Bright Day, Hot Night [Sequel to Dark Day, Bright Night] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Bright Day, Hot Night [Sequel to Dark Day, Bright Night] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 5

by JC Szot

  Some young thug leaned on the counter. Sean’s eyes lowered to the switchblade clenched between the guy’s thick fingers. Holy shit! Think, stay cool, and just think. He looked in again, a plan forming in his mind. If he tried to get her attention, the guy would probably snap. It had to be a sneak attack. He darted around the dumpster and ran to the side of the building. His body hugged the brick wall as he neared the door. He turned an eye, squinting into the store, watching. The assailant’s back was turned. Sean crept inside and bolted into what looked like Nora’s office.

  He scoured the area. This guy had a knife. He had to get this right. There was no room or time for a mistake. An agitated voice carried through the quiet air. This guy was apparently getting inpatient. If he lays a hand on her… Sean gritted his teeth, grabbing a large bottle of liquid vitamin B12. He jostled it in his hand. Noise roared in his ears. He peered around the corner once more. Just then Meg’s troubled eyes met his. Sean stepped back. She’d seen him. He now had to deliver.

  A gruff voice thanked her, chuckling. Footsteps retreated. Sean barreled out of the storeroom, arm recoiled. He hurled the heavy brown bottle right at the intruder’s head like a touchdown pass. A popping crash filled the dead air, dropping the assailant right where he stood. Sean ran after him. He dove on top of the still body. Seconds seemed to pass slowly. The body began to thrash below him. Sean sank all his weight into him, kneeing him in the back.

  “Call the cops, Meg!” The vitamin B12 pooled under their bodies, moving across the floor like a mud puddle amongst the broken shards. A rich, syrupy smell hit his nose. “Let go of the money, asshole.” Sean pounded the assailant’s forehead into the floor with every syllable of his speech, holding onto the nape of his sweatshirt. His other hand pushed the knife away that the intruder had dropped. It skated across the floor tiles.

  The bills scattered across the floor like blowing leaves. Sean glanced over his shoulder. Meg’s stunned eyes blinked. Her hand shook as she held the phone, relaying the address to the dispatcher. Her tiny body shook with fear. He felt her terror. It sliced into him, hardening his panic into hatred.

  “You’re a fucking loser, you know that,” he seethed, spitting venom.

  “Don’t talk to him,” Meg yelled, her tone laced with hysteria. She clutched the phone, waiting on the line. Sean heard the wail of the sirens moving closer. Red lights pounded on the walls and windows. The body below him went limp, realizing his fate had been met.

  * * * *

  Her lithe frame sank into his. He felt every trembling twitch of her body. The cops had taken their statement, now shoving their assailant into the patrol car. Apparently they had a list of warrants as long as his leg.

  “It’s over, done.” Sean rubbed her back. She quivered under his touch. He eased away, tipping her chin. “You were great.” Her green eyes fluttered. Her head fell to his chest again. He wrapped his arms around her, his heart beating violently. Jesus, she feels so good.

  “Thank God you came,” she sobbed, her voice muffled. He smoothed her hair, the curls soft as streamers. He felt the burn, the tears prickling behind his eyes. If anything ever happened to her…he couldn’t even think about that now. It wasn’t even normal that he felt this way, but at least he’d done his job. He’d been here for her when Zane couldn’t.

  Their breathing slowed, their bodies snug against the other. The heat began to build. He couldn’t get aroused. He willed his body to chill. Something was passing between them in the aftermath, seeping from one body into the other. Was it all in his head? Or was this really happening? Her small hand rested on his chest, her fingers clutching at the fabric of his shirt. Her sweet scent filled his nose, making his eyes dim with desire. It was the same personal scent he’d smelled while doing her tat. The same smell that trailed after her, filling the house, bombarding him, testing his self-control on a daily basis. Even while they were in the lake swimming, the smell of her had overpowered all the others.

  Screeching tires halted at the curb. Sean stepped away, ready to hand Meg over to Zane. He’d had the chance to possess her, if only for a moment. Though that moment was now gone, it was heaven.

  Zane jumped out of Meg’s Honda Civic. He catapulted over the hood and plowed through the door.

