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CUZ: Billionaire Stepbrother Romance

Page 3

by Louis, Brandi

  An old, wooden chest against one of the walls. I rushed forward to examine it. To my surprise, it was unlocked. I slowly lifted the lid, a cloud of dust blowing into the air. Inside, a huge, dusty bible sat on the bottom. My heart beat faster. Do I really want to know the truth? Is this the end of my fantasy? I stared at the bible, unable to move.

  After a few moments, I reached in and picked it up. Covered in ornate leather, it looked unlike anything I’d seen before. I sat down cross-legged on the floor with the book in my lap and opened it. On the very first page, I read a dedication to the Smythe family. My heart sank. The researcher had said it was for the Smith family, for our parents.

  Still interested, I turned another page. At that point, I noticed something sticking out from somewhere toward the back of the bible. I flipped to that page, which was the third chapter of the Gospel of John. The sealed envelope had no markings on the outside. With the paper yellow with age, I wondered how old it was.

  I opened it up as carefully as I could manage. With the flashlight under my chin illuminating the letter, I read it to myself.

  Dear Josh,

  If you come looking for this book and find it, don't be discouraged. We changed your name to Smith when we put you up for adoption. I don't know if I can ever tell you why I had to do what I did when you were born. I hope you have had a good life. Please don't look for me.

  Your loving Mother,

  Joan Smith

  I lowered the letter and stared out the window at the moon. Josh had changed in my eyes in an instant. For so many years I had seen him as my brother and had fought the feelings I had for him, but I suddenly saw him in a different light. My love for him was real, but the love seemed somehow different. Why was that? I wondered.

  When I heard a noise downstairs, I froze. The sound of laughter got louder then fainter. I crept forward, praying none of the boards creaked while I clutched the heavy bible. I got to the stairs and listened again. I didn't hear anything right away, but I was sure I had heard at least a couple laughing. Then someone yelled, causing another round of laughter downstairs.

  The ringer on my phone was off, but I thought about calling Josh to come help me. As soon as I did, I remembered that he wasn't my brother. Or that he might not be. All I had was a bible with a letter from someone who might or might not be his mother. To be sure, we would have to be tested, something he would likely resist. He wanted to see me as his sister and always would.

  I decided not to call him because I knew my relationship with him was going to change, and I wanted to be in a good position. I didn't know what the hell that meant exactly, but I couldn't call him. More laughter came from the first floor as I crept down the hall of the second. The bible was in my backpack slung over my shoulders. I clung to the strap as I moved forward.

  At the top of the stairs leading to the first floor, I stopped. From what I could hear from my vantage point, it was just a bunch of junkies shooting up. They talked about a show they were going to see, so I hoped they were just using the abandoned house to get high before they left. I carefully sat down on the floor with my back to the wall, listening and waiting.

  Eventually, they did leave. I made my way back down to the basement, avoiding whatever door they'd come in. Once I was back outside, I rushed back to the hotel. When I got back, I told the front desk that I needed a key to my brother's room. The nice lady behind the counter didn't give me any problems.

  After I had the card, I rushed upstairs. I knew he would be out for a while if he was partying, but I also knew he'd eventually bring a woman home to fuck. He disgusted me with the number of women he slept with, but he was my brother and I knew I couldn't sleep with him so part of me just didn't care.

  Once in his room, I went straight to the bathroom and grabbed a few hairs from his brush. Would that be enough to get his DNA? I wondered. I had watched CSI: Miami a few times, but I wasn't an expert on what was even possible with technology.

  Not knowing what else to do, I walked back out into the hallway then went into my room. The bathroom door between our rooms was locked, so I got out the bible and started researching some of the names on my laptop. I didn't find anything conclusive, but a lot of signs pointed to Josh not really being related to me at all.

  * * *

  The next morning, I went into the bathroom and knocked on his door, hoping whatever woman was with him had left. I saw the handle turn. Slowly, the door opened. Josh, wearing nothing but plaid boxers, stretched and yawned. God that tattoo is so hot, I thought as I stared at him, trying desperately not to look at his crotch.

  “What's up, sis? Come on in. I'm beat.”

  “Did she leave already?”


  “The woman you brought home last night.”

  “Are you kidding? I came home alone last night.”

  “Sure...” I nodded my head and smiled sarcastically.

  “Whatever. What do you care, anyway?”

  “I don't. I just wanted to tell you I got the bible last night.”

  “What? You're kidding, right?”


  Part of me wanted to tell him about the junkies, but I thought it would be best to leave that part out for the moment. He shook his head at me as he sat on the edge of the bed.

  “So, what did your old bible tell you?”

  “We might not be related,” I blurted out.

  I stared at his face, trying to read his reaction. He had a perfect poker face and frequently masked his true emotions. I was one of the few people who could truly read him unless he was trying to keep his feelings and emotions secret. I recognized his wall go up as he stared at some spot just beyond me as if I wasn't even in the room.

  “I mean, it's not for sure, but there's a chance. I thought we could get a test.”



