Douluo Dalu - Volume 03 - Monster Academy

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Douluo Dalu - Volume 03 - Monster Academy Page 6

by Tang Jia San Shao

  “I your father[ He refers to himself as (老子), an excessively arrogant way to refer to oneself. Something like “I’m your daddy” baked into a formal personal pronoun.] has a big sausage.”

  Yellow light suddenly condensed in his hand, two yellow rings of light rose up from under Oscar’s feet, immediately following, an exact copy of the sausages Tang San held appeared in his palm.


  As Tang San heard Oscar’s line “I your father has a big sausage’, his entire person somewhat froze. This line indeed had too many possible meanings. Before speaking of the quality of these sausage, or whether edible. Only Oscar having spoken that line he still dared not eat. Especially, as this sausage was bought for Xiao Wu.

  Sensing Tang San’s gaze starting to become angry, Oscar hurriedly explained:

  “There is nothing I can do about this. When using food system spirits, wanting to let food change, one must join with different spirit incantations, these incantation words, are not something I want to shout out. And also, the quality of my sausage is by no means an issue.”

  Tang San lightning quick returned the sausages in his hand to the stove,

  “Your sausage, still is leaving you to your eating. Dai Dage, thank you for the warning.”

  Monster, indeed a monster. Tang San somewhat did not know whether to laugh or cry, fortunately he had not eaten that sausage, otherwise this face would certainly lose greatly.

  The ice-cold young lady Dai Mubai brought in was only coldly looking at Oscar, walking towards the queue. Oscar innocently shrugged at Tang San,

  “Have pity on my delicious sausage, unexpectedly nobody eats. Ai.”

  Dai Mubai glared at him,

  “You be a bit careful, go selling sausage outside the Academy. Tang San, I bring you to pass the exam.”

  The two returned to within the queue, Xiao Wu looked at Tang San’s empty hands,

  “My sausage?”

  Tang San shared a look with Dai Mubai, both unable to help it, the two immediately burst into laughter.

  The ice-cold young lady stood behind Xiao Wu, in her eyes flashed a trace of a smiling expression, coolly saying in a low voice:


  Xiao Wu was unable to make heads or tails of their laughter,

  “In the end what’s the matter? Don’t tell me that sausage wasn’t tasty?”

  Tang San covered Xiao Wu’s mouth, pulling her to his side, in a low voice recounting the previous affair next to her ear.

  Hearing Tang San’s words, Xiao Wu’s beautiful face immediately turned a deep red,

  “You boys, really is mortifying. How could there be this odd spirit.”

  Dai Mubai smiling said:

  “This is Monster Academy, spirits naturally have fantastic oddities of every description. However, Oscar this fellow in the academy is also considered out of the ordinary. His that spirit is without any potential for attack, but among food system spirits, it’s classified as top quality. After all, he can supply meat. Only when this fellow uses his spirit, those incantations really are too disgusting. People familiar with him, absolutely will not eat those sausages he produces. I do not know whether it is because of the food system spirit, but his hair is much more lush compared to ordinary people, beard in one day of not shaving will become like right now, therefore, in the academy he also has a Big Sausage Uncle nickname. He himself runs what he calls the Sausage Monopoly.”

  This time, even Xiao Wu could not help but laughing,

  “Big Sausage Uncle, it truly is an interesting spirit.”

  Dai Mubai clapped Tang San’s shoulder, saying:

  “Walk, I bring you to pass the test. No need to line up.”

  Tang San said:

  “That is no good.”

  Dai Mubai said:

  “Be at ease, I am not favoring, this is your deserved treatment.”

  While speaking, he brought the two towards the front of the line.

  Responsible for the second exam also was a senior teacher, because of previously buying sausage, Tang San still had not had time to see what the contents of this exam were.

  Dai Mubai walked up to that teacher’s side, muttering several lines next to his ear, also indicating Tang San and Xiao Wu.

