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Pleasure Extraordinaire 3 (PURSUIT)

Page 9

by Liv Bennett


  “What else?”

  “If she’s willing, good. But if not, I’d grab her by the hair and drag her on to her bed.”

  “Ahh. My girl. I know you would. Go on.”

  “I’d tie her up to the bed and slowly unbutton her dress.”

  He pulls his finger out of my butt and slowly pushes it back inside again. To my surprise, it doesn’t hurt at all this time. Only it intensifies the feeling of his penis inside my sex. Are the two things somehow connected? I need an intensive anatomy lesson on that region.

  “What if she screams?” Ace asks.

  “She can scream all she wants. I’d get her all naked and…”


  “”And I’d enjoy her.”

  “Fuck, give me details.”

  “I’d finger her vagina to get her horny, then I’d fuck her and myself with dildos.”

  “Fuck, that’s hot. But I have a better suggestion. How about I fuck you with my cock instead of a dildo and you fuck her with whatever you want?” With that, he grabs my hip with his free hand and starts ramming into me at high speed while his finger in my butt follows the same rhythm of his cock. My hands can barely hold on to the bed sheets to keep me in place against his furious attack.

  The vision of Ace fucking me while I work Laila up through her climax hits me as strongly as Ace’s onslaught, and my own orgasm starts crashing through me. Ace slows down, letting me enjoy each and every wave, stroking my core, and then pulls his penis out.

  Before I know what’s going on, I feel him poking at my anus and sliding his penis inside it slowly and with relative ease, thanks to the natural lube of my vagina sheathing him. I scream with shock when he shoots his release inside my ass straight, without full penetration, and stay paralyzed for some time without daring to change position to keep the damage to a minimum as his penis pulses out his seed inside me.

  “This is absolutely the sweetest ass I’ve ever fucked,” Ace murmurs between his heavy breaths while cautiously sliding out of me. I’m too ashamed to look at him and see his dick coated with my shit because that sight surely has the power to gross me out and make me swear off anal sex altogether.

  “You okay?” he asks softly and leaves a soft kiss on the small of my back.


  “I’ll be back in a second.” Smacking my ass cheek one last time, he heads to the bathroom. I drop down on my belly, hyper-aware of my butt and Ace’s spunk gushing out of it as I listen to the sound of the shower next door. It is not half as traumatic as I imaged it to be, only a little too tender to touch. And I’m glad it was a man as gentle and arousing as Ace who initiated it.

  Ace comes out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his tight hips and sets about cleaning my butt with wet wipes, brushing my back with loving kisses and soft strokes every now and then. I come close to crying with the affection he’s showering me with. Whatever grudge Michael might have against me, he also made it possible for me to meet a gem of a man. And just for that, I don’t wish for Michael’s death.

  When Ace is done cleaning me, I pull him beside me under the sheets and embrace his body tightly.

  Having him close infuses sweet and warm emotions into my heart, like the ones I feel for Taylor. If something were to happen to her, I’d never be the same person again, and I’m afraid Ace is becoming the next person after Taylor who has that significance in my heart.

  “Just to make it clear, I would never attempt to force Laila or any other human being to have sex. I just told you that fantasy to tease you. Nothing further. Okay?”

  He simply smiles at my remark and closes his eyes, shielding his face with his arm.

  “What? Are you going to sleep now? Where’s my after-sex clingy moment?” I frown at him, but he’s quickly drifting into sleep. His arm around my shoulder gets heavy; his legs jerk, and within seconds, his breathing evens out.

  First he complains that I attempt to leave him right after sex, but now that I want to stay with him to cuddle, he’s completely ignoring my need to talk out my first anal experience with an insensitively timed nap. Why do I even get upset, though? He’s a man. Being a jerk is a part of who they are; it’s engraved into their DNA.

  My head moves up and down with the rhythm of his chest. Well, at least he doesn’t snore. I follow the curves of his pecs and abs with the tip of my index finger to keep myself from shooting myself out of the sheer boredom while waiting for him to wake up.

