Page 11
Accompanied by FBI agents, they walked into the main office building and down two flights of steps. They were met by four other agents and were introduced to them. Brandon’s handcuffs had been taken off. With Sam’s explanation, he was no longer being treated as someone from the other side. The sheer amount of technology and computer systems in that one room was staggering.
Something nagged at her in the back of her mind. She looked down at her watch. Nearly ten o’clock. They were searched and forced to hand over all cell phones and technology. Steve explained it was the only clear way they could keep them safe and un-tracked.
Sam, Brandon and Steve met with a group of agents to discuss the raid and next steps. While Stacy and Kirin were escorted to a plain room with nothing inside except a bathroom and two double beds. Stacy suggested to the woman that they’d each need their own room. The agent stared at her and closed the door. They were left to stare at the walls.
Stacy flopped on the bed backwards with her feet up near the pillows and exhaled. “For the first time in eight months, I’m glad Savannah went to live with her dad. I can’t imagine how I’d feel trying to get the both of us out of that prison.” Stacy’s voice quivered at the end.
Kirin sat opposite her on the other bed, “Knowing Savannah, she’d have kicked Todd in the balls and stomped on Nicky’s head just for fun.”
Stacy laughed with her eyes closed.
“True... too true.” Stacy sighed, “Hey?”
“Yeah,” Kirin answered. Her head rested on the headboard with her eyes closed.
“Thank you, for saving me.”
Kirin’s eyes opened, and she glanced over. Stacy’s eyes fluttered open, wide and sincere. “Even if we don’t make it out of this...I want you to know, you’re my best friend and I love you.”
Kirin smiled, then shut her eyes again, “We will make it out of this. And I love you, too.”
“You gotta make me a promise.” Stacy sat up on the side of the bed.
“If I’m captured and they haul me back to that place...” Stacy’s voice shuddered, “you have to kill me before they do.”
Kirin looked at her like she was crazy. Her friend always had a flair for the drama. “It won’t come to that.”
“Promise me. You don’t understand the torture these people can inflict. I’d rather be dead. Savannah can live with her dad. Promise me, Kirin.”
Kirin closed her eyes and shook her head, “Sure. I’ll bring you a 5th of Jack and you can drink yourself to death, how about that?”
Stacy’s pointed stare told Kirin she wasn’t joking.
Kirin sat up and looked into her friend’s eyes. This was important to her. To know she wouldn‘t have to live as a tortured servant the rest of her life.
“Fine. If it comes to that, sure.”
Kirin flopped back and watched her friend. Stacy laid back and closed her eyes, smiling.
When Kirin woke, Sam was sitting on the edge of her bed, watching her sleep.
“Hey,” he whispered, and when she opened her eyes, “We gotta go.”
“Where?” she sat up, disoriented.
“Our room, next door. Brandon’s gonna take this bed.”
“You sure Stacy wants that?” Kirin whispered back and swung her legs to the floor. She rubbed her eyes before opening them fully.
Sam pointed. Stacy and Brandon were locked in an embrace.
“I think she’ll be fine with it,” he said with one eyebrow up, smirking.
Brandon sat on the side of Stacy’s bed holding her while she cried.
Sam led Kirin down the hallway to the next room. It was identical to the one they were just in. Sam walked in behind her, closed the door and locked it.
“You want a bath?” he asked.
“I’d love one.” Sam kissed her head then went into the bathroom and started the water.
She took a hard look at herself in the mirror above the dresser. Her shirt sleeve had a few rips in it where Nicky tackled her, and makeup had smeared under her eyes, but in truth she looked no worse for the wear.
“So, fill me in. What happened inside the bar.” He raised his voice over the water noise from the bathroom.
She walked over and leaned against the side of the sink, while he scrubbed the blood off his face with a wet washcloth. She recounted the whole experience from Stacy punching Todd in the face to Kirin spraying mace in Nicky’s face as he choked her, to disarming Brandon and their escape.
Sam stood motionless watching her in the mirror, transfixed on her face. Anger mixed with awe washed over him.
“Kirin, what if he’d choked you to death in that bar? We didn’t know Todd and Nicola were there until Brandon texted. I couldn’t have gotten to you in time if I’d tried.” She narrowed her eyes at him, not saying a word.
“Don’t get me wrong,” he back peddled, “you did really well. I’m just at a loss on what compels you to run toward danger...basically unarmed. I’m glad you had the mace but I’m surprised Brandon allowed you to disarm him. Why did you do that?”
Kirin shrugged. “I wanted them to think I forced him to go with us, instead of him going willingly. I didn’t want to create yet another target for them to try and hit.”
Sam shook his head, smiling. “You can think on your feet, woman, I’ll give you that.”
The bathtub was full. Sam shut off the water ad laid a clean towel on the sink. Then he wrapped two strong hands around her face, and kissed her long and slow, crushing her upper body into his chest.
