Fight 4 Us (Book 2)_Reunited

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Fight 4 Us (Book 2)_Reunited Page 5

by Brian Grenda

  Michael is bleeding profusely from his left shoulder as he stands in the front yard. Michael is running on adrenaline and wants to make sure Ann, Matt, and Kylie are safe and can escape.

  Kylie runs into the house and brings Ann out with her. Michael, Shaun, and Lisa are taking down zombies as they move closer and closer to the house.

  Ann grabs Michael by the right shoulder. Michael drops the gun and kisses Ann.

  Ann says, “I love you Michael.”

  Michael replies, “I love you too. Keep Matt and Nicole safe.”

  A rush of zombies makes their way towards the group. Kylie and Ann make it to Matt’s car. Ann gets in the backseat and Kylie gets into passenger seat of Matt’s car. Shaun and Lisa each take out a zombie before retreating to Shaun’s jeep. The house is starting to get overrun by zombies.

  Michael picks up his rifle and shouts, “Matt! You get out of here. Take care of your mother and sister for me.”

  Matt stands by his driver side door with tears in his eyes and shouts, “I will. I love you. Thank you for everything.”

  Michael shoots an approaching zombie and shouts, “Go Now!”

  Matt starts his car and takes one last look at his father.

  Michael is firing off shots at zombies.

  Boom! Boom!

  He aims at another zombie and pulls the trigger.


  Michael is out of bullets. He tries to hit a zombie with the end of his rifle but is swarmed by three zombies. Zombies start to pile on top of Michael and rip him apart.

  Kylie and Ann both scream. Matt can’t stand to see the sight of his father being eaten alive anymore and starts to drive his car away from the house and chaos.

  Matt gives one last look at his father and drives out of the neighborhood. Lisa sees the zombies ripping Michael apart and screams. She can’t stand the sight and turns away from the window as Shaun drives away from the house.

  Matt exits the neighborhood and speeds away down the street. He drives about a half mile down the road and pulls off to the side of the road in a safe area. Shaun pulls behind Matt’s car and quickly exits his car.

  Shaun shouts, “Is everything okay? Is anyone hurt or bit?”

  Kylie and Ann gesture that they are fine and unharmed from the zombie attack that they just survived.

  Matt exits his car and walks over to the guardrail next to the road. He screams in frustration and anger.

  Shaun walks over to Matt and says, “I’m sorry man. I can’t believe it got that crazy.”

  Matt looks at Shaun and says, “This doesn’t change anything. We still go to Florida and check on Nicole.”

  Shaun replies, “I understand bro. Your father would want us to continue to Florida and to be with Nicole. Florida here we come.”

  Matt replies, “I will lead the way down to Orlando. Let’s hope the roads are clear.”

  Shaun says, “No problem. We can go whenever you are ready.”

  Matt says, “Let’s plan to take I-40 South to I-95 South. It should take about eight and a half hours to get to Nicole’s house.”

  Shaun nods in agreement and they walk towards their vehicles.

  Matt drives his car down the road and sees a sign for I-40 South. Shaun follows Matt as he turns onto the entrance ramp to the highway.

  As Matt enters the highway, he looks at Kylie and says, “We should be at Nicole’s in about eight and half hours. I hope she is safe and everything is okay with her.”

  Kylie responds, “I’m sure she is my love. I’m sorry about your father, but we will continue on in his memory.”

  Matt responds, “He died saving us. We can’t fail in this trip to Orlando and in this new world. I won’t accept failure now. My father didn’t die for us to fail.”



  Two vehicles are speeding down the highway. The highway is clear of any danger and any serious problems. A voice is heard over the walkie talkie.

  “Any problems up ahead?”

  “Nope. It’s all clear!”

  “Great, we should be back home in about 20 minutes.”

  Phil leads the drive home back to my house in Tampa, Florida. I follow behind him down the highway. The hot Florida sun is blazing down on our vehicles as we are speeding along the road.

