Book Read Free

God Has Spoken

Page 19

by Theresa A. Campbell

  “I’ll save the rest for another time,” Eleanor said when their crying tapered off. She hiccupped. “It’s too much.”

  “No,” Dwight quickly replied. He moved his head back and looked at Eleanor. “Let’s finish this tonight.”

  “Are you sure?” she asked him with concern.

  Dwight nodded, wiping his wet, red eyes with the back of his hand.

  So right there on the bathroom floor, Eleanor finished telling Dwight about her former life. Dwight broke down again when she relayed how she got sick in the old, abandoned car and almost died. He crushed Eleanor to his body as if he was scared of letting her go.

  “I want to tell you about my relationship . . . or lack thereof, with my parents,” Dwight began in a low voice, moments later. He proceeded to tell Eleanor about his childhood and the estrangement between him and his family.

  Eleanor’s heart broke for Dwight as she listened to the hurt in his voice as he spoke. Protectively, she tightened her hold on him, sharing his pain as he did hers.

  It was a draining, excruciating, heart wrenching process that left the two of them feeling battered and bruised, like they had been trampled by a herd of elephants. They continued hugging for a long while before Dwight moved away and sluggishly got to his feet. He reached down and helped Eleanor to her feet.

  He handed Eleanor a towel he took off the towel rack and nodded toward the face basin. After rinsing out their mouths and washing and drying their faces, they walked out of the bathroom into the living room. “I’ll go and get us some water,” he said hoarsely before he disappeared into the kitchen.

  Eleanor lowered herself slowly onto the couch, her heart heavy with all that took place. She felt somewhat relieved, though, that she had shared everything with him. Well . . . almost everything. The names of Officers Gregg and Bailey had to remain a secret for now.

  Dwight returned and gave Eleanor a glass of cold water, taking a seat beside her on the couch. Eleanor drank thirstily, moistening her dry, parched throat.

  “You know I am going to find that animal, right?” Dwight said, and then took a sip from his glass. “Wait until Omar and the guys hear about this. He’s as good as dead.”

  The glass almost fell from Eleanor’s hand. “No,” she said firmly. “Dwight, you can’t say anything to them about this.”

  “Why not? We are first going to make sure that monster pays for what he did to you. After which we’re bringing your daughter and aunt to live here in Kingston.”

  He makes it sounds so easy, Eleanor mused as she touched his face gently. If only he knew everything that is at stake here.

  “Please promise me you won’t say anything to Mama Pearl and the family,” Eleanor begged him. “I’ll tell them when the time is right. Please.”

  Dwight nodded solemnly, not comfortable with her decision but decided to let it go for now. “So when are we going to see your daughter and aunt? I think it’s time for you to start mending that bridge.”

  “We are not,” Eleanor replied and shivered as she thought of Officer Bailey. “Not now anyway.”

  “Eleanor, what are you afraid of?” Dwight asked her. “I know that slimeball had threatened you, but he can’t hurt you anymore. We’ll go and get Dupree and Aunt Madge and bring them here.”

  “Aunt Madge would never leave her home,” Eleanor stated. “She always said she was born in Falmouth and she would die in Falmouth.”

  “So what do you plan on doing? Ignore them for the rest of your life?” Dwight asked her. “You have to stop blaming yourself for all that has happened. It wasn’t your fault. I’m sure Aunt Madge will understand that and forgive you.”

  But Eleanor shook her head stubbornly.

  Dwight refused to give up. “As for Dupree, you probably saved her life when you ran,” he said.

  Eleanor looked at him surprised.

  “I think you suffered from something my aunt’s friend had in New York when I was there. It’s the extreme form of postpartum depression known as postpartum psychosis,” he explained, remembering her telling him of the hallucinations she had of the little scary creature. “Had you stayed around the baby without getting help, you may have hurt her without even knowing it at that time. I’m no expert, but I think it went away on its own because of the time you were separated from the baby. That was eight years ago. I think it’s time for you to see her again.”

  “I can’t do that now,” Eleanor stated.

