REVENGE: Shelter Book 6 (The Shelter)
Page 24
The audience is surprised by the violence. Many are upset seeing their cars being burned.
“I’m tired of them rioting and making demands against the rest of us. They are not entitled to anything. Anyone who comes to this country must learn English, English is our official language, we don’t need to print signs and ballots in multiple languages. It’s over!”
“Anyone caught using a phony ID will be arrested. I’m overruling all gun laws, the only gun laws I’m leaving on the books is you must be at least eighteen to buy a gun and convicted felons can’t own guns. I’m also making all drugs legal. We’ve spent trillions of dollars trying to stem the flow of illegal drugs, trillions of dollars and the number of drug users has increased, we’re going to sell them in pharmacies and tax them. Making them legal will save us trillions, it will enable us to use our military to defend us versus using the military to try to intercept the flow of drugs. We will allow farmers to grow the drug crops and sell them to pharmacies. We will ensure they are pure. I know many of you worry this will lead to a huge increase in drug use. I think it might and then it will turn around and go down, just as alcohol use did after prohibition ended. As a footnote, I should mention that if you’re caught driving under the influence of drugs, you’ll lose your license. We, the national government, are getting out of your daily lives as quickly as we can. We don’t care what light bulbs you use or the type of toilet you buy, we don’t care what kind of healthcare you have, if you decide not to have any, make sure you can pay your healthcare bills, or the amount you owe hospitals and doctors will come out of your paycheck.”
The room explodes in cheering.
“I signed the contract today to begin building a new national capital. It will be built underground. In fact, over the next five years, every city will have underground shelters built. These shelters will protect you from war, natural disasters and anything else you can think of.”
This time, the applauding is weak, many worry about the cost and need of such a program.
“I said earlier our veterans are important to us. Veterans placed their lives at risk so we can live a free life, as such, every veteran will be paid a living allowance for the rest of their lives, how can we allow them to go hungry or homeless? I’m changing the role of the VA, it will allow veterans to get health care from any source, the veteran hospitals will be sold to private hospitals. Hopefully, once they transfer to the private sector they will be cleaned up and made into usable hospitals. The VA will exist to HELP our veterans, not give them the runaround.”
The room explodes in cheering. The veterans in the room stand, many rush to the stage to thank Jay.
“Our security agencies will not listen in on citizen calls or read citizen emails without a court order, a real court, not some double secret court that no one has ever heard of. No private property can be seized without a court order and an automatic appeal. Isn’t it time to return power to the people? Isn’t it time to get rid of most of the bullshit the government established in the previous fifty years. I want to turn back time. I believe we seceded because most of us have had enough, the government was breaking our backs, we’re free of the bull shit, let’s use this opportunity to ensure the national government never gains so much power that we find ourselves in the same position we were in.
“We will revamp our education system, first of all, prayer is now allowed in schools, either schools will teach all religions or none. Saying Merry Christmas will be an acceptable greeting.”
The room is rocked in cheering.
“I’m announcing our first elections for a new Congress and the office of President, and Vice President. The elections will take place on the second Tuesday of November. Each office will have a two-term limit. There will be no outside money allowed in the campaigns, no PACs, no longer will the candidate with the most money win. The government will give each candidate the same amount of money, that’s it. They’ll have to make their case to the people. Some of you will say this breaches our freedom of speech, I don’t think it does. I suggest we try this for an election, let’s see what happens. Let’s see if we can elect people who want to represent the people and not special interest groups.”
The convention center is rocked with four minutes of cheering.
Outside the convention center tear gas spreads through the rioters, lines of riot police and military officers arrest the protestors who are placed on buses and taken to see a judge. Any arrestees who can’t prove they belong in the country will be placed in holding areas before being deported. They’re shocked and worried this new government is going to carry out their threats.
“We’re going to rebuild our landmarks which rioting destroyed. To kick off the rebuilding, I’m personally paying to rebuild Graceland. I’d like the mayor to join me on the stage so my wife, Lacy, can hand him a personal check for two million dollars to rebuild a national treasure which brings millions of visitors to the city of Memphis each year.
“I believe I’ve talked long enough, I’m going to open the floor to questions, you’re free to ask anything, all I ask is you be respectful of the people around you and no personal attacks. If you have a question, please stand, one of the staff will bring you a microphone. Please limit your questions to one question which doesn’t exceed one minute, I won’t remember longer questions.”
The audience laughs at Jay’s joke.
Hundreds of people stand up.