  Baby Mia whimpers as Lauren holds her. Lauren holds Mia close to her body as she sits in the front seat. Mia has been quiet and very good during our trip from Orlando to Tampa. Lauren has been enjoying taking care of Mia during our trip down the I-4 East Highway.

  We have been driving for about an hour and a half and we are almost home. The highway has been clear for most of the trip, which is allowing us to make good time for our trip back to Tampa.

  As Phil gets closer to the downtown Tampa exits, more of the highway starts to get congested and blocked. The highway narrows down into one or two lanes at times. Phil needs to drive slowly and clear some of the debris with the front end of his SUV plow.

  Phil slowly passes a group of abandoned cars and checks to see how Nicole is doing. He looks over at Nicole as Nicole holds baby Mason. Phil can’t help but smile and by happy that everyone is safe and secure.

  Baby Mason starts to cry, but Nicole rocks him back to sleep. Mason has had several crying episodes during this trip to Tampa, but Nicole has been able to calm him down each time.

  “How you two doing over there?” asks Phil as he glances at Nicole.

  Nicole responds, “We are doing pretty good. Mason has calmed down now. He gets these sudden bouts of crying and then quickly calms down. I hate to move a newborn this early, but I couldn’t stand to be around Derrick anymore.”

  Phil gets off the highway exit and stops at a stop sign. Phil places his right hand on Nicole’s left shoulder and smiles at her. Nicole looks back at Phil and smiles.

  Phil says, “I know it has to be tough what you went through recently. I will always be here for you and provide any help that you need.”

  Nicole replies, “Thank you Phil. That makes me feel better about the situation. I might take you up on your help offer.”

  Phil makes a right turn and says, “I hope that you do.”

  The main streets that lead to my neighborhood are far more congested and blocked with remnants of zombies, people, vehicles, trees, and debris.

  Phil needs to clear a path for us to pass through several times on our main street. The streets and area outside of my neighborhood look to have been breaking down. Homes look to have been looted, windows are broken, cars are left on the side of roads, and several fires are seen in the distance.

  It’s only a matter of time until more of the streets, nearby towns, and cities start to fall and become overrun.

  Phil and I arrive at my neighborhood entrance. As we enter the neighborhood, we see that several homes look to have been robbed and looted. People must have come through the neighborhood and caused some problems.

  We turn onto my street and I see my house. The house looks to be in good shape. The front door is closed and the big front picture window is not broken.

  I park the SUV, look at my house, and take a deep breath.

  “Home sweet home.”

  I exit the SUV and walk up to the front door. The house looks good but I check to make sure that the front door is still locked and secured.

  I pull the front door handle and see that the front door is secure and locked since we left it. I see that someone tried to get into the house through the front door but was unsuccessful. The front door is closed but has several scratches and dents in it by the door handle.

  Lauren walks up to the front door while holding Mia. I hold the front door open as Lauren walks through the front door and into the house.

  Phil exits his SUV and does a visual inspection of the neighborhood. The neighborhood is quiet and safe for now, but Phil always wants to make sure.

  Phil opens the passenger side SUV door for Nicole. He helps her walk to the front door of the house. I hold the door open f
or Nicole as she walks into the house holding Mason.

  I look at Phil and say, “Let’s unload the vehicles and get inside.”

  Phil runs back to his SUV and starts unloading the supplies, weapons, food, and baby supplies. I close the front door and start to unload my SUV.

  I look at my neighbor’s houses as I unpack the SUV and feel a sense of loss and sadness. Looking at Ray’s house makes me think about Ray and Stephanie dying. They were great people, but didn’t make it in this world.

  I glance at Kyle’s house and think about Steve killing Kyle. Steve had no right to Kyle’s house and belongings but felt the need to rob him.

  A strong wind blows by and it shakes the limbs and branches of the huge oak tree that stands in the front yard of my next-door neighbor Martha’s house. I have always liked that oak tree and felt a sense of protection from it. The oak tree is old and starting to break down but I enjoy seeing it every day.

  Phil sees me looking around the neighborhood and asks, “You okay Ryan?”

