Breath of the Feathered Serpent

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Breath of the Feathered Serpent Page 8

by Pelaam

  “What?” Mitch shouted. “My cousins’ ranch. You don’t think for a moment they’re involved do you? I mean, Mortimer’s confined to a wheelchair, and Elijah and Ellen...well they’re my cousins.”

  Adam raised his hands in a gentling motion. “No, we don’t believe they’re involved. But you can’t say anything to them about Madison or me. We’ll do it ourselves when the time is right.”

  “What we can say is that this ranch keeps coming up as the central place of our investigation,” Madison said. “It’s a dangerous place to be. To flush out the man, or men, we want out of hiding, they need to think this ranch is up and running, with no chance of them gaining access to it.”

  “You reckon that’ll be enough?” Mitch asked. His face was grim and his jaw set. “Seems to me from what you’re saying, there’s a damn good chance that Abe’s run in with those supposed banditos was no accident.”

  “We can’t be sure, Mitch,” Adam said. “But that would be our guess, too.” He shrugged a shoulder. “I won’t try and pretend that things won’t get hairy or a mite dangerous. So, if you want to go back East, Abe...”

  “No.” Abe cut Adam’s words off. “No, not yet. This is my family’s ranch, even if I never met that family member. I never expected to inherit it, but if what happened to me is linked to your investigation, then the likelihood is that my cousin’s death may not have been accidental.”

  “We’ll do what we can to protect you,” Adam said. “Either Madison or I will be around...”

  “Or me.” Mecatl interrupted, his voice quiet but forceful. “Seems to me you fellers need all the help you can get. I’m in for the duration.”

  “So am I,” Mitch said. “What can I tell Elijah and Ellen if they get curious?”

  “That someone’s trying to make Abe leave his ranch. Even that you think it could be tied into the rustling on their ranch, since that’s what made you come here.” Madison stood and poured himself another cup of coffee from the pot on the range. “Just don’t tell them openly that Adam and I own half of this place yet or who we really are.”

  “Breaking our cover could make things even more dangerous around here,” Adam said. “As a couple of drifters, we don’t attract too much attention, and we’re generally underestimated. However, if it’s known we’re marshals, that won’t hold true.”

  Mitch nodded. “I agree.” He turned to Abe. “It’s your ranch and your decision. I’ll stand by you, whatever you choose.”

  Adam noticed Mitch slid a hand to rest it on Abe’s knee. Glancing around he saw all eyes were on Abe, who covered Mitch’s hand with his own. Adam didn’t miss the way Abe’s hand trembled.

  “I won’t pretend that I’m not...worried,” Abe said. “As much for all of you as for myself. Whatever your investigation is, you’re lawmen, and I respect the law. I want to stay and help in whatever way I can.” He looked Mitch in the eye. “Thank you,” he whispered.

  “Mitch, if you don’t mind, you and Mecatl can be the witnesses to the sale,” Adam said.

  Mitch nodded at Adam who then looked at Madison. “You got some paper, partner?” he asked.

  “Sure thing,” Madison said and patted at his pockets.

  Madison wrote out the contract, which included a promise that he and Adam would re-sell to Abe at the earliest opportunity. They all signed it. “We need this kept safe. Do you have a bank in town, Abe?”

  “Yes. I got that sorted before I came here. I think a celebration is in order.” Abe disappeared into his bedroom and reappeared carrying a bottle of whiskey. “I thought I might need it being all alone out here.”

  He poured the drinks. “Let’s drink to good friends and to the success of the Silver S ranch.” He raised his glass, and everyone joined in his toast.

  “We’ll sort out access to cash tomorrow,” Madison said. “I’ll ride out to the town east of here. Our Chief will get the funds transferred as a high priority, and as soon as that’s settled, I’ll come back.”

  “I’ll go around the ranch to see what needs work,” Adam said. “Make up a list of supplies for when we get the money.”

  “And I’ll help,” Mitch said, slapping Adam on the back.

  “I’ll go into town with Abe for some additional supplies if there are going to be five of us here,” Mecatl said. “I think it’s best he isn’t left alone.”

