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Severed Ties That Bind

Page 12

by Vera Quinn

  “You have been quiet today,” Dra tells me.

  “Every time I say something it either makes you mad or you want to argue so I figured if we were going to have an enjoyable day with B, it would just be better to just not say anything,” I explain.

  Dra is watching B on the ride, but he says in a quiet voice, “I don’t want you to think you don’t have choices, Maddie. You’ve had choices every step of the way, but like a good mom, you put B first. I see that you have done an excellent job with our girl. I know that your fears, to you, were real. I just think you had a little tunnel vision on your thoughts. Betsy is so damn smart and well-adjusted. I just wish that you had left me in that equation. I will never get that time back. I will never get to feel B kick inside of you and watch her grow inside you. As a father, I should have gotten to experience it all. I want that experience. Are you on birth control?” My heart aches for Dra. I know he is talking to me from his heart. I am ashamed for my actions. Then it dawns on me what he asked. I’m not on birth control. I don’t know why I did not think of this before. The only man I have been with is Dra and I have never seen the need. I was focused on B, not hooking up with someone. To be honest, I knew no other man would ever live up to Dra.

  “I’m not. I guess, I need to make a doctor appointment for me too. We haven’t used protection.” I watch for Dra’s reaction.

  “I am aware we have not used protection. I want another child, now.” Dra shocks me. Am I ready for another child? I don’t know that answer.

  “I am going to ask you this once Dra and I will never question you again.” I wait for Dra to respond.

  “I won’t lie. I will never lie to you, baby. Ask the question.” Dra waves at B when she goes around. She is smiling ear to ear.

  “Well now it is two questions.” Dra smiles at me and waits for me to ask. “I want to know are you committed to our marriage and do you love me? Through all this you have never mentioned love.”

  I look at my hands. “I have always loved you Dra. I think I fell in love with you the first time I laid eyes on you. I just need you to know that.” I feel vulnerable and I wait for Dra to answer now that I have put all my cards on the table. Dra takes my hand.

  “Maddie, you blow me away with your honesty. I can’t say that I loved you the first time we met. I can’t tell you if I love you now. All I can say is that I care about you, but it goes so much deeper than that. I can’t explain it. I can’t find the words. From the moment I found out about Betsy, I have never seen Betsy and myself as a family without you. You have always been in that picture in my mind. I would die protecting you and Betsy. I am one hundred percent committed to this marriage. I will not let you or Betsy go. I can’t, the thought makes my heart hurt and sucks all the air out of my lungs. I thought I knew what love was when I with Callie but when it came down to it I picked the Troubled Fathoms over her. I don’t think I could do that with you and Betsy. Someone would need to kill me to keep me away.” Dra seems sincere and his words warm me, but I can be patient. Dra stops talking.

  “For now, that is enough,” I reassure him. I see the carousel has stopped and Dra gets up and goes and takes our daughter off.

  “Me hungry,” B says.

  “I guess it is time for me to feed my girls. What do you want to eat?” Dra looks at B and waits for her answer.

  “Candy.” I laugh. Dra looks at me.

  “First healthy food and then maybe a snack later. How about some veggie pizza?” I ask her. Dra huffs beside me.

  “Cheese!” B yells and starts kicking.

  “I agree with Betsy, cheese with maybe some meat on it. Who eats veggie pizza?” I do. It’s healthier. Dra is the typical man who drowns it in meat.

  “Alright, cheese it is.” We walk to the pizza place in the mall and we each order the kind of pizza we want. We eat in silence. I see when B is close to finished eating that her eyes are drooping. It won’t be long until she will be asleep.

  “Looks like someone is ready for a nap. Are you ready for a nap baby girl?” Dra asks B. I think I must gasp when Dra says it because he looks at me. I can tell he doesn’t mean anything by it but hearing him call B by my sister Callie’s nickname is a shock. “Don’t over think it babe,” Dra tells me. I know he is right. I have called B my baby girl many times. I am just being oversensitive.

