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Break Her Fall

Page 26

by JoAnna Grace

Each wolf sentinel carried a pack on their rounds with basic medical supplies, a cell phone for emergencies, and a firearm. Vivian figured it would be easy enough for a wolf to shift human, snap a few pictures, and shift back wolf within a couple minutes. Her tiger roared at the idea of another traitor in the Pack. Jeez, didn’t they already deal with this? Didn’t they filter everyone after her shooting? Why the hell couldn’t they be done with the rebels already?

  Kasey dialed out on his phone and called his head of Packland Security. As chief of the soldiers doing daily surveillance and perimeter checks, Brooks would be on top of things. “Brooks, I want you to do something. Classified. As the sentinels come in from rounds, do a check of their medical supplies. Make sure all the kits are the same and well stocked. After Amilynn’s attack, we need to be prepared for emergencies. Charge all the cell phones and make sure the firearms are clean. If you find anything out of the ordinary, anything not standard issue, tell me immediately.” Kasey ended the call with no salutations.

  “Why didn’t you tell him to look for a camera?” Vivian asked.

  “I don’t want to tip off our Peeping Tom. I’ll have Sampson go in and check all the photos on the cell phones as well as who was on shift around the alpha house.”

  Vivian nodded, but her stomach churned with worry for Ami. Since he was inside her head, Kasey caught her train of thought.

  “You’re worried she’s going to run?”

  Vivian nodded and came to the security of her mate’s arms. “She’ll run right into his trap. She’s so reckless, so determined to take on the world.”

  “Kind of like someone else I know,” Kasey whispered and kissed her hair. She couldn’t very well deny the truth, now, could she? “Kitten, listen to me. Ezekiel won’t let her do anything stupid. And I want you to make sure you don’t either. Let me handle this. Stay here, where it’s safe—”

  “Excuse me?” Vivian pulled back to meet his eyes.

  “There’s no reason for you to put yourself at risk.”

  Vivian shoved off his arms. “There’s every reason for me to put myself at risk.” Vivian threw her hands up in the air and hushed his arguments. “You know what? I’m not having this discussion again. Ignore the truth all you want, but I’m a trained professional and, when the time comes, you can bet I’ll put my skills to use. With or without you by my side.” She stormed out of their suite.

  “Vivian!” Kasey called to her. She paused, her tiger sensing the power in his voice. He faced her, nose-to-nose, his wolf rising in his eyes. Kasey gritted his teeth and held her stare for a full minute. She refused to back down, refused to submit.

  “I trust you,” he finally bit out. “I know what you’re capable of and I trust you. Please, kitten, please don’t make a move without me.”

  “Funny; that’s just what Ami said.”

  “We’re a team, you and me. We can take this on together.” Vivian nodded once and Kasey pulled her into a deep kiss. “I can’t live without you, Vivian. I refuse. Don’t force me to.”

  Vivian didn’t promise anything. But she did kiss her mate until he relaxed in her arms.

  “You’re going to give me gray hair.” Kasey chuckled.

  “Bet your fine ass, punk.” Vivian slapped his bottom and he yelped.

  Amilynn missed Conall and Tom at dinner. Conall had taken off for his hike to the widow’s house and hadn’t returned, but he’d checked in with Sampson and Vivian. They both agreed he needed to stay out there in the wilderness and protect the woman, who was too scared to leave her home. Apparently, it wasn’t too much of a sacrifice for Conall. Wonder why?

  Ami didn’t ask. Not having to mentally say goodbye to Conall was fine with her. His presence was missed, though. His seat at the table remained empty and everyone commented on how they were ready for him to join them again. Ami agreed. Conall held a special place in her heart and having him close made her feel secure.

  Tom was staying overnight at a packmate’s house and under guard. Ami had hugged him before he left and she knew he was probably safer away from the alpha house, away from her.

  It was hard to fathom how much joy the people around this table brought to her life. Vivian and Kasey, Sampson and Bianca, Melissa and Tyrone, Nate, Ezekiel, Conall, and Tom. They made her heart full with delirious happiness. They made her feel worthy again after so much self-abuse and debasement.

  As her eyes touched on every person, her resolve strengthened. She had to fight. She had to try to destroy Brian before he destroyed the ones she called hers. It was a sacrifice she gladly made.