  The teacher nodded, saying:

  “All right, you bring them directly to the fourth hurdle. Passing enrollment.”

  Dai Mubai returned to Tang San and Xiao Wu’s side, about to bring the pair to go inside the Academy. But the lined up examinees were not satisfied.

  One male exam candidate said:

  “Teacher, what’s going on? Why can those avoid the test to enter the fourth exam. Yet we must pass through?”

  The senior teacher calmly said:

  “If your spirit power is also over twenty fifth rank, then, you can also directly enter the fourth exam, need not waste time here with me. But if you right now when testing spirit power only have twenty first rank, then, you have to test one by one.

  The male student unconvinced said:

  “Their spirit power is over twenty fifth rank? That’s impossible. We all are just twelve years old, how can such high spirit power appear.”

  Able to stand here, all had spirit power over twenty first rank, and also age not higher than thirteen year’s old youngsters. Originally at junior academy, existences like them, undoubtedly all had roles in the academy like stars around the moon[ Idiomatic expression, the academy revolved around them.]. But reaching this Shrek Academy and repeatedly hitting a wall, their frame of mind could not help but have some changes.

  Dai Mubai snorted coldly,

  “You won’t do, but don’t think other people also won’t do. When I entered the Academy, my spirit power was twenty fifth rank. Tang San, give them a look at your spirit power.”

  While speaking, he picked up a white crystal from the desk and tossed it to Tang San.

  The testing crystal was different based on level, its color also different, this kind of white crystal tested only the thirtieth rank or lower, if spirit power exceeded thirtieth rank, then the crystal would immediately burst.

  Tang San at this understood why Dai Mubai persuaded him that this test was blow their status, of course, this test was to measure the candidate’s precise spirit power.

  At that moment, he also did not speak, holding the white crystal and directly infusing it with his Mysterious Heaven skill internal strength.

  Part 5

  In a split second, only saw a brilliant white light released in Tang San’s hand, white crystal became as resplendent as a diamond, the intense brilliance filling every corner of the crystal, this clearly was evidence of spirit power on the verge of reaching thirtieth rank.

  The teacher in charge of the test showed a pondering smile,

  “See, our Shrek Academy this year again will receive a pretty good little monster.”

  Tang San wore a slight smile, handing the crystal in his hands to Xiao Wu, he could not wish for other people to complain about Xiao Wu, regarding Xiao Wu, he had absolute confidence.

  Equal white light once again shone, thoroughly blocking the other exam candidates’ mouths, looking at Tang San and Xiao Wu in their eyes also immediately became monsters.

  Twenty ninth rank, twelve years old attaining twenty ninth rank spirit power, was this a level humans were capable of reaching?

  However, this monster title did not only appear among the two Tang San and Xiao Wu.

  A melodious voice rose,

  “Teacher, I think, I should also be excused from the second and third tests.”

  The speaker was the young lady who before Tang San and Xiao Wu registered to test, also caused the first teacher bewilderment. Right now Tang San and Xiao Wu just truly saw her appearance. Level with the ears short hair, extremely fair delicate skin, although her figure was unlike the ice cold young lady’s heat, yet unusually harmonious, her entire person looked to give people a kind of earthy feeling. Somehow looked like she was a highly educated noble young

  If speaking of that last to enter young lady as an iceberg, then she was a warm spring wind, her gentle and beautiful smiling expression infecting everyone in her surroundings.

  With a slight smile walking up in front of Xiao Wu, nodding towards her. Xiao Wu subconsciously handed her the crystal.

  Bright white light once again appeared, although it did not have the intensity of Tang San and Xiao Wu, it still absolutely surpassed twenty fifth rank spirit power level, appearing to be about twenty sixth rank or so.

  Just when she thought to inquire from the testing teacher whether she also could directly go to the fourth test, she suddenly discovered, the crystal in her hand was missing. Another figure had already quietly appeared at her side, immediately following, shining white light once again radiated. The light compared to when she infused spirit power still must be a bit more powerful, even to the extent of twenty seventh ranked spirit power.

