Abomination: Devil Worship and Deception in the West Memphis Three Murders

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Abomination: Devil Worship and Deception in the West Memphis Three Murders Page 40

by Ramsey, William


  DAVIS: Ok, Jessie tole me that Jason came over to you and then went back to the boy that had been castrated and start hitting him in the face. What was Damien doing at this point?

  MISSKELLEY: He was still holding that, still messing with them boys, that boys penis.

  DAVIS: Ok. And you said that you had, that your, the boy that you had was unconscious and then what happened next, what you remember happening next?

  MISSKELLEY: I, I let him go, after that I let him go and Damien come and got him. So I kept on hanging on to 'em and start hitting him some more.

  DAVIS: The, were the other two boys still conscious. You said the one you had was unconscious, were the other two boys still conscious at that point?

  MISSKELLEY: Well the one who got castrated he wasn't moving that much no more. I figured you know he might be dead or whatever. I really didn't know.

  DAVIS: What happens next you said you, Damien's still got the other one, Jason's got one and you got one. What happens next?

  MISSKELLEY: Damien was messing the one little boy's penis.

  CALVIN: Jessie, you need to speak up a little bit.

  DAVIS: When you say he was messing with one of the boy's penis' what do you mean? What was he doing?

  MISSKELLEY: pulling on it.

  DAVIS: Ok. Do you remember which boy that was?


  DAVIS: Ok. Now what happens next, you said that Damien was pullin on one of the boys penis'. What happens next?

  MISSKELLEY: We tied'm up.

  DAVIS: Ok. Now you said before when the police asked you in their statement and asked you what they were tied up with. And you said they were tied up with rope. Ah..

  MISSKELLEY: I made that up.

  DAVIS: Why?

  MISSKELLEY: Tried to get off, you know get'm off track.

  DAVIS: Who tied'm up?

  MISSKELLEY: Damien and Jason.

  DAVIS: Did you pull, did you pull the strings out of their shoes?

  MISSKELLEY: In one, in one of'm.

  DAVIS: Ok.

  MISSKELLEY: But the rest I just, I just just whoever pulled'm out.

  DAVIS: Were Damien and Jason taking the strings out of the shoes too or were you doing that?

  MISSKELLEY: I was doing that.

  DAVIS: Ok. And when you'd get the strings out you'd hand'm to the other two.

  MISSKELLEY: Uhm... (yes)

  DAVIS: Ok. And did you actually tie any of the knots as far as tying any of the boys up?


  DAVIS: Ok. Were they, did they have their clothes on or did they have their clothes off when they got tied up?

  MISSKELLEY: The had'm off.

  DAVIS: And were they conscious when they were getting tied up?

  MISSKELLEY: They wasn't moving no more.

  DAVIS: Ok. What about could you tell if they were. Were they saying anything or were they?

  MISSKELLEY: They weren't saying nothing. Then when they threw'n in the water, I don't remember what about. One of'm was moving.

  DAVIS: You say moving. Do you remember which one it was that was moving when they were thrown in the water?


  DAVIS: Ok. When you say moving, what do you mean?

  MISSKELLEY: Moving around.

  DAVIS: Ok. Who threw'm in the water?

  MISSKELLEY: Damien and Jason.

  DAVIS: Ok. Now were you there when that happened?

  MISSKELLEY: I was getting ready to leave.

  DAVIS: Ok. Why were you getting ready to leave?

  MISSKELLEY: Cause I was going to wrestling.

  DAVIS: And was there any other reason you were getting ready to leave?

  MISSKELLEY: Well after what I seen Jason do to that one boy, I couldn't do nothing else.

  DAVIS: Now, did you all leave together?

  MISSKELLEY: No, I left before them.

  DAVIS: Which was did you leave? How did you get out of the woods?

  MISSKELLEY: I went up there by overpass went around.

  DAVIS: When you left the woods did you head towards the Interstate or back towards the other direction?

  MISSKELLEY: Toward the Interstate.

  DAVIS: Ok. Did, did you have any, anything with you when you left the woods? Were you still carrying...

  MISSKELLEY: The Whiskey bottle.

  DAVIS: Was it empty or have any in it.

  MISSKELLEY: It still had some in it.

  DAVIS: You said earlier that you drank to the point that you were sick. Did you get sick that night?

  MISSKELLEY: Going home.

  DAVIS: Where?

  ---------: (back ground voices)

  DAVIS: Ok. We turned the tape over at least one of the tapes over. Ah, Jessie you said that you got sick going home that night. Were you sick at your stomach?

  MISSKELLEY: Uhm.. (yes).

  DAVIS: Throwing up.

  MISSKELLEY: Drunk till I get sick.

  DAVIS: Ok. Remember where you were when you throw up?

  MISSKELLEY: By the over pass.

  DAVIS: Ok. What'd you do with your bottle?

  MISSKELLEY: I busted it.

  DAVIS: Ok. Where at?

  MISSKELLEY: On the side of a ..ah.. like a slope going down over the overpass.

  _______: Where you been?

  DAVIS: Where goes over one of the Interstate.

  MISSKELLEY: Yea, like coming from, ah.. I think its from Little Rock that goes under the, you know, there's a bridge goes toward Memphis.

