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Douluo Dalu - Volume 03 - Monster Academy

Page 13

by Tang Jia San Shao

  “Let’s go find something to eat. Probably you also are hungry.”

  “Good, I am.”

  Xiao Wu nodded, right now she already again recovered that past lively appearance, taking the initiative to drag Tang San’s arm.

  The two newcomers, yesterday also all because of passing out from the fight, did not find out a bit regarding Shrek Academy. Helplessly, they could only look for where kitchen smoke rose, trying to find a place with food.

  The village was not at all large, walking, they unwittingly already walked out of Shrek Academy’s limits.

  Shrek Academy’s side was very peaceful, but the villagers on the other side were already bustling, working at sunrise, this was common peasants’ custom. They needed to plow the fields to support their families. As the Academy’s breakfast was at some unknown place, Tang San already decided to first go to the village to buy a bit of food to allay his and Xiao Wu’s hunger.

  The two just planned to find a peasant family to buy food from, seeing not far ahead two people one man and one woman argue about something.

  Those young man and woman looked to be not old, the girl appeared fourteen or fifteen years old, ordinary appearance, but full of youthful vigour, wearing plain peasant clothing, should be a village girl from the village.

  The youngster she was arguing with looked to be even a bit younger, age seemingly not far from Tang San and Xiao Wu, build not tall, although the entire person was chubby, he gave people a kind of sturdy feeling. Short hair, small eyes, face healthy and plump, looking like also had somewhat cute feeling. Most interesting was, on his lip was two small moustaches, apparently just having started growing, looking like more like two rat whiskers.

  The young lady looked at the little fatty, eyes revealing a somewhat fearful expression,

  “Ma Hongjun[ (马红俊) “Horse Red Handsome”], you hereafter mustn’t come look for me again. I can’t be together with you.”

  The little fatty said in an affected manner of speaking:

  “Cui Hua[ (翠花) “Jade Flower”], am I not good to you? Why must we break up.”

  Tang San and Xiao Wu shared a look, the pair both seeing a smiling expression in the other’s eyes, this child still indeed had puppy love, so young speaking about breaking up and so on. The pair could not help but pause their steps, looking engrossed to the side.

  Cui Hua’s face suddenly reddened,

  “You are very good to me, but I really can’t endure you. We are unsuitable, you still will find other people. And also, I compared to you am several years older. Please, hereafter do not again look for me.”

  The little fatty Ma Hongjun angrily said:

  “What calling me unbearable. I truly do not understand what you these women think. Breaking up will still do, first come with me again, I will break up with you. Otherwise, no way.”

  While speaking, the little fatty raised his hand to pull that young lady Cui Hua.

  Cui Hua like a panicked little rabbit hastily backed away, but that little fatty’s speed was very quick, still grabbed her hand.

  Cui Hua pleading said:

  “No, you mustn’t. Let me go. In the end aren’t you a man, ah?”

  Xiao Wu did not continue watching, jumping out with one step,


  The little fatty and Cui Hua were simultaneously startled, looking at her. Fatty’s little eyes blinked, mouse whiskers on the lip trembling several times, in the little eyes a splendid light released,

  “A fine beautiful girl. Why, you want to replace her as my girlfriend? Done, no problem. I approve.”

  “Farting[ Breaking wind and talking nonsense are natural synonyms. While feces is only vulgar, it can actually have uses. Farts are entirely without merit.].”

  Xiao Wu was angry, one foot kicked at the hand holding Cui Hua, kicking his hand open,

  “You little hoodlum. So young not following good examples. In the full light of day, and you still think you can snatch a daughter?”

  Hearing Xiao Wu say this, the little fatty's expression immediately dropped,

  “This is my matter, you stop meddling in other peoples’ business. Since you are not demanding to be my woman, fuck off.”


  Xiao Wu looked about to punch him, but Tang San appeared in front of her.

  “You are called Ma Hongjun, right. Please don’t again provoke this young woman.”

  Having had yesterdays lesson, Tang San could not wish to let Xiao Wu randomly fight. And also he also vaguely saw, this little fatty before his eyes did not at all appear simple.