  “Meg.” His face hung in shock. “What the hell…” Zane yanked her into his arms, cradling the back of her head, his eyes pinched closed. Zane’s troubled blue eyes opened, locking on Sean.

  “I owe you, man.” Zane’s expression was distorted with worry.

  Sean waved him off. “Friends don’t ever owe.”

  Chapter Nine

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you?” Zane let her hair fall through his fingers. Meg set her coffee mug down on the deck railing. The sun shone brightly above her. They were calling for temps in the nineties today. Mist rose from the dew-covered grass. He fingered the strap of her teal-colored blouse.

  “No, I’m sure.” She sighed, squinting up at him. “I need to talk to Nora, tell her what happened. I should do it myself. I’m a big girl.” She rose on her tiptoes and kissed him. “I’ll see you later.”

  Zane waited until Meg sauntered across the yard to the car, her cute ass swaying beneath a short, white skirt. He refilled his coffee and returned outside. He reclined on the chaise lounge. The sun penetrated into his skin, sedating his wired body.

  He’d held her tight in their bed all night long. He’d made love to her twice, once hard and unyielding, the next, slow and soft. It was so unique with them. All the emotions and styles just blended, braiding themselves together. He hadn’t sleep well. He was afraid something would happen to her if he drifted off. His thoughts shifted to his friend who was only a wall away, unsure if Sean had gotten any rest.

  The emotion that flickered in Sean’s eyes yesterday afternoon hadn’t gone unnoticed. In his foolishness he’d almost passed Meg off to him. Was it hard for Sean, being here with them, with Meg? Zane had never asked him. Was Meg just another reminder of what hadn’t worked out for him? The bottom line was that Sean had kept Meg out of harm’s way. That was something he couldn’t overlook. The clinking of dishes brought his attention to the kitchen window. Sean waved as he stood at the sink, downing a glass of water from the tap. He poured himself a mug of coffee and then joined him outside, falling into the other lounge chair.

  Sean angled his face to the sun. “Man, I’m freaking beat.” He sank down in the lounger. “This is dangerous. I may not move from this spot today.” He laughed, clearing his throat of sleep.

  “You’re not gonna open, are you?” Zane looked over at him. Sean was stretched out, his boxers rumpled. His chest rose, taking the morning air deep into his lungs.

  “Nah, yesterday was pretty lucrative. I say we hang.” He gave Zane a sideward glance. “I could help you out around here?”

  “I did it all yesterday. We can hang, sounds good to me. How’s the fishing these days?”

  “Why, you up for more skinny-dipping?” Sean grinned. “We’ll have to find you someplace more secluded now that the schools are out. We can’t have you getting beaten up by a bunch of prima-donna mommas.” He laughed. The peacefulness of the morning dangled between them. “Did Meg leave?” Sean picked up his mug and took a cautious sip, setting it back down on the table between them. The sun glared off every surface. The air was already hot and weighted.

  “Yeah, she’s gotta give Nora the details on the robbery.” Zane sat up, leaning on his knees. “If you stay out here you better put some sunscreen on.”

  “Yeah.” Sean rolled over, his dark eyes reaching Zane.

  “Listen,”—Zane swallowed—“I just want to thank you again.”

  Sean waved him off. “It’s done. She wasn’t hurt. I’m just glad the fucker didn’t have a gun.” Sean’s tone was cynical. “Then things could’ve gotten messy.”


  “Don’t, okay…please.” Sean sat up. He buried his head in his hands. Sun-streaked strands of hair fell over his fin

  “What’s going on?” Zane treaded lightly, his voice hushed. He reached for Sean’s arm, an arm that had taken him many hours to decorate. It was Zane’s designs that Sean would wear for life. The man was in his blood, a brother since his sophomore year in high school. They’d made plans together and stuck by them. Meg was the one thing that hadn’t been planned. Sean glanced up at him through vented fingers. His eyes lowered, concealing what Zane was trying to see.

  “I can’t, man.” He shook his head, his voice gruff. Sean stood, turning his back, gazing over the railing out into the yard. “You got this grass looking like a damn golf course.”

  “Cut the crap, Sean.” Zane’s words bit back harder.

  “Don’t make me say it, Zane, please,” he whispered.

  “You’ve got to,” Zane pressed. “We tell each other everything.”