  “That’s a good idea,” Adam said. “I don’t want to take chances with anyone’s safety.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  The next day Madison rode off to contact the Chief and get access to funds. As soon as he left, Adam scoured every inch of the property, taking the opportunity to search it thoroughly as he made a list of things to replace or repair. Although he didn’t find the statue, he couldn’t shake the feeling that it was there. Somewhere close by. He shook his head. His instincts were normally impeccable, but he couldn’t think of a place he hadn’t looked for the statue.

  The activity on the ranch hadn’t gone unnoticed. Mecatl spent time checking the perimeters of the ranch and reported, more than once, the glint of light off glass, letting them know they were being watched. However, no one came openly to see what was happening. Adam ran his hand through his hair. Could be one spy, or two, given that Mecatl reported the watcher, or watchers, had been in different locations.

  As the afternoon wore on, Ellen and Elijah came to visit. Ellen brought baked goods from her cook, and to Adam’s delight, Elijah offered to work alongside him.

  “Seems as long as Mitch is helping here, then the least I can do is to give a hand for a couple of days,” Elijah said.

  Elijah was as good as his word and spent the rest of that day helping Adam. He and Ellen rode home just before sundown. Adam’s sleep that night was filled with increasingly erotic fantasies of Elijah and him. They’d spent a lot of time together, working side by side. There was no denying the mutual attraction between them, and Adam had found it difficult to keep his hands off the younger man.

  He woke yet again from fitful slumber and stared up at the ceiling, his cock hard and aching. He stroked himself as he thought about Elijah. So far Adam’s touches had been all above the waist, on Elijah’s shoulders, his back, and even his hip, but Adam needed more. They both wanted more.

  The growing relationship between Mitch and Abe only made things more difficult. They openly walked around hand-in-hand or kissed discreetly. There was no doubting their happiness, and Adam hated the longing looks that he saw in Elijah’s eyes. He clenched his teeth together as he rode out his release. He reached for his towel and wiped himself clean. I need more than just my hand and fantasies. I want him.

  He thought about the work they had done on the ranch. Although Abe wasn’t very handy, he’d helped as best he could. Mitch had gone into town and bought wood and nails. Between the five of them, they’d achieved a lot. Most of the buildings had been structurally sound, just needing a few repairs. The list of jobs might have looked long but turned out to be quite simple.

  The corrals were fit for use, as were the barns. Adam smiled in the darkness. Madison was in for a big surprise when he got back. Mitch had also arranged for some additional furniture to be delivered, along with several rugs. The place was going to be transformed before his partner even returned.

  He took a deep breath and tried to relax. Madison would probably be back the following day, and they could finish off the last of the repairs. Then they needed to think about livestock. They’d discussed wrangling a few wild mustangs and buying a small head of cattle.

  He and Elijah had offered to catch some horses, and Mecatl had offered to head over the border to King Xipil’s province for some cheap, good quality young steers.

  But as much as they’d achieved in getting Abe’s ranch up and running, Adam was acutely aware of the clock ticking away for the recovery of the missing statue.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The next day when Madison returned he was as impressed as Adam had expected. More importantly to him though was that Elijah came
back to the Silver S. Adam set him to work on one of the barns. He worked alongside him, and Adam made sure there was plenty of hay on the floor and helped hoist several bales onto the mezzanine.

  Elijah was so caught up in his work that he was blissfully unaware of Adam coming closer until Adam enveloped him in his arms.

  “Tell me you want this,” he whispered against Elijah’s neck.

  “Yes. Yes, I want it.” Elijah twisted in Adam’s arms, and they kissed.

  The kiss was everything Adam had dreamed it would be and then some. He licked Elijah’s lips to gain entry to the sweet depths of the young man’s mouth, and when the kiss finally ended, they were both panting.

  “I...I want you, Adam. I want to make love with you.”

  Adam’s stomach flipped, and his cock danced with delight. He licked his lips. It must have taken a mountain of courage for the younger man to voice his desire. Adam’s wayward organ strained against his pants as he traced Elijah’s lips with his calloused thumb.

  “Later.” It was a promise, and both men knew it. “Now you’d best get back to sorting that barn before Mitch and Abe see us.”

  Adam lost himself in the physical work, trying to distract himself from the lust-laden fancies that tripped through his mind. A shout from Madison drew his attention from his reverie.

