Folk Lore
Page 25
“Nermo, you can stop being angry at him for me. You used to be friends.”
“Why do you think this is so difficult for me?”
“He will not hurt her again. Keelor is a changed man. Not the same one I knew. Softer, happier. You cannot see it can you?”
“See what, Hallow?”
“The book states the chosen has hair like onyx and eyes like the river which sings.”
“Yes, so?”
“I think Keelor always thought it was me. Though my eyes are a lighter colour than the water and my hair is more blue than black.”
“So he has this fantasy about being with the chosen, who did not?”
“No-one believes in the land, the book and what was the law more than Keelor. When it did not eventuate, as I told him many times, that I was not the girl in the book he was crushed. I believe he was so upset with himself for thinking I was, he unfairly blamed me. At first I was hurt until I worked this out and I knew he would be feeling more disillusioned than me. What surprises me is he took so long to work out Sera was the one. Perhaps he thought the vision, like so many others, was inaccurate and put it out of his mind.”
Nermo dropped his head in defeat. Hallow being happy was always paramount to him and Keelor being happy was important to her. She wanted him to tell Keelor because it may rebuild the bridge of their friendship which had been ripped apart. When Nermo searched his feelings, he discovered being friends with Keelor again was something he actually wanted.
“I will talk with him in the morning,” he told her.
She kissed him on the cheek, patted his arm and padded to her room. How had they all missed Sera’s appearance in reference to the vision in the book? He grinned, it had been there all along and they’d all failed to notice. Was this what his entire vision had been about? Why dream of her? Now it was up to him to ensure her happiness and he cringed, realising how much pride it would take to eat humble pie with the elfin.
The wait for dawn was excruciating so Keelor paced. Having slept little he was anxious to make amends with Sera. His arms ached to hold her, his lips to kiss her. He wanted to gaze into her river eyes and have her surround them in her love. Would the sun ever rise?
He could wait no longer, he would wake her if need be. As the first light of dawn cast a yellow glow he rushed towards her hut. After a rapid knock he waited several long minutes and decided to go in, consequences be damned. What he found instead was an empty shell, her clothes, the ones she’d brought with her, all gone. What remained were the dresses which had been made for her by the villagers. He ran his hand over his favourite flowing blue gown and remembered her wearing it the first night they spent together. His heart lurched, had he missed her? Was she gone? Nermo. Was she with the pixie? Had he driven her into his arms? Jealously flamed his fury as he barged out the door.
Disregarding the early hour he walked across his village, into the forest and stormed towards the pixie parish, several minutes’ walk through the trees. He thumped on the door and waited. Garbled voices carried to him and hearing two voices sent his envy spiralling out of control.
“Open the door, pixie.” He thumped again.
It opened and a dishevelled Nermo glared at him.
“Is the sun even up yet?”
“Where is she?”
“You know exactly who.”
Nermo furrowed his brow and stared for a moment.
“She is right here.”
Hallow stepped up to the door and gave him a questioning look.
“Not your sister, Nermo, Sera.”
Nermo laughed and Hallow giggled.
“What is so funny?”
“Your face,” she said. “You really thought she would be here?”
“She is not in her hut.”
“She is probably with Annaphina, you fool,” Nermo said between fits of laughter.
“Yes, very amusing.”
Keelor spun on his heel, annoyed with himself for doubting her, at his foolishness in leaving it so long to talk to her. He should have persisted last night.
“Keelor,” Nermo called out. What did he want now? He looked over his shoulder. “Anna thinks she might be leaving.”
“Her clothes are gone.”
“I will find Sam and if we find her first, we will stall her.”
“You would do that for me?”
“For her mainly but I think it may be time for us to settle our differences.”
“That must have hurt to say.” Keelor managed a smirk.
“Do not push your luck, elf. When you have sorted your mess out with Sera, perhaps we can ...”
Keelor nodded. The fight with Nermo had been going on for so long Keelor forgot how much he actually missed his friendship.
“Off you go then,” Nermo urged him.
“Why don’t you stay for a while, honey? You could stay here with me.”
“I can’t, Mum, it would be too hard seeing them together.”
“There could be an explanation. You’re possibly reading into things as you always do.”
“I’ve made up my mind. Jeremiah wants to go home too. We could be housemates, we still have our house. Once I have said goodbye to Sam and Nermo, I’m going.”
