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Severed Ties That Bind

Page 8

by Vera Quinn

  “Not today sweetie. Uncle Krill needs to go to work,” I tell B.

  “Unca Kill wok,” B says in her own way.

  “That’s right sweetheart,” I agree.

  “Don’t you worry, sweet girl, your Uncle Krill will be back soon, and you and I are going to have a play date,” Krill tells B.

  “I will be sure to get plenty of pictures that day. A big biker playing with dolls with a two-year old.” It’s my turn to laugh.

  “You can put them right next to the ones with her and Dra. I have no shame when it comes to playing with my niece, but I will be bringing trucks to play with too.” Krill probably will do just that, and B will enjoy it.

  “Dra hasn’t had time to play with B yet. We have been busy but maybe the three of you can do that.” Krill looks at me like I must be joking. “It’s not that bad Krill. Dra has watched some movies with her.” Krill shakes his head slowly.

  “Well, Dra is not horning in on our play date.” Krill tries to cover. “I will see you two soon.” Krill leans in and kisses B’s head and then shocks me by do the same to me. Then he is gone. I notice that Krill is taking his phone out as he gets to his bike. I shut and lock the door and I realize how far we need to go to become a normal family. Dra didn’t even kiss B goodbye before he left earlier. I hug B to me.

  “How about we fix you something to eat and then we find some cartoons to watch while we take a nap.”

  Chapter 13


  I left Maddie and B at my house. I was needing to clear my head. Over the past couple of days, I have been making mental notes of everything that needed to be taken care of as soon we arrived back here in Colorado. The first thing on the top of my list is to get Sunshine squared away. I need to get my name off her lease and make sure she understands that we are over. I am married, and I have no intention of cheating on the vows I have taken with Maddie. That’s not the man I want to be. One day, many years from now, Betsy will have a man and I can’t treat Maddie poorly and let Betsy think that that is alright. Watching Maddie and B sleeping has opened my eyes to a few things. Maddie is not the only one that is going to need to make an adjustment to our new life. I think it is the reason I have not sealed our marriage yet. My brain is overthinking things. I know I should have cut Sunshine loose a long time ago. I should have cut her loose the day I found out about Betsy, but I was so consumed with anger at Maddie that I couldn’t get past it. I know I was only trying to spite Maddie and that is not very adult of me. I was being an asshole. That is not the type of man my parents raised me to be. I want to be a man that my daughter will be proud to call her dad and to do that I need to man the hell up and take control of the situation.

  I drove around for a while, but I found myself in the parking area of Sunshine’s apartment complex. I see the red Camaro that I bought for her in her parking space and I pull up next to it and park my bike in its usual parking place. I know this is going to be a fight, but it is what it is. I get off my bike and walk over and knock on Sunshine’s door. I see the surprised look on her face when she opens the door. “Baby, why are you knocking on your own door? Did you forget your key at the clubhouse?” Sunshine asks me as she jumps up and wraps her legs around my waist. This is not what I need. I am a little shocked by her movements. If I hadn’t moved and caught her, she would be picking herself up off the floor. I try to move in the door but not before Sunshine has attacked my mouth and I would like to say I didn’t kiss her back, but I would be lying. I don’t want to be a complete asshole to Sunshine because at one time what we had was good. She’s just not the mother of my child. I manage to get her legs from around me and sit her down. Her taste on my tongue is not the sweetness that I know Maddie’s is. I shouldn’t compare but it is hard not to. I push her away from me. “What’s wrong babe? Are you tired from the long ride? I didn’t think you were ever going to get back from this run. It seems like you have been gone forever. I have missed you being in bed with me at night.” Sunshine is taking me in. I don’t know what she is looking for. I haven’t changed in the week I have been gone just my mindset and there is no way she can know that. I don’t bother to answer her questions. I walk into the kitchen and she is following right behind me. “Are you hungry? I need to do a grocery run today, but I can fix you some eggs and toast.” I go to her refrigerator and open it. There is beer, wine coolers and water to drink. I would love a beer, but it is too early for that. I reach for a water.

