Abomination: Devil Worship and Deception in the West Memphis Three Murders

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Abomination: Devil Worship and Deception in the West Memphis Three Murders Page 39

by Ramsey, William

  MISSKELLEY: We sit there for a while and then three little boys came up.

  DAVIS: Ok what was. Had you had anything to drink or had you done any drugs, anything like that prior to that time? Or during that time?

  MISSKELLEY: I was drinking.

  DAVIS: Ok what were you drinking ?

  MISSKELLEY: Whiskey and...

  DAVIS: And do you recall whether it was daylight or dark when you got to the woods?

  MISSKELLEY: It was still daylight.

  DAVIS: And do you know, do you have any idea what time it was about when you got to the woods?

  MISSKELLEY: No I don't.

  DAVIS: Ok, now where did you enter the woods from?

  MISSKELLEY: Ah.. by a bridge.

  DAVIS: Ok. What kind of bridge was it?

  MISSKELLEY: It was on the serv, on the service road.

  DAVIS: Ok. Ah.. you entered the woods by a bridge near the service road.

  MISSKELLEY: ..Uhm.. (yes)

  DAVIS: Ok. When you, who was with you at that point ?

  MISSKELLEY: Jason and Damien.

  DAVIS: When did you get with them?

  MISSKELLEY: Lakeshore [trailer park].

  DAVIS: And was there anybody else with you?


  DAVIS: Ok. And when you entered the woods near that bridge, what happened next?

  MISSKELLEY: We just sit out there and started drinking ..inaudible.., we heard some noise, me and Jason hid and ..ah.. Damien just sit there and then all of a sudden he hid and then three little boys come up and we jumped ‘em.

  DAVIS: Now, when you say that, what, prior to the boys coming up what was Damien doing ?

  MISSKELLEY: He was just sittin’ there, waiting for ‘em?

  DAVIS: Ok. Was he drinking too?

  MISSKELLEY: Uhm.. (yes).

  DAVIS: What was he drinking ?

  MISSKELLEY: He was drinking beer?

  DAVIS: And what about Jason?

  MISSKELLEY: Same thing.

  DAVIS: Ok. Did they appear to be intoxicated?

  MISSKELLEY: To me they was.

  DAVIS: Ok what about you? Were you, did you drink to the point you were intoxicated?

  MISSKELLEY: I drunk to a point I was sick.

  DAVIS: Ok. And when you drank, drink anything with the Whiskey?


  DAVIS: Ok. What brand was it?

  DAVIS: Evan Williams.

  DAVIS: Ok. Where did you get that from?

  MISSKELLEY: Vicky Hutcheson.

  DAVIS: Ok. Was there anybody with you when you got that?


  DAVIS: Did, were you the only one there when you got Evan Williams from her?


  DAVIS: Ok. And how much, when did you make arrangements for her to get that.

  MISSKELLEY: During that day.

  DAVIS: Ok.

  MISSKELLEY: I don't know what time.

  DAVIS: Where had you been right before hooking up or getting with Damien and Jason?

  MISSKELLEY: Well that morning I went to West Memphis roofing.

  DAVIS: Ok. And about what time did you get through roofing?

  MISSKELLEY: Well, I got off at dinner time.

  DAVIS: Ok. And after you got off at dinner time, where, what were you doing right before you met up with Jason and Damien, where had you been?

  MISSKELLEY: Highland Trailer Park.

  DAVIS: Ok. And had you seen anybody in Highland Trailer Park right before you left to meet up with those two?


  DAVIS: Ok and who had you seen?

  MISSKELLEY: Louie, Susie, Stephanie, Pat, Boomer ..um.. Cody, Stephanie, Bobbie, you know some cop and there was some more people I couldn't tell you.

  DAVIS: Ok. So. And so it was after, was it---do you have any idea what time it was when you left the Trailer Park, approximately?

  MISSKELLEY: I don't know what time it was. I didn't have my watch.

  DAVIS: Ok. And where were you when, as far as between the Trailer Park and Robin Hood Woods when you ran into or came across Jason and Damien.

  MISSKELLEY: I went to Lakeshore.

  DAVIS: Ok. Is there where you met them?

  MISSKELLEY: Uhm.. (yes)

  DAVIS: Ok. Where were they when you met them.

  MISSKELLEY: By the ..um.. by the Interstate.

  DAVIS: Ok. Did you know ahead of time you were going to meet ‘em there ?


