Douluo Dalu - Volume 03 - Monster Academy

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Douluo Dalu - Volume 03 - Monster Academy Page 5

by Tang Jia San Shao

  Tang San originally was of the same mind as Xiao Wu, regarding the Shrek Academy somewhat disappointed, but hearing this old man’s words, the interest in his heart ticked up, an academy only for monsters? The other meaning of this word ‘monster’, wasn’t that genius?

  While speaking, the old man’s body suddenly released an incomparably tyrannical atmosphere, with Tang San and Xiao Wu’s strength both could not help but shiver all over, intense red light abruptly released from the old man’s body, a longstaff possessing countless fine patterns appeared in his right hand, most terrifying was, altogether six spirit rings rose up from under his feet, their dazzling beautiful light immediately became the focus of the everyone present.

  The six spirit rings’ colors were respectively one white, one yellow, three purple, one black. Also meant one ten year spirit ring, one hundred year spirit ring, three thousand year spirit rings and one ten thousand year spirit ring. This looking like a common farmer old man, unexpectedly was a sixtieth rank or more spirit emperor level super strength.

  Sixtieth rank, that indeed was sixtieth rank, ah, even in the entire Balak Kingdom, spirit masters ranked like this also absolutely could be counted on one’s fingers.

  The longstaff in the old man’s hand, rung with a deep muffled sound out in all directions, practically making all the people stagger once.

  Facing the dumbstruck three before him and waving his hand,


  The light of the spirit rings vanished, all the spirit power also disappeared in a flash, the old man again resumed his previous lazy appearance, as if he had not at all just released that previous spirit emperor atmosphere.

  If there were still some parents unsatisfied because of the old man’s words, then right now they appeared to all be keeping quiet out of fear, who dared offend a spirit emperor level force? Also a spirit emperor who possessed a ten thousand year spirit ring.

  One must know, in battle, a spirit emperor’s strength, would be at least equal to a thousand elite soldiers.

  In the eyes of the parents and applicant students the disdain and contempt in an instant vanished completely, a responsible for applications teacher was an at least sixtieth ranked strength, then, the strength of the faculty at this Shrek Academy must be to what degree?

  But, very quickly the majority of parents’ faces all revealed regretful sighing expressions, silently bringing their children to leave.

  Twelve years old attaining twentieth ranked spirit power or more, like what the old man said, that perhaps also was talent truly reaching a monstrous level.

  Of the originally hundred long queue in an eyeblink only remained ten-something applicants.

  The old man did not seem to mind the number of students, and started back with his application work.

  The people able to stay behind, clearly were confident to pass this old man, and following were several applicant youngsters whose spirit power surpassed twentieth rank, possessing two spirit rings. After handing over the ten gold coin application fee, the old man told them their first entrance exam was passed, and could enter the Academy’s second entrance exam. The parents could not follow the examinees inside the Academy.

  Part 2

  While looking at the applicant before them, Xiao Wu’s mood already became excited, in a low voice next to Tang San’s ear saying:

  “This Academy looks very amusing, especially what that teacher said about only accepting monsters not ordinary people, truly was most smart.”

  Tang San smiled slightly saying:

  “Right now you can’t doubt Grandmaster’s urging, right. This Shrek Academy is in no way ordinary.”

  As a result of already lining up in front, they naturally also were able to closely see Dai Mubai seated behind the old man. Dai Mubai not only was in charge of settling arguments, he was equally responsible for bringing eligible exam students into the Academy.

  Dai Mubai currently also finally saw Tang San’s pair, grim face exposing a slight smile, nodding towards them, again pointing at the teacher, spreading both hands, making a helpless expression. Clearly was telling them, ‘this application must rely on your own effort, I am unable to help’.

  While using expressions to mutually communicate, suddenly, a light yi exclamation pulled back Tang San’s gaze.

  The old man responsible for receiving applications face revealed a bewildered indefinite expression, right now, in front of him stood a young lady, just withdrawing the hand held out.

