Protective: Legatum - Book 1
Page 22
“Remi was there for a bit, but he left to talk to Jinx. Not that his conversation was much better than Nan’s.”
“Remi is a good teacher and lecturer. He can talk when he has something to say.”
“Wait. Afraid of Morgan? Why would your husband be afraid of Morgan?”
“Not so much afraid of him as afraid of Morgan thinking he was flirting with you or something.”
“Why on earth would Morgan think your husband would flirt with me?” Honey was genuinely confused. “He wouldn’t, would he?”
Carolyn continued to stroll calmly. Honey noticed they had reached the covered walkway. “Jake can be a little flirty. That’s how he is; he doesn’t mean anything by it. It’s more Morgan being possessive.”
Honey scoffed.
“Has anyone talked to you today when Morgan wasn’t around?”
“Now that you ask, no, not really.”
“And they won’t because of Morgan.”
Honey shook her head. It didn’t make any sense. Not that she wanted anyone other than Morgan to talk to her, but she usually did get hit on a few times whenever she went to a big party. Today felt unusual. “Your grandmother said something like that. Said no one would sniff around me. I thought it was an odd thing to say.”
“That’s Nan. She says things in the meanest way possible if she bothers to talk at all. Don’t let her fool you. If she doesn’t want to be bothered, she goes quiet. But she’s got a wicked sharp tongue, and she knows what she’s saying.” Carolyn’s tone was laughing, sarcastic, but there was truth in her words. “No one will bother you, especially since it’s known you came with Morgan.”
“Is Morgan the golden child or something? Why be on eggshells around him so much?”
Carolyn turned. She and Honey were now facing the party. Hundreds of people seemed to be enjoying themselves laughing, drinking, and dancing.
She sighed. “How much do you know about Morgan?”
Honey looked at the other woman’s profile. She really was striking, with the same eyes as Morgan. Honey wondered if the glowed the way Morgan’s did.
“You have the same eyes. His eyes, they glow. Do yours?”
Carolyn nodded. “They glow and for the same reasons.”
“So you…?”
Carolyn laughed. “I do, and this one in here—” She placed her hands around her pregnant belly. “—will as well. So you know about us?”
Honey nodded.
“Do you know about pack structure? How there is always a clear leader and the rest play a dominance game?”
Honey nodded again. “Yeah, alpha wolves. Then usually a beta and down the line in pecking order.”
“Okay, so then you need to know Morgan is this family’s alpha.”
Honey stopped nodding and stared at Carolyn. “How? I thought oldest, strongest. Remi is clearly the oldest and is very domineering.”
“Remi does have a commanding presence, but that has more to do with years of running a school full of children with poor impulse control than with alpha traits.”
“Morgan is the alpha?” Honey still didn’t fully believe what she heard. “Shouldn’t he be assertive and lording over everyone, controlling everything? I thought that was the role of an alpha male.”
“Morgan is different. It’s what makes him such a wonderful head of this group. He knew he would have the job someday, but he had expected our father to live a good long time. We all had. He took over after the accident that killed our parents and our uncle.” Carolyn shook her head, silent for a moment before continuing. “He took over as alpha before he was ready for it. The job came with a lot of family and business responsibilities. Morgan had always been a decent manager, so he did what he did best. He delegated. It’s what he’s good at. He didn’t try to run every aspect of the family businesses or the family or the school. He lets Remi run the school without any interference. Morgan is good at being a structural engineer, so he continues with the construction business. Julia is good with overall business affairs, and he lets her do most of that, even though he has final say.
“Our family has more alphas than we have ever had because of Morgan. We have a female alpha for the first time. Julia is amazing, and she’s really been able to shine and come into her power. His unique way of ruling the roost has seemed pretty hands-off, but he is consulted on everything. Ultimately, he makes the big decisions. It’s no excuse for ignoring you, but that’s what he’s been doing all afternoon.” Carolyn pointed to where Morgan stood in the midst of a group of other men.