  “We still need to do a grocery run and I need to get our bathroom supplies,” I tell Dra.

  “Why don’t we go someplace that carries it all, so we only need to make one more stop. I want to get a couple of booster seats for our extra vehicles also, that way we don’t have to keep moving the one I have.” I nod my head. That sounds like a great idea.

  “Is there a Target or Walmart? I would prefer to get a regular car seat. Walmart is where I got the one in my SUV. I would like one like it and I think one more will be enough. I did research and it is one with all the safety specifications that I am comfortable with.” Dra stands up and picks up all our trash to the trash can without responding. I get a baby wipe from my bag and clean B’s face and hands as best I can.

  “That sounds good about Walmart. I am going to get three car seats though. We can put the booster seat up that I bought until she is big enough for it. I knew nothing about safety when I bought it. I was just trying to be safe but didn’t think about checking safety regulations. I want to pick one up for Krill too. He said something about having play dates with Betsy and I know he doesn’t know anything more about them than I do. I just know I had the devil trying to get that contraption in there right the first time, so I don’t want to need to move them.” Dra looks deep in thought. “All your things should be at the house by the time we get back. You can drive your old SUV until the new one is picked up tomorrow. The dealership is going to deliver it to the clubhouse tomorrow afternoon. We need to pick you up a phone too. The phone store is next to Walmart. What time did the doctor office say to bring Betsy in tomorrow for her shots?”

  “We are supposed to be there at nine forty- five, so I can fill out paperwork. Are you going to be able to go with me?” I ask Dra. This conversation just seems so domesticated. I never thought I would get here with Dra.

  “I will be gone when you get up in the morning. I need to go by the school and talk to some people, but I will meet you there. I don’t know how I am going to do when Betsy gets her shots. I don’t like the idea of her being hurt.” I laugh.

  “You are not going to like it at all. I hate it, but I know the small discomfort she feels from the needle pricks is a lot better than her getting the disease she is being inoculated against. You sound like the typical parent.” Dra smiles.

  “I do, don’t I? Thank you for that Maddie.” Dra stops and then looks at me. “You said pricks. Is she getting more than one shot?” Dra’s face has gone hard like he is going to lose his temper. “I don’t think more than one shot in a day is necessary. Betsy is not a damned pin cushion.”

  “I’m not sure how many she will get. I think it is only one this time but every child that takes them gets the same ones. She’ll be fine. I just hope you and I can say the same. I need to be sure and pick up some children’s ibuprofen, Tylenol, and a fever thermometer.” That gets Dra’s attention. I shake my head at him. “Come on Dad, let’s get this done before B falls asleep here.” Dra picks B up and I pick up my one remaining shopping bag and we walk out of the mall.

  Chapter 20


  I have been waiting on Prissy for the last thirty minutes and I am ready to kill the bitch. I have rounded up the supplies with the help of Angus and our local supplier. I know I am running a risk at doing this, but my life has been a risk every day for the last few years. I hear a soft knock on the door and I open the door and there stands Prissy with a big smile on her face. “Where the hell have you been? I told you that I needed you here half an hour ago.” I pull Prissy into my apartment.

  “Krill had some stress to release before I could leave, and I can’t say no to the President, even if I wanted
to, which I don’t. Him and Whistler had a call out, so I got away as soon as I could. Did you know Angus is watching your place?” Prissy is rattling off. She really is an airhead.

  “Do you want to be Krill’s ol’ lady? Pay attention to details,” I caution Prissy.

  “Why did Krill get called out? We need to make sure we know where all the main players are at all times to make this work.” Prissy rolls her eyes.