  This young lady had no parents for company, only was alone. Wearing a simple white long skirt giving people a very neat feeling. Short ordered hair cut evenly with her ears, height compared to Xiao Wu must be about half a head shorter, because of having her back to Tang San and Xiao Wu, they did not see her appearance, but from the skin at her neck were able to discover, that young lady’s was extraordinarily fine, extremely delicate.

  “May I ask, can I pass the preliminary exam?”

  The young lady’s voice was gentle and pleasant to listen to, somewhat lacking in spirit, but sounding like velvet, making people have a kind of soft feeling.

  Tang San from Dai Mubai’s gaze looking towards that young lady was able to determine this girl was certainly very beautiful, because Dai Mubai in those evil eyes no longer revealed ice cold, but a wolfish light. Of course, it was that kind of wolf color.

  The astonishment on the old man’s face gradually vanished, saying with a frown:

  “You coming here, do the people at your home know?”

  The young lady without directly answering his question, only slightly smiled and said:

  “All say teaching has no category[ (有教无类) Literally “having teaching no category”, idiom: “education for everyone, irrespective of background”. I guess maybe “education is blind”.], as long as I meet the Academy’s demands, you have no reason not to accept me, right.”

  The old man seemingly hesitated a moment, only then waving his hand to Dai Mubai, saying:

  “Bring her inside.”

  The wolf light in Dai Mubai’s eyes rapidly faded, recovering his cold expression, bringing the young lady walking into the Academy.

  The remaining students very quickly passed through the old man’s first test, finally reaching Tang San and Xiao Wu’s turn. By now, after Dai Mubai sent through several examination students, also already returned to the old man’s side.

  Tang San suddenly realized, Dai Mubai’s expression transformed, with fixed eyes staring in the direction behind his back, as if seeing some unimaginable thing.

  Tang San subconsciously turned around to look, although not forgetting his manners like Dai Mubai, his heart still was secretly shaken.

  Behind him and Xiao Wu, the remaining exam students were down to one, and also seemed to have just arrived not long ago, that also was a girl, looking like compared to him and Xiao Wu seemingly still must be a little younger, black long hair scattered over her shoulders, face slightly lowered, height not much different from the previous white skirt young lady, skin also similarly fair. But, this young lady gave people a kind of standing out from the masses feeling.

  An extremely well developed figure that was actually somewhat inconsistent with her age, if not seeing her face, very likely one would believe she was an adult young lady, especially that imposing bosom, even more could attract all men’s attention. A standard for baby-faced boobs.

  In contrast with her fiery figure, the young lady’s facial expression was very indifferent, that was a kind of chill rising from the heart, pure cold, a pair of black eyes that did not hold even a trace of vitality. Somewhat clashing with her originally extremely beautiful face.

  All four limbs well proportioned and slender, Both hands hanging naturally to either side, body releasing that kind of deathly still ice chill making people very uncomfortable.

  “Are you applying or not? If not applying you must not obstruct here.”

  The old man’s voice pulled Tang San back from his train of thoughts. Tang San’s han
d stung, when turning his head to look, he discovered Xiao Wu fiercely glaring at him.

  “We’re applying together.”

  Tang San with effort resisted the pain in his hand, having long since prepared twenty gold spirit coins he dropped them in the wooden box. Together with Xiao Wu holding out their hands.

  The old man first kneaded Xiao Wu’s hand, with a nod, saying:

  “Your age is suitable.”

  As his hands shifted to Tang San’s hand, the previous light yi sound could not help but again reappear.

  The old man as if in disbelief seemed to knead Tang San’s hand again, the expression on his face immediately becoming odd. Raising his head to look at Tang San, saying:

  “Is your hand practiced in some spirit ability?”

  The reason he must knead the applicant’s hand, is to recognize the applicant’s true age by the bones in the palm, as this could not be faked. Kneading Tang San’s hand was extremely tough, so his sense of the state of the bones was still unclear.

  Tang San trembled in his heart, nodding, said:


  The old man wrinkled his brow,

  “Hold up your calf.”

