Fight 4 Us (Book 2)_Reunited

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Fight 4 Us (Book 2)_Reunited Page 6

by Brian Grenda

  “I’ll give you some privacy Nicole. If you need anything. Don’t hesitate,” says Lauren.

  “I won’t. Thank you for everything,” replies Nicole.

  Lauren exits the room and partially closes Nicole’s bedroom door.

  I am looking out my back-sliding glass door and into my backyard. I see the bodies of the woman who broke into my house and Kim’s husband Steve in the backyard. The bodies are still covered with sheets that I wrapped around them when Phil and I moved the bodies.

  The sight of the bodies in my backyard pisses me off, and I don’t want them to rot in my backyard anymore. I open the back-sliding glass door and walk over to the bodies that are lying next to each other.

  I go to my shed and open the door. I see a shovel sitting next to a gas can. I look at the shovel and then back at the gas can. I hesitate on which way to dispose of the bodies. Should I burn them or bury them?

  I contemplate the idea of how the bodies of these people should be treated. After about 30 seconds, I grab the gas can, as I feel these people don’t deserve a humane burial.

  I pour gas onto the bodies. I walk back into the house and grab some matches from a kitchen drawer and a fire extinguisher from under the kitchen sink.

  Phil hears me in the kitchen as I grab the matches in the kitchen and exit the house. Phil looks at me as I light the match and the bodies engulf in flames.

  The bodies instantly ignite as I drop the match stick on the gasoline covered sheets. Phil walks over to me as I’m standing a safe distance away from the burning bodies.

  I look at Phil and say, “I don’t want these two buried in my backyard.”

  Phil replies, “I agree with that, plus we might have to turn your backyard into a farm. We can’t do that with dead bodies buried back here.”

  I look around my backyard and see the potential farm of vegetables that can be grown. I picture rows of crops and different vegetables being grown. My backyard isn’t the biggest by any means but we can make it work.

  “That’s a great idea Phil. We will have to live off the land now. We can’t just go to the supermarket anytime we want to get food anymore.”

  I go back into the shed and grab two garden rakes. I hand one to Phil and we start to rake the backyard. We clear out any rocks and leaves out of the backyard where we plan to grow crops.

  We make sure to keep clear of the burning bodies but also try to move any leaves or flammable objects that could catch fire.

  As the bodies burn, I watch the fire and think how the world has changed. I can’t believe that I’m burning my neighbors body and planning to make a makeshift vegetable garden in the backyard.

  After about an hour, the two bodies are burnt to ash now. I grab the fire extinguisher and put out the remaining fire.

  I look at Phil and say, “Let’s clean up this yard a little more and then call it a day.”

  Phil replies, “Sounds good. We have a big day tomorrow.”

  Phil and I continue clearing out the backyard and prepping it for future use. We clear out any remaining rocks and weeds. Then dig up the soil so we can plant vegetables.

  The soil in my backyard is good for growing crops, flowers, and trees. A lot of the houses in the neighborhood have fruit trees that provide a lot of fruit during the right seasons.

  My property and neighborhood use to be a citrus field before the housing boom in the 1970’s. If it’s done right, Phil and I can grow a lot of crops around my house and backyard.



  The sounds of birds chirping outside my bedroom window wake me up. The sun is up and it feels like it will be a good day. Lauren is asleep next to me. I have always been an early riser, while Lauren has been the night owl.

  I quietly exit the bedroom and walk outside to the backyard through the sliding glass door in the living room. I step outside and feel the sunshine on my face.

  Today is going to be a big day and hopefully a successful one. Phil and I cleared out a big spot in the center of my backyard for the vegetable garden. We carefully selected an area of the backyard that will get plenty of sunlight and has adequate room for the crops to grow.

  My backyard is a decent sized lot and should provide us with a lot of crops. Hopefully one of us has a green thumb and can get some crops to grow.