“I’ll miss you so much. We have never spent anytime apart.” Anna’s voice broke and Sera hugged her mother.
“I’ll come back and visit, after all it is only a short gate trip away. Besides if anything should happen and a circle spell is required, I may have to return anyway.”
She forced a smile. Sera knew how worried Anna would be.
After rising early that morning Sera sat thinking, waiting for Anna to wake. She’d thought over her decision and knew it was the only one she could make. Seeing Keelor with Hallow would hurt way too much. Jeremiah wanted to go home, Sam, as much as he wanted to be close by, would be happier knowing she was safe, even from him. Everybody wins or so she tried to convince herself. There were so many people and folk she would miss but her stubborn pride and broken heart wouldn’t allow her to stay.
Anna tried unsuccessfully to convince her to stay. This was her last ditch effort before Sera left to find Jeremiah. She decided to let him know the good news first before saying her painful goodbyes to her friends. After searching the elfin village, she found him enjoying breakfast with hazers and vampires. Unlike her, both her protectors enjoyed a non-vegetarian diet.
A few of the vampires vanished as she sat down and she no longer took offence, it was their problem she apparently smelt so appetising, not hers.
“I have some good news for you, Jeremiah.” She told him once seated.
“Oh yeah.”
“I want to go home.”
“Really? Are you sure?”
“Yes. It is beautiful here but I think there are more reasons to go than stay. If the circle need us someone can come get us. There is peace now, my work here is done.” She tried to sound light, make a joke of her departure, as her shattered heart caused her chest to ache.
He shrugged. “Fine by me. When do you want to go?”
“Soon, after I say goodbye to Sam and Nermo.”
“I’ll finish my breakfast and pack. I’ll meet you in the garden.”
She nodded, not daring to say anymore to prevent further tears. The hard part was still to come.
His heart on his sleeve, Keelor stood hopeful at Anna’s door. He tapped his foot as he waited for his knock to be answered. It was still early so he knew he could be waking the occupants. Finally the door opened and he was greeted by Anna, who at first looked surprised and then relieved? At least he thought it appeared to be.
“Good morning, Annaphina.”
“Morning, Keelor.”
“Is Sera here?”
“You have your memory back don’t you?”
“How did you know?”
“You called her Sera. You wouldn’t have done that if you didn’t.”
He offered h
er a quick smile and stared at her, growing impatient to see his girl.
“Oh, Sera, you missed her she’s gone to find Jeremiah. She wants to go home. Wait a minute, haven’t you resumed your relationship with Hallow?”
“No, why would I?”
“Sera. I knew she was jumping to conclusions.”
“Sera saw you in the garden with Hallow and she saw ...”
“An innocent kiss between friends. She is so ... so ...”
“She has always been that way. Go find her before she leaves.”
He offered a curt nod and wondered where to look for his fiery human.
Sam and Nermo found her as she returned to the elfin village. They saved her from having to look for them both separately and in turn allowed them to prolong her departure. Sam’s expression appeared sad although his brow was creased as it did when he was puzzled, while Nermo looked kind of thrilled and she couldn’t understand what he would be so happy about.
“We’ve been looking for you,” Sam said.
“I was just about to find you both to come and say goodbye.”
“Where are you going?” Nermo asked.
“Home, Jeremiah is coming with me.”
“Why?” Sam said, his tone laced with hurt.
“It has nothing to do with you, Sam. I know you were thinking about leaving and I convinced you to stay but that was before.”
“Before what?” Nermo replied.
“I saw Keelor with your sister. I ... they ... I’m going home.” She realised how petulant she sounded but didn’t care, again.
“Don’t you want to see him before you leave?” Sam again.
“No, what is this, an inquisition? I don’t want to leave but I can’t stay either.”
“We do not want you to go,” Nermo said as he stepped forward and took her hands in his. “I am kind of fond of you.” He lifted a hand to her face and brushed it with his knuckles.
For a moment the euphoric daze spread over her again and she almost succumbed. “Stop using your dust on me, pixie.”
His only reply was a smirk.
“I have to go, Jeremiah is waiting for me. Will you walk with me to the garden? I’m not quite ready to say goodbye just yet.”
They exchanged concerned looks but she decided she didn’t want to know why.
“Well?” Sera said. “Are you coming?”