  DAVIS: Ok. And how did you know that?

  MISSKELLEY: It well Damien, I talked to him a couple times, and he wanted me to go West Memphis with him and Jason and find some girls. And I went.

  DAVIS: Did you know what, did you know what you were going for or what was going to happen?

  MISSKELLEY: No, I didn't.

  DAVIS: Now, how did you get from Lakeshore to the woods? What route did you take?

  MISSKELLEY: We walked by ..ah.. Walmart and went on the Service Road.

  DAVIS: Ok. Do you remember what Damien was wearing?

  MISSKELLEY: [inaudible]

  DAVIS: Ok.

  CALVIN: You may need to speak up just a little bit more.

  MISSKELLEY: I can't remember to this day.

  DAVIS: Ok. Do you remember what Jason's wearing ?

  MISSKELLEY: No I don't, I can remember what I was wearing.

  DAVIS: What were you wearing?

  MISSKELLEY: I was wearing a white shirt, had a basketball, something on the front of it and I had bluejeans, greasy, and white and blue Adidas.

  DAVIS: Ok. Now, when you, after you got in the woods. Do you have any idea how long you were in the woods before the kids came up?

  MISSKELLEY: Not very long.

  DAVIS: Ok. Now, where were you in relation to the creek that runs through the woods. Do you know what I am talking about when I say there's a creek running through it?

  MISSKELLEY: Yea, the creek that goes up under the bridge.

  DAVIS: Ok, the one that, the creek that runs under the


  DAVIS: Service Road. Ok. Where were ya'll in the creek, out of the creek...

  MISSKELLEY: Out of the creek.

  DAVIS: Ok. Were all three of ya out of the creek?


  DAVIS: Ok. And were you, were you on the Blue Beacon side or the Memphis side of the creek? Let me ask that again. The creek that runs under the Service Road and into Robin Hood Woods.


  DAVIS: Ok. One side of it's the Blue Beacon side and one side of it's closer to Memphis. One side's, were ya'll on the Blue Beacon side or on the Memphis side of that creek.

  MISSKELLEY: Blue Beacon.

  DAVIS: Ok. And which was, where did the boys come from? Or do you know?

  MISSKELLEY: I don't know.

  DAVIS: When did you first know they were in the woods?

  MISSKELLEY: All I know is I heard these little kids holler.

  DAVIS: Ok. And what happened at that point?

  MISSKELLEY: And Damien started making some noises to get their attention and they come over where we was at.

  DAVIS: When you say he made noises to get their attention, what, he do?

  MISSKELLEY: Holler a little bit.

  DAVIS: Ok. And when they came over what happened?

  MISSKELLEY: And then Ja, Damien jumped on'm. And them other two started beating on Damien and me and Jason jumped on'm.

  DAVIS: Do you know which was Damien jumped on?

  MISSKELLEY: ..um.. one of 'em had blond hair. I don't know which one.

  DAVIS: Ok. Which one's were they, which two was it that jumped on Damien when he jumped on the other one?

  MISSKELLEY: I can't, I can't remember that.

  DAVIS: What happened at that point? Damien jumps on one and the other two jump on him, what happens next?

  MISSKELLEY: Me and Jason jump out and grabbed'm.

  DAVIS: Alright. Who did you grab?

sp; MISSKELLEY: ..um.. the one that had a, a blue Boy Scout.

  DAVIS: Ok. Who did Jason grab, which, what did that boy looked like that Jason grabbed?

  MISSKELLEY: I can't remember. I remember the one I grabbed.

  DAVIS: Ok. What was that boy wearing.

  MISSKELLEY: I can't remember, I was too messed up to remember that.

  DAVIS: You said something about a blue or about a Boy Scout something. Was one of'm wearing a uniform?

  MISSKELLEY: Something with the Boy Scouts on it.

  DAVIS: Ok. Now when you grabbed one and Jason grabbed one what happened next?

  MISSKELLEY: We started hitting'm.

  DAVIS: With what ?

  MISSKELLEY: Fist at first.

  DAVIS: Ok. Where describe to me what Ja, what you saw Jason do?

  MISSKELLEY: He first he cut one of'm on a face on his left side just a little bit like a scratch. Then ..ah.. he went to the other one and got on top of him, started hitting him and then pull one of'm pants down and get on top of'm and cut'm.