  I look back at the house and see that Phil is awake and is in the kitchen. Phil looks to be enjoying his breakfast as he sits on a barstool in the kitchen. I walk back into the house and meet Phil in the kitchen.

  “Good morning Ry,” says Phil as I enter the kitchen through the back-sliding door.


  Phil is sitting at the kitchen countertop and eating a peanut butter protein bar and drinking some water.

  “I really hope we get some good food on our run today. This is my last protein bar, and we don’t have anything in the pantry or refrigerator,” says Phil.

  I turn to Phil and say, “I hope the stores aren’t completely bare and looted. I think we go to the hardware store first, then the bulk food store, and then the supermarket last, if we don’t get a lot from the other stores.”

  Phil replies, “Whatever you say boss. You know the area and stores better than me. I don’t care where we go as long as we get the items on the list.”

  “We won’t come back to this house, unless we are fully stocked up with food, water, and supplies. Let’s gear up and load up into your SUV. We only need one vehicle for this trip.”

  Lauren walks into the kitchen and says, “Good morning guys.”


  Lauren walks past us and goes over to Nicole’s bedroom. She opens the door and sees Nicole sitting in the rocking chair and caring for Mason. Lauren checks on Mia, who is asleep in the crib.

  Lauren looks at Nicole and quietly asks, “How did you sleep?”

  Nicole quietly replies, “Pretty good. The babies actually slept last night. Probably for about four hours or so. Mia is out to the world right now, but Mason might be my little trouble maker. He is too funny.”

  As Lauren and Nicole talk in the bedroom, Phil and I gear up and get ready for the supply run. Phil grabs his body armor, his shotgun, handgun, and several clips for his handgun.

  I am getting ready in my bedroom, and I pick up the bulletproof vest off the floor and put it on. As I strap the Velcro strap tight across my chest, I can feel the bullet slug still in the vest. I place my right index finger on the bullet that remains in the left chest piece of the vest from when Derrick shot me. I leave the bullet in the vest as a reminder. The bullet reminds me that I need to be safe, no matter how safe I might think a situation is.

  Phil exits the front door and starts to load up the SUV with bags, weapons, and supplies. I attach the bottom Velcro strap of the vest, put on a t-shirt, and finish gearing up for the trip.

  I take my katana, shotgun, and handgun with two clips. My katana is around my right shoulder, the shotgun is in my left hand, and my handgun is in my gun holster around my right thigh.

  I exit the bedroom and find Lauren in the kitchen. Lauren gives me a big hug and kiss. She always has this worried look on her face when I’m going on a run, or leaving the house without her.

  “You better be safe out there today,” says Lauren before she kisses me on the lips.

  “I will, don’t worry. Phil and I will get what we can on the list, but we won’t risk our lives unnecessarily.”

  Phil walks back into the house and meets me in the kitchen.

  Phil says, “The SUV is ready to go. I’m going to say good-bye to Nicole and the babies before we leave.”

  Lauren looks at me with a curious smile as Phil walks away from the kitchen.

  I look at Lauren and ask, “What’s that look about?”

  Lauren responds, “Nothing. I just think it’s cute how Phil and Nicole act towards one another. They would be a nice couple.”

  “Don’t jump the gun Lauren. Technically she is still married to Derrick.”

bsp; Lauren replies, “True, but I don’t think she will be able to file for divorce any time soon.”

  Phil comes from the back bedroom and meets us in the kitchen. I kiss Lauren goodbye, and I walk out of the kitchen with Phil.

  Phil and I exit the house through the front door. Lauren closes the front door behind us and locks the front door.

  Phil and I get into Phil’s SUV. Phil starts the SUV and we drive down the street. The neighborhood streets are clear as we exit the neighborhood.

  Phil drives to the West entrance of the neighborhood and stops.

  Phil looks at me and says, “I have a feeling that today is going to be a good day. I really hope we find some good food.”

  I look at Phil and say, “Me too. I woke up feeling that we will get some good things today.”