  This sudden appearance, was exactly the ice cold young lady last to follow Dai Mubai here.

  The testing teacher’s face was repeatedly covered by surprise,

  “Monsters one after another, this year especially many. All of a sudden there are four. Good, good, apparently, I have water to ask for a raise. Mubai, you bring these four together to the fourth test.”


  Dai Mubai respectfully answered, evil eyes with a complex expression looking at the ice cold young lady, then turning around and walking towards the inside of the academy. This time, no students again raised an issue. Strength was sufficient proof.

  Among the four exam candidates, only Tang San and Dai Mubai had a relationship regarded as pretty good, while following him inside, asked:

  “Dai Dage, the entrance exam altogether only has four tests?”

  Dai Mubai nodded, saying:

  “Altogether four tests. The first you already went through. It was to reject applicants with spirit power short of twenty first rank, or possibly age exceeding thirteen years old. This filters out most people. The second test is conducted to appraise spirit power and spirit. Merely having great spirit power is not sufficient to prove future growth potential, this test mainly tests the spirit, only spirits possessing sufficient growth potential, furthermore previous cultivation developing in a proper direction spirit masters can enter the third test. Of course, if the spirit is extremely extraordinarily freakish, one is also able to be chosen. In this way little Ao originally passed.”

  Regarding Dai Mubai’s words, Tang San very easily understood, after all, Grandmaster in this respect already instilled in him thoroughly. Equal spirits, but picking different development directions, means future results are also different. This second test mainly was filtering out those examinees spirit who also had the first two spirit rings where later conflicts with cultivation could occur.

  “Dai Dage, but my spirit is blue silver grass. It should belong to the least growth potential spirits. Why……”

  Dai Mubai smiled straightforwardly, saying:

  “You also need not be modest, how would I still not know your strength? The Academy provisions, if an applying exam candidates spirit power exceeds twenty fifth rank, then, no matter what the spirit is, can directly pass the second and third trials. Like one strength subduing ten, even if your spirit’s quality is somewhat lacking, but your spirit power is far above, relying on spirit power superiority, still will become a formidable spirit master.”

  Xiao Wu could not help asking:

  “What is the third test?”

  Dai Mubai said:

  “The third is to test the examinee’s own spirit application level. Only having spirit power and growth potential won’t do, simultaneously still need to controle the own spirit’s strength. the higher rank of the spirit the more difficult to control, this very easily becomes an issue. If regarding spirit’s control one cannot attain a certain degree, then, this proves the spirit master is insufficiently diligent. Students like this we also do not accept.”

  Tang San immediately understood his meaning, Dai Mubai said, a spirit somewhat hard to control, like his second spirit, that monstrous hammer, its weight was incomparably oddly great, and also along with his spirit power increasing, that hammer’s weight also unceasingly increased. Tang San thought to himself, even if using Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method, under peak conditions, he still only could swing that hammer three times.

  Not waiting for Xiao Wu to ask again, Dai Mubai continued with the fourth test,

  “The fourth is to test the examinee’s actual combat experience. Some students own spirit is not bad, regarding spirit control also not bad. But from childhood living in a noble family, long in a privileged environment. Fundamentally without any understanding of the outside world, let alone fighting. This kind of student, the Academy also won’t accept. The Dean said, ‘pampered and spoiled since childhood absolutely refused’.”

  * * *

  [1] (有教无类) Literally “having teaching no category”, idiom: “education for everyone, irrespective of background”. I guess maybe “education is blind”.

  [2] (怪物) Can also be translated as “freak” or “eccentric”.

  [3] With much the same euphemisms as in English.

  [4] (Aosika 奥斯卡)

  [5] Xiao Ao (小奥), Ao is the first character in Oscar.

  [6] (老大) “Eldest”, or in informally as boss.