  Tang San as instructed lifted his calf. Leaving the table, the old man raised the trouser on his calf and kneaded a few times, Tang San immediately felt a tingling.

  The old man nodded at Tang San, saying:

  “Muscle development is not bad. Bone age suitable. Good, release your two spirits.”

  Tang San and Xiao Wu looked at each other, simultaneously urging the spirit power within their bodies.

  Blue and red light simultaneously leapt out, hundred year spirit rings simultaneously spiraling up.

  Rabbit ears standing up, white fluffy fur growing on the backs of Xiao Wu’s hands, body subsequently also becoming even more slender. Spirit jade rabbit body enhancement.

  In Tang San’s palm grew a most ordinary blue silver grass, along with spirit ring effect infusion lightning quick transforming into that grass vine like that day he fought Dai Mubai.

  The old man only gave Xiao Wu a casual glance, gaze falling on Tang San’s body,

  “Unexpectedly it’s blue silver grass. Blue silver grass can also cultivate this quickly?”

  Tang San faintly smiled, saying:

  “Teacher, aren’t you only accepting monsters here? Don’t I count as a monster[ (怪物) Can also be translated as “freak” or “eccentric”.]?”

  Part 3

  The old man’s face revealed a rare smile,

  “It indeed is a small monster. Mubai, bring them inside.”


  Dai Mubai came to meet them, revealing a smile towards Tang San, but his gaze seemed to still be fixed behind Tang San’s back.

  Led by Dai Mubai, Tang San and Xiao Wu followed him together to enter Shrek Academy, which also was that village.

  Dai Mubai said:

  “I knew you would be able to pass smoothly. The later tests should also not be any problem.”

  While speaking, he still could not help turning his head to look at the Academy gate opening.

  Xiao Wu unhappily said:

  “Looking at what? Still thinking of that disaster girl?”

  Dai Mubai’s brows wrinkled, saying:

  “What do you understand. I feel the atmosphere on that girl’s body is very like mine, not only is it similar, but also still has a kind of complementing effect feeling. Among spirits, thinking to encounter a complementing spirit is extremely difficult. But if meeting, if joining hands, one’s spirit strength would increase twofold. This is the so-called Spirit Harmonization ability.

  Xiao Wu involuntarily laughed saying:

  “Then that means, that girl’s spirit should be a tigress[ With much the same euphemisms as in English.]?”

  Dai Mubai’s face revealed some embarrassment, saying:

  “It’s possible.”

  Entering the village, they were able to see, it was all wooden buildings, using the words ‘simple’ and ‘unadorned’ to describe the buildings here was only appropriate.

  Not walking far, Dai Mubai brought them to an open space. Around were wooden buildings, this vacant land appeared to be about five hundred square metres or so, Just at the centre of Shrek Academy.

  The previously passed preliminary exam students were before them, distinct spirit power fluctuations making the air shiver irregularly.

  Dai Mubai pointed at the lined up exam students ahead, saying:

  “You take the second exam here, the teacher will tell you how to do it. I still must go out to take a look, if that girl’s spirit truly agrees with mine, in which case I also must capture her.”

  Finished speaking these lines, Dai Mubai hurriedly left, Tang San and Xiao Wu according to what he said like that reaching the end of the exam student line ahead.

  Meanwhile, a soft voice resounded.

  “Selling sausage, selling sausage. Have a gander, have a look, passing by or passing through you must not miss it. Oscar brand sausage, tastes beautifully fragrant and sweet. Price convenient, quantity yet ample. Only five copper coins for one. Eat Oscar brand sausage, guarantee you will even easier pass the entrance exam.”

  Tang San and Xiao Wu inclined their heads to see, only saw alongside not far away, a man pushing a wagon where he peddled. A burst of meat scent disseminating from the wagon, already already some of the lined up students had bought.