  I try not to think about my back, but the harder I try, the sorer it feels there. They must have some soothing balm or lotion somewhere here for cases like mine. However, I’ll have to wait for Ace to wake up because I neither have the nerve to ask around for lotion for my ass, nor the strength to get to my feet.

  “Don’t touch me,” Ace murmurs and I instantly go on high alert, watching his face. “Get your hands off of me,” he continues with his low mumbles. I wonder for the briefest second whether he’s ordering me to leave him alone, but no. His eyes are still closed, and he’s rolling his head left and right as if in a dream.

  “Ace, darling. Wake up.” I reach up to cup his chin, but he yanks my hand away and shoves me onto the bed. I fall on my butt and immediately cringe with the burn stinging at my anus.

  “Let me go…arghhh, it hurts… Let me go.”

  “Oh, God. Ace. What’s going on? Wake up. You’re scaring me.” Ignoring my pain, I grab his shoulder and shake him, yelling his name at his ear. When he finally wakes up, there are tears in his reddened eyes, and he’s sobbing loudly.

  “What … What’s going on?” he asks, breathing heavily. His eyes skim around with an empty look in them then land on me blankly, as if he doesn’t recognize me.

  “Are you okay? I guess you were having a bad dream.” I hesitate to lift my hand to dry his tears for fear of being yanked away again, but I do it anyway, and wipe his cheeks with my fingers.

  “I think so.” He pushes up and places his feet on the ground, but I move up, despite the burn in my butt, and wrap my arms around his waist to keep him still.

  “Tell me what you were dreaming about?”

  “Nothing important. Some age-old dream.”

  “I want to hear it.”

  His breaths are the only sound in the room while I wait for his answer.


  He shakes his head, grips my hands to free himself from my hold, and stands. Not looking at me, he rushes to the bathroom, and I’m left to listen to the minimal sounds he’s making behind the closed door to guess what he’s up to. When I hear more sobs, I move down, cautiously though because my butt is burning more with each move, and grab his shirt from the floor, putting it on before walking to the bathroom.

  Thankfully, the bathroom door isn’t locked, and I sneak inside to see what’s going on. Ace is collapsed on the sink, his head hidden under his arm, and crying. My heart goes numb at the sight of him in so much pain. But for what, I’ve yet to find out.

  “Ace, love. Talk to me. What’s going on?” I take a cautious step toward him, holding my breath.

  He rises up, his face haunted, hurting, and glances at me through the mirror. “I am… I don’t know.” He presses his lips into a thin line as soon as words are out of his mouth.

  “Tell me about the dream you had.”

  “I don’t remember the details. I just remember being suffocated.”

  That doesn’t sound good. “Do you have it often?”

  “Not really. Only a few times… If I think about it, it started again since you entered my life.”

  “Me? What does it have to do with me? I’ve never tried to strangle you or anything.”

  He shrugs with a painful smile on his lips.

  I replay his sentence in my mind. “What do you mean it started again? Did you have it before?”

  “I’m not sure. It feels like I did.”

  My curiosity is piqued. “What do you think triggered it?”

  “Will you please stop analyzing
me? It’s just a silly dream.”

  “Hey. I’m trying to be helpful. You don’t need to be an ass about it,” I snap.

  He turns around, his expression softening, and wraps his hands around my waist. “I’m sorry. It came out the wrong way. I just don’t want to ruin our special moment.

  “What special moment?” I stop to think what he means, and the burn in my butt comes to my rescue to remind me of that special moment. “Oh, that. You ruined it by falling asleep, silly,” I joke and ruffle his hair playfully.

  “Sorry, baby. I haven’t gotten a good night’s sleep since Chloe’s kidnapping.”

  “Okay, you’re forgiven.”

  His arms around my shoulders, we walk back to the room and he sets about putting on his boxers and slacks. He sees his shirt on me and opens an in-wall closet to get a clean white shirt for himself.