Honey noticed Morgan was slightly taller than the rest, but all of the men were tall, good looking, and broad through the shoulders. They were all probably built like body builders under their suits.
“Are you an alpha?” Honey asked.
Carolyn snickered. “No, and I wouldn’t want to be one. It’s a lot of work. Managing a toddler and a baby is going to be plenty for me. I don’t need to deal with the constant competition and proving of myself that some require.”
“Is Morgan always having to compete?” She didn’t like the thought that she might be a pawn in one of his competitions.
“No, he doesn’t. No one even challenges his authority, except for maybe Julia, but that’s more sister-brother than alphas butting heads. The younger wolves, they compete a lot.” Carolyn pointed to a group of young men and what appeared to be a tower of shots. “It’s a natural male trait to begin with. It just seems emphasized in those who are also wolves.”
“What about the girls? Don’t they go in for the competition?” She had a hard time believing that only male wolves would engage in competitive tendencies. Honey knew models who could be cutthroat.
Carolyn rolled her eyes. “Mean girl syndrome can be tough with our kind. And, yes, they do engage the guys.” The two women watched as the yellow and the lavender bridesmaids joined the men with the tower of shots. It was clear they were there to drink, not to flirt.
“Is everything a competition around here?” Honey asked.
“It is with the boys and some of the girls, especially after they hit puberty and are trying to figure out their position in the scheme of things.”
“Like the boys with those two girls I saw earlier.”
Carolyn nodded then continued “Exactly. Some of the adults saw what was going on.” She indicated a large bald man built like a bodybuilder dancing with a teenage girl. “Did you notice there were three girls and one was almost completely ignored?”
Honey shook her head, she had only seen two
“Well, that’s who Shane is dancing with now. Shane is one of our big guys around here. He’s actually an alpha in his own right.” They watched as the music ended and Shane bowed to the girl before escorting her off the dance floor. Before she could even turn around there were several boys clamoring to dance with her. “See how the boys now think they need to dance with her, when before they wouldn’t even talk to her.”
“So Shane is basically messing with the girl?” Honey asked.
“Oh, no. Shane is messing with the boys. They were clearly being rude. By dancing with her, Shane put her on their radar.”
Honey sighed. “Well, at least she is getting to dance.”
“Why are you talking to me and not dancing, Honey? Clearly, you would rather be dancing.”
Honey nodded. “Well, Morgan’s been off conferencing with others.” She scoffed. “And here I thought he was taking me away for a romantic weekend.” She turned to Carolyn. “You know I’ve been shuffled off to a little guest room, and I share a bathroom with a flock of squealing bridesmaids. I don’t even know how to get back to my room without someone walking me there.” She spread her arms, gesturing her frustration. “I’m not dancing because I’ve been ditched.”
Carolyn squinted in annoyance, “My brother can be thickheaded at times. He’s too busy minding business when he should be minding you.” She made a clicking sound with her tongue against the roof of her mouth as she plotted something. “Come with me.�
She directed Honey towards a good looking young man who was blatantly flirting with the female bartender.
“Dante, we need your assistance.”
Dante stood. He was tall and clearly related to Morgan. Similar build, similar coloring. He was younger, with more refined features, prettier compared to Morgan’s ruggedness. Honey thought he could be a younger brother, but she only knew of Morgan having sisters.
“Honey, this is our cousin Dante,” Carolyn introduced them.
“Honey, how sweet.” Dante took Honey’s hand. He leaned in then paused. “You’re Morgan’s.” His hazel eyes made contact with Honey’s green eyes, and he kissed the back of her hand. Honey felt the gesture was slightly sleazier than gallant, as she noticed he hadn’t finished his thought. Morgan’s what? Girlfriend? No, he simply left it at Morgan’s…
“Yes, and he is being neglectful. We need your assistance in fixing that.” Carolyn explained.
Dante looped Honey’s arm around his elbow. “And why isn’t he here with the beautiful Honey”
“He is off playing family politics. It’s a wedding. He should have eyes only for her.”