  “Why not, Eleanor?” Dwight asked wearily. “I’m trying to help you here.” He got up and walked over to the window, staring out into the night, unsure of what else to say or do. He just wanted to fix all her problems and make everything right for Eleanor.

  Eleanor knew that deep inside Dwight was disgusted with her. Taking a deep breath, she stood up and walked over to get her handbag that was on the other end of the long couch. Almost on tippy toes, she lightly moved toward the door.

  “Where are you going?” Dwight’s voice stopped her in her tracks.

  Eleanor cringed and turned around to face him, unshed tears dancing in her eyes. Without a word she watched as Dwight’s long feet ate up the short space between them.

  “You are done running, babe,” Dwight said gently. He pulled her to him and kissed her passionately. Eleanor responded fervidly.

  “I love you, Eleanor,” Dwight said as he looked intently into her eyes. “You are an amazing woman.”

  Eleanor smiled happily. “I love you too,” she replied. “Thank you for being such a strong rock for me to lean on. I need you to get through this.”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” Dwight assured her. “We’ll speak some more about my stepdaughter and Aunt Madge very soon. I don’t agree with your decision to stay away, but I’ll leave it alone for now.”

  “Your stepdaughter, huh?” Eleanor asked, beaming from ear to ear.

  “Yup,” Dwight said with a chuckle. “I’m in this for the long haul, sweetheart.”

  Dwight and Eleanor’s unity created a powerful bond. But it would be tested to the max.

  Chapter Thirty-nine

  Over the next few weeks Dwight made numerous attempts to change Eleanor’s mind about contacting Aunt Madge and Dupree, but she refused. In Eleanor’s mind she was not only protecting Aunt Madge and Dupree but Dwight, Mama Pearl, and her adoptive brothers. She was convinced that God would work it out for her to see her daughter and aunt when the time was right. Yes, she missed them dearly, but it was a small price to pay for their safety.

  In the meantime, Eleanor plunged right ahead into her relationship with Dwight. It was one of the few lights shining through her dimmed world. They were almost inseparable. Rarely a day went by when they did not see each other.

  “Looks as if Mama Pearl has other guests for dinner,” Dwight said to Eleanor one Saturday afternoon after parking in front of Mama Pearl’s house and saw two cars in the driveway. He had just picked Eleanor up from work and came by to have dinner with her, Mama Pearl and Omar.

  “It’s Robert and Gerald,” Eleanor replied after hopping out of the car and joining Dwight at the gate. She took Dwight’s hand in hers and they walked up to the house.

  “Anyone home?” Dwight said in a singsong voice as he and Eleanor entered the living room.

  Eleanor giggled.

  They both froze when they saw Mama Pearl and her five sons sitting in the living room in a circle with a serious expression on their faces. The smile fell from Dwight’s face and Eleanor got nervous, her eyes darting back and forth between Robert, Alwayne, Gerald, Sydney, and Omar.

  “What’s wrong?” Eleanor asked worriedly. “Is it Mama Pearl?” She hurried over to Mama Pearl, a feeling of despair in her gut.

  “I’m all right, baby.” Mama Pearl gave her a grateful smile. “This old bird is doing just fine. Please, you and Dwight have a seat.” She waved her hand toward two empty chairs that were placed side by side in the circle.

  Dwight and Eleanor exchanged puzzled looks before they took their respective seats.r />
  “What’s going on, guys?” Dwight asked as he perched on the edge of his chair, rubbing his hands together, his eyes bouncing from one face to the next.

  “That’s what we would like to know,” Sydney said in a solemn voice, resting further back on the couch, his long legs stretched out in front of him. “We would like to know what your intentions are toward Eleanor.”

  Eleanor gasped loudly, her eyes as big as saucers. Embarrassed, she covered her face with her hands, shaking her head from side to side. “Oh, dear Lord,” she muttered repeatedly, but everyone ignored her.

  “You know you are like a brother to us, Dwight,” Gerald said, his arms crossed. “We all love you. But we also love our little sister that God gave to us a few years ago, and we have her best interest at heart.”

  “We have watched your relationship growing over the last few months,” Robert pitched in, “and we are happy for both of you. I personally believe the two of you need each other, but we would like to know where you see things going with Eleanor.”