Deciding not to wait while they shared in some secret they didn’t appear they would share with her, she took off towards the garden with her bag. Sam took it from her and walked beside her, Nermo took her hand.
As they broke through the trees they found Jeremiah waiting for them. Her throat tightened and tears burned her eyes.
“I know I’m going to be able to come back and see you anytime but I’m still going to miss you both. It will be a while before I’ll be ... able to come back.” Her voice broke and the tears rolled down her cheeks. Why was this so hard?
As much as it would hurt right now, she wished she could see Keelor one more time. She shook her head it would be foolish to put herself through that. He was gone from her life, lost to her now.
Not wanting to prolong the inevitable any longer she called up a gate. She turned first to Nermo, placed her hands on his shoulders and kissed him quickly on the cheek. When it came time to say goodbye to Sam, dread filled her again. Over the past weeks he’d been in and out of her life several times after having spent their whole lives together. This felt more permanent. She didn’t think she would come back. Anna would come to visit her and Sam may occasionally too, but it would never be the same, as it had been before the two elfin arrived on her doorstep. Keelor.
Sam pulled her in for a hug and she rested her head on his shoulder, finding comfort in his arms. He was still her Sammy and always would be. When one of his hands lifted from her back and began, she assumed, to gesture to someone behind her, she lifted her head.
“I do not know where he is,” she heard Nermo answer whatever Sam indicated.
“Where is who?” she asked.
“They are talking about me,” she heard Keelor’s voice behind her.
“What do you want?” She said as she spun around to face him.
“Do you mind?” He said, glancing to Sam, Nermo and Jeremiah in turn.
Without saying a word they discreetly disappeared. Traitors.
“I hear you are leaving,” he said.
“Yes, so?”
“Why would you want to do that?”
“Why not?”
He flashed a crooked smile. She tried to ignore it and her thumping heart.
“Do you always ask so many questions?”
“Yes, do you?”
“Will you stay?”
“No, there is no reason too. I will miss Sam, Mum and Nermo but I can visit ... one day.”
“Sera, I do not want you to go.”
“Why because I’m some chosen one? So you can torture me with your ... girlfriend?”
“You are so beautiful when you are upset, your cheeks are flushed. I am also very aware of your hands.” He took them in his. “I think I will hold them so you do not use them on me.”
“Ah, Keelor, you’re so frustrating and confusing. What ... why ...?”
“I love you.” What?
“I said. I love you.”
“You do?”
“Do you remember?”
“How? When? Why didn’t you tell me?” His deep laughter followed but he stopped quickly when she glared at him.
“Still asking a thousand questions I see. I tried to talk with you.”
“So when you kissed me yesterday ...”
“I remembered. I said I was sorry, not for kissing you but for what I put you through when I did not remember. I did not express myself all that well.”
“What about in the garden with ... Hallow ...”
“She is with Artius and we have been friends for a long time. It is like you and Sam. Nermo and I were very close once too until I broke his sisters heart. I no longer harbour any feelings except friendship for Hallow.”
“You could have told me this last night.”
“Will you please stop being upset with me and kiss me?”
He didn’t wait for her response. Instead he drew her into his arms and claimed her lips with his own. The past days flew from Sera’s mind. Without letting her go, he drew back and stared into her eyes.
“Do you have anything you want to say to me?” he asked her, his eyes twinkling.
“I love you too, Keelor, so much.”
He scooped her up, poured all his, love, passion and longing from his mouth to hers and carried her to his home, their home.
They married in the gardens, witnessed by all they loved dearly.
Jeremiah decided to return home and back to the girl he left behind. Keelor was to become Sera’s protector again, now they were to be married. Jeremiah left after the ceremony.
The celebration was in the elfin village and every folk of every kind attended. It was the first time in many years that all were together and in peace.
Their son, Kellor, was born a year later and was a surprise to all. He was the first son to be borne from a princess. When their daughter, Selena, came three years later, the Elders were relieved as the next princess was now determined.
Kellor, who possessed his mother’s black hair and indigo eyes, was like his father in every other way. His only human qualities were his power to heal. Aside from this he was all elfin.
Selena, resembled her father and possessed her mother’s powers. The only thing elfin about her was her appearance.
Seraphina and Keelor’s offspring, although powerful, proved that mixed folk offspring could be a blessing not a curse.
The End
Joanne Ellis, Folk Lore