  Ma Hongjun snorted disdainfully,

  “What creature do you count as, also dare manage I your father’s[ He refers to himself as (老子), an excessively arrogant way to refer to oneself. Something like “I’m your daddy” baked into a formal personal pronoun.] business. Looking for unhappiness?”

  Tang San’s expression dropped,

  “You are whose father?”

  Ma Hongjun’s rat whiskers moved,

  “Who is meddling, I am who’s father.”

  Tang San moved, were his temper again better he still could not let people insult him like this, using Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track, one foot kicking the little fatty in the stomach. This kick of his contained power yet did not release it, control unusually clever, if the little fatty only was an ordinary person, at most he still would only kick him to fall over. If he had some special capability, then, the power of this kick of Tang San’s still could burst forth at any time.

  Indeed like Tang San guessed, the little fatty was not at all so simple, seeing Tang San’s kick coming, without the slightest hesitation came to meet it, both fists set up before his body, blocking towards Tang San’s kick, on the body glittered faint purple light, clearly spirit power fluctuations.

  Tang San’s kick suddenly halted in midair, changing from a kick to a stomp, stomping at the fatty’s abdomen.

  The fatty’s adaptability speed was also very quick, both set up fists simultaneously swinging down, smashing at Tang San’s foot.

  Part 3

  With a muffled peng sound, Tang San withdrew his leg, fatty also receiving the kick fell back several steps. The two people unexpectedly were matched with not much difference. Fatty’s spirit power seemed to only be a little bit short of Tang San’s, that’s all.

  Fatty was stunned a moment,

  “Originally you also are a Spirit Master, no wonder you dare to meddle in others business. I’ll let you increase your knowledge, what is called strength.”

  While speaking, fatty shouted,

  “Phoenix Body Enhancement.”

  Hearing this one word Phoenix, Tang San and Xiao Wu’s hearts simultaneously shivered, among Beast Spirits, several kinds were especially powerful, among these one kind was the Phoenix. Phoenix was also called Seven Color Bird. Phoenix Spirit could not only make the host able to fly, but also still bestowed attacks with powerful fire attributes. Among power battle type spirits it was top class.

  Purple light rushed out from the little fatty’s body, his short hair abruptly became long, moreover gathering in the center, turning into a kind of mohican style. Wings did not appear, but that purple radiance appeared outside the body, immediately releasing an intense heat. Two yellow spirit rings simultaneously appeared from under his feet, on the bare thick and solid outer arms spread long feathers. Both hands also taking the shape of claws.

  Seeing his appearance, Xiao Wu burst into giggles,

  “Such a plump Phoenix? However I look I feel he’s like a free-range chicken.”

  Ma Hongjun’s current appearance indeed looked rather hilarious, plump body, wearing long red and purple feathers on his arms, erect hair, if speaking of him as a Phoenix, maybe truly nobody would be convinced, even more resembling a fat hen.

  Ma Hongjun like being rubbed the wrong way, was angry and agitated,

  “You say who is a free-range chicken?”

  Raising both hands, on his body the first spirit
ring abruptly shone, suddenly spreading his mouth, a thin red and purple flame spouted out in Xiao Wu’s direction.

  High heat made the air distort, the purple and red flame it appeared was not at all wild, jetting out in the air like a string of fire.


  Tang San’s right hand waved, a blue long vine rolled around Xiao Wu’s soft and slender waist, pulling her horizontally to his side, staying out of Ma Hongjun’s flame jet.

  But Ma Hongjun clearly did not intend to let them off like that, the flame in his mouth maintained a five metre combustion length without going out, coming sideways towards Xiao Wu’s body, just as if it was a five metres long fire weapon.

  Tang San pulled Xiao Wu’s hand to retreat at flying speed, simultaneously several Blue Silver Grass already rapidly spread out from him. By means of the brief observation, he already discovered, that flame of Ma Hongjun’s should be unusually high temperature, but had a weak point, its attacking distance only was five metres. Only must restrict his movements, dealing with him would not at all be challenging.

  As expected, just as Ma Hongjun thought to pursue and attack, he only felt underfoot a deadlock, both legs already firmly twisted around by Blue Silver Grass, a burst of intense stinging pain from his legs, immediately followed by a burst of paralysed feeling.

  Ma Hongjun was startled, bowing his head to see the twisting Blue Silver Grass. Immediately without the slightest hesitation starting his second spirit ring ability.

