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Break Her Fall

Page 4

by JoAnna Grace

  Nina’s eyes darted to the other ladies who were watching the exchange. “It was a last-minute decision. I didn’t know if Vivian would feel up to it, given her unfortunate accident.”

  Vivian’s tiger growled and hissed, but she kept her human façade calm and cool. Nina was trying to get a rise out of her, trying to make her look like a fool in front of the other women of the Pack.

  “Well, I’m honored to be invited, despite Nina’s typo. I’ve wanted to meet more ladies in the Pack and this seems like the perfect opportunity.” Vivian donned her most charming smile and greeted each lady with a handshake and proper introduction. She made sure to be gracious and sweet. Many of them hadn’t seen her since the party Kasey threw to announce the Pride’s arrival.

  If anyone would’ve told Vivian six years ago that the Nevada Pride’s female integration program would’ve prepared her for this day, she would’ve laughed. But the program had taught her how to be a proper lady. She knew the table settings, she knew how to present herself with perfect posture and alluring personality. Observing her in this setting, no one would ever guess she was also calculating what silver knives would make the best weapons. She noted every exit, every possible projectile, and she catalogued the layout of the house in case she ever needed to break in.

  She also noted how pissed off Nina grew with every passing moment. Vivian entertained the ladies with stories of her adventures—properly edited to make them seem exciting, not like a fugitive on the run. Vivian combated Nina’s rudeness with sappy kindness that swayed the ladies to Vivian’s rescue when Nina ambushed her with the you can’t have kids accusation.

  “Nina,” Bianca hissed at her.

  “No, it’s fine.” Vivian smiled sweetly and addressed the subject. “I understand your concern. I am very distraught about not being able to have children. But it’s not the end of the world.” Vivian laid the charm on thick, meeting the eyes of as many women as she could. “Bianca and Sampson are blessed to have a future alpha as a son.” She reached for Bianca’s hand and the support she found there boosted her confidence. “I know Kasey has high hopes for Ezekiel. Perhaps, if Kasey wants to, we can adopt. There are shifter orphans out there who need a loving home. Heaven knows Kasey and I have enough love between us to share with a child, even if it’s not our own blood.” Vivian received head nods and a few whispers. “Your alpha has a big heart and I’m humbled that he chose me to walk with him through life. I’m the luckiest woman in the world.”

  Nina didn’t say another word for the rest of the brunch.

  As the ladies left, Vivian held back and told each of them goodbye. Their warmth and acceptance was obvious. Bianca was the last person left when Vivian approached Nina.

  “Thanks for a lovely party, Nina. I think I really connected with the ladies of the Pack.”

  Nina pursed her lips and gave Vivian that cheesy-fake smile. “I’m glad.”

  “Perhaps next quarter, I can host the tea at the alpha house.”

  Bianca chimed in, her voice steel as she stared down Nina. “That’s a lovely idea, Vivian. And I’ll make sure to do the invitations myself. Wouldn’t want any more slip-ups.”

  Nina’s mouth dropped open. “But I’ve hosted the tea for years.”

  “Actually,” Bianca said, “my mother, the alpha female, started the tradition as her way of keeping up with the ladies of the Pack. And I would love to see it back in the alpha house. We could have it on Saturdays again and invite the young ladies like Mom used to do.”

  Vivian could’ve kissed her sister-in-law at that moment. “Yes, and just like you said yesterday, Nina, I do want to honor the traditions and legacy of my husband’s parents.” A wide grin spread across Vivian’s face as Nina paled then turned bright red. “What better way than to take some of these traditions off your hands. You’ve shouldered the burden long enough. This Pack has a new alpha female and your services are no longer necessary. Maybe you can find a more productive use of your time, like learning how to type an invitation correctly.”

  Bianca and Vivian left Nina standing in the open door with steam whistling out of her ears.

  When they arrived back at the alpha house, Bianca was fuming. She met Vivian in the garage. “I am so sorry about today.” She kept her eyes averted and Vivian thought she might cry. “I didn’t know Nina was going to ambush you like that, Vivian, I swear. I didn’t know she invited you until I arrived. The only reason I didn’t invite you myself was because I didn’t think you were feeling up to it. And Nina, mercy, the nerve.” She put a hand over her chest. “This is all my fault.”

