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Archer Securities

Page 10

by Jove Belle

Trinity picked up her headset. “Not interested.”

  “Wait. We’ve exposed corporate cover-ups and forced accountability. We do pro-bono work for the domestic violence shelter on Wabash. We recover funds for elderly people who’ve been scammed. We do good work, Trinity. Far better than helping spoiled execs who don’t know how to use their computers.”

  Somewhere around Wabash, Trinity removed her headset again. She listened until Laila ran out of steam and then said, “Triple.”


  “You said double my salary. I want triple.”

  Laila did the quick math. It was manageable and wouldn’t be difficult at all if having Trinity on staff paid the dividends Laila was banking on. “Two and a half times, with a generous bonus structure.”

  “You know this is a terrible idea, right?”

  Laila knew no such thing. “No, it’s perfection.”

  “What are the conditions?”

  “You cease and desist all activity at Archer, both above and below board. Quit your job and extract your other…interests.”

  “What else?”

  Laila shook her head. “That’s all I care about.”

  Trinity sighed. “Open Doors relies on those donations.”

  “I’ve discussed that with Uncle Samar. He’s approved an ongoing campaign of support. They’re working with the board for Open Doors to coordinate a full media blitz.”

  “If you’re messing with me, you know I’ll bury you.” Trinity leveled her threat in a light, breezy tone. She might as well have been talking about the state of her flower garden or a book she’d read recently.

  “I have no doubt,” Laila said solemnly.

  “Then it looks like we have reached an accord.”

  “Yeah?” Laila sat back, pleased with the outcome.


  “There’s one other thing.” Laila hoped the next point wouldn’t prove to be a deal breaker for Trinity. “There’s only three of us, four with you. Because we’re such a small team, we all need to be in the same location. You wouldn’t be able to work from home.”

  Trinity shrugged. “Okay.”

  Wow. The reason Ivar remained a consultant was his refusal to budge on this issue. In her experience, people who worked from home weren’t quick to change it. “That was easy.”

  “Things change,” Trinity said, her expression guarded once again.

  “What changed for you?”

  Trinity gave her a stare that made Laila shrink back into herself. Then she sighed. “I don’t know you well enough to explain all that, Laila. Can you just be satisfied with knowing that I don’t need to work from home anymore?”

  “Yeah. Okay.”

  They discussed a few more details, established an official start date, and Trinity asked a rapid fire succession of questions about the benefits package Laila had mentioned. When Trinity was finally satisfied, Laila shook her hand and left.

  On her walk back to her car, she reflected on the past few weeks. Of all the possible outcomes to her investigation, this was not even on her list of possibilities. Trinity Washington had surprised her over and over. Strangely, she looked forward to being surprised for many years to come.


  About Jove Belle

  Jove Belle lives in Vancouver, Washington with her family. Her books include Cake, The Job, Uncommon Romance, Love and Devotion, Indelible, Chaps, Split the Aces, and Edge of Darkness.



  Other Books from Ylva Publishing


  (Bitterroot Saga – Book #1)

  Jove Belle

  ISBN: 978-3-95533-612-7 (mobi), 978-3-95533-613-4 (epub)

  Length: 23,000 words

  Kelly and Elana’s relationship is a recipe for disaster. First, they meet at a wedding, and that never works. Second, Kelly’s older brother is marrying Elana’s ex-lover. And third, Elana is still painfully, undeniably in love with said ex.

  When it comes to other people’s lives, Elana Verdad is an expert. As a licensed psychologist and life coach, she helps people overcome obstacles. Her own life, on the other hand, is a disaster. Her lover left her for a man, so she drove over his mailbox accidentally on purpose. Now, not only did the judge take away her driver’s license, he also assigned her to community service at the local women’s prison. In what may be her worst idea ever, Elana decides to crash their wedding.

  Kelly Miller may not understand her brother’s rush to marry his girlfriend, but when he asks her to bake his wedding cake, it’s not as if she can refuse. She’s in the catering business after all. At the wedding, she meets a beautiful, complicated, and seriously damaged woman. Although Kelly knows it’s crazy, she’s drawn to her nonetheless.

  Despite the reasons they shouldn’t be together, there’s still an undeniable something between them. All they need is a chance to enjoy their slice of the cake.

  Daughter of Baal

  (The Law Game – Book #3)

  Gill McKnight

  ISBN: 978-3-95533-718-6 (mobi), 978-3-95533-719-3 (epub)

  Length: 25,800 words

  A 1920’s society wedding attended by the richest and most fashionable people possible ends in murder. Lady Margo, top sleuth and Maid of Honour suspects there is more to it than the ‘curse’ of the stolen idol in the garden grotto. The Clamp family have been looting the Middle East of archaeological finds for decades, could the culprit be a rival for this lucrative and illegal trade, or more likely has a love triangle gone horribly wrong.

  As the weekend unfolds Lady Margo, and her trusted servant and chauffer, Jones, find a house full of secrets and lies. From the elite guests upstairs to the lowest estate worker, no-one is as they seem and none can be trusted.

  And through it all, the Daughter of Baal watches with a knowing grin.

  Book three of The Law Game is full of secrets, missteps, and murder.

  Archer Securities

  © 2016 by Jove Belle

  ISBN (mobi): 978-3-95533-627-1

  ISBN (epub): 978-3-95533-628-8

  ISBN (pdf): 978-3-95533-629-5

  Published by Ylva Publishing, legal entity of Ylva Verlag, e.Kfr.

  Ylva Verlag, e.Kfr.

  Owner: Astrid Ohletz

  Am Kirschgarten 2

  65830 Kriftel


  First edition: 2016

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons—living or dead—is entirely coincidental.


  Edited by R.G. Emanuelle

  Cover Design by Dirt Road Design

  Cover Photos:

  © bluebay2014 | Dollar Photo Club

  © Paul Hill | Dollar Photo Club

  © kirill4mula | Dollar Photo Club




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