statement

  “I, Tony Hodges, saw Damien the last time about 4 or 5 months ago at the bowling alley with Jason Baldwin.

  I heard from Garrot Schwarting that Damien was into Satan worshipping, so I quit speaking to him. Schwarting also told me that Damiens girlfriend, Domini, was pregnant and that the baby would be sacrificed. I have known of Damien since the beginning of the 1991 school year. He went to Marion [High] school then. After Baldwin met Damien his drawings changed to Metallica and Iron Maiden graffiti-like drawings and he started wearing concert shirts all the time. I heard that Damien smoked marijuana, and he asked me the last time I saw him if I had any and I told him I don't do that. I heard that some devil worshippers meet under a bridge on Lehr Street. I have also heard of something called "knights of the lost relm," and under the bridge on Lehr Street. I have seen graffiti that said something like "knights Rule," or something. Damien has never been over my house, but he could have visited Nikki Partoiss next door, she's 15 or 16 yrs. of age. I thought Damien used to live with Alea Teer in Belvedere Apts. After Alea met Damien, she changed her name to "Domini". I used to see Domini at Belvedere Apts. last summer and half the time she would have Damien with her. Liza McDaniels lives in Belvedere Apts. with a baby. I've seen Damien, Domini, L.G. Hollingsworth, and Liza McDaniels talking a few times together. That was last summer. At the beginning of the school year I used to talk to Jason Baldwin all the time, and about 4 weeks before the incident in question he just wouldn't socialize anymore, he just wouldn't say much. I haven't seen Jessie Misskelley in about a year and a half, but in the 8th & 9th grades at school he would always pick fights, and once he stood up and punched a teacher a few times in the jaw.122

  June 29th, 1993

  Alvis Clem Bly

  Police Interview

  Mr. Bly, a 36 year old former resident of Lakeshore Trailer Park, provided astonishing inside information about the workings of the cult to West Memphis police. Detective Allen took his testimony from the Crittenden County Jail, where he was held on charges of raping his eight year-old step-daughter:

  Allen: Okay, um, this cult what exactly did it consist of?

  Bly: Well we just go out there and one of the guys had a devil worshiping book and we would go by it, which was sacrificing dogs or chicken, we would drain their blood then we would take and cut the heart out and put it in the center of the pentagram and set fire to it and worship the Devil.

  Allen: Okay this pentagram what was..., was it...

  Bly: It's a devil symbol.

  Allen: Where was the pentagram?

  Bly: On the floor.

  Allen: Okay, how would they, how would they make the pentagram?

  Bly: They had some chalk, some white powder chalk and some blue chalk like carpenters chalk and would draw it with it.

  Allen: Okay, who all was, who all was involved in this, in this, group, this cult?

  Bly: There would be about 20 of us at a time out there.

  Allen: Okay, um, name some of the people that participated in this?

  Bly: I can't remember for 1 minute to the other (inaudible) I would say it was Jason (inaudible) Baldwin then uh, Misskelley, um.

  Allen: Was it the father Misskelley or the son Misskelley?

  Bly: Son.

  Allen: You know both of them?

  Bly: I didn't know his father.

  Allen: Okay, um, you know Misskelley first name?

  Bly: Not right off hand I don't. If I hadn't seen it so much on the news I couldn't remember it now.

  Allen: Okay, but you remember seeing him involved in this?

  Bly: Oh. Yes sir.

  Allen: Okay, anyone else? You said uh Baldwin.

  Bly: Yes sir, he they call him Davien.

  Allen: They called who Damien?

  Bly: Baldwin

  Allen: Okay, they called Baldwin Damien?

  Bly: I'm pretty sure it was him.

  Allen: Okay, le
t me uh, I've I got a newspaper here.

  Bly: Yes sir.

  Allen: It's got Jessie Misskelley.

  Bly: Yes sir.

  Allen: and Jason Baldwin's picture here? Okay is this the one they call Damien?

  Bly: No sir.

  Allen: That's, I'm pointing to Jason Baldwin?

  Bly: I see, that's.... that's not Davien, the other boy was Davien, I don't see him on the... there he is that's Davien there.

  Allen: Okay, that's the one they call Damien there?

  Bly: Yes sir.

  Allen: Davien, what ever you know him as...

  Bly: Davien---that's a devil name.

  Allen: Okay, and this is the person you know as Baldwin?

  Bly: Yes sir...

  Allen: Pointing to a picture of Jason Baldwin. And this person here is do you recognize him?

  Bly: He's the leader, Misskelley, yes.


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