Breath of the Feathered Serpent

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Breath of the Feathered Serpent Page 9

by Pelaam

  Elijah spilled first, muffling his shout of completion against Adam’s collarbone. The hot splashes of his lover’s release against his skin sent Adam over the edge. He groaned Elijah’s name as his body convulsed, sending pulse after pulse of his seed to cover Elijah’s chest, and he lost himself in the free-fall of pleasure.

  Slowly Adam became aware of his surroundings once more. He looked down at Elijah who snored softly against his shoulder. Tenderly, Adam kissed the top of his head. He drew the other blanket over their bodies. It didn’t matter if they slept out here in the straw or back in the house, but this way gave him the chance to sleep with Elijah in his arms. Something he could commit to memory for when he returned to his cold and empty life.

  Chapter Nineteen

  The next morning, after some mutual discussion with the others, Adam and Elijah headed out toward the mountains to catch a few wild mustangs. Adam rode alongside Elijah who knew the countryside well. Adam was fascinated by Elijah’s knowledge of local history and horses. He’d assumed that as a cattle rancher Elijah would have little interest in horses.

  As an accomplished horse wrangler, Adam would break the wild mustangs. He eagerly anticipated the challenge. Once they returned with the horses, Mecatl and Ellen were going to ride into the state of King Xipil. Mecatl had some friends there and would bring a herd of cattle back.

  Adam hoped that once it was clear that Abe was operating a fully-functional ranch, their elusive enemy would make his move. However, something was tickling his brain about the two cowboys he believed were killers. He would speak with Madison about it when he got back.

  He forced his attention to the present and the young man riding by his side. Elijah smiled broadly, and his face had an indefinable glow. Adam swallowed. He wished he could ensure Elijah always looked so happy.

  Adam had already learned that Elijah tried to see something good or positive in everything, and was happy-go-lucky by nature. In that respect, Adam envied him. In his job, you looked for the dark side of men’s natures that made them lie, steal, and kill.

  By early afternoon, Adam had caught four mares. To be able to relax, not look over his shoulder or worry worked wonders to lift Adam’s spirits, and he laughed out loud as Elijah performed a couple of tricks, like sliding to the side on his horse at full gallop to snatch Adam’s neckerchief from off a low hanging bush. The young man’s riding skills amazed and delighted him.

  Adam clapped enthusiastically as Elijah joined him, handing back the neckerchief. “That was some fancy riding, Lij.”

  Elijah’s cheeks flushed, and he grinned. “I love horses.” He shrugged as they rode slowly toward a suitable place to set up camp for the night.

  “I took you for a cattleman through and through,” Adam said.

  “I am. Pa wanted me to follow in his footsteps, so I made sure I knew all there was about cattle ranching. Ellen, too. According to Uncle Mortimer, I’ll make a good rancher, and that makes me feel real proud. It’s what Pa would’ve liked to hear. But...well...I still love horses.”

  Elijah’s voice had a wistful tone, and Adam glanced over at him. He was smiling, his eyes fixed into the distance as if looking at something only he could see.

  “I’m sure your pa would be real proud of you,” Adam said.

  This time Elijah’s smile was dazzling. “You think so? Thanks, Adam. I try to do what I think he’d want with the ranch. At least for now. Maybe when it’s really mine, when Uncle Mortimer goes, well then I do have some ideas of my own.”

  Adam nodded. He hadn’t appreciated just how difficult things were for Elijah. But in retrospect, he’d unexpectedly lost his father and yet was doing a good job managing a ranch he wouldn’t have expected to inherit for a long time. Not only did Elijah have a heart of gold, he had a backbone of iron. Adam was proud to have met him.

  “Whatever ideas you have, I’m sure you’ll make a success of them, Lij.”

  “Thanks, Adam. I really appreciate hearing you say that. Now this is a good place to camp. If we’re lucky, we won’t have to have fish. There are lots of rabbits around here. Wanna put a dollar wager on who can catch a rabbit to roast?”

  “You’re on,” Adam said. He grinned at the challenge, and they rode apart, each man looking around carefully, keen to win the bet.

  To Adam’s chagrin, Elijah won, the young man crowing in delight as he held up his offering. He laughed and dug into his pocket, but Elijah waved his hand.