  “You know Krill doesn’t discuss club business, but I did hear him on the phone with the garage. They needed some parts picked up and Dra is spending the day with his girl and the baby momma in Boulder. Your plan better work. I also heard Raven saying something about it was time to get new pussy in the club, so our days are numbered.” I may have had sex with a few of the brothers trying to make Dra jealous, but I have never just been a piece of ass for the Troubled Fathoms MC. I knew who my targets were going in. It took me a few weeks to find out Dra’s weaknesses but when I did, he had me in his bed. A man’s weakness is always his sex drive and his own little fetishes. Bikers are all the same. They fuck, they fight, and they party. Not too difficult to figure out.

  “If we pull this off then we will be set. I have everything I need but tomorrow is when it is going to happen, and I need you to do your part. I need you here with me. I am going to get Dra here, but I am going to need your help after I have him here and for my alibi.” Prissy’s eyes bug out.

  “You can’t kill Dra.” This woman has no common sense.

  “Not that kind of alibi, just listen.” I walk into my living room and sit on my sofa. Prissy follows me and sits on the love seat. “When we set Dra up then I am going to need you to back me up on what happened and how it happened, because we will be questioned. You just said the club is talking about bringing in new club girls, so this is our last chance to get those patches.”

  “But we aren’t going to hurt Dra and he will not go to jail? If either of those things are going to happen, I am not in. It would do no good to get a patch if I am dead and that is what would happen if either of those things happen.” Maybe Prissy does have a few brains.

  “I know this. When Reece goes to Boulder tomorrow, come up with an excuse not to go. I will text you when to come over, but when you leave here, go straight back to the clubhouse and let everyone see you there.” I watch for any doubt in Prissy’s face. There’s none. “Has Krill said what time Maddie’s sister is supposed to arrive? I know it is tomorrow but wasn’t sure what time.”

  “I haven’t heard anything. Does it matter?” Prissy asks.

  “The later the better so our plan can be put into action,” I tell her.

  “I need to get back before someone misses me.” She’s right. At least she is using her head. I get up and walk Prissy to the door.

  “Remember to not eat or drink anything that I do not hand you tomorrow when you get here.” Prissy nods her head.

  “Got it.” Prissy opens the door and looks out. “We got this.” I hope so. I go back and sit down and pick up my phone and text our other eyes in the club. Then I hear a knock on my door. I open the door and Angus steps in.

  “Do you think we can trust Prissy to help? She’s not real smart.” Angus is right, but he is overthinking it.

  “Piece of cake and then we will get rid of Prissy and make it look like an accident. I have already sent the text to our guy. If you come in here tomorrow afternoon, do not eat or drink anything,” I remind my brother.

  “As soon as we are sure everything is set tomorrow then I am switching out with Korbin. I’ve already made arrangements to switch out.” That’s a good plan. “I am going to go back out in case someone drives by. Are you sure about this? It seems a little risky and like we might get caught. The Troubled Fathoms MC will let Whistler and Raven loose on us and if that don’t kill us then we’ll will face our partners.”

  “Are you losing your balls, brother? This is on me. I want Dra. He is our means to an end. We need him, so we can pull this operation off. He is the one that took everything away from us. Now we get to take everything away from him. Besides that, I have never lost a man to another woman and I am not going to start to now. Don’t worry, if I get caught I would never rat you out. You and our other friend will be the last chance to take this club down, and even if I am dead that needs to happen,” I assure Angus.

  Chapter 21


  This has been one hell of a day. My trip to the school was a waste of time. I did get more security cameras set. We don’t know anything more about the suicides or where the drugs that were in their systems came from. We have church tomorrow morning to discuss more options. After that I had to hear my daughter cry because of the damn shot she got. I wanted to kill the damn nurse. Alright, in my mind I know it couldn’t be helped but I don’t like it. The one bright spot of my day was seeing my girls for lunch. Betsy was smiling when she left with her mom and I gave her that smile. Maddie and Betsy have gone home to wait on Micah’s arrival. I am glad that it is only Micah and not their Aunt Deb too. Maybe I can ease some of Micah’s reaction to me with her by herself. I am not kidding myself. I know that Micah will not cut me any slack but maybe if we can show her how we are trying then she will be happy if not, there’s nothing I can do about it. I don’t care how she feels about me, but I know it would be easier if I got along with Maddie’s family. I will be going home later for dinner. I wanted to give Maddie and Micah a little time alone this afternoon to reconnect.