  “I think we’re just about done with all the repairs. Abe has a big pot roast going, fried potatoes, braised carrots, and fresh cornbread. He’s even made an apple pie for dessert. Time for a well-earned rest.” Madison’s flushed face and careless smile made him look even more boyish.

  “Hey, Elijah, get down here,” Adam shouted. As the young man joined them, Adam laid his hand on Elijah’s shoulder. “You’ll stay and eat with us?”

  “Sure,” Elijah said. “Maybe...maybe later we could spend time together. You know. Alone.”

  Adam moved his hand from Elijah’s shoulder to the nape of his neck. He thumbed the warm, bare skin gently. “I’d like that.” Honesty warmed his tone, and arousal made it husky.

  A broad smile lit up Elijah’s face. “So after dinner we can go for...for a walk?”

  “I seem to remember saying I needed to show you one of the other outbuildings.” Adam smiled, his voice dropping in timbre as Elijah’s eyes closed, and he leaned into the caress.

  “Yes,” he said. “Yes, you did.”

  “Well come on then, you two,” Madison said. “Let’s eat dinner.”

  The meal was a loud and merry affair. Everyone was happy with the results of their hard labors. Adam reminded Abe of his offer to round up some wild mustangs, and Elijah immediately reaffirmed he would go with him. Abe suggested a toast and brought out the whiskey.

  “To friendship and love.” Abe looked directly at Mitch, who raised his glass.

  “I’ll drink to that,” Adam murmured.

  Everyone joined in the toast. Adam glanced around. Everyone was settling. Mitch and Abe sat close on the small love seat, and Mecatl sat at the table with Madison, about to deal cards. Adam stood and stretched. “That was a mighty fine meal, Abe. Elijah and I are going to take a look at one of the barns that needs a little more attention. I’m getting a second opinion from him.”

  He knew full well no one believed him. Abe and Mitch grinned with delight, Madison looked studiously at his cards, and Mecatl smirked. Elijah’s cheeks were scarlet, but the young man steadfastly walked past him.

  “I hope I’m up to the task,” Elijah murmured.

  Not saying another word, Adam followed Elijah and rested his hand in the small of the younger man’s back as they walked to the barn. Thankfully there were no animals yet, although the smell wouldn’t have put him off. Fresh straw lay in the stalls, and the bales were stacked high in the mezzanine. Not the most luxurious of surroundings, but it gave them the privacy they needed, hence the reason Adam had ensured the barn had been adequately prepared for them.

  While Elijah climbed the ladder, Adam stared at the pert, denim-clad ass of the younger man. When he joined Elijah, the younger man’s actions screamed his inexperience. Elijah stood, his body trembling, with no idea of what to do.

  Adam banked down his arousal and ignored his dick as it pressed insistently against his fly. He took Elijah in his arms. “Relax, Lij,” he whispered. “There’s no right or wrong thing to do here. It’s all about pleasure, enjoying our bodies. Relax.”

  “Sorry. I’m sorry,” Elijah murmured. “I wanted this from the moment we met. Dreamed of you and me, together. I just...I just don’t know...”

  Adam found an effective and mutually satisfying way of silencing Elijah. He pressed his lips against those of the younger man. Caught by surprise, Elijah melted against him, whimpering softly and rubbing against Adam’s thigh. Adam held him tighter and licked across his lips, seeking entry.

  Elijah grasped Adam’s shoulders, and his fingers dug in hard. Adam didn’t care. His dreams were coming true. He pushed his tongue past Elijah’s lips and tasted the cinnamon from the fried apple mixed with the tang of the whiskey.

  He eased them apart. “Let’s lie down, Lij,” he whispered. There were a couple of horse blankets. Adam shook them out. He laid one on top of the straw and kept the other nearby. They lay on the blanket covering the straw, and Adam took advantage of Elijah’s inexperience by deftly unfastening his lover’s shirt.

  He pushed the material aside, bent his head, and took a dark, delicious nipple into his mouth. Elijah cried out his name and arched into the touch.

