Bright Day, Hot Night [Sequel to Dark Day, Bright Night] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Bright Day, Hot Night [Sequel to Dark Day, Bright Night] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 6

by JC Szot

  “Why this?” Zane tried to read his face.

  “You know the meaning behind it?” Sean sat down on the tractor.

  “I think I might.” Zane looked at the transfer again. Three dolphins were swimming in a circle, all connected together. The tattoo spoke volumes. Zane saw the meaning through Sean’s eyes. He felt connected to him and Meg as a couple. Was Zane okay with this?

  “So you’ll do it?” Sean’s tone was unsure.

  “Yeah.” Zane nodded. “I’ll do it. Where you want it?”

  Sean stood and spun around, lifting his shirt. “Right here.” He patted the back of his shoulder.

  “You got it. Can’t wait.”

  With that said Sean left him, the door closing quietly behind him. Zane picked up the trash and walked the bags to the curb. The dolphins represented a united friendship between the three of them. Once Zane branded Sean with that marking, they’d all be joined through ink. They would all have an image on their bodies that held meaning for each of them, linking them together.

  Where was Sean at? Was the tattoo enough for him? Or was it coming in the form of a swan song? Zane ached for him. The thoughts that were swarming around in his head were beyond noble, but Sean was his brother, a buddy who went beyond blood. He could never choose between him and Meg. Zane knew now it wasn’t possible.

  Then there was Meg. What did she really feel? The two of them had sort of been dancing around one another since the robbery. They were still doing things together, but there seemed to be a hidden line that both Sean and Meg could see. When had it been drawn? There was a different type of awareness between them. He’d seen the darting eyes, the casual glances laced with something else a lingering eye strives to see. How does one address such things?

  When Zane entered the house, all the rooms were dark. He stripped and climbed into bed. Meg rolled into him, her body soft and warm. He palmed the pillowed flesh of her breast, lowering his mouth to her. Her eyes lifted slightly, glimmering in the dark. A sleepy grin curled her lips. He suckled her softly, tantalizing her with light passes of his tongue over her nipple. It puckered between his lips.

  “Mm.” She stretched, arching, serving herself to him. The sheet slid away from her body. His hand skimmed over the raised bones of her ribs and down the sensual slope of her hip. Zane combed his fingers through her flaming red curls, dipping in to touch her dewy folds. His mouth moved over her body, licking and tasting the silky trail of her hot flesh. He slipped his hands beneath her knee, lifting her leg. Zane scooted down in the bed. He needed to taste her and quench his thirst. He settled between her legs.

  He slowly edged his tongue through her pussy. Her personal tang exploded in his mouth.

  “Oh my.” Her breaths rushed through the quiet. Zane felt his eyes roll back, his urge for her mounting higher. She opened her legs wider, receiving him. His hands rested on the taut skin of her inner thighs.

  “Nice, Meg.” He licked the sides of her folds. “So hot.” He sampled her again, dragging his tongue up and over her clit with what he knew were slow, agonizing passes. Her hands cupped his face as he feasted on her. Her breaths became ragged.

  “That’s so lovely,” she sighed, arching into him. Zane groaned, sipping her liquid heat. He felt her belly tighten under his palm. She was close. He took her clit between his teeth, tossing her over the edge, her breathy moans a soft sonata.

  * * * *

  “When did he ask you?” She reached for the shirt Zane was holding and slipped it over her head.

  “Last night. I’m doing it today.”

  “That’s a very sentimental request, you know.” Meg reached for his hand. Zane tugged her into his personal space. His lips rested on hers, lightly licking and nibbling.

  “I know it is. You gonna come down and witness it?” Zane grinned, his eyes bright with excitement.

  “I wouldn’t miss it.” She kissed his nose, ruffling his hair. Zane’s next question had her stilled in front of the mirror.

  “Are you happy, Meg?” He leaned against the wall, his hands shoved deep into his pockets. She set her comb down, watching his reflection. She turned to face him.