  I reply, “Yeah I’m okay. Just checking out the houses. Something definitely happened here when we were gone. Homes were broken into and I don’t like seeing that.”

  Phil replies, “Yeah. Someone decided to help themselves to the neighborhood. I’m sure they will be back. They always come back.”

  Phil picks up some of the supplies and runs them into the house, while I grab a bunch of my supplies and take them inside my bedroom.

  “Can you bring in the crib and baby supplies for the us Ryan?” asks Lauren.

  “No problem. Phil and I will bring them in right now.”

  Phil and I go out and grab the remaining baby supplies from Phil’s SUV.

  I enter the house with baby supplies in my hands and ask, “Where should we put these baby things?”

  Lauren comes out of the bedroom and says, “Put everything in that back bedroom, that’s where Nicole and the babies will be staying.”

  “You got it.”

  Phil and I take the last of the baby supplies to the far back bedroom of the house. The bedroom is a spare bedroom that only has a bed in it and a small dresser. It’s towards the end of the house and should be quiet for the babies and Nicole.

  Phil and I exit the back bedroom and get the remaining supplies from my SUV.

  “We are home,” I say as I enter the house and lock the front door.

  Lauren comes out of the bedroom and says, “It’s too hot in here. Do you think the generator still works?”

  Phil walks into the garage and turns on the generator. The generator turns on and everything powers on in the house.

  “I guess so,” says Lauren as she feels the fans and appliances turn on.

  Phil walks over to me and asks, “What’s the next step?”

  “Let’s enjoy being here for a second, take a deep breath, and then we can make a move.”

  Phil replies, “I think we have to scavenge things for the babies, us, and the house. Every day that goes by means less and less supplies being available to us.”

  “We will. Let’s plan on going to a couple stores tomorrow, like a hardware store, food store, and anything else you can think of.”

  Phil says, “I like that idea. Tomorrow morning, we go out and check out the local stores.”

  Lauren walks over to me and gives me a big hug.

  “I told you we’d be back here.”

  “Yes, you did,” replies Lauren.

  I open the refrigerator and find it empty. I close the fridge and then open the pantry. The pantry is sparse, it only has a couple cans of beans in it.

  I turn towards Lauren and say, “Phil and I need to make a food and supply run tomorrow. We have some food to carry us over from Nicole’s house but we won’t last with what we got.”

  Lauren replies, “That’s a good idea. I’ll make a list of things we need before you go out tomorrow.”

  I joke, “You love your lists.”

  Lauren playful punches me in the arm says, “I do. I do love my lists.”

  “A list is a good idea though. Thank you.”

  I exit the kitchen and walk towards the back bedroom to check on Nicole and the babies. As I walk towards the back bedroom, I see the bedroom door is open and hear Nicole attending to her babies.

  I lightly knock on the Nicole’s bedroom door. I don’t want to just walk in on Nicole with the babies as I don’t know what I might see.

  “Come on in,” says Nicole.

  I walk through the doorway and ask, “How are you and the babies doing?”

  As I walk into the bedroom, I find Nicole holding Mia, and Mason is lying on a blanket on the bed. The baby supplies are piled up in the corner. I see that the crib is still in the box and want to put it together.

  I walk over to the crib and start to put it together. As I’m putting the crib together, I notice that we only have a couple boxes of diapers and baby supplies.

  “Nicole. Lauren is making a list of supplies that we need for the house. If you can later, please add any supplies that you may need for yourself and the babies to the list.”

  Nicole replies, “No problem. I will. When are you going back out?”

  I put a piece of the crib together and say, “Tomorrow morning, Phil and I will be going out for a supply run.”

  Phil walks into the back bedroom and helps me put the crib together. Nicole’s room is pretty empty and I want to put something else in the room to make it more conformable for Nicole. There is a big space in the corner that could be filled with a chair.

  I remember I have a nice chair in my bedroom that Lauren and I don’t use anymore.

  I look at Phil and say, “I’ll be right back.”