“I’m happy to see no one wants to ask anything.”
The audience again laughs.
A woman stands to ask,
“Mr. President, do you plan on running for office?”
“Thank you for that question, I’ve thought long and hard about this questions, I’ve decided that yes, I am going to run.”
She claps as does the rest of the room.
“Mr. President, what are you going to do about the high crime rate?”
“An author I read as a teen, Robert Heinlein wrote ‘An armed society is a polite society.’ Let’s stop looking at the police as the enemy and look at them as our protectors. Let’s work and support our local police officers who place their lives at risk every day. Their families never know if they will return home after their shift. Can you imagine what’s that like, how would you feel if your spouse might not come home after their daily job ends? Since I’ve overturned most gun laws, open and concealed carry are now rights, help the police, carry your gun. If criminals don’t know who’s armed and who isn’t, I think crime will pretty quickly go down.”
“Mr. President, isn’t it true that the police made their own decision? They picked that vocation.”
“Yes, they did, they decided to protect their friends and community, we should honor them.”
Another man stands,
“What are you going to do about the race problems in this country?”
“I believe the race problem got worse under the Northern President, I’m hoping our new rules based on equality will go a long way towards real equality.”
“Do you believe Black Lives Matter?”
“I believe all life matters, no skin color matters more than any other. God told us all life is special and unique, through poor education, violent video games and rap music we’ve taught our young that life doesn’t matter, we’ve taught them life is meaningless, they gain street cred for killing, this is WRONG and will not be accepted.”
“I’d like to ask a follow-up question.”
“I said one, but, I will allow it.”
“Do you think there are too many people of color in our prisons?”
“Maybe people of color should not commit crimes, maybe they should respect our laws, maybe they shouldn’t think they’re entitled to things.”
“They do because they were enslaved.”
“No, they weren’t. No one living today was a slave, no one living today, at least in this country owns slaves. Hence, it’s an argument that doesn’t hold water. Everyone living here can get free education
, they can get a job, the American dream still exists. You have to work for it. Nothing will be handed to you.”
“You’re racist! You’re nothing but a white racist who plans on keeping my people in slums and walking on us. Your policies are designed to keep the black people down.”
“How are my policies keeping the black people down? I just took away most regulations which should enable business to hire more people. I’m making it easier for people to get jobs.”
“Do you support the $15 or $20 minimum wage?”
“I believe the government has no place in setting wages, it’s up to the business to set them.”
“I rest my case; you have proven you’re a racist. My people won’t accept you, we will burn down the cities if we have to, we will do everything we need to do in order to win our rights.”
“If you give my policies a chance to grow, you’ll see I’m not a racist, my policies will improve everyone’s life.”
“No, they won’t! BLACK LIVES MATTER!” Large banners are held up in the audience.
Jay smiles,
“If only black lives matter, does that mean white, yellow and brown lives don’t matter, if black lives matter? Why are most young black lives taken by other blacks? Why are you killing your own people?”
“I’m sorry, please either sit down, or I’ll have to have you removed.”
“You can’t silence us.”
“Yes, I can. Security, please remove them.”
Security people grab the protesters, forcing them out of the convention center to the applause of the remaining people.
The meeting continues for another two hours before Jay raises his hands saying,
“Ladies and gentlemen, I’m sorry, but my throat is giving out. I think I’m going to have to call the town hall meeting to an end.”
There are both applause and boos from the audience. A very tired and worn out Jay walks off the stage. His staff helps him to the waiting armored vehicle to take Lacy and him back to the Peabody.
“Honey, that went really well, I’m proud of you. I was worried you were going to shoot someone.”
“Nah, not worth the cost of a bullet. I promised to let everyone have a voice, I tried to, there were just too many people, to many questions. Let’s publish my remarks and the Q&A plus the ones we thought of they didn’t ask. Maybe it will help the next meeting go more smoothly.”
Stu shakes his head,
“Mr. President…”
“Didn’t I tell you in private to call me Jay?”
“Sorry, Jay, I think publishing your remarks is a good idea, but not the Q&A, it may be seen as causing additional problems.”
“What kind of problems?”
“Race riots.”
Chapter 20
“Admiral Jefferson, the P8s have located a number of submarines, they are forty miles dead ahead of us.”
“How many have the P8s found?”
“The P8s believe we’re looking at least six.”
“Show me where they are on the chart.”
Pointing to an area on the master electronic chart, Admiral Jefferson’s aide shows the Admiral where the P8s found the submarines.