  “I’m so fucking happy it’s disgusting.” She laughed. The emotions welled up in her throat. She swallowed hard, falling into his sleepy blue eyes. She closed the distance between them. “You’re mine, Zane Miller,” she choked. “You got that?” Her eyes stung. Why is he asking? Do I not confirm things enough? “Am I getting lazy, not telling you enough of what a partner needs to hear?”

  He shook his head, pushing the hair out of his eyes.

  “No way, Meg. It’s not you.”

  “Is it Sean?” She held her breath. The battle was there, filling her head with weird things. She’d fought it hard on and off. It came and receded like the tides of the sea. It would come on strong, prompting her to act and talk to Zane, but then it would retreat, and Meg would let it hang. Her feelings regarding Sean felt like a swinging pendulum. Was it just empathy because he was alone, or was it something else?

  “I think so, but I’m not gonna do anything right now. I have a feeling he’ll fess up sooner or later.”

  Meg didn’t like this. Her gut twisted with a pain she didn’t want to experience.

  “He’s been acting different since the break-in,” Meg confessed, her voice lowered. Zane held her chin. His stare rattled her. Meg was flustered over the thoughts that were careening through her mind about Sean.

  “I know. I’ll figure it out.” He released her and started to leave her to her primping routine.

  “Zane…” Meg whirled around, needing to suddenly purge herself, though she’d done nothing wrong, but her thoughts were. Zane shook his head.

  “No, Meg. I’m gonna handle it. If I need you I’ll let you know.”


  “Meg, I know the guy better than anyone on this earth.” His tone was firm.

  She relented. “Okay.”

  Chapter Twelve

  The needles buzzed in his ears. It was a calming sound that had him floating in ecstasy.

  “Is this better than sex?” Meg giggled. She sat perched over the chair that Sean was sprawled out on. His back twitched and flexed as Zane worked the pelting needles over his skin.

  “Almost.” Zane glanced up from his work briefly. “You’re tough competition, though.”

  “I bet she is.” Sean’s tone was sarcastically snide. Meg’s eyes darted to his, her brow lifting. Zane smiled, attempting to smooth over the anxiety he saw on her face. Her eyes lowered, watching Zane add the rich, sapphire-blue filler to the dolphins that orbited on Sean’s skin. The needles assaulted Sean’s flesh. Ink seeped into his skin, spreading over Sean’s pores like water absorbing into a paper towel.

  The thrill of being back in his stool had Zane delirious with excitement. Zane steadied his foot on the power pedal going over the filler of Sean’s dolphins one more time. The vibration of the gun as the needles moved across Sean’s skin, as Meg looked on, had Zane feeling complete. Everything in his life was now in sync. Zane pulled Sean’s skin taut, placing the finishing touches before silencing the machine. He dabbed Sean’s skin with antiseptic and tore off his gloves.

  “We’re done.”

  Sean shimmied out of the chair and grabbed the small hand mirror. He turned around, examining his reflection over his shoulder.

  “It’s fucking awesome.” A wide smile broke across his face. Sean set the mirror down. “Welcome back, man.” He pulled Zane into a back-slapping embrace.

  * * * *

  “Is he trying to teach her how to play darts?” Walt laughed, passing Zane an O’Doul’s. They were at the Red Bone celebrating Zane’s first post-cancer tattoo. Walt squinted through the dim lighting.

  “Yeah.” Zane tipped the bottle back. Cold, frothy foam hit the back of his throat. “Leave it to Sean to be Mr. Instructional Guy. Over the last few weeks he’s taught Meg how to fish, ride on the back of his bike. Why not darts?” Zane shrugged, laughing. Walt leane
d into him.

  “Heck of a nice guy, wouldn’t you say?” Walt’s voice competed with the wailing guitar of Eddie Van Halen that shrilled out of the jukebox.

  “He’s the man.” Zane watched them from across the bar. Sean steered Meg toward the board, his hand over hers in an attempt to aim the dart for the bull’s-eye. Whirls of smoke hung in the air, moving over them like a passing cloud. He chuckled when he saw Meg wave her hand through the air in annoyance, wiggling her nose.

  “It must be nice to have a buddy you can depend on. Most folks don’t have friends that are that loyal anymore.” Walt nodded knowingly, hanging on the coattails of Zane’s gaze.