  “Oh, dear Lord,” Eleanor repeated louder this time, her eyes committing the area rug under her feet to memory. Again, everyone ignored her.

  “You know you are my boy, ‘D,’” Omar said, his eyes met and held those of Dwight’s. “I would hate to have to hurt you, man.”

  Dwight laughed out loud but stopped quickly when he realized he was the only one laughing. Six pair of eyes stared at him in silence. The brothers, including his dear friend, Omar, were as serious as a heart attack.

  Swallowing hard, Dwight reached over and took one of Eleanor’s trembling hands in his own. Eleanor glanced over and gave him an apologetic shrug, but he winked at her, sending butterflies flittering around in her stomach.

  “You are all like family to me,” Dwight began in a somber tone, his face now void of any jokes, still clutching Eleanor’s hand. “I love all of you and thank God for each of you every day. To be honest, I’m actually very glad that we are having this conversation.”

  Eleanor looked at him as if he had lost his mind, while the others stared at him in silence, all ears.

  “I was very apprehensive coming back to Jamaica because of my parents, but I just knew I had to. Boy, am I glad I did. I met and fell in love with one of the most amazing women I have ever met.” Dwight felt tears spring to his eyes. He paused and took a deep breath before he continued. “A strong, beautiful, ambitious, and courageous warrior.” He leaned over and kissed Eleanor on the forehead as he squeezed her fingers.

  “So to answer the question asked of me, I love Eleanor,” Dwight said with conviction, making eye contact with these men that he loved and respected. “I want a future with her, and I’m trusting God to make that possible for us.”

  Tears ran down Eleanor’s and Mama Pearl’s faces. The guys sniffed their noses, blinking rapidly, twisting and turning in their seats.

  “Hmmm . . . That’s all we wanted to know,” Alwayne said in a raspy voice. He cleared his throat loudly. “I couldn’t ask for a better man for Eleanor.” He got up and walked over to Dwight, hugging him when Dwight stood up.

  Soon Dwight and Eleanor were receiving hugs and well wishes from everyone. It took awhile before they all settled down and took their place at the dining table.

  Eleanor, who was sitting beside Dwight, turned toward him with a big smile. “You know if you want to break up with me now I’ll understand, right?”

  This time everyone laughed before digging into Mama Pearl’s finger-licking pot roast, celebrating Eleanor and Dwight’s love.

  “I have some great news,” Dwight whispered in Eleanor’s ear. Her back was resting against his broad chest, their feet tangled up together as they lay cuddling on his couch.

  Eleanor shifted position and turned over until they were nose to nose. Her eyes filled with curiosity. She gave him an Eskimo kiss, giggling. “What’s the news?”

  “I have a friend who is the tax regional director at BDO Jamaica,” Dwight began, gently running his index finger up and down her cheek. “He told me about an assistant human resources manager position that is available there.”

  Eleanor’s heart started beating faster, but she remained quiet, her eyes fixed on Dwight’s handsome face.

  “He scheduled an interview for you with the human resources director for next week. Babe, please hear me out.” Dwight put his finger on Eleanor’s lips when she opened her mouth to speak. “I hope you don’t mind that I went ahead and set this up before saying anything to you. I just wanted to help, okay?”

  Eleanor looked at him for a few seconds, trying to wrap her mind around what Dwight had just said. A job interview at one of the biggest accounting companies in Jamaica? He had to be kidding!

  “Sweetheart, are you mad?” Dwight asked, misinterpreting her silence.

  “No, no, I’m not upset,” Eleanor quickly assured him. “I mean . . . I . . . I have no experience or anything. Why would they even consider me for this position?”

  “You have a bachelor’s degree in Human Resources Management,” Dwight said, looking over her head. “You are smart and a quick learner. You will do great. You—”

  “Dwight Humphrey.” Eleanor stared pointedly at him.

  “Okay. I told him you are my girlfriend,” Dwight admitted. “But, darling, you are good for this. I meant what I said before. You graduated at the top of your class from UWI. This is just an interview. I only got you through the door, but you are going to have to get this job on your own, and I know you will.”