  “Guess what, Ami?” Nate leaned over. Ezekiel had permanently lost his place beside her at the dinner table.

  “What?” Ami didn’t dare predict what nonsense might come out of Nate’s mouth.

  He sighed, bearing a heavy burden. “I know this is going to break your heart, but I insist that we see other people.”

  Ami played along and put her hand on her chest dramatically. “But, Nate, you’re my soul mate. However will I live? Who is she? Is she younger, prettier?”

  “Younger, but never prettier.” He leaned in and told her the rest secretly. “She’s a packmate, Crystal. She’s sixteen.”

  “Sixteen?” Amilynn gasped, worried that this older girl would be a negative influence on her precious Nate.

  “Yeah. I really like her. She plays basketball, she’s my height; pretty hot.”

  Ami pouted. “You’ve strung me along for all these months. I don’t know if I’ll ever heal.”

  “Time, my love. All you need is time.” Nate delivered an Oscar-worthy performance.

  “But, Nate, how can I ever stop loving you?”

  He dropped the act, and his shoulders fell. “Now you’re just being mean. See, I really do love you. You could ditch Z. I’ll overlook the stank on you. I love you that much.”

  Amilynn grinned and patted the boy’s cheek. “Doesn’t it bother you in the least bit that I’m basically your sister-in-law now?”

  “Key words, baby girl. In and law. You’re not blood, and you’re still a free agent until he puts a ring on it.” Nate started humming the Beyonce tune and dancing in his seat.

  “Hopeless. You’re hopeless.”

  Amilynn joked around with Nate like nothing was wrong. In her heart, she ached. Her cat cried at the thought of walking out on this sweet boy she dearly loved. Yet she would do anything to keep him out of Brian’s hands, even say goodbye.

  The routine after their long dinner went on as it did every night of the week. The Pride had fallen into a comfortable pattern quickly upon arriving here. Ty and Melissa would be in the theatre, her at the piano, him kicked back with an acoustic guitar resting on his belly. Ami could hear their music as she walked through the house, looking at pictures on the walls.

  Bianca had been heartbroken when the Pride arrived with no pictures to add to her collection. She walked around that first week covertly snapping pictures. Now they hung in frames all through the house. Ami and the Mirrors chilling on the couch, Sampson and Conall greasy and working on a car, both of them sporting grins. Another depicted Melissa and Ty playing in the theatre. There was one of Kasey and Vivian dancing, her arms around his neck, and their smiles shining brightly. Beautiful memories displayed for everyone to see. Memories that Amilynn would cherish always, memories she would die to preserve.

  Her leopard purred when they sensed a certain sexy wolf prowling behind.

  I know you’re following me, caveman.

  The view from back here is priceless.

  Ami glanced over her shoulder to see him leaning against a wall, his massive muscled arms crossed over his chest. Why don’t you give me twenty minutes and meet me in your room?

  Let’s go now.

  I have a surprise. You have to let me set it up.

  I’m breaking down the door in nineteen minutes.

  Ami giggled and walked downstairs on her way to his room. Nate scared the crap out of her by grabbing her arm and pulling her into the laundry room.<
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  “I need help. Look.” He shoved his cell phone in her face. It was a text from Crystal that said she was excited about their date with three kissy faces. “What if she wants to kiss me? I’ve never kissed a girl.”

  “Bullshit,” Ami deadpanned.

  “Hey,” he scowled. “I happen to be a gentleman. I don’t push.”

  Ami bit the inside of her cheek to keep from grinning. “Very admirable. Okay. Well, uh, kiss me. Let’s see what you’ve got.”

  Nate’s face turned blood red and his eyes bugged out of his head. “Hot baby girl say what?”

  “Bring it. Let’s see what you’ve got.” She beckoned him on with both hands. “I don’t have long.”

  “Um, Ami, my brother happens to outweigh me by about seventy-five pounds and he has this funny—and slightly murderous—jealous streak I’d like to steer clear of.”

  Ami laughed. “Clock’s ticking, Nate. This is what you’ve wanted since the first time we met. Here’s your chance. Kiss me.”