  DAVIS: Ok. Now you said that he first hit somebody, hit one of'm and cut him on the left side of his face. Ok was that a different person then the one he jumped on a cut with the knife.

  MISSKELLEY: To my knowledge, yea, a different person.

  DAVIS: What were you doing at this time?

  MISSKELLEY: I was still hitting that one.

  DAVIS: Ok. What were you hitting him with?

  MISSKELLEY: My fist.

  DAVIS: Do you know how many time you might have hit'm?


  DAVIS: Where, what part of his body were you hitting him in ?


  DAVIS: Ok.


  DAVIS: What, what was Damien doing during this time?

  MISSKELLEY: Well the one that got cut on his face, he stuck his finger on his cheek and licked the blood off of it.

  DAVIS: That's what, saw Damien do. What else was he doing?

  MISSKELLEY: He grabbed one of'm by the ear, I don't know which one, he grabbed on of'm by the ear trying to pull his ear off or something. He grabbed 'em pretty tight. It turned kind of red.

  DAVIS: Did the, were the kids, the three little boys were they saying anything, doing anything during this ?

  MISSKELLEY: They were saying “Stop, Stop.”

  DAVIS: Ok. And what about the boy that you were hitting, was he saying that?

  MISSKELLEY: Yea, he was telling me stop and then I stopped and Damien told me, no, no don't stop. And I got on'm again.

  DAVIS: Ok. Now did anybody, at what point, or at this point when your doing that did they have their clothes on?

  MISSKELLEY: Even when we hitting.

  DAVIS: Ok. Were they, at some point did they get hit with anything besides your fist?


  DAVIS: Who hit'm with a stick?

  MISSKELLEY: Damien, I hit, I hit one of'm with a stick and...

  DAVIS: Now. When you say that, do you remember what kind of stick Damien had, you saw those sticks we had in Court.

  MISSKELLEY: No, I didn't look at them. I know there's a stick carved something into it or something. You know part of the bark off of it.

  DAVIS: Do you know how long it was? Was it as long as a baseball bat or longer or?

  MISSKELLEY: It was longer than a baseball bat.

  DAVIS: Ok. Describe for me what it looked like as far as, you say it looked like someone carved on it?

  MISSKELLEY: Like a piece of the bark off of it.

  DAVIS: Was that at the end or middle or bottom or do you remember?

  MISSKELLEY: I can't remember.

  DAVIS: Now.

  CALVIN: Jessie in order to make sure that picks it up you need to talk up a little.

  MISSKELLEY: Oh. I can't remember.

  DAVIS: Ok. Now when you were hit, when, when you say that you were hitting 'em and Jason and Damien were hitting 'em. Were the boys still conscious at that point? The little boys.


  DAVIS: Ok. At what point were you, did you notice or did you ever see them when they didn't appear to be conscious? Or they appeared to be knocked out?


  DAVIS: Ok. Now at any point did you, were you there the whole time while this was going on?

  MISSKELLEY: ..Uhm.. (yes).

  DAVIS: Ok. How far were you from Damien and Jason?

  MISSKELLEY: I was pre, pretty good ways from'm.

  DAVIS: Ok. So it's been a, about say 10 yards or something?

  MISSKELLEY: Something like that, maybe not even that far.

  DAVIS: Ok. And could you see what they were doing ?

  MISSKELLEY: I didn't pay any attention to them, I just kept on hitting that one.

  DAVIS: Ok. And was that, was that the boy you had, the boy with the Cub Scout uniform on?

  MISSKELLEY: Uhm.. (yes).

  DAVIS: Ok. Now what did Jas, what did you see Jason and Damien do to the other two?

  MISSKELLEY: Well...Damien was gonna screw one of 'em.

  DAVIS: When your saying he going screw him, what did you see him do?

  MISSKELLEY: Well he was gonna stick his penis in that little boys behind.

  DAVIS: Ok. Alright.

  MISSKELLEY: As far as I am concerned he did.

  DAVIS: When you say he was going to, what did you see Damien do and what happened between him and that little boy as far as that goes?

  MISSKELLEY: I don't understand what....

  DAVIS: Ok. You said that he was going to screw the little or stick his penis in his behind. What did you see Damien do?

  MISSKELLEY: They didn't do it, he was going to it, then they didn't.

  DAVIS: Ok. What was it that Damien did that made you think he was gonna do that?

  MISSKELLEY: Well, I seen that boys pants down.

  DAVIS: How did his pants get down?