  “No. Keep it. I can think of a better way to claim my winnings.” Elijah’s cheeks flamed red, and Adam groaned as his dick surged. He looked around. Overall, the day had been a success, but on the downside, Adam was hot, sweaty, and tired.

  “Let’s head for the river. I could do with a swim.” He shouted over to Elijah.

  “I know something better,” Elijah said with a wicked smile. “This way.”

  They headed down into trees, and Elijah laughed when Adam tried to guess where he was being taken. A short while later, they reached a small, clear pool fed by a waterfall cascading down the mountain. There were several large boulders at the base of the falls, and the stony shore led to mossy banks beneath the trees.

  “How’s this?” Elijah asked, a self-satisfied smile on his face.

  “Goddamn perfect,” Adam said. He dismounted and tethered his horse, ensuring there was plenty of grass around. He did the same for the wild horses, stroking their necks and talking quietly to them. Then he turned around and his voice stuck in his throat.

  Elijah was already naked and standing under the falling water. Adam stared avariciously at the play of lean muscles as Elijah stretched and moved. Adam wasn’t given to poetry or fanciful words, but the sight made him think of ethereal sprites and heavenly angels. As Elijah moved, he glanced over his shoulder at Adam and smiled.

  Almost without conscious thought, Adam stripped, leaving his clothes in a scattered trail behind him as he headed for the water. His boots and socks were the last things tossed carelessly behind him as he stepped into the water and strode towards Elijah.

  As Adam came up to his lover, Elijah’s foot slipped, and he started to fall backward. Adam reached out and grabbed him before he fell. Both men froze where they stood as their wet flesh pressed together, and their erections touched. Elijah moaned when Adam’s hard heat pressed against his skin. The soft sound of need from Elijah’s lips triggered something primal in Adam.

  With a feral grin, he moved his hips in a gentle thrust and was rewarded by another whimper of desire from Elijah. His lover cried out with pleasure as Adam took Elijah’s erection in his firm grip and pulled gently. Adam held Elijah tight and pumped his rod rhythmically, pressing the thick vein on its underside and flicking his thumb over the swollen head. Elijah could do little more than voice his pleasure and tremble in Adam’s embrace, his hips bucking as he neared his release.

  “Adam!” Elijah panted the single word breathlessly.

  Adam pressed his face against Elijah’s cheek and licked the wet skin. “Spill for me,” he murmured, his voice low and husky.

  With a soft cry, Elijah came. Adam whispered a stream of nonsense as he gently milked Elijah through his release. His lover’s beautiful face was transfigured by bliss, and Adam’s heart soared.

  When Elijah had nothing more to give, Adam swept him into his arms and headed back to land. He set Elijah down and went to Cinnamon. Adam got his blanket and a small vial of oil out of the saddlebags. Then he went to Elijah’s horse and got his blanket as well.

  Setting his blanket on the ground next to where Elijah sat, Adam spread it out. He lay down on it and held out an arm. Elijah went willingly into Adam’s embrace. Ignoring his own aching dick, Adam pulled Elijah close and wrapped an arm around his slim waist. Their lips touched. Adam was almost consumed by heat and desire as Elijah molded to his will. He licked his lover’s full lips, coaxing them to part. Adam groaned as his tongue pushed into Elijah’s mouth.

  Adam rolled their bodies, moving so that he straddled Elijah’s should
ers. “Suck me,” he murmured. He sighed and moaned as Elijah took his cock in his mouth. Adam squeezed the base of his dick as Elijah’s lips and tongue threatened to send him over the edge.

  Although he was sure Elijah would get hard again soon enough, he wasn’t so certain of his own abilities. And when I spill, I want it to be inside Elijah this time. Even if this is the only time I ever get to feel his body that way.

  He eased back, his gaze locked on Elijah. “Are you ready for more?”

  “I want...I want you in me, Adam. I have from the first day I saw you.” Elijah spoke with determination, despite his initial hesitation.

  “I want that too, beautiful.” Adam stroked Elijah’s cheek. “You’re sure?”

  “Very sure. I want you in me.”

  There was no hesitation this time, and Adam nodded slowly. “There’s nothing I want more than to make love with you.” He swallowed as Elijah’s eyes widened. He’d never said those words to another. Never wanted to until now. Until Elijah.

  “I’d like that, Adam,” Elijah said. “I do.”