  “No, they don’t.” His eyes were still locked on them. “I’m a lucky man, in more ways than one. I’d trust him with my life. Hers, too.” He tilted his head in Meg’s direction. Zane didn’t know what Sean was saying to Meg, but her pretty face tilted back in laughter, her eyes bright, full of contentment.

  Zane downed half of his beer, taking in the look of seriousness that blanketed Walt’s face at the other end of the bottle. He set his beer down and rested his elbow on the bar, chin in hand. Was the answer right in front of him? Could that type of exclusivity work between the three of them? He’d heard of it before. Would it scare Meg? Zane knew Sean had feelings for Meg. He’d only confirmed what Zane already thought while out on the deck.

  Walt edged through his thoughts again. “By the way, Sean’s tat looks amazing.”

  “Thanks.” Zane felt his lips curve into a grin.

  “My daughter wants one.” Walt rolled his eyes.

  “Oh yeah?” Zane perked up on the stool, eager for more inking conquests.

  “Yeah…if I tell her I know both of you, I’m screwed.” Walt laughed.

  Loud cheers resounded from the back of the bar. Zane diverted his gaze and met Meg’s cheery eyes at the other end of the room. His body burned as her sensual smile melted him. Sean’s voice boomed over the music.

  “She got it, can you believe it?” He pointed to the board. Meg’s dart was stuck dead center in the bull’s-eye.

  “She is incredible,” Zane yelled to them, grinning. After two more games and few more drinks, they piled into Sean’s Saab, Zane the designated driver.

  * * * *

  Meg curled around his body like a nuzzling cat. Zane rolled into her, combing the hair away from her eyes. Her eyes glowed through the shaded darkness. He sifted through her, seeing his questions mirroring back at him.

  “I have something to ask you,” he whispered, sliding his hand down her back. He palmed her ass, petting her. She pulled back, her brows raised.

  “Sure, what is it?”

  “I know you’ll be honest…” Meg sat up, alarmed at his conversational opening.

  “It’s okay…I just don’t want you to be afraid of what I’ll think.” Zane traced her lips with his finger.

  Meg settled back into him, leaning up on her elbow, the gleam of her eyes moving between his.

  “I need to know how you really feel about Sean.” She looked away. The apprehension crept between them. Zane plowed through it. “Please, Meg.” He cupped her cheek, directing her eyes back to his.

  “I care very deeply for Sean.” The breath slipped from her lungs. Silence loomed overhead. Her legs fidgeted in the bed. “I didn’t mean for it to…I didn’t mean to care so much,” Meg choked, her words fading. “I’m sorry.” She grabbed his hand. Her body went rigid with fear. Zane sat up and stared into her.

  “I’m all right with it, Meg.” He traced her jaw. “I want you to care about him.” Her face tilted in question. Zane nodded. “Yes, I want it that way.”

  “Just what are you saying?” She wrapped the sheet around her, everything hidden now exposed.

  “I think Sean may be in love with you.” Zane cleared his throat around his secreted words, words that’d been stuck inside him for weeks. His theory hung in the quiet air, breathing new life into everything around them. He waited a moment, allowing what he’d said to sink in. Her stunned silence was killing him. “I want him to have what we have, and I want you to help me give it to him.” His tone was hushed.

  Meg stared at him, her lips parting in bewilderment.

  “You trust him, don’t you?” Zane took her hand. Meg nodded.

  “I do,” she whispered. Zane sat up and pulled her warm body into his. He pulled back, his hands gripping her elbows.

  “He’s done so much for me, given me so much. Not that you’re a trophy, Meg, it’s not that—”

  She rested her fingers over his lips. “I know what it is that you’re trying to say. Please, I know you, Zane Miller. There’s goodness inside of you. You make people dig for it,” she laughed, “but it’s in you.”

  “I just want to share my happiness with him. I’ve stared death in the face, Meg. My life is so full now, I want to share it. Why can’t we all have that,” Zane said, his words spewing in haste. He wanted all of this out and in the open. “If anyone deserves it, it’s Sean.”