  With a peng sound, fierce purple flame abruptly ignited from his body, Ma Hongjun’s plump body like that erupted in a flash, abruptly spreading outward, as the Blue Silver Grass binding his body came into contact with that purple flame, it immediately combusted violently, in an eyeblink becoming ashes.

  Seeing this scene, Tang San could not help but be shocked, he clearly felt, Ma Hongjun’s spirit was apparently precisely his spirit’s natural enemy.

  Although Blue Silver Grass under the the two spirit rings’ effect became extremely tough, as a plant, at least right now, fire still was extremely fearsome.

  Ma Hongjun with the whole body burning with purple flame appeared increasingly mighty, in his eyes erupted an angry flame, with big strides rushing straight towards Tang San and Xiao Wu, in his mouth the spouting flame, was like a fire spirit incarnate.

  “My turn.”

  No longer held by Tang San, Xiao Wu already leapt out. Fluffy ears trembling slightly at her rapid movement, whole body flourishing with red light, spirit power completely released.

  Tang San’s both hands’ ten fingers slightly moved rhythmically once, in his hands already fastened a number of hidden weapons, both eyes with a purple lustre, in a short time of discovering Xiao Wu meeting danger, then he immediately would act without the slightest hesitation.

  Although the spirit of this fatty before him was very strong, by previously coming into contact Tang San knew, his spirit power was still a bit short of his own. Impossible to like Zhao Wuji obstruct his hidden weapons.

  Ma Hongjun saw Xiao Wu coming at him, exactly what he wanted, with no trace of politeness a mouthful of flaming wire spouted out, the flaming wire in the air cutting out a circle, blocking off Xiao Wu’s path forward.

  Ma Hongjun thought to himself, ‘dead girl, dare to call me a free-range chicken, not changing your complexion a bit, or I your father am not called Evil Fire Phoenix[ (邪火凤凰)]. However, her long outstanding beauty, still is must not burn it spoiled as well.’ While thinking, his flame jet became a little bit weaker, enough to injure, but unlikely to be fatal.

  As the purple flame temperature dropped, Xiao Wu naturally felt it, ‘is this Fatty starting of leniently? Fine, then I will also be a bit soft to you.’

  Ma Hongjun believed Xiao Wu must be injured when his first spirit ring ability Phoenix Fire Wire[ (凤凰火线)] hit, but suddenly, in midair Xiao Wu’s body in a flash curled up, simultaneously twisting once in the air light as a feather, flexible body seemingly already breaking through the limits of the human body, threading past a small crack in his flaming wire block. Body once again extending, already reaching Ma Hongjun’s side.

  Xiao Wu had what strength? Tang San under circumstances where not employing hidden weapons at most could only ensure a draw with her, that’s all, he still could not let her near his body.

  Although Ma Hongjun’s second spirit ring ability Bathing Fire Phoenix[ (浴火凤凰)] was an omnidirectional defensive and offensive ability. Xiao Wu was already covered by her own spirit power, for a short time withstanding it was by no means an issue.

  As Tang San watched Xiao Wu reach Ma Hongjun’s side, the hidden weapons in his hands were already returned to Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges, this fight was already without any suspense.

  Part 4

  Sure enough, Xiao Wu did not give Ma Hongjun any opportunity to respond, figure flipping she already reached his back, both hands bracing, both feet in a flash swinging up, directly pressing on either side of Ma Hongjun’s neck, the first spirit ring ability Waist Bow[ (腰弓)], launched.

  Xiao Wu’s entire body at once was like an arcing bow, the first spirit ring’s light in a flash covering her whole body, immediately following, her body like a full moon bow suddenly emitting force, abruptly threw Ma Hongjun’s body.

  Waist Bow’s spirit ability effect: Momentarily boost one’s waist strength by one hundred percent, increasing the body’s toughness by fifty percent. After ten ranked spirit power, each additional rank, increases the effect when using Waist Bow by one percent.

  In other words, right now after Xiao Wu launched Waist Bow, she was able to increase waist strength one hundred nineteen percent. Momentarily erupting flexibility sufficient to throw any physical strength type opponent under fiftieth ranked spirit power. Of course, although Waist Bow was good, the prerequisite was to necessarily get close to the enemy to be able to bring out its effect. Otherwise, only having waist strength was useless. Very difficult to imagine, Xiao Wu’s waist still inferior to Ma Hongjun thigh in thickness was capable of emitting this kind of immense power.