  Adam nodded, unwilling to trust his voice. He coughed, clearing his throat before he spoke. “I want you to lie on your belly for me and spread your legs nice and wide.”

  Elijah obeyed without question and settled with his legs splayed wide, his head pillowed on his forearms. “Like this?”

  “Perfect, Lij, just damn perfect.” Adam’s cock ached at the sight of Elijah’s pale, smooth ass waiting for him. Adam took a deep breath and squeezed the base of his dick once again. He may only get one chance to make love with Elijah, and he wanted to make sure it was perfect.

  He knelt between Elijah’s spread legs, leaned forward, and ran his hands over his back. He repeated the action, sliding his hands lower with each sweep until he palmed the pale globes. Elijah squirmed slightly and then settled. Adam squeezed the pert cheeks, trying to get Elijah used to his touch there.

  “Just relax, Lij,” Adam murmured.

  Adam shifted his position and kissed each cheek, eliciting a half-smothered gasp from Elijah. Then, grasping each one firmly, Adam parted the taut globes and blew gently over the newly exposed flesh. Elijah wiggled a little and raised his ass.

  This time Adam used his tongue. He trailed over each cheek, circling closer to his goal until he lapped over Elijah’s entrance. A muffled cry came from Elijah, and he pushed back into the intimate caress.

  Adam alternated between licking around the tiny pucker and pushing his tongue inside. He held onto Elijah, who rocked back and forth in response. Adam knew he couldn’t open Elijah enough with his tongue, and slowly he eased away, kissing each cheek in turn. He sucked on a finger, getting it good and wet, and pressed against the saliva-slick portal.

  He could only insert the tip, Elijah was still tight. He reached for his vial. “I need to open you a mite more, so I need to use my fingers. I have some oil. That’ll help make you slick for when I put my cock inside of you.”

  “Hurry, Adam. I want you so much.”

  “I can’t promise it won’t hurt, Lij, but trust me when I say you don’t want me going in there dry. Be patient, beautiful. I want this as much as you do.” Adam had no intention of explaining just how he knew how bad it was without some form of lubricant. He pushed all unpleasant memories from his mind and focused on preparing Elijah.

  Adam drizzled a little of the oil between Elijah’s ass cheeks and slid his finger down against the small opening. His finger slipped inside a little. Elijah sighed and lifted his hips allowing the finger slide into the first knuckle.

  Elijah was tight and hot, and Adam moved his finger carefully until the narrow channel gradually relaxed and the tightness eased. “That’s it, Lij, just relax.” He crooned softly as he worked his finger back and forth and then added a second.

  Elijah grunted softly but pushed back on the questing digits. Adam moved a little more cautiously until the tight passage relaxed again. Elijah sighed as his body relaxed, and his pelvis rocked onto Adam’s fingers. His lover was nearly ready. If he just twisted his fingers...


  There. Adam rubbed over the spot he knew made a man see stars. Elijah’s body shook, and soft whimpers of need reached Adam’s ears. He worked to stretch Elijah, knowing his cock was a whole lot thicker than a couple of fingers.

  Elijah groaned and rocked his hips restlessly. “Please, Adam. I want you so much. Now. Please do it now.”

  Adam’s groan echoed Elijah’s, and his cock spurted several drops of pre-ejaculate over Elijah’s ass cheeks. His blood was on fire, and he wanted to be buried balls deep in the beautiful man beneath him. He had to do it now. If he waited any longer, his body would betray him and he’d spill. He tugged at his ball sac. He didn’t want to lose control as he entered Elijah.

  “All right. You’re sure?” Adam had to ask, and he kept his fingers moving, stretching just a little bit more.

  “Yes I’m sure. But...Adam?”

  “What is it, beautiful?”

  “Can I see you as we do this? I really want to see you.”

  Adam blinked. This was the easiest way he knew, but the thought of seeing Elijah’s face as he sank into his beautiful body had his cock spray another spurt of pre-ejaculate. “We can, Lij. Might be more uncomfortable though.”

  “I don’t care. I just want to see you while we make love.” Elijah’s voice was firm, and Adam knew it was a serious request.

  “Right then. Roll onto your back. Truth be told, I want to see you too.” He kissed Elijah deeply and positioned himself between his lover’s widespread legs. “I’m going to put your legs onto my shoulders to start, so that I can get at you a bit easier.” Adam reached for the oil to coat himself.