  Nate considered for a moment, then leaned his head down slowly. Yes, the kid was freakishly tall, even at fourteen. He didn’t know what to do with his hands, so Amilynn guided them to her hips just like they were slow dancing. Nate pecked her on the lips and pulled back.

  “Okay, that was short and sweet. Not bad,” she said.

  “Yeah?” He perked up, his bravado coming back.

  “Don’t get cocky.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “One more time. Try to not peck like a chicken but don’t drool. No one wants to kiss a Saint Bernard. A first kiss should be slow and sweet, not too long, but leave her wanting more. Never assume it’s okay to stick your tongue down her throat. You’ll know when the moment is right.”

  “No chickens, no drool, slow and sweet. Got it,” Nate said. He swallowed hard before bending to give Ami a kiss. She reached up and tilted his head a bit, internally laughing at how freaked out he was. Just to throw him off, she gave him a full French kiss. He tried to grab her ass and she slapped his head. Typical male.

  Amilynn slowly ended the kiss and tried not to laugh when Nate stood perfectly still, his eyes closed and an expression of longing on his face. “Marry me. Right now. I’m young but I’m trainable.”

  Amilynn lost it. She laughed, threw her arms around Nate’s neck, and hugged him close, receiving a tight embrace in return.

  “Sorry, my darling love. My heart belongs to your brother. But I do love you like no other. I hope this helped.” Ami stepped back. “However,” she stuck a finger in his face, “if I find out that you went bragging about this to all your buddies, I’ll claw your balls off.”

  Nate grabbed himself. “Not my balls. We’re very close.”

  “Good. Now I have to go before your brother ruins a perfectly good door.”

  Nate tilted his head just like a confused dog. “Huh?”

  “First, I need you to understand something.” Ami took Nate’s hands in hers. She took a deep breath, wishing someone would’ve loved her enough to deliver this speech to her fourteen-year-old self. “Every time you kiss a girl, every time you touch a woman intimately, you give a piece of yourself away, and you take a piece of her. Over time, you’ll find that those little pieces of your soul add up fast. You can’t get that back. Those moments aren’t erasable. Don’t give any of yourself away unless you and your wolf know she’s worth it. I wish like hell that I could be a different person simply so I had every piece of me to give to Ezekiel. Do yourself a favor and learn from my mistakes. Save every bit of your soul and your body for the person destined to be your mate. You won’t regret it, saving yourself for her, Nate, and it will be well worth it when that special moment comes. Trust me.” Ami touched his cheek as he nodded.

  Nate reached up and ran a finger down the side of her face. “I’m glad you have a piece of me, Amilynn. I promise, no one else can have one until they can compare to you.”

  Ami hugged him again so he didn’t see her tear up. “I love you, Nate, more than you’ll ever know.”

  “Are you crying?”

  “Nope. I’m just allergic to wolves.”

  Nate laughed and tightened his arms. “I love you too, Ami.”

  EZEKIEL GLANCED AT his watch. Nineteen minutes. He didn’t dare let Ami out of his sight, even when she asked. About eight of her minutes had been spent in the laundry room with Nate. There was no telling what those two had cooked up. But Ami emerged with her eyes glistening of unshed tears.

  Twenty minutes. Ready or not, here I come.

  That’s my goal for the evening, her voice in his head was silky and seductive, causing his body to instantly heat up. He opened the door to his room and slipped into the darkness. His apartment glowed with white candles. Soft music played from the stereo system and the air tasted of his mate’s signature sent of arousal.

  His pussycat stepped out of the shadows and his heart stuttered in his chest. “Mother trucker,” he said, stealing Nate’s term.

  Amilynn prowled towards him, a seductress in every sense of the word. She was a predator and he was her prey. Ezekiel froze in place. All his blood drained to his cock, leaving him lightheaded. Holy hell, she hadn’t even touched him and he was ready to explode. Never, even in his dirtiest, most erotic fantasies, could he have envisioned such a sultry scene.

  He reached for her and she slapped his hand away. His wolf snarled, just as anxious to possess her as his human side. Ami shook her head and shook a gloved finger at him. She wore a blue bodice that lifted her lush tits upwards like two creamy swells of temptation. The bodice met a thong with suspenders clamped on thigh-high black tights, which flowed down her legs into tall, black heels. Her mass of hair fell about her shoulders and he didn’t know what was sexier—the black gloves on her hands or those fuck-me heels.