  MISSKELLEY: He pulled'm.

  DAVIS: Who pulled'm?


  DAVIS: Ok. And did the boy, was the boy running when that happened or was he trying to get away or what was happening ?

  MISSKELLEY: Well, he was kicking his feet.

  DAVIS: Ok. And what else did Damien do besides pull his pants down, the little boys pants down. That made you think that he was gonna screw him?

  MISSKELLEY: What, what'd you mean?

  DAVIS: What, what did you see, you said that Damien pull his pants, the little boys pants down. Did you see Damien do anything else that indicated he was gonna screw him?

  MISSKELLEY: ..um..

  DAVIS: Ok. Did Damien have his clothes on or did he, at that point.

  MISSKELLEY: He had his pants unbuttoned.

  DAVIS: Ok. And at that point, what was Jason doing at that time ?

  MISSKELLEY: Yea, he pulled one of the boys pants down, got on top of 'em and started swinging.

  DAVIS: Ok. when you say he started swinging, what do you mean?

  MISSKELLEY: He started swinging his arm.

  DAVIS: Ok. Around his, can you show me what you mean by that?

  MISSKELLEY: He was coming like this.

  DAVIS: Like hittin’ 'em?

  MISSKELLEY: Yeah. Like, like, like he was swinging a swing blade.

  DAVIS: Ok. Was the boy lying face down or face up?

  MISSKELLEY: Face up.

  DAVIS: Ok. And did Jason have anything in his hands at that point.

  MISSKELLEY: He had a knife.

  DAVIS: Ok. Where was, was he actually hitting 'em with the knife or with his fist ?

  MISSKELLEY: The blade was open.

  DAVIS: Ok. Could you see where he, was he cutting the boy?

  MISSKELLEY: No, he was like this swinging the knife at his legs.

  DAVIS: Ok. Could you see, did you ever see one of the boys get cut with the knife?

  MISSKELLEY: After he got through with 'em then I noticed what'd he done.

  DAVIS: What did you see?

I saw that boy you know missing [the rest of him?]

  DAVIS: If you worried when you saw that, describe to me what you saw Jason do and what you saw happened?

  MISSKELLEY: Well when he was doing that I seen blood fly.

  DAVIS: Ok. Well did he, where'd the blood go?

  MISSKELLEY: Grass, I mean not grass but weeds, like <..inaudible> sling around.

  DAVIS: What'd the boy do when that happened?

  MISSKELLEY: He started hollering. And Jason put his shirt over his mouth.

  DAVIS: What'd Jason do after that?

  MISSKELLEY: Then he came over where I was at.

  DAVIS: What'd he do then?

  MISSKELLEY: He wanted to do that one I was hitting, he wanted to do him the same way and I wouldn't let 'em.

  DAVIS: What'd you say to'm.

  MISSKELLEY: I told'm naw, after I seen what happened he did to that other boy. I said naw you ain't doing this one like that.

  DAVIS: What'd Jason do then?

  MISSKELLEY: He looked at me real weird and showed me that knife and then just walked off.

  DAVIS: Had you seen that knife before?


  DAVIS: What, who, who's knife was it?

  MISSKELLEY: Jason's.

  DAVIS: What did it look like?

  MISSKELLEY: I can't remember. He keeps all kinds of knives, I can't remember. All I know is it's a lock blade.

  DAVIS: When you say a lock-blade, one that folds out and locks?


  DAVIS: And were, what happened to the boys, did you stay, after you see Jason do that and he comes to you. What happens next.

  MISSKELLEY: Well, he [inaudible], Damien was Jason went back to that one boy, started hitting him some more.

  DAVIS: Now when you say the one boy, is that the one that had his penis cut.

  MISSKELLEY: Uhm.. (yes).

  DAVIS: So Jason goes back to him, what's he doing to him when he goes back to'm.

  MISSKELLEY: He just started hitting in the face and head.

  DAVIS: What are you doing at that point? You see him go back, he's hitting the boy in the face what are you doing?

  MISSKELLEY: I never stopped what I was doing.

  DAVIS: What about the boy that you'd been hitting on. What's he doing at that point?

  MISSKELLEY: Nothing. He's unconscious.

  DAVIS: Unconscious. Were you still holding on to him.


  DAVIS: What did you, how did you have him held?

  MISSKELLEY: By the hands.

  DAVIS: And you see Jason go back to the other boy. What's, describe to me what Damien's doing at this point.


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