  I remain standing while watching him get ready. “So, we never talked about how Michael was as a father.”

  “You’ll not let it go, will you?”

  When I shake my head no, he lets out an exasperated breath and starts, “He wasn’t a father to us to begin with because he wasn’t around most of the time, and when he was around, he treated us poorly. I mean really poorly, the worst way you can imagine.”

  “Did he abuse you physically?”

  “You mean did he beat me up? Yes, he did. Over and over again, making the entire family watch while he beat the crap out of me, Zane, and Chloe. He’s got severe anger issues and hurt us in the worst ways a father can hurt his child.”

  My mouth goes dry; my stomach churns at the thought of a defenseless child abused by an adult who is supposed to be his parent, his protector. My aunt and uncle might not have shown me and my sister the love they showed their biological children, but they’d never lifted a hand to us, either. I wish I had a chance to physically hurt Michael, although it won’t fix all the damage he caused and is still doing to his children.

  “Was your dream about him?” I ask.

  “No. I don’t know actually. I don’t remember any details. Just the feeling of being suffocated.”

  Still, it’s very likely that Ace dreamed about a past, long-forgotten horror with Michael.

  “Chloe had it the worst though,” Ace continues. “Michael has this sick idea of keeping Chloe’s virginity intact. Because of that, no boy in high school could approach her, and if one was brave enough to, Chloe would be the one to pay. Every time Michael heard about some boy talking to Chloe, he’d strip her down and beat her in front of us.”

  “Jesus. You can’t be serious. That’s insane.” I feel tears stinging my eyes.

  “He did the same thing to her on Saturday night in front of Dylan. That’s why I thought it’d be a good idea to hide Chloe from Michael at one of my friends’ home. But now both of them are gone.”

  “We need to stop him. I don’t know how we’ll do it, but this has to come to an end.” I run and throw myself to Ace’s arms, hugging him tightly, caressing his back, hoping at least I can protect him from Michael’s future harms, but also marveling at how Ace has come out so strong, yet gentle, and loving after surviving all that hatred and abuse.

  The Investigation

  I stay at Ace’s place for the rest of the week, and to my surprise, neither Michael, nor any of his employees, particularly Edrick, has tried to put an end to my affair with Ace. I guess Michael has realized he has more power over me through Ace than without him.

  Although my first anal sex experience was gentler than I’d ever imagined—no anal fissure or problems with sitting—I didn’t initiate another round, and Ace never asked for it. I’m of the opinion that my ass needs a few months to recover from the shock of the one and only thrust of Ace’s penis. However, I have no idea what I’ll do if I’m forced into anal sex on the weekend by Michael’s guests. I should seriously start considering the option of drugging anyone who lays eyes on my butt, if I want to keep my organs intact.

  Instead of anal sex, Ace and I fill our free time making sweet love to each other. I watch him and am thrilled how he comes out of his shell, alive and resilient, when his lips find my lips and my body.

  My colleagues wisely choose to ignore me, so does Julie by not responding to my menacing email. It can however hint to something else, a more dangerous plan to get back at me for my little threat in my email. The longer I ponder it, the more I get convinced some secret plan is brewing in her small head. More so when all she does when she sees me is politely smile. Just perfect. All I needed was one more person to deal with.

  On Thursday morning, I convince Adam to give me a tour at the construction site of Michael’s residential project he and Taylor are working on to rule out the possibility that the reason behind my recruitment might have something to do with it. The property is a huge, hundred-acre breathtaking beauty surrendered by tall oak trees. I can understand Dylan’s bitterness about losing the land to Michael. Perhaps his relationship with Chloe isn’t purely love-based, but rooted in the motivation to get his land back.

  “Are you still dating Michael?” Adam asks and slams the car door.

  “Actually no, but it’s confidential. So, don’t go around talking about it, okay?” I follow him into the construction area while examining the semi-finished buildings, some three-story, others single homes. “How much do you think the starting price for the condos will be?” Buying a home here looks like a good investment, considering the close distance to the city and the vast green area surrendering the homes.