  “We need to talk.” I turn and almost run right into Sunshine she is so close.

  “Baby, I have missed you. Can’t we talk after you give me your cock? I need you. I have been lonely. I’ve been staying home and waiting on you and I need some of your special attention. Haven’t you missed me?” Sunshine is talking in that baby talk women do that gets on my last nerve. Why do women think that is sexy? I move around Sunshine as she is reaching for me. I walk into the living room and sit on the couch. I point to the love seat.

  “Sit.” Sunshine smiles at me and instead of sitting where I pointed she comes and sits beside me and then wraps her arms in mine and holds on.

  “I like sitting close while we talk.” Sunshine leans in and tries to kiss me and I push her back.

  “No, Sunshine. I mean it we need to clear a few things up.” I bring the bottle of water up to my mouth and take a long drink. Sunshine sits back and then she stands up and puts her hand on her hip and cocks it out.

  “Why the hell are you wearing a wedding band?” I guess I should have thought about that but there is no going back now. I get right to the point.

  “A couple of days ago I married Maddie in Vegas.” Sunshine is shocked. She opens her mouth to say something and then stops. I see her considering what she is about to say and then she turns around and starts pacing.

  “Did you marry Maddie to get your kid away from her?” She stops pacing when she finishes the question and looks at me.

  “Sunshine, you know I will do anything to be in Betsy’s life. I want Maddie, Betsy and myself to be a family. I think I owe that to my daughter to at least try.” I look at her and she is looking at me like I have grown two heads. “I will make this work. To do that I need to cut you loose and that means my name will be coming off the lease for this apartment.”

  “You married the woman that kept your kid away from you for two years but me, the woman that stood by your side, you are cutting loose? How does that work, because it is not working for me?” Sunshine is too calm. I can see the hurt and disappointment in her eyes, but she hasn’t raised her voice at all. This is not the woman that I spent time with. She does not stay calm.

  “I told you when I found out about Betsy things were changing. I will pay the lease off but after that you are on your own. I bought you a new car and furnished this place. I’ll pay all the utilities up and fill your cabinets with groceries and give you enough money to get by on until you can get a job. That’s fair.” I don’t want to leave Sunshine high and dry, but she needs to understand that this is over. Sunshine smiles.

  “Is that right?” Sunshine leaves me sitting on the sofa and goes into her bedroom. I’m not quite understanding her reaction. It doesn’t take her long to walk back into the living room and she is holding something in her hand. She hands it to me. “It seems Maddie isn’t the only one that is going to be having your child Dra.” I look at the home pregnancy test and see the positive sign. This can’t be true. “So how are you going to pick one baby momma over another? At least I told you before our baby turned two.” I look at Sunshine and she looks like she just won the lottery. Then something occurs to me.

  “I took you myself to get the shot and I used condoms. There’s no way you are pregnant, so cut the shit Sunshine. I thought you knew me better than trying to play me. If you don’t want to be out on your ass now, you better reconsider your little stunt.” I stand and drop the pregnancy test on the coffee table. “In fact, you know what, let’s go to the doctor right now. They can do a blood test to tell us if you are pregnant.�
� I look at Sunshine and she is shocked I called her on her shit.

  “Alright baby, I’m sorry, but I am the one who has stood beside you through all this. I can give you a son, if you just give me a chance. You can be there for the whole thing. We can have it all. I’m not pregnant, but I want to be. You have feelings for me. You gave me your patch and I am wearing your ink. Don’t throw us away. Not for a damn woman that hid your daughter from you for two years. She doesn’t deserve you.” I know this is all on me. I see the hurt and tears in Sunshine’s eyes. My phone vibrates in my pocket and I take it out and look at it. Krill needs me at the clubhouse. The best reason to cut this short.

  “I won’t be back after today. If you need something call my cell. I will take care of paying the year lease we have and then transfer it completely to you. I will put some money in your account for utilities and enough for you to get by on until you can find a job. I’m sure the club has an opening at the bar if you want your old job back.” I turn to start to leave.