  “I love you so much.” Meg wiped her glassy eyes. “I’m with you.” Her voice was hoarse. “I just have one question,” she asked, her eyes narrowing in concentration. “How’re we going to move forward with this?” Her laughter was reserved.

  “That’s my job. I may call you in for backup.” He reached for her. Meg nodded. Zane took her into his arms. He reclined them back. Their lips met with a heated passion that levitated them right off the bed. The love between them seemed to overflow, pooling around them. There was an excess available for the taking, room for one more.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “I’m just going to run up to the post office.” Nora closed the till. “You sure you’ll be okay?” Nora shoved her purse under her arm.

  “I’ll be fine,” Meg assured her. “I can’t freak every time you have to leave.”

  Nora made her way to the door, calling over her shoulder, “You can set up that new display for the skincare line if you want.” The buzzer sounded over the door as Nora left.

  Meg dragged all the boxes out of the storeroom. Nora had decided to carry a line of natural skincare products. Meg unpacked the new inventory, her mind drifting to her and Zane’s discussion. They were all going to be together soon, somehow. How Zane was going to do this she didn’t know. She’d follow his lead. Meg needed to prepare herself. She and Sean would eventually become physically involved. Her heart palpitated at the thought. Would Sean even want that? Was Zane reading him correctly?

  While she set up the display, Meg silently admitted to herself that she could welcome Sean into her relationship with Zane. The draw was there. She would always want what Zane wanted. They would always be joined, and this was a joint decision. It’d been scary admitting her attraction to Zane. She hadn’t even really been honest with herself. Sean was a force she’d been running from for weeks. Now it was time to unearth it all. She felt the heat coil around her belly and rush over her skin. Her face burned. The idea of having them both had her stomach fluttering with an excited thrill. Could she handle what Zane had in mind? If the feelings were there, then it should all come naturally, right?

  Her thoughts reverted back to the day she’d told Nora that the three of them were going to buy the house. Nora’s chuckling echoed in her ears. Had she seen it from the beginning?

  Her cell phone chimed on the counter. Meg flipped it open. Zane’s raspy voice filled the line.

  “Hey, what’s going on?”

  “Well, I just got done with a display case, what’s up with you?”

  “You’re not gonna believe this, baby.” His enthusiastic voice reverberated in her ear.

  “What?” Meg laughed.

  “You think you could get any more time off before the summer’s out?”

  “Well, actually, Nora was planning on closing for a few days for her vacation. She won’t leave me here alone, so soon after the robbery, you know. Why? What’s going on?”

  “I’m closing early. I’ll pick you up, okay?”
/>   “Where’s Sean?”

  “He left early, I’ll see you soon.”

  “Wait,” Meg screamed. “Don’t leave me hanging.”

  “It’s a surprise, see you later.” Zane disconnected the call before she could protest.

  * * * *

  Meg could hardly contain her anticipation. When Zane pulled up to the curb in Sean’s Saab, she grabbed her purse and called out to Nora that she was leaving. Zane sat in the driver’s seat, drumming his hands on the wheel. She slid into the front seat, buckled her seatbelt, and turned to him.

  “Okay, out with it.”

  Zane’s lips curled into a cunning grin. He pulled a set of keys out of his pocket, dangling them in front of her face.

  “Okay.” She laughed at Zane’s delighted expression. “Those are keys.”

  “These aren’t just any keys.” His blue eyes flashed.

  “Okay.” Meg’s hand spun through the air. “Tell me before I torture it out of you.”

  “I made a sort of barter today.” Zane smirked. “I did a very large tat for nothing, but got these in return.” He winked. “These are the keys to a very upscale house down in Cape May, New Jersey.”

  Meg’s eyes popped open. “A shore house?”

  Zane nodded slowly. “A very nice shore house…a shore house with lots of amenities.” Zane’s stare burned through her. She fidgeted in her seat.

  “So I guess we’re going down the shore?” Her throat closed. She pushed past the anxious lump, swallowing hard. She knew exactly what Zane had planned for this trip.

  “All three of us.” He reached for her hand. “Are you with me, Meg?”

  “Always.” Her tone was barely audible.

  * * * *


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