  Vivian acted on instinct and pulled Bianca into her arms. Bianca was a few inches shorter, so Vivian rested her chin on Bianca’s head, her tiger sensing the sadness of the submissive wolf. “It’s not your fault, Bianca. She’s been after me since day one simply because she wants Kasey.”

  Bianca sniffed and pulled back. Her eyes were rimmed in red. “How dare she try to use my mother’s legacy for her own gain? If I had the strength, I’d claw her face off.”

  Vivian smiled. It warmed her heart to see Bianca’s fighting side.

  “My mother would’ve loved you,” Bianca said. “I can’t believe Nina would stoop so low as to use her memory against you.”

  “It’s okay. I can hold my own. But you are hereby ordered to help me with this brunch-tea thing. I’m way out of my league here.”

  Bianca smiled. “I’d be honored. I’ve wanted to take it back over for a while, but Nina did such a good job, I just let her have it. I know my mother would be tickled to see us work on it together and bring it back home.”

  Vivian hugged Bianca once more and escaped to change out of the fancy dress. She made it to the bedroom before her first tear fell. She didn’t know exactly why, but the need to cry overwhelmed her. She gave in and flopped in her chair, not bothering to change from her dress.

  When Kasey came home later, she was still sitting there, exhausted.

  “Kitten?” He touched her cheek. “What are you doing? Did you go somewhere today?”

  Vivian didn’t want Kasey to know how upset she was. He had enough to deal with without her emotional shit. She forced herself to smile. “I went to the ladies tea with Bianca.”

  “That’s great.” He seemed surprised, his head bobbing up and down. He removed his tie and turned towards his closet. “Did you have a nice time?”

  No. “Yes, it was nice. A little frilly for my taste. But I think Bianca and I are going to start hosting it here again. Like your mom used to.”

  Kasey’s movements halted. Vivian turned in her chair to see him staring back at her. His shirt hung open and the tantalizing view of his body stirred her blood. He smiled and his sexy lips distracted Vivian.

  “That’s . . .” He swallowed. “That’s great news, kitten.”

  Vivian rose and gave him the full view of her dress. “You like?”

  Kasey’s eyes burned with instant desire. His mouth hung open, his eyes widened, and he ran a hand through his hair. “Vivian.” He sighed. “You’re so beautiful, like a classic movie star.” He slid his arms around her waist and she ran her hands up his bare chest. Being in her mate’s arms grounded her and pushed away the dark clouds in her mind. They swayed back and forth, dancing subtly in place. She rested her chin on his shoulder and allowed his mating scent to fill her body. Even if the whole world came crashing down, she would survive as long as she had him by her side.

  “I love you, Kasey,” she whispered.

  He could’ve lit up the Hollywood sign with his bright smile. “Kitten, God, I love you too. More than you’ll ever know.” He claimed her mouth and kissed her until she couldn’t think straight.

  “Are you okay with me hosting the brunch?” Vivian asked, nuzzling her nose to his cheek.

  “I think it’s great that you’re taking up the mantle of alpha female. It’s good for you to connect with the Pack. I know they want to connect with you.”

  Vivian smiled, but her chest constricted. Kase
y did want her to be an alpha female like his mother was. Considering she had so little to give him, she could at least do this.

  AMILYNN CLOSED HER eyes and gyrated to the music. With each beat of bass, her hips circled, rubbing against the hard body behind her. She reached back and ran her fingers through his long hair, pulling his head closer as he kissed her neck. His hand splayed over her exposed abdomen, keeping her hips tucked tight against his. They moved on the dance floor the same way they did in bed. The back and forth, the pulsating bump and grind.

  She spun around and pressed her breasts against his chest. They were overflowing the tight top and he liked her that way. Martin grabbed her ass through the micro-skirt and encouraged her to ride his leg in time to the music. It created friction in all the right places, the perfect prelude to the sex that would come as soon as he got her back to his place.

  If only she could keep her eyes closed . . . and her nose.