  DAVIS: And that would've been Evan Williams?

  MISSKELLEY: Uhm.. (yes).

  DAVIS: Ok. When you left the woods and went back were Damien and Jason are still in the woods when you left ?

  MISSKELLEY: There were still there when I left.

  DAVIS: Ok. Now, what was it as far as daylight or dark. What was it when you left the woods.

  MISSKELLEY: I bout dark, close to dark. It was still light outside

  DAVIS: Ok. It was getting dark? And what did you do then?

  MISSKELLEY: I went to my house, got my then went to Johnny's

  DAVIS: Went wrestling. Was it dark when you left to go wrestling?

  MISSKELLEY: Uhm.. (yes).

  DAVIS: Ok.

  MISSKELLEY: We usually leave about 8.

  DAVIS: But on that night was it already dark when you got ready to leave?

  MISSKELLEY: Uhm...(yes)

  DAVIS: Ok.

  MISSKELLEY: Usually he say we just sit there and sit there get ready go.

  DAVIS: Is everything you told me true?

  MISSKELLEY: Yes, sir.

  DAVIS: Is there parts of what happened that night that are hard for you to remember?

  MISSKELLEY: Parts, what do you mean?

  DAVIS: I mean are there things that happened that night it is hard or difficult for you to remember? Let me see of I can make you understand. Are there events that took place that night, things that happened that you, that it is somewhat difficult to remember

  MISSKELLEY: I can't remember.

  DAVIS: Were you there when the three boys were killed?

  MISSKELLEY: Yes, I was there.

  DAVIS: I don't have any further.

  CALVIN: When you turn that tape over, I'd like to ask a question if I might. Ah..when they threw them in the water were any of 'em kicking or screaming or anything or were they all unconscious or do you know?

  MISSKELLEY: They weren't hollering, they was just, one of'm was just moving.

  CALVIN: Moving. When you say moving, how was he moving?

  MISSKELLEY: He was wiggling like a worm or something like that.

  CALVIN: Is this the one that was castrated or do you remember?

  MISSKELLEY: I don't remember, it's just one of'm all I remember.

  CALVIN: Ok. Who through them in the water?

  MISSKELLEY: Damien and Jason.

  CALVIN: And did they push'm down, submerge'm, you know, weight them down or just throw'm in. Or do you

  MISSKELLEY: I don't know.

  CALVIN: But you stood, standing there watching 'em.

  MISSKELLEY: I seen'm put them in the water but I don't know what they did after I left.

  CALVIN: In other words you left before they did?


  CALVIN: And after it was over did you all have any conversations about it, the three of you?

  MISSKELLEY: No. When I seen Damien and Jason on the 14th. They just looked at me they didn't say nothing.

  CALVIN: But you all never did have any discussions about?

  MISSKELLEY: Uhn.. (no) I didn't want to say nothing else to'm when they came around and seen me.

  CALVIN: And that night you say that he used a switch blade knife.

  MISSKELLEY: It was a lock.

  CALVIN: A lock blade, the kind that you fold up.

  MISSKELLEY: Yea and it's got a little button on it at the end of it.

  CALVIN: How long was it, do you know?

  MISSKELLEY: Pretty long I guess.

  CALVIN: Have you seen it since?


  CALVIN: But you know it belonged to ..ah..


  CALVIN: Jason. Have you seen it before?

  MISSKELLEY: Yea, at his house. He's got all kinds of knifes.

  STIDHAM: Jessie, listen to me. For the purpose of the tape this is Dan Stidham. Ah.. prior to making this statement you refused to talk to Mr. Crow and I is that correct?

  MISSKELLEY: Yes, I did.

  STIDHAM: You didn't want to talk to us?


  STIDHAM: And again we advised you not to make this statement? Is that correct?


  STIDHAM: Uhm.....For the purpose of this tape I would like to find out..inaudible..Judge Burnett and everyone else thinks it's true. Misskelley is perjuring himself. Do you have an opinion Mr. Crow?

  CROW: I have a very strong opinion that he is perjuring himself.

  STIDHAM: We feel obligated to inform the court, as officers of the court, ethically we feel that..inaudible..make that for the record of this statement. inaudible

  CALVIN: ...inaudible....agreed with him.

  DAVIS: Jesse I asked you earlier about what you just told me about the events that took place the night of May 5. Is that, what you told me the truth?

  MISSKELLEY: Yes, sir.

  DAVIS: Ok. And if I asked you to testify to that in Court, would you and could you testify truthfully to those same things?

  MISSKELLEY: Yes, sir

  DAVIS: That would conclude this statement at 8:45 on February 17, 1994.285


  William Ramsey holds a B. A. in History from the University of California at Berkeley. He is a member of the State Bar of California. He lives in Los Angeles, California.

  He is the author of Prophet of Evil: Aleister Crowley, 9/11 and the New World Order.

  He has written, produced, duct-taped and directed the following documentaries:

  Occult Hollywood, vol.1

  Prophet of Evil: Aleister Crowley, 9/11 and the New World Order

  1 Reel, Guy, Marc Perrusquia, and Bartholomew Sullivan. Blood of Innocents: The True Story of Multiple Murder in West Memphis, Arkansas. New York: Pinnacle, 1995. 27. Print.