“So how are you planning to get him to dance with me?” Honey asked.
“That’s easy. You’re going to dance with me.” Dante grinned, exposing a mouth full of bright white teeth. “He’ll hate it.”
“Make sure you bump into Shane. A little more competition should put Morgan straight for the rest of the night,” Carolyn added to the plot.
“As long as he doesn’t try to dump me on your grandmother again. No offense, but…”
“None taken,” Dante chuckled in good humor, “She’s an old bat. You really want to make him sweat?”
Honey nodded. Dante turned to Carolyn, “Find Roman Aventine. That’ll set Morgan straight.”
“Roman’s here?” Carolyn’s laugh was almost a maniacal cackle. “Dante, you are an evil genius. I’ll go find Roman. You two…” She pointed to the dance floor.
“Who’s Roman Aventine?” Honey asked as Dante led her to the dance floor and swept her into his embrace.
“Roman is friendly competition. The Aventines are business competitors, as well as another family like ours. You know about us, right?” Dante squinted at her, confirming she had been told.
Honey nodded.
“Roman is their family’s version of Morgan. Except their Primary Alpha is Roman’s father. Just as Morgan and Carolyn’s father would have been if he were still alive.”
Dante smoothly guided Honey around the dance floor. About halfway through the song, they were interrupted by the bodybuilder Shane.
Shane’s voice was deeper, gruffer, “I understand the lady needs my assistance.”
Dante stepped back from Honey and gave her hand to Shane. “Shane, Honey. Honey, Shane.” Once the brief introduction was made, Dante sauntered off. Honey expected he went to find another girl to flirt with.
Shane was a completely different physical type than Morgan or Dante, yet he was still extremely good looking. Powerfully built with broad thick shoulders, it was clear he had massive biceps bulging under his tuxedo jacket. He had a nicely shaped head, which was good, considering he was bald. His eyes slanted slightly downward at the edges, and he had broad, high cheekbones.
“You’re the girl from the coffee shop,” he stated. “Morgan is clearly being a fool. He had us drive all the way to Monterey to see you for five minutes and now…” Shane shook his head as he moved Honey with unexpected grace and fluidity.
“Yeah, was that you with him that day?” She didn’t continue with the day that Morgan finally kissed her. “And now?”
“And now he’s left you alone long enough to dance with Dante and me.”
She laughed at this, as Shane stepped into a twirl.
They stopped in front of a tall blond man. “I believe, there is a damsel in distress here.” The man’s voice had a slight upper-crust New England lilt to it.
“Aventine.” Shane drew out the name slowly. “Are you helping or are you hindering?”
“I am here to help the lady. And if it annoys Palatine, all the better.” He turned his focus to Honey, “Roman Aventine at your service.” He held his hand out to Honey.
Roman Aventine was easily as tall as Morgan, but with his more slender build, he appeared to be taller. He had piercing blue eyes, and his blond hair was cut short. Honey was impressed that all the good-looking men she was suddenly getting attention from were there to help her regain Morgan’s attention.
“Honey Gould,” she said as she took his hand. “Thank you, Shane.” She grinned at him, enjoying the subterfuge.
“Honey Gould, gold as honey, I will warn you Palatine is not going to like this. So, to piss him off properly, I’m going to hold you a little tighter than propriety dictates.”
“Oh,” Honey squeaked when Roman pulled her tightly into his embrace.
“I will probably get punched for this, but really, the man has it coming. Carolyn explained he’s been ignoring you this whole afternoon. How unseemly of him.” The music had switched to something slow and Roman gently guided Honey through simple dance steps.
“You’re doing this for me even if you know Morgan might punch you?” Honey was a bit confused. Why would this man risk getting hit.
“Dancing with a beautiful lady is totally worth that moment of pain.” Roman’s face was close to Honey’s. To the casual viewer it would appear they were an intimate couple and not strangers who had only met moments before. “And trust me, even if he does deck me, his pain will be deeper than mine when he sees us together.” He chuckled malevolently.
