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Wild Ride: Lance and Tammy

Page 21

by Lietha Wards

  “I didn’t think so.” Elaina came around the counter and took Tammy’s hand. “Rita, if Colt comes out like a barracuda tell him I’ll be a minute.”

  “You bet hun.” She looked at Tammy. “You take your time young lady.”

  Elaina dragged her into an empty exam room and shut the door. “Out with it.” She placed her hands on her swollen belly.

  “I’m a mess.” She started weeping.

  “Your family? Gosh, maybe you shouldn’t have gone.”

  “No, my mother seemed better when I left.”

  Elaina’s eyes widened as it dawned on her. “Lance!”

  She nodded weeping harder.

  Elaina grabbed some tissues from a nearby box and handed them to her. “What happened?”

  “We—” She just couldn’t continue. She could not have asked for a better time for her friend to be so insightful.

  “Oh my God. Does he know how you feel?”

  She shook her head. “I chickened out. We got together and I told him, basically, thanks for the good time.”

  “Sit down, Tammy.” She pulled a chair out for her and grabbed another one. Her feet were killing her.

  Tammy did as Elaina asked still wiping tears from her red rimmed eyes.

  “You have to tell him.”

  “I can’t. You should have seen the women, Elaina. Lance is so untouchable, and handsome. I can’t compete with ex-girlfriends, his expectations. He practically charmed a room with over eight hundred people in it and barely said a word. People think the world of him.”

  Elaina already knew those characteristics of her brother in law, except one Tammy was describing. “What expectations?”

  “I don’t know!”

  “Did he give you any?”


  Elaina rolled her eyes. “Tammy, for someone so smart, you are really stupid.”

  “I know.”

  She laughed lightly. “Tell him.”

  She shook her head and blew her nose. “I’m so much in love with that man, that I think I’m going to ruin my happiness by not being what he wants.”

  “Well, if he was with you, you are what he wants. You know how particular he is. I also know you are what you portray Tammy. You are as good on the inside as you show others on the outside. Lance has had some pretty shallow relationships, but he’s not been serious about them.” She lowered her voice in case someone was listening at the door. “Colton told me something last night.”

  That got her attention.

  “He said Lance was really angry when they left your place yesterday. I assume it’s because you broke things off, but he said you needed a spanking.”

  Her eyes popped wide. “A what?”

  “And he told Colt to butt out of his business in a not so nice way.”

  Was Lance wounded? Did he really care about her? Well, she knew he did as a friend, but was there something more? “I had an amazing time with him.”

  Elaina nodded. “You should really talk to him. I think you’d be surprised.”

  “I’m so brave until it comes to that man. He shakes my reality up.”

  “I know exactly how you feel. Colt did me too, but you gave me that push Tammy, and I laid my heart out for him. It was the hardest thing for me to do. Now I’m telling you to do it.”

  “I can’t Elaina. He told me he does not give second chances.”

  “That can’t be—”

  There was a knock on the door then. It was Rita. She peeked in and saw Tammy’s swollen eyes. “Clean yourself up Tammy. If I’m not wrong, the man that made you so distressed is out front.”

  “Lance is here?”

  “He looks very worried. He says it’s urgent.”

  Alarm bells went off in her head. Lance was calm in any emergency. She exchanged a panicked look with Elaina and then rushed by her out the door.

  Lance was already coming down the hall looking for her. His stride was fast and purposeful which was unconventional for him. Rita was right he looked worried. He stopped when he saw her face all puffy and red. “What’s wrong? Did Royce call here?”

  “It’s just been a rough day—wait, why would Royce call?”

  “I’ve booked two seats out for New York tonight. You need to be there as soon as possible.”


  “Tammy, your father had a heart attack at work this morning. Royce phoned me from Spain. He’s on his way back, but they didn’t have a way to reach you because you don’t own a cell phone and he didn’t want to leave a message on your home phone. He called me.”