  “Have you even given her your patch yet? In all this you have never said you love her. I know you never told me that you loved me, but don’t you have some feelings for me left? Can I have you inside me just one more time, Dra?” Sunshine is almost begging, and I hate it. I also hate that she asked me the two questions I have no answers for. I walk over to Sunshine and pull her to me. She comes willingly, and she puts her arms around my neck. I catch her two arms with my hands and hold on to them. I am not tempted at all by Sunshine, but I don’t want to hurt her any more than I need to. I need her to know there is no hope for us. I kiss the top of her head and then move back from her.

  “I don’t want anything to happen to you, but I never told you I loved you because that was not what we were about. I do care about you as a person and if I can help you I will, but I won’t cheat on my wife. You can still come around the clubhouse as long as you know your place and someday you will find the man for you, but I am not that man, so let’s both walk away from this with some dignity and respect for each other.” I don’t wait for her answer. There’s nothing more to say.

  Chapter 14


  I just watched Dra walk out of my front door but if he thinks this is over he is wrong. I did not work for over a year trying to get in Dra’s bed for that little bitch to drop that brat in Dra’s lap and it all be for nothing. I knew I should have skipped that last depo shot so I could get knocked up. I have never been the maternal type, but the kid would have been taken care of and would have been my insurance plan. Angus is going to lose it when he finds out our plans are down the drain. I need to come up with a plan to get Maddie out of the picture. If I need to play nursemaid to their daughter for a while I will just need to find a damn nanny.

  Angus sent me here for one reason—to get next to either Krill or Dra. Krill hates me so that one isn’t an option but a couple of nights in my bed and I had Dra right where I needed him. Believing everything I said to him. I convinced him to move in together and then I convinced him to give me his patch and I went along with getting his ink. It would have only been a matter of time before he put a ring on my finger and then I would have started putting a wedge between Krill and Dra.

  Dra being the oldest son should be President of the Troubled Fathoms MC. Hawser was killed in an explosion and if everyone hadn’t thought that Dra was killed in that same explosion he would be the President now instead of Krill. Dra should have taken his place when everyone found out the truth, but Dra didn’t want it. For mine and Angus’s plan to work then Dra needs to be President and me the head bitch of the place. That way I can get my hands on bank numbers and property deeds. Angus is getting impatient. My brother has never been one known for his patience. The same way our dad wasn’t and the only thing it got him is six feet under and us penniless. It’s not like we are thieves. We just want back what was stolen from us. Callie and her family came in and wiped out everything we owned in the name of vengeance and then Dra wasn’t even dead. Callie may be safe in Oklahoma for now but now that Maddie is here I can take out my revenge on Callie’s younger sister, Maddie. The good book says, ‘an eye for an eye’ and since Callie and her family killed my dad then I can kill her sister.

  No, I will not be deterred. I need to recruit some of the club girls to help me. They will just think that I am after Dra’s patch again. There is no one as ruthless as the club sluts at the Troubled Fathoms MC clubhouse. They would cut their own mom’s throat if it meant getting a patch. If I can’t get Dra to see reason, I will try with Krill one more time but that man for some reason has never liked me. Then if that dead ends I will go after Maddie. She is the weakest link. She has no idea the life she just stumbled into and she will be easy to manipulate. If that doesn’t work, then Angus and I will step it up and nab the brat and get our land and money back that way. Angus is posing as a prospect, so he can help with choosing which girls are the most ruthless and will listen when money talks. That’s it Sunshine, always have a backup plan. I will get my man and then I will get back everything that belongs to my family. I have not come this far to not get the prize.