  I was on my way to Boulder with Krill to help Reece and Honey with Reece’s car, but Sunshine’s text stopped me. I said that I wouldn’t come back to her place, but she has papers from the realtor company for me to sign. I wouldn’t do it, I know it is a bad idea, but I need out from under that lease. I also have the money that I promised Sunshine for her this month. I was going to put it in her bank account, but I think cash will be better. I would like to think that Sunshine and I can still be on friendly terms.

  I pull into my old parking space and I look around and I see Angus parked back in the trees. I don’t know how he thinks he is being inconspicuous. Anyone can see him. I also notice Prissy’s car parked in the visitor parking. Good, we will have someone else here with us. I make my way up to the door and knock. It’s not long before Sunshine answers the door and she has a big smile on her face. I see Prissy sitting on the love seat and there are papers on the coffee table, so I guess this is all on the up and up, so I relax. Sunshine leaves the door open and walks over to the sofa and sits down. I close the door and start to go and sit in the recliner. “You better grab you a drink. There are a ton of papers to read through. I have filled out my part the best I can, but I am not good at legal papers and understanding them. Why can’t a lease agreement just say rent due on this date and this amount. I think they get paid by the page.” I remember the day we leased this place and we were in the realtor’s office for over an hour. I veer over to the refrigerator and get me a water out. It’s been a long day and I almost grab a beer, but I don’t want Sunshine getting the wrong idea. I sit down in the recliner and take the lid off my water and take a long drink. I reach for the papers, so I can get started reading. I see that Sunshine has made a few mistakes and I correct them for her.

  “I am correcting your errors,” I tell Sunshine.

  “Will you come over here and explain them to me? I would come over there, but I don’t think there is enough room.” Sunshine sounds sincere. I look over at Prissy who has said nothing.

  “Sure. Prissy why weren’t you with Reece and Honey today? You three are usually together when you go shopping.” Prissy smiles at me and I get up and move over to the sofa. I take my water with me and take another drink. I am looking at the papers, but it seems to be getting warm in here.

  “Are you sure I can’t get you a beer? I have your favorite brand.” I look at Sunshine and she is smiling at me. Why shouldn’t I have a beer, just one?

  “Sunshine and I have been looking for work. I need a little extra cash, so I thought a part time
job would be a great idea,” Prissy answers.

  “Prissy, would you get Dra a beer while he explains these papers to me?” Sunshine asks Prissy. Damn it is hot in here. I sit back on the sofa and Sunshine sits back with me. I am trying to focus on the papers, but the words are blurry. I rub my eyes. Damn, it has been a long day.

  “Here you go Dra.” Prissy hand me my beer. I take a big drink of it.

  “Can you turn the thermostat down? I am sweating,” I say to no one in particular.

  “I’ll get it,” Prissy says. Sunshine is leaning over close to me and then her mouth is on mine and I want to resist but I can’t push her away. I think my phone is ringing and I reach for it while trying to push Sunshine away but there is nothing but a blur.

  Chapter 22


  I am so nervous waiting on Micah. The minutes have ticked down like hours. She said she was fifteen minutes away and I have been watching out the windows and pacing the floor. I almost jump for joy when I see Micah’s truck pull up in our drive. B is getting as excited as I am. I see in her eyes when she recognizes Micah as she steps out of her truck. “Mika,” B says. She has the biggest smile on her face.

  “That’s right sweet B. Your Aunt Micah is here.” I kiss my daughter’s cheek and rush to the door and fling it open. “Can we help get your bags?” Micah takes me into a big bear hug and I think she is going to squeeze all my air out of me.


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