  She paled. No! “My father?” There’s no way! This can’t be real. She was dreaming. This was all a bad dream. “H—how—I mean—he—”

  “—I don’t know how he is, Tam, or the extent of damage. Royce was just boarding the plane. He had to go. I’ve already tried to get a hold of your mother and sister. They must be with him. The hospital wouldn’t give me any information either, no matter how much I threatened them.”

  He already took the initiative to find out what was happening so he had something to tell her. It was very considerate. “So, there’s nothing?”

  He shook his head looking contrite. “Sorry Tammy, you know as much as I do.”

  Down the hall, Jacob and Colt came out of his office hearing the commotion.

  Lance gathered her in his arms. “Look, I’ll go with you. You shouldn’t be alone.”

  She started trembling. Oh, why didn’t she spend more time with her father? Why did she always insist on shutting everyone out?

  Elaina told her husband and brother in law the news.

  “It’s not your burden to bear.” He spoke softly in her ear. “Stop blaming yourself. You can let go now, I’m here for you.”

  He knew her so well. She cried and clung to him. Soon she felt Elaina’s arms around her, then Rita’s. Soon more arms; Colton and Jacob. She’d heard Jacob say they would take care of everything at home, to just go. Nothing could have made her feel more loved than that moment. She was cocooned in the middle of the most wonderful caring people in the world.


  The plane ride was the longest in history. She kept her eyes on the portal until the sun set. Then she just stared at darkness through the window. She didn’t feel like talking and Lance honored her silence by not pressing her. Yet, he did hold her hand, and kept her close to him the entire time. She was grateful. She feared she would fall if he released her.

  Vern was waiting at the airport as before, but instead of going home they headed straight for the hospital.

  She wasn’t prepared for what she saw, seeing her father intubated and on a respirator in ICU was almost too much. What seemed worse, was her mother. Seeing her in this state was hard. She was always a very proud woman. What she saw now was a desolate distraught woman who looked ten years older.

  She was seated beside her father holding his hand among the constant ominous sucking and blowing rhythm of the respirator, the blip of the ECG, and the hiss of the oxygen. Her face was ashen and her eyes were red, swollen and wet with tears. She dabbed at them with a tissue.


  She saw Tammy and stood holding out her arms sobbing. Tammy rushed over, and for the first time she could remember held her mother.

  “How is he?” she said doing her best to keep completely calm.

  “They can’t tell us anything.” She sniffed looking down at him. “The doctor said it was bad, that if he survived, there would be brain damage.” She sobbed again. “I sent Melanie home. She was a wreck.”

  Tammy didn’t cry. Her mother needed her to be strong and that’s what she was going to do. A quick glance at the ECG answered her own questions. There was severe cardiac damage. She’d seen this too many times to deny what the outcome would be. She wouldn’t play with false hope and think he would wake up. She needed to be practical no matter how hard it was. Well, now she was going to switch to nurse mode and take care of her father and mother for whatever time he had left.
/>   Lance was over at the nurses’ station conversing with the nurse who, like all women, blushed outrageously at the attention. Then she picked up the phone while nodding at him. She knew he was inquiring about the care, and bless him for being there after the way she dismissed him.

  The doctor came in shortly after that. Lance must’ve been very convincing on getting him back because her mother had already spoken to him. Tammy however, knew which questions to ask, and reiterated what she expected in the form of comfort measures. The information he gave was exactly what she first suspected. Tammy waited until he’d left before she told her mother in layman’s terms. Her mother launched into sobs.

  Royce arrived with Anne a few hours later. He looked ragged, unshaven, and jet-lagged. Tammy got them settled beside her father’s bed and went to speak to Lance who was waiting patiently in a chair in the hall outside ICU. At some point he just stepped outside to give them the time they needed with one another. Several hours had passed by then, and he was still there. She couldn’t possibly love that man any more than she did at that moment. She was surprised to see Vern with him though.