  “If I do, where does it leave us?” Sean faced him, his hands in the air.

  “We’re untouchable.”

  “Even when it comes to Meg?” Sean dug at the morning stubble that shadowed his cheek, his face creased with concern.

  “Even when it comes to Meg.” Zane stood, walking closer to him. He stared into those dark, woodsy eyes.

  “Well.” Sean shook his head, frowning. “I would die for her. Yesterday, I would’ve died for her…okay. There you have it,” his tone rising.

  “It’s okay to feel that way,” Zane whispered, needing him at ease.

  “Is it, Zane?” Sean picked up his mug and went inside.

  Chapter Ten

  “I’m just glad you’re safe.” Nora hugged her.

  “I’m sorry.” Meg stepped back and shoved her hands into her pockets. “I feel like a royal screwup.” Her lips were tight with her own disapproval. “The first time you trust me with the store and—”

  “It wasn’t your fault. Thank goodness for Sean’s quick thinking.”

  Meg walked to the storefront window, gazing out into the street. The oppressive heat had kept people indoors, the sidewalk desolate. Sean filled her thoughts. The way he’d risked his own safety for hers. What did that mean? The comfort she’d felt in his arms. It unnerved her. Was it something she’d buried? Had it risen to the surface out fear? Or was she just coming off the adrenaline? The sensations she had felt being enclosed in his arms, his heat, and the feel of his body. She loved Zane with her very being. What the hell is going on?

  “A penny for your thoughts?” Nora’s voice pulled her out of her ruminations, thoughts that were taking her down roads she didn’t think she should be traveling. Meg met her probing eyes. She shook off her inquiry. This was a penny she couldn’t accept. The day progressed without incident. It was a comfortable familiarity that Nora was back.

  * * * *

  On her way home, Zane called to let her know that he was going into the shop to get his work station set up. Zane was antsy to get started. He told her he just wanted to do a few things so when that first day of inking finally did come, he’d be ready.

  When Meg walked into the house, she heard the shower running. She dropped her things on the kitchen table. Sean must’ve cleaned. The counters gleamed like a TV commercial. A lowering afternoon sun brightened the pale blue walls. As she walked down the hall, she was greeted with a cloud of steam that was curling out of the open bathroom door. Sean hadn’t heard her come in.

  Seduced by her own impulsive temptation, she peeked into the bathroom. The mirror over the sink caught the reflection of the shower stall. A thin layer of condensation dripped down the reflective glass. Despite the opaque shower door, Sean’s naked flesh drew her eyes through the glass. Meg swallowed, licking her lips, acknowledging the elephant in the room. Sean was beautiful in his own, unique way. Now she knew he looked as good in the light of day as he had in the murky shadows while they swam at the lake. Yesterday’s soothing embrace clawed at her thoughts.

  His body was dense, sporting raised muscles that bowed, outlined with sharp definition. Soapy bubbles ran down his body. Rivulets of water branched off into tiny tributaries that emptied into his groin. The dark hues of his ink moved behind the glass as he shampooed his hair. He turned his back, angling his head under the spray. The muscles in his back moved beneath his flesh.

  Meg stepped back. Remorse slowly polluted her veins. Her eyes moved over his body, landing on his ass, the slopes of his cheeks tight, shifting with his weight. Bashful heat raced to her cheeks, her stomach queasy. She turned away and darted back out into the kitchen. She busied herself unloading the dishwasher. The dry cycle had just finished. She picked up a plate, burning the skin of her fingers. She tossed the dish on the counter. The sound of clattering glass had Sean’s strong and solid body filling the doorway. Meg quickly glanced at him through a curtain of her curls. Her eyes darted away, avoiding his bare chest and faded jeans that were not yet buttoned across his ripped navel.

  “Hey.” He joined her at the sink. “I just put those in an hour ago, they’re probably still hot.” Sean took her wrist and turned on the tap, guiding her hand under the cool stream of water. His soapy, male scent hung in the small space between them. His arm grazed over hers. The hairs on his skin were soft on hers, raising her shame to a whole new level. His nipples were pebbled, probably from greeting the cooler air after his shower. A splash of sandy-blond hair sprouted from between the mounds of his pectorals. The ink of his arm flashed in her marginal vision like a blinking marquee. Meg had to step back. It seemed to happen all of the sudden, without warning. Sean was too much.