  A smile tugged at Eleanor’s mouth. “You think I can do this, huh?” The doubt was quickly being replaced by enthusiasm, thanks to this wonderful man that God had blessed her with. “I have what it takes, right?”

  “Philippians 4:13 says, ‘I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me,’” Dwight replied. He leaned over and kissed Eleanor lightly on the lips. “I decree and declare that one day you, Eleanor, will be an executive at BDO Jamaica, helping to run that company. What do you say we claim it in Jesus’ name?”

  “I claim it!” Eleanor squealed in delight, forcing him back into the couch.

  Dwight laughed and kissed her again. The kiss soon deepened as the passion ignited between them. The strong sexual chemistry was something that they fought with as their relationship intensified because Dwight and Eleanor had decided that they would date as Christians.

  “You will pull me back when necessary, and I’ll do the same,” Dwight had told Eleanor. Easier said than done. They were two hot-blooded, sexual beings who were in love and profoundly attracted to each other.

  “Okay. Okay,” Dwight mumbled hoarsely after breaking the kiss, his breathing irregular. He nestled his face in the crook of Eleanor’s neck, feeling her carotid pulse palpitating. “You, madam, are surely a temptation.”

  “Speaking of the pot calling the kettle black,” Eleanor murmured dreamily. Dear God, please give us the strength to hang in there.

  Chapter Forty

  “Welcome to the BDO family, Eleanor,” said Mr. Wallace, the human resource director, vigorously shaking Eleanor’s right hand. He had a lopsided grin on his thick lips as he looked at her over the top of his bifocal eyeglasses that rested on his broad nose. “You are going to be a great asset to this company.”

  Eleanor had a “Tom the cat when he thought he caught Jerry” grin on her face. “Thank you for this great opportunity, Mr. Wallace,” she replied humbly, releasing her hold on his hand. “I’m looking forward to working with you and learning from the best.”

  Mr. Wallace had the nerve to blush, his light, aged, freckled skin turning red around the face. “It will be a pleasure, Eleanor. So see you bright and early in two weeks?”

  “Yes, sir,” Eleanor replied happily. “I’ll see you then.”

  Mr. Wallace walked over to the closed office door and opened it. “Take care,” he said as Eleanor passed by him, toward the elevators.

  Eleanor literally floated down Breechwood Avenue in New Kingston after leaving Mr. Wa
llace’s office. “I just got the human resources assistant job,” she sang softly on her way to the bus stop. “Thank you, Lord. I’m about to get my career off the ground.”

  Eleanor paused at a street corner, looking up and down the street, watching for a break in the flow of traffic so she could cross the road. Shortly thereafter she saw her chance and skipped across like a little girl, a gigantic smile on her face. Eleanor felt light-headed and giddy. “It’s really happening,” she said with a faraway look on her face as she turned on Dominica Drive. “Aunt Madge, I graduated college and am about to start my dream job.” Suddenly, it was like someone flicked a light switch and the light was gone, plunging her into total darkness. There it was again. That obstinate cloud that was always hanging over her, ready and waiting to cover up every spark of happiness that was rained on her.

  Her head now hanging low, Eleanor hastened her steps. She needed Dwight. He would make everything better, at least while she was with him.

  “Yo, watch where you going, lady,” a man said after Eleanor walked right into him, too preoccupied to have noticed him standing on the sidewalk.

  “I’m sorry,” Eleanor said softly as she looked up at the tall man. Her eyes opened wide when she saw who he was. “You?” Eleanor whispered tautly, glancing around and taking comfort in the fact that it was broad daylight and people and vehicles were going up and down the busy streets. The last time she saw this man he tried to choke her to death. He was an animal.

  “Well, well, well, look who it is,” Big Dread said animatedly as if he had just run into a longtime friend. “Little, is that you? Baby, you certainly ain’t little no more.” He swiped his long tongue across his chapped lips, his hand grabbing his crotch.

  Eleanor took a few steps back, creating ample space between them, rolling her eyes in disgust. She didn’t even bother to waste time correcting the idiot about her name. “Where is Dolly?” she asked, glancing at the closed door of the “Champion Girls” club.


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