  When she looked up, her cat hissed. His eyes were light blue, not slate blue. He had blond hair, not black. It was too long, falling down to his high cheekbones—not short and spiked. All his muscle was lean and, although he was tall, he wasn’t wide enough. His scent was woodsy and earthy.

  Everything about Martin was sexy. But to her leopard, everything about Martin was wrong. Which was the whole reason she was on the dance floor with him, rubbing against him like the slut she was.

  Martin wasn’t Ezekiel, and that was how she wanted it.

  “Let’s get out of here,” she said, nibbling on his earlobe.

  Lust flashed in his eyes and he nodded. Twenty minutes later, he had her up against the wall of his apartment, driving into her with wild abandon. They didn’t bother to take off their clothes.

  Once he was finished, she dropped her legs from his waist and pushed down her skirt. Martin held her close, kissing on her neck, and let his pulse slow. Amilynn knew he needed this part, the cuddling. She allowed it for now. Her cat paced beneath her skin, itching and clawing to be free of the apartment and of Martin’s smell. This was not her mate and she let Amilynn know it.

  “You want to sleep over?” Martin asked before taking her into a sweet kiss. Again, she allowed him the post-orgasm cuddling his wolf needed. Uh-oh. Her cat shuddered.

  “You know I like to sleep in my own bed. Besides, everyone will see me leaving in the morning and we have training tomorrow.” She attempted to deliver the rejection as kindly as possible. Amilynn didn’t sleep over with anyone—ever. That crossed lines she’d created years ago.

  “Come on, Ami. I want to wake up to you. Maybe make love again in the morning.”

  Make love? Oh, hell.

  “Martin,” she said with a slightly firmer tone, “I’m not the girlfriend type. Surely you know that.” He nodded, staring at the floor. “I mean, come on. This works nicely, right? Hot foreplay, hot sex, but no expectations. Let’s not ruin a good thing.”

  Martin sighed and looked at her, his eyes narrowing, his lips quirking up. “One day, Amilynn, one day, you’re going to give in to me.”

  Not a chance in hell, sweetheart. Ami pasted a big smile on her face and tried to play off more affection than she really felt. God, she was a real bitch if ever there was one. Martin deserved so much better. So did Ezekiel.

  “I’ll talk to you later. I’ve got to get back.” She gave him a long, slow kiss and took off before he asked her to stay again.

  She drove back to the alpha house, wishing like hell she could feel satisfied after having sex. Normal people did, right? What was it like to be with a man who didn’t require a fake orgasm? She’d faked every single one with Martin. Not because he wasn’t good, but because her heart wasn’t in it.

  “Shut it,” she said to her reflection in the rear view mirror. Her eyes had shifted into the yellow-green of her leopard. The cat was not happy with her and was rebelling, trying to come out when she wasn’t supposed to.

  Carrying her shoes so she didn’t make noise, she tiptoed through the house and down the hall that led to her room. Kasey had given her one of the best rooms because it had the best bathroom. She couldn’t wait to get into the spacious shower and wash off all the scents that clung to her skin. Sweat, smoke, alcohol, sex, and the wrong wolf; not things she wanted touching her sheets.

  “Amilynn?” called a male voice.

  Ten feet. Damn it. She was ten feet from her door.

  Sampson was not a male to be ignored. Fan-fucking-tastic. Here she was in her full slut-wear and he wanted to chat. What a picture she made. He probably couldn’t stand the fact that his twin sons liked her so much. When he figured out that Ezekiel wanted her as a mate, Sampson was going to shit a brick. He and his wife, Bianca, were good people—far too good for the likes of her.

  Sampson inhaled deeply and learned all he needed to know about Amilynn’s activities tonight. Her barely covered body was evidence enough. The girl was as close to naked as a person could get. She reeked of the smoky club and the scent of Martin and their interlude. He had nothing against Martin personally. He was a good guy, came from a decent family, fantastic soldier. No doubt he was good for Amilynn. However, there was a reason she was doing the walk of shame instead of warming the man’s bed.

  Sampson was afraid he knew why.

  “Have fun?” he asked, taking a bite of Cheerios.