  Lance stood up concern etched in his handsome expression. “How is everyone?”

  “Not good. My mom is a mess.” She glanced at Vern.

  “In case anyone needs to go home for rest.” Lance said answering her unspoken question.

  “That’s sweet.” She bit her lip and took a shaky breath. “But I think this is going to be an all-nighter. If Vern doesn’t mind, would he go get my sister?”

  Lance glanced at Vern and nodded. He left right away. “How are you holding up Tam?” he asked sincerely.

  That was the first time someone asked her that. “I’m okay.”

  “Just okay?”

  “You should go home. You’ve done so much.”

  He dismissed that suggestion. “No. How are you really?”

  She nodded answering his question. “I’m in familiar surroundings—a hospital, so my mentality is to be professional. I know that might seem weird, but it’s working for me.”

  He rubbed her arms reassuringly. “I’ll stay here. You know where I am if you need me.”

  She did need him. She needed him like she needed to breathe. Forty five minutes later her father died surrounded by his whole family.

  Her mother was inconsolable. Anne and Melanie held her at the moment while Royce moved Tammy out into the hall. It was the early hours of the morning so the halls were quiet. Lance was still there.

  “Lance, take Tammy home—“

  “No, I’m fine.”

  “Tammy,” Royce interjected. “We’ll be fine. You’ve done more than enough. Anne and I will take mother and Melanie home and stay with them. We’ll need you to take the shift tomorrow while arrangements are being made. You are the strongest out of all of us and we’ll need you.”

  “That’s not true.”

  He was weary, and doing his very best to keep it together. “It is true. Quit arguing.”

  She saw Lance smirk out of the corner of her eye as if to say see-what-I-deal-with?

  “Listen, mom’s doctor is going to meet us at home. I’ll get him to give her something to help her sleep. Anne and I are both exhausted and you can’t help us if you aren’t rested. We need you to be there for her tomorrow. We’ll do the rest.”

  “All right Royce.”

  He cupped her shoulders and kissed her forehead. “I’m so glad you’re here.” With that he went back into the ICU.

  “Come baby, we’ll go home.”

  Her heart constricted over Lance’s soft spoken words. She could only nod. She was exhausted and she suddenly felt chilly. It was because she was so overtired. She rubbed her arms. He immediately stripped off his suit jacket and put it over her shoulders. His warmth seeped into her like warm sunshine. Then, she felt his strong arms around her as he led her down the hall toward the elevator. The warmth from his body heat and his sensual masculine odor calmed her. Vern was already at the elevator pushing the button.

  Once back at the penthouse, he led her to her old room, kissed her on the cheek and said goodnight. Her heart fell. Of course she couldn’t expect him to let her sleep with him after she told him they were over, but she honestly didn’t want to be alone. She stood at the end of the bed and stared at it. It looked so big and empty. Her suitcase was sitting on a small table next to the wall still packed. When on earth did this get here? Vern must’ve brought it when she was with her father.

  She was too tired for a shower even though she felt sticky. She stripped off her clothes where she stood, and crawled into bed naked. Then she cried herself into an exhausted restless sleep.


  “How is she sir,” Vern asked his boss walked into the great room straightening the cuffs on his immaculate dark navy pinstriped suit. He’d forgone the tie today and had the top few buttons of his shirt open. He’d already worked out and had a shower. He’d yet to eat breakfast. Mavis was busy in the kitchen preparing it.

  “She’s tough. We’ll help her through this.” He lifted his arm and looked at his watch. “Give her another fifteen minutes. Royce hasn’t called me yet. I told him specifically to contact me first when they woke up. I don’t think she slept well last night.” He walked toward the kitchen. “Mavis keep a plate warm.”

  “Yes, Mr. Hartley. Vern, did you want some eggs and sausage?”

  “Just a coffee.” He watched his boss thoughtfully.

  Lance took a seat as Mavis slid a plate in front of him.

  “Is there anything I can do?” Vern asked.