  2 Much like other people involved in the West Memphis saga, Aaron would tell differing stories about the evening of May 5th.

  3 June 13, 1993, Commercial Appeal

  4 Blood of Innocents, p. 59.

  5 Commercial Appeal, May 7th, 1993.

  6 Blood of Innocents, p. 73.

  7 Ibid. Hexagrams are commonly used in occult practice. Six sided, it represents the macrocosm, with the five-sided pentagram representing the microcosm. The unity of the two equates to the number eleven.

  8 Ibid.

  9 Blood of Innocents. The baby may have been a doll.

  10 Ibid., p. 8

  11 http://callahan.8k.com/images/shelias.jpg

  12 Blood of Innocents, p 117.

  13 Ibid.

  14 This is the most critical piece of evidence in this case upon which a determination of culpability can be made. Only someone at the scene of the crime could know about the urine in the bodies of the children. Damien referred specifically to urine and Steve Jones could not have known about it or been at the crime scene. See http://blinkoncrime.com/category/west-memphis-three/.

  15 http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/dwe.html

  16 http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/depoly.html

  17 http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/img/clnotes.html

  18 http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/img/narleneh.html

  19 http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/img/knight_questions_answers.html

  20 http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/img/d_holcomb_notes.html

  21 http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/img/d_holcomb_polygraph.html

  22 http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/img/pamh.html

  23 http://callahan.8k.com/images/daniel_k_baxter01.jpg

  24 http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/l_maxwell_statement.html

  25 http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/tabh.html

  26 http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/dixieh.html

  27 http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/jbrown.html

  28 http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/img/wwj.html

  29 http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/s_peden_notes.html

  30 http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/img/clreport.html

  31 Blood, p. 87

  32 http://callahan.8k.com/images/500/020.jpg

  33 http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/damien1.html

  34 Exhibit 500, p. 188.

  35 Exhibit 500, p. 175.

  36 Exhibit 500, 210-17 MAPI Report.

  37 Exhibit 500, p. 232-36.

  38 Exhibit 500, p. 237.

  39 Ibid., p. 97.

  40 Exhibit 500, p. 233-4.

  41 Ibid., p. 297.

  42 Blood of Innocents, p.104.

  43 Exhibit 500, p. 301.

  44 Exhibit 500, p. 171-2.

  45 Exhibit 500, p. 466-468.

  46 Ibid., p. 145.

  47 Exhibit 500, p. 104.

  48 Ibid., p. 165-8.

  49 Ibid., p. 146.

  50 Exhibit 500, p. 102

  51 Ibid., p. 150

  52 This statement would be used against him during sentencing. Exhibit 500, p. 41-2.

  53 Ibid., p. 41-2.

  54 Ibid., p. 150.

  55 Exhibit 500, p. 484.

  56 Exhibit 500, p. 358.

  57 Exhibit 500, p. 357-65.

  58 Exhibit 500, p. 368-9.

  59 Exhibit 500, p. 374.

  60 Ibid.

  61 Exhibit 500, p. 375

  62 Ibid.

  63 Exhibit 500, p. 412-58.

  64 Exhibit 500, p. 414

  65 Exhibit 500, p. 487.

  66 Exhibit 500, p. 48.

  67 Exhibit 500, p. 50.

  68 Exhibit 500, p. 51.

  69 Exhibit 500, p. 52.

  70 Exhibit 500, p. 54.

  71 Ibid., p. 109-111.

  72 Exhibit 500, p. 123-5.

  73 Ibid., p. 130.

  74 Ibid., p. 125.

  75 Echols court appointed attorney did not know of his Federal disability status until the penalty phase of the trial.

  76 Exhibit 500, p. 212-3.

  77 Ibid., p. 487.

  78 Leveritt, Mara. Devil's Knot: The True Story of the West Memphis Three. New York: Atria, 2002. 40. Print.

  79 A variant of Aleister Crowley’s eleven word axiom: “Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law.”

  80 Blood of Innocents, p. 95.

  81 Ibid., p. 97.

  82 Ibid., p. 99.

  83 Ibid.

  84 http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/c_beshires_report.html

  85 http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/jmir.html

  86 http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/jmir.html

  87 http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/jmjune1.html

  88 http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/jmjune2.html

  89 http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/cdabbs.html


  91 http://callahan.8k.com/images2/echols_suicide_note.jpg

  92 http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/img/heatherc1.html

  93 http://callahan.8k.com/images2/gilbert_shari_2.jpg

  94 http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/jodeem1.html

  95 http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/donnam.html

  96 http://callahan.8k.com/images/j_crosby/report_06-08-93_01.jpg

  97 http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/mica.html

  98 http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/jdreport.html

  99 http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/d_carter_interview.html

  100 http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/karenmint.html

  101 http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/img/jball.html

  102 http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/img/t_woodson_statement.html

  103 http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/img/j_blackmon_statement.html

  104 http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/amandal.html

  105 http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/katielafoyreport.html

  106 http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/j_frazier_interview.html


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