  “Uh, yeah. The DJ was really jammin’ tonight.” She shifted awkwardly. Her eyes darted over to the door of her bedroom, seeking escape.


  She nodded. “He’s a nice guy to be around.” Again, she glanced to her door, surely wishing she could dash in there.

  “He’s had his eyes on you for a while.”

  “Yeah.” She sighed, drumming her fingers on her thighs, her eyes still turned to her bedroom door.

  “Why don’t you get, uh, cleaned up and come have some cereal with me?” He had things to say and she needed to hear them.

  “You know, Sampson, I’m rather tired. How about we chat tomorrow, m‘kay?” Ami touched her mouth, gave an overdramatic yawn, and took two steps toward her room.

  “Amilynn. Not a request. You feel me?” Even though he kept his tone light, one side of his mouth kicked up; it was nothing less than a command.

  The dominant female had a split second of cat flash in her eyes, bristling at the male bossing her around before she caught herself and nodded.

  Ami ducked into her room and he waited in the kitchen. He’d never admit it, but he was nervous as hell to confront her. With three sons and no daughters, he had no idea how to handle a young woman. There had been so much drama in the last few weeks and he didn’t want to make more. However, Amilynn was hurting herself and, as a friend-slash-family member, he couldn’t let her continue. Maybe it wasn’t his place. Oh well.

  Tyrone had mentioned seeing Sampson’s oldest son, Ezekiel, curled up with Amilynn at the hospital after Vivian had been shot. Days later, Ezekiel took off with a group of novice soldiers for a weeklong excursion that was far below his skill level. Sampson wanted to know what was going on. He had a theory, but no evidence one way or another.

  Amilynn came out a few minutes later looking less like a streetwalker and more like a young lady in her early twenties. Her hair was pulled into a high ponytail and her entire body was covered in baby pink cotton. All the dark makeup was washed away, revealing her naturally lovely face. Did she even know how sweet she looked without all the eyeliner and lipstick?

  Her arms crossed defensively over her chest. “What’s up?”

  He shrugged. “Thought since we were both up, we could visit. I’ve been able to spend time with Conall and Vivian; even Ty and Mel spend their evenings with Bianca and me. Haven’t gotten to know you yet.”

  “Not much to know.”

  “Oh, I doubt that. My sons like you.”

  “Not all of them,” she said with an eye roll and a huff. “I might be a lot of things, Sammie, but oblivious isn’t on the list. Spit it out.” One brow arched high on her forehead and her lips

  Sampson chuckled and turned to wash his bowl, trying to figure out how he was going to word things when he realized that with Amilynn, blunt worked the best.

  “I like how you are with my boys, Ami. Nate and Tom adore you and I know you care for them too.”

  Ami smiled, the affection written on her face. “I do.”

  “Those two would follow you to the ends of the earth, and I enjoy watching your antics.”

  “They’re fun. You’ve got good kids.”

  “Thanks.” Sampson crossed his arms and rubbed his chin, staring at the floor like it held the right words he needed to say. “With that said, I’m worried about how your nightly activities will affect them.”

  “Excuse me?” Her head moved along with her words, accentuating the attitude behind them.

  “Your actions impact them. They see you as the type of woman they might mate with one day. When you come in at all hours of the night smelling like various men and sex—”

  “Hold the fucking phone . . .”

  “—I’m afraid they will see this as acceptable behavior.”

  “What are you trying to say? You think I’m not good enough to hang around your kids?”

  He held up his hands. This was not going well. Maybe he should’ve let Bianca handle this. “I’m only asking you to be discrete about your, uh, your . . .”

  “Sleeping around? Is that what you mean?”

  “Not exactly, but if the shoe fits . . .” Aw, crap. His temper got the best of him. That wasn’t at all what he meant to say. Yeah, really should’ve let Bianca handle this.

  She flinched as if he’d slapped her. “Wow. Did some of Helena’s and Alias’ opinions rub off on you? You going to start calling me a whore, warning me off the males of the Pack so I don’t corrupt them? Let me go find a stray kitten so you can paint my room with its blood.”


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