  “I said no, Ash. You're my sister. You're always going to be my sister. Now get out of my room so I can get dressed, okay?”

  I sighed as I turned and walked back to my room. He hadn't even considered taking a test which would put the matter to rest once and for all. Is he afraid we might not be related to each other? As usual, I had more questions than answers.

  * * *

  An hour later, I knocked on his door again. When he didn’t answer, I turned the handle. It was unlocked. I pulled my hand away. You need to do this test and finally find the truth, no matter what it might be. I looked over on the sink and saw his hairbrush. Without a second thought, I grabbed a few hairs from it and returned to my room.

  I put them into a plastic bag. The clothes Josh’s assistant bought me hung in the closet. My new suitcase sat on the floor underneath them. I hid the baggy with the hairs in the bottom of the brown leather monstrosity. He’ll understand once we get the results, I told myself, not wanting to wait to mail the samples to the DNA lab.

  After looking around my room for a moment or two, I headed back into the bathroom and opened the door to his room. The sheets on his bed were scattered. I imagined his body lying on the bed – naked. Before I could get back to my room, the door opened. Josh walked in.

  “What the hell are you doing?”


  My heart beat fiercely in my chest as we stared at each other.

  “Are we having dinner together tonight?” I asked.

  “I already have one planned.”

  “With who?”

  “It’s a business dinner,” he said, offering no further explanation.

  “Cool. I might go walk around.”

  “Don’t go too far. I want to leave tonight.”

  “Yes, sir,” I said as sarcastically as possible.

  I returned to my room. Once he left, I snuck out and retrieved an envelope from the front desk. After filling out the form I’d printed out in the shared office space in the lobby, I enclosed the hairs and sealed it up. Before I could change my mind, I gave it to the receptionist and asked her to mail it right away.

of me wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but I wouldn’t be able to relax until I got the results back. Once that happened, I would be able to finally move on with my life whether Josh was a part of it or not. You did the right thing, I told myself more than once that night as I relaxed in my room and waited for him to return from his meeting so we could leave.



  “Why are you so quiet?” I asked her as we sat across from each other on the jet.

  “Hmm?” She looked at me.

  “You’re not talking much. Did you enjoy the trip?”

  “We didn’t really stay long, but the new clothes are nice.”

  I smiled. She turned to look out the window. Hopefully she’s forgot all about that finding our real parents nonsense, I thought to myself as I turned my attention to the laptop in front of me. The business meetings had gone well, and I expected to sign deals in another week or so.

  It was odd she had wanted to go to New Orleans before I even told her about the investment opportunity, but I wrote it off and got down to work. The money I’d gotten from the Knights would help me grow a fortune of my own. I couldn’t wait to get home.

  “You have a good trip?” she asked.

  “Yeah,” I said, not looking up. “Why?”

  “It must be nice to have so much money.”

  “You could have the same thing,” I said, glancing at her.

  “I can’t follow their rules.”

  “They’re not that bad, really.”

  “Not for you because you’re a guy. I couldn’t have them picking my husband for me.”

  “I’m sure they’ll find me a nice wife if and when I ever decide to get married. Besides, I’m making so much money right now. I won’t need theirs much longer.”

  “But you sold-out,” she insisted.

  “Whatever that word means. I’ve worked hard to build the life I want to live. In the next ten years, I’m going to triple my net worth.”

  “There you go with your money talk again.”

  “It makes the world go around, sis.”

  “Whatever, Cuz.”

  She sighed, reminding me of the past, the way we had loved each other.

  “We’re adults now, Ash.” I looked into her eyes, penetrating to her soul.

  We maintained eye contact for what seemed like forever. Finally, she turned away, not saying a word. After we landed, we went our separate ways. I wanted to help her more, but she had to learn for herself how the world really worked in reality. She lived in a dream world, one she should have left behind after she turned eighteen.

  I decided to go back to my old life, making money and bedding as many women as possible so I could forget about her. Succumbing to my primal desires would ruin my entire life. I loved Ashley, but I had to make a living. The more I attempted to push her out of my life, the more I thought about her. It was maddening, but I managed to continue.

  * * *

  Another night in Gotham, I said to myself as I adjusted my tie in front of a mirror. A week after our trip to New Orleans, Ashley still hadn’t called me. A trip to the city would help me forget about her, make the separation a bit easier. Three separate women had invited me to three different parties, and I wanted to hit all of them – both the parties and the women.

  As I got ready, Terrance told me over the intercom that Ashley had arrived unannounced. I told him to send her up. My hundred-dollar jeans and three hundred dollar shirt were brand new, and I had to figure out which watch went best with them. I was trying on a gold Rolex when she walked into my dressing area.

  “Looking good,” she said.

  “Hey, what's up?” I asked, running my hand through my hair as I looked in a full-length mirror.

  “I needed to talk to you about something. You got a minute?”

  “Sure, sis.”

  “That's just it. You can’t call me that.”


  I turned around. She looked nervous.