  “Thanks,” she said, chewing her lower lip. Meg wiped her forehead, silently shocked that she was swathed in sweat. Sean grinned, the lines around his mouth tailored to fit his soft smile. His hair was slicked back, bringing out all the sharp angles of his face. Thankfully he moved away and sat at the table.

  “What’s going on?” He grabbed an apple out of the fruit bowl and began noshing.

  “Not too much.” Meg tried to escape his gaze, feeling mortified. The guy had just saved her life. I’m pushing him away now because I can’t contain myself!

  “How’d Nora take the news?” Sean asked. Meg set the plates up into the cabinet.

  “She was just thankful no one was hurt, and that you acted so cleverly, as she put it.” Meg couldn’t conceal her smile, nor keep her eyes from wandering to his. Sean shrugged a shoulder, his next words salting her over.

  “You would’ve done the same for me, right?” His words rushed, insinuating a question. Meg turned, their gazes connecting. She closed the dishwasher and sat down next to him.

  “I would have.” Her soft voice clawed its way out of her dry throat. He patted her hand and pushed away from the table, the moment maybe too heavy for him, just as it had been in the store after the cops had arrived.

  “What’re you doing now?” His brows lifted.

  “Nothing.” He’d gotten some sun while she was at work. His skin had browned nicely, his cheeks blushing with a slight burn.

  “Let’s take a ride. It’s gorgeous out.”

  Meg hesitated, unsure if she could cope, knowing a ride with Sean would only feed her temptation, an attraction she couldn’t label, a lure that had her blindsided

  Sean slapped his hand on the table. “Come on.” He stood, tugging her to her feet. “It’s too nice to just sit here.”

  Throwing all caution to the wind, she followed Sean out to the garage to get suited up.

  * * * *

  They traveled under a shaded awning of trees. The sweet scent of honeysuckle blew in their faces. The bike’s engine hummed. Sean kept the speed at a steady thirty miles per hour, taking in all the sensory experiences nature had to offer them. Meg’s fingers were threaded together, resting against his waist. Her pretty face filled his side mirror, her eyes darting all around them. Her body eased into his. The stiffness he’d felt during their first ride had eroded away. He had her in his comfort zone now. He’d given her a black, sleeveless, leather vest to wear over her pink tee shirt. She was beautiful. Unbeknownst
to her, she was rocking his world.

  Having her behind him was empowering. Her very presence lifted him to new heights. His joy slipped slightly when his thoughts ran to Zane. He’d pretty much laid his heart out on the table this morning. What was Zane thinking now? Did he regret inviting him into their home? Now all Sean had to do was behave. Meg certainly tested him, but it was a test he was determined to pass. Meg’s harmonious voice filled his ears.

  “What’s that?” Her chin rested on his shoulder from behind, their helmets knocking.

  “That’s an old miner’s house. There’s a few of them around. Wanna stop?”

  “No.” Meg grinned. “Keep going. I love the smell of the wildflowers and the warmth of the sun on my face.” She laughed. “Corny, huh?” Sean turned his head slightly to converse, his eyes on the winding, rural road.

  “No, not at all…you hooked on riding, or what?” He chuckled, recalling those tense moments the first time he’d taken her out.

  “Maybe.” Meg’s chin fell back on his shoulder.

  There it was again, that feeling. He almost felt as if they were being surrounded, a cinch pulling tighter and tighter around them. Did he have it all wrong? If he asked, it could spoil everything. It wasn’t worth it. He shrugged off the thought. Reality faced him, its stare hard and cold. He had to keep his mouth shut. Who am I kidding? That way nothing could be misconstrued. Zane knew how he felt. How deep he was reading into what Sean had confessed, he wasn’t sure. What Zane did with Sean’s admission was his choice.

  Chapter Eleven

  The days leading up to his clearance to ink had dragged on, but now the day was finally upon him. Tomorrow Zane hoped to dispense as much ink as possible. Sean strolled into the garage while he bagged the trash, demanding that Zane do his first post-cancer tattoo on him. Zane’s laughter had faded when Sean handed him the transfer.


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