  “Take off your shirt,” she commanded.

  Ezekiel was many things; an idiot was not one of them. He ripped off that shirt as fast as he could and awaited her next request like an eager pup. Her return laughter was music to his ears. Satin-covered fingers traced the lines of his back and he shivered.

  “Your body drives me crazy, Ezekiel. It’s perfect. Every bulge, every curve of muscle.” She traced the V leading down below his jeans. “It makes me think of all the things I can do with it.”

  “Anything you want, pussycat.”

  Amilynn stood in front of him with lust and passion shining in her emerald eyes. They smoldered with her desire. A ring of yellow around her irises indicated her cat was playing this game with her. “Good. Take off your pants.” She walked away, giving him a cock-twisting view of her round ass, covered with nothing more than a slip of lace across the top.

  What was he supposed to be doing? Oh yeah. He shed his shoes and jeans. Ami patted one of his black chairs and he sat down, happy to comply with whatever the hell she wanted from him. He was her slave and happy to be.

  The music changed to something slow with a heavy bass line. His heart followed the rhythm; the pounding in his chest so hard he could feel it in his ears.

  And then Ami danced.

  Her tight, firm body swayed and undulated to the beat, seducing him with each new measure of music. For the first time since they’d met, he thanked the heavens for her former career. He was benefitting from it now. Amilynn knew just how to move her hips, to drag her hands over her body, and touch herself in the way he wanted to. It was the most painful tease and the most fulfilling promise all at the same time. When she straddled him and rotated her hot core on his erection, Ezekiel thought he might explode. She bent her head to tease his lips with her tongue, not kissing him, but licking at him with feline strokes in sync with her pumping hips.

  “Ami,” he whispered her name, a prayer for mercy from her sensual onslaught.

  “If you want me,” she whispered against his lips, her breath mingling with his panting gasps. “Take me. Show me what makes you an alpha.”

  Ezekiel called up his wolf and met her challenge. Ami’s eyes widened a fraction
, her cat ready for a rough ride. Z picked her up by her ass cheeks and she linked her legs around his waist. “You asked for it, pussycat.” He carried her to the bed and pinned her down. The predator became the prey.

  Hours later, Amilynn lay next to him, her body still shaking. Sweat covered her skin and every breath burned her lungs. That would be the last time she’d challenge her wolf in the bedroom—well, maybe not. Ezekiel took being a caveman to an all new level, ravaging her in every wild and feral way he knew how. To think, he still had years to perfect the art. She quaked at the thought of him getting better with time. Sweet mother, she’d never live through it.

  She cuddled up to his side, marveling in the way he smelled after their acrobatic escapade.

  “In case I forget to tell you this later,” he said with heavy breath, “you’re a hell of a good dancer.”

  Amilynn leaned up on her elbow and looked down at him. Ezekiel had a wide, lazy smile on his face and it made her laugh. Their eyes met and the giggles started. She’d never enjoyed sex so much, never enjoyed connecting with a man as much as she did with her mate. The fact that she could laugh and giggle after sex was a miracle. He pulled her across his chest and ran his hands through her hair over and over again, allowing them both to calm their bodies down.

  “Stay with me tonight, Amilynn. Don’t make me sleep alone, not after that.”

  If she stayed, would she be able to slip out? What if he woke up as she was leaving to meet Brian and he didn’t let her go?

  “You have to think about it?” he asked. His voice held disappointment.

  “No. No, I don’t. Of course I’ll stay with you tonight.”

  “Not just tonight, baby. Stay with me every night. Let me wake up to you every morning and fall asleep with you for the rest of our lives.”

  “Z.” Ami rose to meet his eyes. “What are you asking me?” she whispered.

  Ezekiel moistened his lips and opened his mouth twice before he spoke. “I’m asking you to move in with me. Or I can move into your room. Whichever you want. But I want us together.” One corner of his lips kicked up. “And maybe, if we don’t kill each other, we could negotiate something that looks like marriage.” His mischievous smile melted her heart. Dear God, she loved him with everything inside her. He’d completely changed her world, her heart, and her self-image. And now he wanted to change her future.


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