  “I had the test done, Josh. We're not really related.”

  When the words came out of her mouth, I wanted them to fly back, but they couldn't. My brain tried to come up with a witty response, but I had nothing. She stared into my eyes with a determined look on her face. Why can’t she just leave well enough alone? I thought as I took a deep breath and tried to control the anger that was bubbling up toward her.

  “I thought I told you I didn't want that done.”

  “I found your hair in New Orleans. Sue me.”

  “I might do that. I have the money.”

  “You have their money.”

  “You mean our parents’ money.”

  “They're not our parents, Josh.”

  The whine in her voice irritated me. “They raised us.”

  “Yeah, but they're not our birth parents. We have different birth parents.”

  “So you keep saying.”

  “And so says our DNA. The test is accurate, but we can take it again if you want.”

  “No, Ash, I don't want to do that. I want you to leave so I can finish getting ready to go out tonight. I have three parties to go to.”

  “After what I just told you? Really? You're leaving?”

  I nodded and opened my eyes wide. “Yeah, sis.”

  “Stop calling me that.”

  “Or what?”

  “Ugh. You're such an asshole sometimes.”

  “That's what brothers are for...”

  Before I could tell her I was just joking, she stormed out of the walk-in closet and left. Terrance let me know when she was gone over the intercom. I thanked him and told him to get the Rolls Royce ready for the night and have it waiting for me in the front driveway. I didn't know what it was exactly, but I liked to drive myself whenever possible. In a way, I think it grounded me somehow.

  I took a last look in the mirror and tried to prepare myself for a party mood. Despite my best efforts, I couldn't stop thinking about Ashley. Are we not related? Does that change anything between us? Why is she so bent on us not being related? We had always been close and loved each other, but this was a different type of love.

  Part of me feared the change, but another part became excited. Determined not to ruin my night, I headed downstairs to my waiting chariot. The parties, alcohol and other drugs would help me forget for a while at least. I pushed all thoughts of love out of my mind as I rode in the Town Car, trying to prepare myself to relax and forget.

  At the very first party, I scored huge. Two women wanted to do me at the same time. Even better, a room was available for us to be alone for as long as we wanted. One of the women had a little coke, something that I'd only tried once. In the bedroom with the two women, I decided that I was going to stay sober. Sex alone would be my fun for the night.

  When the women, Tabitha and Piper, were in nothing but their bra and panties, they divvied up the coke into lines and snorted it up their noses. I watched as they laughed and giggled. After two lines each, they started kissing each other. Then, slowly, they made their way over to me. I loved the way their bodies felt against mine as they both kissed my face, but I couldn't get into it.

  Even my dick knew I wouldn't be able to really have a good time with them with Ashley on my mind. When I pulled back, they moved forward and tried to undress me. All I could think about was my sister – how she wasn’t really my sister. My feelings for her had always been strong, but I could control them. All that safety had vanished.

  “Hey, ladies, I have to go,” I said, standing up. “I'm sorry. Something has come up.”

  “Sure ain't your dick,” Piper said with a snort then returned to kissing Tabitha.

  I took a long last look then left the room, closing the door behind me. Would I regret it the next day? Probably, but I was worried about Ashley. Whenever we fought about something, she usually sent me a text message to let me know she was okay when she cooled down, but she hadn't sent me anything. I drove to her apartment for the summer, but she wasn't home.

  After a third u
nanswered call, I finally left a short message and told her to call me. I went home and stayed up most of the night tossing and turning in bed. Why had I acted to casual after she told me the news? It had affected me deeply, but I didn't know how to share that with her. I didn't even know how to deal with it myself.



  When Josh didn't want to talk to me about the test results, I knew I had to get away. I had around five grand squirreled away for a rainy day emergency. If I walked away from my adoptive parents, I knew that I would increase the likelihood that I got nothing from them. The money would be cut off quickly and soullessly. I didn't care.

  Not knowing where else to go, I headed back to New Orleans. I was able to find a nice efficiency apartment, but after two months, I realized that I was going to have to make some money. I knew that money made money, but I had none so I had to come up with some ideas. I put in a few applications to be a bartender at a few local joints, but none of them were hiring.

  Then, when I was starting to get desperate, something opened up. I was at a bar having a drink when a greasy looking man with slicked back hair and an annoying gold necklace sat down next to me. I tried to ignore him at first, but he insisted on buying me a drink and then another. My parents had called me the night before and told me I was cut off if I didn't return, which is why I was open to his idea.

  “You'd make a great dancer at my club.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I'm Benji.” He stretched out his hand. “I said you could make a lot of money dancing at my club. No offense intended.”

  “You run a strip club?”

  “A Gentleman's Club, honey.”

  “Don't call me honey, okay. I'm not interested in making a hundred a night flashing my tits.”

  “Hundred a night? You're kidding, right? With your look and my club, you could do four or five hundred a night easy.”

  I looked over at him, a little tipsy from all the drinks. “Yeah? That much?”


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