  Phil hits the gas pedal and turns right to exit the neighborhood. The streets outside the neighborhood are partially clear of debris, but we can pass through.

  Phil makes his way down a road and makes a left turn onto a main street that has a lot of businesses and restaurants.

  “Our first stop is the hardware store as it’s farther away from the house, then we get food at a supermarket or the Big Club bulk food store.”

  Phil replies, “You got it.”

  “The hardware store will be coming up on the right.”

  Phil and I stop at an intersection, and we can see the hardware store. The hardware store looks to be in decent shape, but does have people in it. A lot of people. We see people desperately trying to enter and exit the store from the parking lot.

  We arrive at the hardware store parking lot and find it a mess. People are filling their cars with merchandise that they stole from the store, zombies are being killed by people nearby, and screams fill the air.

  Phil doesn’t want to park the SUV in the public parking lot, so he drives around back to the employee parking lot. He parks the car in an employee parking spot behind the store. It’s much quieter than the public parking lot.

  Phil and I visually inspect the back of the store and surroundings, before we exit the SUV.

  It’s all clear except for a couple of zombies that are far away in the distance.

  Phil and I exit the vehicle. Phil puts the last of his body armor on while I provide cover. Phil finishes putting his body armor on and we walk towards the back of the store.

  The hardware store is one of those big stores that has a variety of things that will be useful in a zombie apocalypse. We approach the back door of the store and we find a door wide open. We hear a lot of commotion inside the store as we stand in the doorway.

  People are screaming in anger and fear. People are yelling and fighting. Items sound like they are being broken and a group of zombies attack a group of people who were not paying attention.

  Phil and I enter the back of the store and find it even more chaotic than the public parking lot. People are running around with shopping carts, dragging generators,

  and trying to avoid zombies as they carry various items.

  The store floor is a mess, dead bodies are lying on the floor, blood splatter is on shelves, walls, and appliances.

  I walk down an aisle and find an empty shopping cart. I grab the cart and start to look for supplies that we need.

  Phil takes out the list and says, “We need to go down this aisle to get a lot of our items.”

  Phil directs us down aisle 25. It has a lot of tools that we can use. We load up the cart with shovels, machetes, axes, hatchets, and some rope. I turn down the next aisle and find some tarp.

  Phil finds another empty cart and walks over to me as I put a couple of supplies in my cart. The store is very loud and getting busier with people. Phil and I see a large group of people enter the store.

  The group looks to be very organized and have about 20 people in it, but they have a clear leader.

  “Take what we need fellas. We own this place now!” shouts the leader of the group.

  The group starts walking our way. I grab my shotgun and am prepared to defend myself. The leader looks directly at me and flashes me a pretentious half smile.

  The leader is a tall, well-built, white, middle aged man that looks to be in clear control of his group. He is carrying a large battle axe around with him and surrounded by men carrying a variety of weapons.

  The group of men walk right by Phil and me. I am relieved that they don’t want any trouble as they enter the lumber section.

  A zombie tries to attack the leader, but he pushes the zombie away and then crushes the zombie’s head with the battle axe. It’s a pretty impressive display of power.

  The men chant and scream as the leader rips the axe out of the zombies’ head. I can’t help but to look on in amazement and shock. That group of men look to be enjoying themselves and show no signs of fear or concern.

  Phil calls me over to another aisle. I see the garden section and decide to get some supplies there. Phil follows with his empty cart. The garden section is a mess, plants are all over the ground and debris is everywhere.

  Phil stops his cart by some planted vegetable plants. He starts loading up the carts with various vegetable plants and seed packets.

  Phil finishes loading up his cart, and we exit through the back of the nursery section. As we exit the nursery, we see that our SUV is clear of any danger. We make a mad dash for the SUV and start to load up the SUV trunk.

  I quickly throw the gardening and tree trimming tools in the trunk and help Phil unload the vegetable plants and seed packets into the SUV.