  As he slicked his hard cock, Elijah reached down and helped him. The sensation of his calloused fingers touching him made Adam pant harshly as he clung to the last tendrils of self-control. “I won’t last long if you keep doing that, Lij. You feel too damn good.”

  Elijah grinned and removed his hands. Adam then lifted each lithe leg and kissed Elijah’s ankles before resting them on his shoulders. He stared at the glistening portal to Elijah’s body and licked his lips. Surely this was just a dream, a fantasy. Nothing this perfect could be real.

  “Adam? You all right?” Elijah’s voice drew Adam back to the present.

  He nodded. “Just perfect, beautiful.”

  Adam eased forward and took his hard flesh in his hand, guiding it to rest against Elijah’s right ass cheek. He circled his cock around the prepared opening. “Now I need you to take a deep breath and then let it out slowly. This will be the hardest part. But I promise once I’m inside you, it’ll feel even better than my fingers.”

  “I trust you, Adam, and I want this. Do it. Be inside me, make love with me.” Elijah reached to caress Adam’s face and took a couple of deep breaths before nodding.

  Adam took a deep breath of his own and lined up his dick, pushing forward insistently but firmly. Resistance was expected given his shaft was bigger than his fingers, but he kept constant pressure as Elijah’s defenses ceded to him.

  The head of Adam’s cock slid inside, engulfed by searing heat and crushing pressure. He glanced down at Elijah. His lover’s eyes were tightly closed, and he was biting down on his lower lip. He panted, whining gasps of air coming through his teeth.

  “Relax, beautiful,” Adam murmured. “You have to relax. Take a deep breath, Lij, and then let it out slowly.”

  Elijah obeyed, and as he exhaled, some of the tightness surrounding Adam’s prick eased. “Good, Lij. That’s real good. Now take another.”

  Adam waited for Elijah to inhale and then pushed in further. It took a moment of moving inch by inch, but as Elijah controlled his breathing and relaxed, his body opened, welcoming Adam’s flesh inside. When fully sheathed, Adam closed his eyes and focused for a minute on the sensation of being inside the man he loved.

  Elijah’s body was still tight, but Adam could feel the channel’s walls ripple and pul
sate as they shifted to accommodate the length and girth of his shaft. None of his previous encounters compared to this. Some he’d hated, some he’d enjoyed, but this—this felt perfect, like he belonged here with this man.

  He gazed down at Elijah. His lover’s face was relaxed with a smile curving on his full lips. Elijah’s eyes opened and gazed back at him with a mix of love and wonder.

  “You’re in me. I can feel your heartbeat,” Elijah whispered. “It’s like you’re all around me.”

  Adam nodded. “You ready for me to move, Lij?”

  “Yes. Do it, Adam, please.”

  Adam knew exactly what Elijah meant. Before, he’d never loved the men he’d bedded. The emotional connection changed the physical in ways he couldn’t explain. It was as though he was alive for the first time. He didn’t have the words, and, even if he did, wasn’t sure he could tell Elijah how he felt. But he could show him.

  He eased Elijah’s legs down and guided them so they encircled his waist. The new position allowed him to lean forward and claim Elijah’s lips. He pushed his tongue into his lover’s mouth, possessing him totally, and Elijah pulled him closer. He was surrounded by his lover as Elijah sucked on Adam’s tongue and his inner muscles squeezed Adam’s cock.

  Adam wished he could stay like this forever, encased in love. Enfolded in Elijah. There was no way he could pretend this was just sex. His body gave him away. His heart ached to tell Elijah how he felt, but he couldn’t say the words. Instead, he eased back from the kiss and rocked his body forward. Elijah’s body gripped his cock as it moved. Adam pulled back and pushed forward with a little more power, and Elijah groaned. The third time, Elijah gasped and the channel surrounding Adam clenched tight.

  “There. God, Adam, right there. Please. Again.” Elijah babbled as he clutched at Adam’s shoulders, and Adam obeyed his demand.

  He repeated the movement, and Elijah gasped, closing his eyes. Adam continued to move, easing back farther each time before pushing back in, his cock rubbing over Elijah’s hidden pleasure spot. His lover clutched Adam’s upper arms and fell into a natural rhythm, counterpoint to Adam’s thrusts.


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