  The man standing behind the cart wore simple grey clothes, neat short hair, across his entire face a full beard, but having a pair of peach blossom eyes, gaze roaming between, especially towards the girls in the exam student ranks. Xiao Wu naturally also difficult to escape his scanning gaze. Very difficult to believe, that such a soft feminine voice would issue from a like this straightforward adult.

  Tang San said to Xiao Wu:

  “There are still several people ahead of us, you also did not eat much for breakfast, do you want to eat a sausage?”

  Xiao Wu inclined her head saying:

  “It smells pretty good. Let’s try that.”

  Tang San nodded, letting Xiao Wu stand in line, he walked in the direction of the cart on his own.

  Coming close, he was able to see that sausage salesman’s height was not much different from his own, on the cart was also nailed a board, on which was carved two words, ‘Sausage Monopoly’.

  The salesman seeing a person approach, immediately enthusiastically said:

  “Come for sausage? Oscar brand sausage, offering sincere treatment to all. Flavour guaranteed.”

  Tag San with a slight smile said:

  “Uncle, I’ll trouble you to give me two.”

  That salesman’s expression suddenly became rigid,

  “You-, what did you call me?”

  Tang San was also stunned,

  “I called you uncle, ah, is there a problem?”

  The salesman said with a bitter laugh:

  “Of course there’s a problem, and still a huge problem. Little brother, this year I am just fourteen years old, yet you unexpectedly call me uncle?”

  “Eh……, you are just fourteen?”

  Tang San shocked looked at this person before him.

  The salesman confirming said:

  “That’s right, I’m Oscar[ (Aosika 奥斯卡)], this year I’m fourteen years old, a Shrek Academy junior student, you can’t call me uncle just because my hair is a bit lush.”

  Tang San was speechless, looking at Oscar’s that large thick beard on his face, in his heart secretly saying, ‘someone this hairy could not be described as just a bit lush’.

  “You really are only fourteen years old?”

  Tang San could not help but ask.

  Oscar nodded confirmation, saying:

  “Of course, I am an Academy student, anyone you ask all know I’m fourteen.”

  Tang San in his heart secretly said, ‘worthy of being a Monster Academy, a fourteen years old youth whose beard could unexpectedly reach this kind of length, also abs
olutely counts as out of the ordinary’.

  Oscar picked up two bamboo skewers from his cart, piercing two ten centimetre sausages and handing them to Tang San, the two sausages were previously roasting together on a charcoal brazier on the cart, emitting a rich aroma.

  Tang San took out a silver coin and handed it to him,

  “Senior, truly am embarrassed, just now was my lack of manners.”

  Oscar softly said:

  “It doesn’t matter, afterwards many many times visit my sausage cart is fine.”

  Tang San straightforward said:

  “No problem.”

  “Tang San, what are you doing?”

  Dai Mubai was bringing the last exam student, who also was that ice cold young lady he previously stared at for a long time.

  Oscar gave Dai Mubai a look, immediately revealing a painful expression,

  “Dai Mubai, have you come to eat sausage?”

  “Drop dead.”

  Dai Mubai gave him an unhappy glare,

  “You really cause the Academy to lose face, I seem to have warned you many times, do not sell sausage in the academy. It couldn’t be you want to let people vomit? Tang San, you can’t eat this sausage.”

  Tang San puzzled asked:


  Dai Mubai’s facial expression became somewhat odd,

  “Little Ao[ Xiao Ao (小奥), Ao is the first character in Oscar.], you take out the source of new sausage.”

  Oscar’s expression immediately became awkward,

  “Boss Dai[ (老大) “Eldest”, or in informally as boss.], there’s no need, right. We even have been fellow students for several years, like this you will let newly arrived little juniors to have complaints of me.”

  Part 3

  Dai Mubai coldly snorted, saying:

  “I am only giving Tang San a warning, that’s all, Tang San is my younger brother, and cannot be your equal. Hurry up, don’t make me hit you.”

  Oscar clearly dared not provoke Dai Mubai, helplessly extending his right hand, somewhat wretchedly using his that soft voice to call out.


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