  I check to make sure Dra locked the door and then I go in my bedroom and take out my files I have been keeping on Dra and Krill and their happy little lives. I have not found any dirt on Krill at all. He doesn’t even have a regular club girl he fucks. He likes spreading his attention around to them all. I haven’t even found an old girlfriend that I could dig up to help. Dead end on him. Dra on the other hand has plenty of information as do the people involved with him. Dra has an obsession when it comes to Callie, his ex and Maddie’s half-sister. I have heard Dra call out her name in his sleep many times, but I have heard him say Maddie too. Each time I heard one of their names off his lips after he just fucked me I wanted to put a knife through his heart. It’s not like I love the man but how many blows can a woman’s ego take? Callie has a new life now and she seems to be in love with her old man, Devil. Who could blame her? That man is sex on a stick. Callie has been knocked up most of the time since she has been with that man, so I know they fuck like bunny rabbits. I don’t know what Dra or Devil see in Callie. She is nothing special, maybe it’s her connection with the BlackPath MC. I am reading over the papers and I see that Dra and Callie had a quick wedding just like he married Maddie. I wonder if Maddie and Dra got married in Vegas like he and Callie did. I take my paper and pen and write down a note to find out. I wasn’t paying attention when Dra said they got married. My mistake. Maybe Angus can help me out with something he has heard. If I keep digging I will find something. It’s just a matter of finding the right bit of information. Then a thought comes to me. Maybe I need to let Maddie’s other sister know she is here in Colorado. When she was here last week she did not seem happy with Dra. My plan is unfolding in my mind. Dra is not going to know what hit him and neither is Maddie. I will destroy them both.

  Chapter 15


  I watch as Dra walks his ass into the clubhouse like he doesn’t have a worry in the world. I am his younger blood brother and his club brother, so I can tell he is hiding things from me and the club but today that stops. When Dad was killed in an explosion along with our Gram I thought along with everyone else that I had lost my brother too. After his widow burned out the weed growers that had planted the bomb and then returned home to Texas I thought I had lost the heart of my family. That afternoon Dra called me, and I found out he wasn’t in the explosion and the whole thing was bigger than what any of us ever dreamed. The BlackPath MC, the Feral Steel MC, the Rebellions 4 Blood MC along with us, the Troubled Fathoms MC, all battled THC Hempcan Inc. together for the last few years. They wanted land that our dad owned to expand their marijuana growers which is legal in Colorado now so none of us could understand why they would go to such extremes. They could have given Dad the price he wanted for the piece of land, but we found out that Dad didn’t want to sell because he had one of his gut feelings that Hempcan was not on the level with the reasons they wanted the
land and Dad was right. The Hempcan company does grow marijuana for first their medicinal contracts and then for their marijuana stores but Hempcan’s operation was a front for the cooking and distribution of methamphetamines. Dra is the one that lost the most during this war because he let the woman he was married to, Callie, think he was dead and he lost her to her ex Devil. Dra and Callie had met and married in a whirlwind. Callie was carrying another man’s child, but Dra loved her anyway. When it came down to it he chose the Troubled Fathoms MC before his wife and that was the beginning of the end. Losing Callie has haunted Dra ever since. I think a part of him will always love Callie which is another fucked-up situation since he is now married to her younger sister, Maddie and they have a daughter, B. Callie unlike Maddie was raised in the motorcycle club lifestyle. Maddie was raised on a horse ranch in NE Texas and the biker life may as well be on another planet from her. Callie and Maddie are half- sisters, they have the same father but different mothers. They didn’t even know the existence of each other along with Maddie’s twin sister Micah. Callie, Maddie, and Micah all look similar, but Maddie is the quiet, sweet one. Callie is a sassy vixen that I had thoughts of claiming myself. Micah is brash and a real ball buster. I can see how any man would fall for them. They are all three beautiful with their own sets of good and bad qualities. I am concerned with how Maddie is going to adapt to her new life. It’s not my business but I don’t know if Dra can take another failure and my niece is in the middle of it and I will do what I need to do to keep her happy and safe. Dra needs to be reminded of a few club rules before he screws his chance of happiness up. He has been his own worst enemy. I’m not a damn pussy but I will help where I can. Dra walks to me and sits down in the chair across from me.


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