  Phil checks the list and sees that we need a couple more things at the store.

  “We need to go back in and get a few more things. Especially some more gas containers,” says Phil.

  “Okay no problem. Let’s get in and out quickly though.”

  Phil and I push our carts to the back entrance of the store again. Before we enter the store, we hear some yelling and screaming as a man kills several zombies in a nearby section of the store.

  We wait for the man to move to another area, before entering the store. After about 15 seconds, Phil and I enter the store and start to search for our last items.

  Phil and I run down the main aisle of the store and find people everywhere. We pass a man and his wife as they are looking at something on a shelf. Followed by a zombie eating a woman’s left arm as she lies lifelessly on the floor.

  I pass the woman being eaten on the floor and stop. Phil looks back and sees that I stopped for some reason. I walk back to the zombie eating the woman on the floor and take out my katana.

  The zombie takes a bite of the woman that he was having for lunch, and then looks up at me as I stand in front of him. He reaches for me, but I’m just out of his reach. I jab my katana into the zombies’ head and he immediately becomes lifeless. I look at the woman that the zombie was eating and stab her in the head to prevent her from becoming a zombie.

  Phil watches me the whole time and provides a look out for any possible danger coming my way. After I finish killing the zombies, Phil and I walk down an aisle.

  I look down the aisle and see two men looking at various electrical wires and clips.

  There is a young man and an old man. They are most likely a father and son. The young man is holding a round wooden shield on his left arm and a medieval broad sword is on his back.

  As Phil and I walk down the aisle and get closer to the men. I can’t believe what I see.

  “Jon? Is that you?” I ask the men.

  The young man immediately stops what he was doing and looks at me.

  “Holy crap! Ryan is that you?” asks the man.

  “Yeah Jon. It’s Ryan and Phil.”

  The man is our good friend Jon Reese. I have known him since I was a little kid and Phil has known him since high school.

  “Jon, what are you doing here?”

  Jon replies, “My dad and I are gathering the last things we need to finish up our solar panel install for their condo.”

  Phil asks, “I tho
ught you were living in North Carolina?”

  Jon replies, “Yeah. Kelly and I were living in North Carolina, but we were down here visiting my parents, who live in Tampa, when all this crap started.”

  Jon continues, “Kelly is with my mom back at the condo. They are safe. We are just about to leave as I just got the last of our supplies that we needed for our solar panels.”

  “You got solar panels?”

  Jon replies, “Yeah, my dad and I are putting them on the condo.”

  I look at Jon in shock and say, “Can you help us get some solar panels on my house?”

  Jon replies, “Yeah. No problem. Let me get setup at my parents’ condo first and then my dad and I can set you up. But you will need wires and clips like these to hold down the panels and connect the boards.”

  Phil runs over to the boxes that Jon pointed too and dumps everything that we might need into the cart.

  A loud bang is heard at the back of the store.

  Phil interrupts, “Let’s get our last items and leave. The store is getting even crazier, and we need to leave.”

  Phil, Jon, Jon’s dad Frank, and I exit the aisle and load up the shopping carts with our remaining items. As we load up the last items, I can’t help but to laugh at what Jon is wearing and wonder why Jon is dressed as a Viking.

  I look at Jon and ask, “Why are you dressed like that?”

  Jon laughs and says, “I guess I got into the medieval times mode. I love that medieval show that was on TV. This sword is the real deal and kills zombies easily, plus the shield helps me protect myself from them.

  “Well, you look great. I wouldn’t want to mess with ya!”

  We all share a good laugh. Phil checks the list and tells us that we got everything on it.

  Jon and his dad are parked in the front of the store, and we are parked in the back. We make it to center of the store and decide to part ways. Jon and his dad will go through the front door, and we will go out the back.

  I look at Jon and say, “We are parked in the back-employee lot. It was great to see you and your dad. I’m glad you are safe.”


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