  To Adam’s surprise, Elijah’s chest wasn’t as smooth as he’d expected. There was a smattering of hair across it, and a dark trail of hair ran invitingly from his navel, disappearing beneath the waistband of Elijah’s pants. The line drew Adam’s gaze downwards to the treasure currently tenting Elijah’s trousers.

  Elijah’s increasingly frantic movements told Adam how close the younger man was to spilling. He took a peaked nub between his teeth and bit down sharply. The unexpected pain caused Elijah to gasp, but more importantly, it derailed the imminent release. Adam murmured his apology as he laved the abused nipple with his tongue.

  Adam also acted with the speed and dexterity that came with his greater sexual experience. Even as he sucked on Elijah’s nipple, he unfastened the buttons on the fly of Elijah’s pants. He pushed the denim wide, pleased and relieved to find the young man wasn’t wearing long johns.

  Shifting slightly, he splayed his left hand across Elijah’s chest and draped his right forearm across Elijah’s thighs. Then he took the enticing erection into his mouth. Musk and pre-ejaculate burst on his tongue. He hummed happily as he slid his lips up and down the hard flesh.

  He had barely enough time to savor the feel and taste of his lover’s cock before Elijah cried out Adam’s name, and his release flooded Adam’s mouth. He held Elijah down as he swallowed all his lover had to give. Only when Elijah sagged into the straw and the last drop of his seed had been coaxed from softening flesh did Adam let the depleted dick slip from his mouth.

  He licked his lips as he gazed down at Elijah. His lover looked sated and debauched. His face was flushed, his eyes closed, and they’d be picking straw out of his hair before going back to the ranch house. The sight of him with his shirt spread wide and pants open enough for his soft cock to lie against his thigh sent Adam’s arousal soaring. He squeezed at the bulge in his jeans. That has to be the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen.

  “Adam?” Elijah’s voice was soft and breathy. He smiled up at Adam as he opened his eyes.

  “I’m here. God, you’re gorgeous.”

  Elijah’s cheeks flushed red. “But, I didn’t take care of you.”

  “Oh, but you did. I wanted to see you fall apart. I got what I wanted this time. Now we can let things build up slowly until you’re ready for the main course.” Adam smiled at the wide-eyed look from his lover. He had no doubts that Elijah would spill again before they had to return to the ranch house. “Now I think we have way too many clothes on for a start.”

He rose to his feet, slowly unfastened his shirt, and eased it from his body. He knew there were scars on his furred torso, but he was still fit and toned. He unbuckled his belt and unfastened his jeans. Kicking off his boots, he pushed his pants down and stepped out of them. His cock stood hard and proud, and Elijah’s gaze was riveted to his erection. “Hey, Lij, you gonna get naked with me or just admire the view?”

  He laughed softly as Elijah stood and removed his already unfastened clothes. By the time Elijah was as naked as Adam, his dick was already rising again.

  Adam urged Elijah to lie back on the straw and covered his body with his own, relishing the feel of the hard muscle and warm skin beneath his hands and mouth. He licked, kissed, nibbled, and stroked, mapping out his lover’s body.

  He rolled aside and pulled Elijah to lie on top of him. “How about you do some exploring of you own?” he asked. He sighed as Elijah’s mouth hesitantly enfolded one of his nipples.

  “You like that?” Elijah asked.

  “Didn’t you?” Adam replied. “Just do to me what felt good to you. See if you can’t find other things I like.”

  Elijah grinned as Adam spread his legs wide, offering himself to his lover. Adam moaned his appreciation as Elijah used his lips, tongue, and hands to pleasure him. He groaned low and deep when Elijah finally took the head of his cock into the wet heat of his mouth. Adam fought his body’s urge to thrust, not wanting to scare or choke his lover.

  After a few moments, he looked at Elijah. The sight of his lover’s lips stretched around his cock almost sent him over the edge. He reached down and carded his fingers through Elijah’s hair, tugging gently. “How about you come up here and kiss me and we can spill together?”

  Elijah didn’t hesitate, and Adam positioned them facing one another on their sides, Elijah’s head pillowed on Adam’s left arm while Adam wrapped his right hand around both his and Elijah’s dicks. He squeezed them together as he stroked. Their kisses quickly became hot, wet, open-mouthed panting against one another’s skin.


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