  “She’d appreciate the gesture, but no.”

  Vern nodded and sipped his coffee. Something was bothering his boss beyond what had happened last night. He was very preoccupied and that wasn’t like him no matter what tragedy had played out in his life. Vern had been with him when his friend and family were murdered. It was the only other time he could compare this mood to.

  Lance finished his breakfast and checked his watch again. Without a word he got up and left the room.

  Vern and Mavis exchanged a concerned look.

  Tammy had just finished combing her hair when she heard a knock at the door. “Come in.”

  Lance opened the door. “Good morning. How was your night?”

  “Awful.” She said walking to one of the decorative chairs and picking up his suit jacket.

  “Leave it Tammy. Mavis will find it.”

  “Oh.” She set it back down. When she turned around he was right behind her. He cupped her chin and traced a finger along one of the dark circles under her eyes.

  “You look abysmal.”

  She sighed heavily. “I know.” He wasn’t being insulting. She was on day two without any sleep.

  “I should have stayed with you last night.”

  “I shouldn’t have sent you away.”

  He tilted his head studying her expression. Her tone was heavy with emotion and he caught it. His eyes searched hers. There was something more there.

  “I meant—Lance, I’m so stupid. I’m scared.”

  “That’s all right,” he said softly.

  “No I mean about us. I got scared.”

  He took a deep breath and released it slowly. “I know.”

  “This whole episode made me think. I spent my life letting things go because I didn’t think I was worthy of anything.” She paused building courage.

  “Sit down.” He took her hand and made her sit on the side of her bed. Then he sat beside her giving her his full attention. “Go on.”

  “I may just ruin everything, but I have to tell you something.” She swallowed heavily and looked down at her hands folded on her lap. She could feel that familiar fear creep in.

  “I’m listening,” he said quietly. “Look at me Tam.”

  She did. God, did he have to look so good? He smelled amazing, and if he didn’t sleep it certainly didn’t show on him. She met his eyes and saw that she had his undivided attention.

  “I’m in love with y
ou.” His mouth fell open. She surprised him but she’d said it and it was too late to take it back. “I was always in love with you.”

  After a long agonizing pause and a steady look from those heavenly mocha eyes, he nodded. “Well, that does explain a lot.”

  “You really couldn’t tell?” She lowered her eyes to her hands again. She felt his warm fingers on her jaw turning her to face him.

  “No I couldn’t. You did say that you wouldn’t sleep with someone unless you were in love with them. I should have figured it out then.” He smiled slightly. “Maybe I just thought I was that charming to convince you.”

  She pursed her lips together and swallowed again. Well, all he did was remove his tie that day and she was his—a simple piece of clothing made her swoon. Yeah, he was charming all right, and sexy, and seductive, and provocative.

  “I bet you think that I could never reciprocate.”

  She shrugged. “Look at you.” She said it dejectedly, like someone like her could never land someone like him.

  He shook his head absorbing the compliment like he always did. “Look at what? My pretty face?”

  She nodded. Pretty seemed too simple a word. He was mouthwatering—everywhere. “Not just that—everything about you is masculine perfection. You’re like my narcotic. Highly addictive. You should be illegal.” He actually chuckled, but took the compliment in stride. Yes, he’d heard it before—many times.

  “Everything about you is beautiful,” he countered evenly.

  She felt her eyes water.

  “You are the most passionate, kindest person I’ve ever met in my life. It’s always about everyone else with you. You put your needs last. Tammy, you have a rare gift of compassion no matter what situation you’re in. I watched you last night. I know you loved your father, probably more than anyone there, and his loss was devastating to you. Yet, you spent all night making sure everyone was informed and taken care of, even your mother who was never kind to you, or your sister, who had stolen your fiancé. Your willingness to forgive is unthinkable. There’s no way in hell someone like you can exist. You are more beautiful to me now, tired and burnt out, then you’ve ever been.”


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