“So I take it you and Morgan are…” Roman was whipped away from Honey.
Morgan’s fist bunched on Roman’s shoulder grabbing a handful of suit fabric. “Enemies,” he growled.
“Adversaries,” Roman corrected. “Took you long enough, Palatine.”
Morgan, caught off guard by Roman’s last remark dropped his grasp on the blond man’s jacket. Morgan looked at Honey, she stood with her arms crossed, an expression of disappointment on her face.
“If you won’t dance with her, I will. She’s a lovely dancer.” Roman continued.
Morgan shot him a glare then pulled Honey into his arms.
Morgan began swaying to the music, Honey tucked into his embrace, head resting on his chest. “Aventine’s right. That took me too long. It should never have happened.”
“What? Rescuing me from dancing with handsome men?” Honey smiled. Their plan had worked.
“No, leaving you alone so that you ended up dancing with other men. I should have been dancing with you the entire time. I’m an idiot. Dante had to tip me off. And then when I saw you with Aventine, I about lost it.” He kissed the top of her head. “Do you have any idea what you were doing to me?”
“Completely,” Honey giggled. “Carolyn and Dante plotted the whole thing. Make you stupid jealous so you would stop ignoring me.”
“Sometimes I can actually admit my sisters are smarter than me. This is definitely one of those times. I was ignoring you, wasn’t I?”
Honey nodded her head, brushing the side of her face against the fabric of his tux.
They stopped dancing. “Forgive me?”
Honey looked up at him, his gaze intent on her face. “You’ll have to make it up to me for the rest of the evening.”
“I can do that.” He leaned down and kissed her lightly. “You have my heart, and I’m a fool.”
“This sounds like a promising start.”
“Have I told you how breathtakingly beautiful you are?”
“No. Keep going. You’re making good progress.”
Morgan pulled her firmly into his embrace as he glided with her across the floor. In her heels, she was almost as tall as Morgan. Her cheek rested against his.
“Morgan,” she began.
“You more than have my heart.” Honey swallowed. She continued to lean into him. “
I love you.”
Morgan stopped dancing. Pulling his cheek away from hers, he tucked a finger under her chin so that she opened her eyes to look at him. “Why does it sound like there’s a but coming.”
Honey laughed in reply. “There is. I love you but don’t leave me alone again. I felt completely abandoned.”
He kissed her temple, “I’m sorry, sweetheart. That was stupid, and I won’t leave your side for the rest of the night.” He paused. His expression momentarily went blank, and gold flashed from his eyes. “You love me.” His mouth spread into a wide grin, exposing all his teeth.
Honey’s own grin spread. She nodded as Morgan lifted her off her feet and spun her around. Morgan slowly lowered her, so her feet were back on the dance floor. “I love you. I love you too.” He cupped her face in both hands and kissed her.
After watching the cutting of the cake, Morgan led Honey along the covered walk, and away from the party. “This trip hasn’t gone the way you were expecting, has it?”
“Not exactly. I thought—” Honey paused, “—oh, I don’t know what I thought. I made up something in my head. I made up several somethings in my head. This is none of them.”
They stopped. A couple locked in an amorous embrace were leaning against the doorway they had been headed towards. Morgan cleared his throat. Honey recognized Roman Aventine, the tall blond she had danced with earlier. She did not recognize the woman. She looked familiar with the same dark hair and eyes as Carolyn and Morgan, but her nose was shorter.
“Julia?” Morgan asked.
“Palatine!” Roman Aventine said, a little loudly in surprise.
“Uh. Hi, Morgan,” the woman he called Julia said.
Honey watched as Morgan’s gaze slid back and forth between the two. She expected there was a story here.
“Right,” Morgan said with a sigh. “Julia, this is Honey. Honey, this is my sister Julia. You met Aventine earlier.” His introduction was clearly distracted by the activities they had come upon. “So you and…?” Morgan asked his sister while pointing at Aventine.
“This isn’t what it looks like,” Julia began.