  “My estimation for the lowest priced two-bedroom would be in the one and one and a half million range.”

  My mouth hangs open. “That much?” That’s most of the money I’ll be getting from Michael’s contract. That is, if I can get it at the end.

  “Yeah, sure. The schools nearby have great ratings. I-5 is only a five-minute drive away. Plus, Michael is having a shopping mall built on the north end of the territory, which should also attract buyers and investors.”

  “How much is Michael going to make if he can sell off everything?”

  “There’re sixty two-bedroom condos and another sixty three-bedrooms. He can easily make two-hundred million with those. The single homes should sell for at least five-million dollars. So that’s another hundred million.”

  “What the… Seriously? That’s a lot of money.”

  “That’s not including the money he’ll make from the mall. If he’s not already a billionaire, he’ll cross that border by the time he’s done.”

  Zane’s words echo in my mind. “He must have something else in mind to hire you, and I’m sure it’s not related to your fame. He doesn’t spend a penny without making sure he’ll get at least three times more. If he’s paying you the amount I have in mind, you can bet your ass he has no simple intentions, like covering up his homosexuality.”

  This must be it. Why he hired me to be his girlfriend must be somehow related to this land.

  “Did you encounter any issues connected to the Macey Williams video?” I ask. “Did the video in any way affect the project or the home sales?”

  Adam glances down at me with a curious expression. “No, not at all. If anything, it drew attention to the project. I heard about twenty percent more condos were sold within the three-month time frame right after the release of the video. Why do you ask?”

  “Just curious.”

  Adam goes on showing me the buildings, giving me details about the building materials Michael demanded them to use for construction and the architectural and eco-friendly features of the edifices. Solar panels, the type of windows and window frames used, the style of roofing to boost conductive heat regulation … With each explanation Adam gives, I feel less and less inclined to think this project is Michael’s unusual reason for hiring me, because all in all, the project is a pioneering event in terms of energy efficiency and the top quality products used in it. In fact, I begin contemplating investing into a condo in the community before everything is snatched up. Not only will Michael profit
from it, but also Taylor and Adam if the project finalizes with success.

  On the other hand, if it’s not this project or the land, then what is it that keeps me captive in Michael’s hands? It’s not like he’s in love with Adam and using me to get to him. He has his lover somewhere, and from what I’ve heard, he’s deeply in love with him. Besides, Adam had nothing to do with the Iron Slap video. It was Taylor, Macey Williams, me and the two other victims. Only women. Nothing a homosexual man would pay any attention to, if his intentions were only sexual in nature.

  After the sightseeing, Adam and I join Taylor for dinner. Taylor mentions a new position opening up in their accounting department, hinting that I should apply for it. If I’d taken a job from her in the first place instead of going to Michael, none of this would have happened. I’m not completely sure if it’d have been better though. If this mystery is somehow, even remotely related to Taylor, it’s a good thing that I’m in the middle of the action so I have a chance to protect her.

  She’s the closest person to me. If something were to happen to her, particularly because of me, I’d never forgive myself. The same way Ace must feel for not being able to protect his own sister? But, he’s not showing any of the horror he must be feeling deep down to me. Perhaps, he learned to conceal his emotions throughout the abusive years.

  Yet another day passes without me getting any closer to finding out Michael’s secret intentions for me. So far, only the meeting with Tiffany Jordan helped. Actually, her revelation caused me even more confusion, but it’s helped to some degree nevertheless. At least it desensitized me to the content of the video after having watched it over fifty times to figure out why Michael wanted to keep it a secret.

  On Friday, I arrive at work a little earlier than usual to take advantage of having no one in the office to wrap up the project I’ve been working on. I have no way of knowing what I’ll be doing after the weekend and don’t want to let down the other team members who’ve worked their asses off to complete it before the deadline. I might not like my teammates personally, but they don’t deserve to fail because of me.


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