  I walk through the kitchen and towards my bedroom. I enter my bedroom and pick up a wooden rocking chair. It’s a nice cherry red wooden old-style rocking chair. The chair will be perfect for Nicole.

  I carry the rocking chair through the house and into Nicole’s room. Phil sees me coming and moves out of the way. He has a lot of the crib done already.

  Nicole sees the chair and says, “That chair will be perfect.”

  I place the chair in the back-right corner of the room. Nicole sits in it and immediately smiles as she finds the chair very comfortable.

  “I might fall asleep in this chair. Thank you, Ryan,” says Nicole.

  “No problem. It’s a great chair and should make it more comfortable in here now.”

  After about 20 minutes, Phil and I finish putting together the crib and straighten up the bedroom for Nicole and the babies.

  “Thanks guys. The room looks great,” says Nicole.

  “You are welcome Nicole.”

  Phil and I exit the bedroom and give Nicole some alone time. I walk into the kitchen and see the list that Lauren made. Phil picks up the list and nods in agreement with what it says.

  Phil asks, “What stores are around the house?”

  I reply, “We have a hardware store about 20 miles away, a big box store, a supermarket, and bulk food store about 15 minutes away.”

  Phil replies, “Great. We should be able to get a lot of things for the house during this trip. The longer we wait the less likely things will be available for us to get.”

  Lauren walks past Phil and I in the kitchen and goes to Nicole in her bedroom. Lauren slightly knocks on the door and is told to enter by Nicole. Lauren finds Nicole holding Mason while Mia is in the crib.

  Nicole looks at Lauren and asks, “Can you watch the babies for a second?”

  Lauren responds, “No problem. I definitely will.”

  Nicole hands Mason to Lauren and exits the room. Nicole walks over to Phil and me in the kitchen and sits in a barstool at the kitchen countertop.

  “Where is this shopping list?” asks Nicole.

  Phil hands Nicole the list and a pen. Nicole checks over the list and starts to add items that she might need for herself and the babies.

  “I would kill for pizza right now,” says Nicole.

  “Pizza does sou
nd amazing,” replies Phil.

  Food, supplies, and really everything is hard to come by during a zombie apocalypse. Gone are the days when you could order a pizza over the phone, or go to a nice restaurant, or even pick up fast food.

  As Nicole is writing on the list, Phil glances at Nicole. I see how Phil is looking at Nicole and think that it’s a good time for Phil and Nicole to be alone. As Nicole is looking at the list, I excuse myself from the kitchen.

  Nicole finishes up her additions to the list and hands the list to Phil. As she hands the list to Phil, Phil gently grabs Nicole’s hand. Nicole and Phil lock eyes and are speechless. They feel the connection between them but neither are sure what to say.

  Phil takes a hold of the list, gently releases Nicole’s hand and says, “The list looks good. I’ll be sure to get everything you need, but I don’t know about that cookies & cream ice cream.”

  Nicole smiles and replies, “That’s not on there, but thank you Phil. I appreciate it.”

  Phil smiles and says, “I know. I’m just kidding. Do you still like that ice cream?”

  Nicole replies, “Yeah. I can’t believe you remember that.”

  “That’s what you got on our first date after we saw that terrible romantic comedy movie,” says Phil.

  “It wasn’t that bad, but yeah I still like cookies and cream,” replies Nicole.

  The sound of baby Mia crying is heard.

  Nicole looks back to her back bedroom and then at Phil.

  Phil looks at Nicole and says, “Of course I remember Nicole. I remember everything did. I still care about you.”

  Nicole looks at Phil and says, “I care about you too Phil.”

  The baby cry of Mia is louder now.

  Nicole says, “Excuse me Phil, I think Mia is hungry.”

  Nicole leaves the kitchen and enters the back bedroom. She finds a crying Mia being held by Lauren.

  “I think she is hungry,” says Lauren.

  Nicole replies, “I’m sure she is. I going to feed her right now.”

  Nicole takes Mia from Lauren and sits in the rocking chair that is next to the bed. Nicole starts to feed Mia.


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