  Considering Ma Hongjun’s reduced own flame, Xiao Wu could also be considered as starting off leniently, certainly did not directly smash Ma Hongjun’s body towards the ground, but threw him into the air, giving him control of his body for the remaining time.

  However, she clearly was overestimating Ma Hongjun’s own body’s control, this fatty in midair hands dancing and feet tripping flipped several times, finally still dropping to the ground on his ass, falling confused.

  “Don’t fight, please don’t fight.”

  To the side Cui Hua the young woman suddenly opened her mouth, with quick steps running towards Ma Hongjun. The flame on Ma Hongjun’s body had also been extinguished by being thrown down, his entire person faint with blurring vision with difficulty crawling up from the ground.

  Xui Hua helped Ma Hongjun pat the soil from his body,

  “How are you?”

  Ma Hongjun with a snort, said.

  “Still unable to die. Little rabbit, come again.”

  Xiao Wu suddenly leapt in place, with two suu suu sounds, throwing out the shoes on her feet. Although her spirit power held back the majority of Ma Hongjun’s second spirit ability Bathing Fire Phoenix effect, pressing on Ma Hongjun’s neck with her feet her shoes still were affected by that purple and red flame.

  Making Xiao Wu somewhat shocked was, that purple red flame unexpectedly had a kind of sticky feeling, after contact it unexpectedly would not stop burning. Not able to put it down, she could only throw out her shoes, with a pair of bare fair little feet standing in place.

  “Miss Cui Hua, you are?”

  Xiao Wu looked at Cui Hua appearing deeply concerned with Ma Hongjun, and could not help but be somewhat unable to make sense of the matter. Was not this fatty previously bullying her? Why now again…...

  Cui Hua imploring said:

  “You don’t fight. Actually, Hongjun is a good man, only we are unsuitable, that’s all. Theref
ore I could only break up with him. You go, I will speak clearly with him.”

  Ma Hongjun angrily said:

  “You do not meddle in my affairs, get lost.”

  Speaking, he pushed away Cui Hua and once again rushed towards Xiao Wu, only since he was worried to injure Cui Hua, he did not once again use the second spirit ring ability.

  Just at this time, an astonished voice rose,

  “Tang San, Fatty, what are you up to?”

  Tang San and Ma Hongjun simultaneously turned to look in the direction of the voice, only saw a wearing white clothes, hair combed exceedingly neatly Dai Mubai just walking in their direction.

  Xiao Wu snorted,

  “How is it? You ask him. That fatty in broad daylight bullied a girl, we seeing it only went, had to teach him a lesson.”

  The stern Dai Mubai couldn’t help but laughing,

  “Xiao Wu, I think you are misunderstanding. Miss Cui Hua, you also can’t endure him?”

  Cui Hua blushed, nodding, turning to escape. This time, Ma Hongjun also did not again stop her, only had a crumbling expression.

  Tang San walked to Dai Mubai’s side, unconvinced asking:

  “In the end what is going on here?”

  Dai Mubai looked towards Fatty, saying:

  “Will you say it yourself, or should I do it for you?”

  Ma Hongjun shot Dai Mubai a glance, lowering his head saying:

  “You say it.”

  Dai Mubai laughed out loud,

  “What? Stiff Fatty you also can be embarrassed? Fine, I will tell them for you.”

  Speaking, he turned to Tang San and Xiao Wu, saying:

  “Remember I previously told you, the Academy including me altogether only has three students?”

  Tang San immediately understood,

  “You are saying, he is……”

  Dai Mubai said with a nod:

  “Yes, Fatty is that third person. Also was before you the last person to enter the Academy. The matter just now although you without personally seeing, still could guess. Actually, this also cannot be blamed on Fatty, you can only blame his that free-range chicken spirit.”

  “Farting, your spirit can be free-range chicken, I your father’s spirit is Phoenix. Even if I your father’s ancestors all had Chicken, mine still is Phoenix. Haven’t you heard, a grass nest can also have a Golden Phoenix?”


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