  [7] He refers to himself as (老子), an excessively arrogant way to refer to oneself. Something like “I’m your daddy” baked into a formal personal pronoun.

  [8] Idiomatic expression, the academy revolved around them.

  Chapter 018: Motionless Bright King Zhao Wuji

  Part 1

  Hearing Dai Mubai’s words, the four people following him were silent for a time, it was still Xiao Wu who couldn’t help but first open her mouth,

  “You are picking students like picking a wife. This also is too strict. It’s no wonder that teacher at the entrance said only monsters are accepted here. People able to pass these four exams, maybe also only are monsters. I very much want to ask once, how many students does Shrek Academy currently have? Every year recruits how many students?”

  This time it was Dai Mubai’s turn to show a wry smiled.

  “Our Shrek Academy from founding until now, in twenty years, has altogether enrolled forty two students. An average year has a little more than two students. This year all four of you might be recruited, which must be considered setting a record. Before this, the Academy already had two years without accepting any students. Currently, in the academy in the process of studying students counting me altogether are still three.”


  Apart from the ice cold young lady, Tang San, Xiao Wu and that beautiful young lady practically cried out simultaneously.

  Dai Mubai laughed mockingly at himself,

  “In the entire Douluo Continent, we can be considered as the only Academy where there are more teachers than students. Even after enrolling you, our Academy’s students numbers will in no way surpass the teachers.

  Tang San said:

  “Like this, how can the Academy continue existing? Without a supply of students, it should be without income.”

  Dai Mubai said:

  “Why else do you think the Academy would be such a small village? It’s because of the lack of funds. If not for my home still sponsoring some, the Academy might have closed down last year. If this year again was without recruits, then, us three people studying, would be Shrek Academy’s last students.”

  “Then why did the Academy not relax some when people tested to apply? The applicant people I saw also could not be regarded as few.”

  The gentle and beautiful young lady said doubtfully.

  Dai Mubai exposed a reverent expression,

  “The Dean said, better to have nothing, no matter when, even if it meant closing Shrek Academy, than to accept rubbish. Only monsters. You know what the Academy’s graduation requirements are? This is already
not an intermediate spirit master academy, nor an advanced spirit master academy. Because our requirements are different from theirs. We only want students thirteen years old or under, who also must be true genius. But the Academy’s graduation requirements, are to exceed fortieth rank, and moreover before being twenty years old exceeding fortieth rank, attaining spirit ancestor level just to permit graduation.”

  “The Academy in total has enrolled forty two students, but truly graduating, only has fourteen people. After these fourteen people left the academy, not one was a person unable to receive worldwide attention. Among them are the most remarkable, right now already Spirit Hall’s youngest elder, authority and prestige second only to the pope. The rest who did not graduate, were unable to before twenty years of age attain fortieth ranked cultivation or were killed while hunting spirit beasts. The Dean said, insufficient to reach forty first rank, must not go out and make him lose face.”

  Saying this last part, Dai Mubai’s mood clearly became excited, concerning that Shrek Academy’s dean, he clearly was extremely reverent.

  Tang San smiled, saying to Dai Mubai:

  “I’m very glad, to be able to come here.”

  Dai Mubai sighed, saying:

  “Balak Kingdoms royal family originally planned to sponsor the Academy, but demanded the Academy’s graduates must swear fealty to the royal family, and were immediately refused by the Dean. Our Shrek Academy is also incompatible with other academies, in no small measure pushed aside, therefore just becoming this current appearance.”

  Tang San suddenly found, he very much longed for being able to meet that dean Dai Mubai spoke of, he very much wanted to see, after all what kind of person, was able to for twenty years continuously persist in establishing this kind of academy.

  “We’ve arrived.”

  Dai Mubai halted his steps. By now, they had reached another open space. This compared to that previous second exam location was much smaller, only two hundred square metres or so. One looking like he was over fifty years old middle aged man sat napping on a chair.


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