“Okay, this is what we’re going to do; I want our four Virginia class subs to lay a minefield in front of them, if they continue straight toward us, they’ll run into the mines, which I think will cut their numbers down. When their subs reach the minefield, I want the destroyers to fire their ASROCs. We’ll box them in, when the ASROCs are landing, order the P8s to fly over the area dropping their fish. The combined torpedoes should overwhelm them.”
“Aye, sir. I’ll issue the orders.”
Four new Virginia-class submarines quietly sprint ahead of the battle group, when they reach their assigned areas, they launch antisubmarine mines which fall to their assigned depths waiting for the Northern submarines who sprint ahead at 25 knots, then slow to 5 knots to listen for any contacts. The Virginia class boats timed the launch of the mines to the period when the Northern subs were sprinting, hence deaf. After launching their mines, the Virginia boats silently return to their guard positions in front of Task Force 66.
The Northern submarines are older Los Angeles class boats, the newest having been built in 1996, some were built in the 1980s. The oldest Virginia-class boat operating in the Confederate Navy was completed in 2003. They are much quieter with improved sensors.
Admiral Jefferson stares at the ocean waves, antisubmarine warfare is all about patience, not something I’m known for. Waiting is the hardest, it’s not like the movies where time is compressed. We have to wait until the Northern boats reach our mine field. I can’t do anything else. I have my P8s flying high enough above the Northern boats that they shouldn’t be able to hear them. The P8s are armed with Mark 54 fish, as soon as Northern boats enter the mine field, the P8s will drop their fish and our destroyers will fire ASRCOS, we should be able to overwhelm them. This assumes they hold their course; I have to wait another hour before anything happens. Every minute waiting feels like an hour.
The Admiral’s CoS, holding two mugs of strong black navy coffee says,
“Admiral, coffee?”
“Thank you. I hate waiting.”
“I know.”
“Can you think of something I didn’t think of?”
“Not really, I think your battle plan is excellent, all we can do now is wait.”
“Is every asset in position?”
“Yes Admiral, everyone is ready.”
“Fifty-seven minutes until the Northern boats enter the mine field. Part of me feels sorry for them. Just a short time ago, we were all the same service.”
“I know; I hate thinking I’m killing people who were our brothers.”
“Sir, they’re coming to try to kill us.”
“I know, thanks for the coffee.”
The minutes continue to tick down towards zero. The Admiral stands on the bridge trying not to look at his watch. His minds drifts to other times and other battles, none of which is like this one, this will be the largest battle since the Second World War.
“Admiral, five minutes to go.”
“Thank you, I’m coming to CIC to watch the action.”
Admiral Jefferson walks into the 65,000-ton battleship, it’s only a short distance between the bridge and CIC.
“Admiral in CIC.”
Admiral Jefferson sits in the central seat to watch the monitors. He watches the clock tick down to zero, the overhead speaker announces,
“P8 flight lead, Penguin one to Admiral Jefferson, we have an underwater explosion at the location of the mine field, we hold target track on six targets.”
“Your weapons are green. You are clear to fire.”
“Aye, sir.”
“Captain, tell the destroyers to fire.”
“Aye, sir.”
Ten silo doors open on the front of the destroyers, vertical flames explode from the silos; dark gray missiles rise from the middle of the flames, the rocket propelled torpedoes race toward the submarines. When they reach their targeted locations, the torpedoes fall away from their rocket boosters, parachutes open to slow their descent into the water. The torpedoes enter the water, turning on their sonar. They hear the Northern submarines caught in the minefield, and the air dropped Mark 54 torpedoes. Submarine after submarine is struck by a torpedo. In less than fifteen minutes only one Northern submarine survives Admiral Jefferson’s attack.
“Admiral we’re deaf from the explosions and splashes, we need the sound to dissipate before we can determine how successful we are.”
The minutes tick away. Ten minutes later,
“Admiral, we have confirmation on one, repeat one, boat moving, she’s turned around and is heading on course which takes her back to Groton.”
“One screw?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Double check. Tell our boats to advance and they can go active.”
ir, going active will tell them where we are.”
“They know where we are.”
Ten minutes later,
“Admiral, we have confirmation on a single 688I boat heading north.”
“That’s much better than I expected. I thought four or five would make it through the trap. One is excellent. We’ve most likely broken their attack plan, let’s speed up, we should be able to spoil their follow-on attack by not being where they expect us to be.”
“Aye, sir.”