“Is it weird that I don’t want you out of my sight?”
“No,” she smiled, “I can relate.”
She pushed him out of the bathroom and shut the door. It wasn’t until she peeled off her clothes and reached above her head to tie up her hair that she realized how sore she was from the fight. Stepping gingerly into the steaming water, she allowed her body to relax, and dozed off for a quick nap.
What felt like a few minutes later, Sam tapped on the door, “Honey, it’s almost midnight—dry off and I’ll put you to bed and take my shower.”
Midnight...shit. She washed her body, dried off and put her clothes back on. When she opened the door, Sam stood in the doorway, smiling.
“What?” She asked, kissing him on the cheek as she walked past.
“They brought a stack of clean clothes. Rummage through and see what you can find to wear to bed...or wear the pretty green top,” he said, his voice seductive, and a glimmer in his eye, “or nothing...you know, whatever you want.” He grinned as he closed the bathroom door behind him.
When she heard the shower start, she yanked her boots on and darted toward the door. She waffled—should she leave the door unlocked so she could sneak back in, or lock it? Unlocked would leave him unprotected in the shower and she couldn’t do that. She grabbed a cup sitting on the dresser. She’d say she was going for ice. She’d memorized the wench’s cell number, now to find a phone.
Kirin jogged down a plain colored hallway until she found a stairwell. Taking the steps two at a time as silently as she could, she opened the door on the bottom floor, a crack. She needed to find Steve. She’d have to talk him out of a phone. She shook her head. Wet hair stuck to her back. What she really needed was a plan, but nothing was coming. She and Sam were safe inside the fortress, but what about her boys. Nicky’s beady eyes flashed in her memory. The thought of his thick fingers squeezing the life out of Will and Little Jack catapulted her forward. This wasn’t about her safety, it was about theirs.
Pushing the door open a few inches wider, she realized it was a side door leading into a large round room. Command central. Long tables cut through the center of the room adorned with screens. Men and women in uniform crawled all around. Movement caught her eye. Just to the right of the door, she could make out the outline of a guard, holding a rifle. He hadn’t noticed the door as his eyes were trained on two men arguing. She followed his line of sight.
Steve stood toe to
toe with a husky man with thick, dark hair. The exchange looked heated. The noise in the room doubled and both men ran toward a screen. The guard stepped a few feet toward them, allowing her to push open the door more. She strained to hear the conversation.
“Sir! The shipment is complete, personnel are on the ground ready to intercept.” A male officer yelled out.
“Affirmative,” Steve barked. “How many girls?”
“Six, sir.”
“They’re getting ballsy transporting so many.” Steve switched his gaze to a different screen. “Location of target?” He squinted toward one screen.
“Not on location, sir.”
Steve turned and walked around the man, shaking his head, “No. Turner, I said no...We’re not going to risk her life.”
The man turned on his heel and followed Steve, arguing his point, “You know it’s the only way we’re gonna get him out in the open, sir. He came out tonight for her and the last time our cameras spotted him was inside the cafeteria, because she was there. He’ll go back into hiding and we won’t be able to get near him if we don’t strike now.”
They were talking about her...Kirin’s mind kicked into gear. She needed their help and they needed hers.
She took a deep breath and opened the door. Shoulders back she marched toward Steve. She didn’t make it more than a foot into the room before armed guards surrounded her. Two rifles pointed at her head as two men yelled for her to stop. They apparently didn’t like to be surprised.
Steve yelled, “Stand down, she’s a civilian guest.” The guards withdrew their guns. Steve cast glares at the two guards, probably for letting a civilian get the drop on them. They each turned on their heels and walked back to guard the door.
“Kirin, what the hell are you doing down here...everything okay?” he said, wrapping an arm around her. The man he called Turner sauntered over then stared at her like he wanted to say something.
The large clock on the wall read 11:55 pm. She had only five minutes to convince them she needed a phone. She bypassed Steve and stuck out a hand to Turner, who immediately took it.
“I’m Kirin.”
“John. John Turner. Nice to meet you.”
She turned to Steve, “He’s right, you know.”
Steve looked at John then leveled a look at her. “About what?”
“The only way that you’re gonna get him out in the open, is if you use me for bait.”
John looked like he could burst. He smiled, slapping Steve on the back. “You were right, she’s smart too. Hell yeah! This is gonna work, we’re gonna finally catch this son of a bitch.”
Steve shook his head at them both. Glaring pointedly at her. “I said no. I can’t do that. And besides, Sam isn’t going to stand for this.”
“Sam won’t know, because you won’t tell him.” She said assertively.
“And what makes you think that?” Steve shifted his weight, angrily.
“Because you know deep down, just like I do, that Turner’s right. You need me and I need something from you, so we’re gonna make a deal.”
Steve stepped back, crossing his arms over his chest with his head cocked to the side. “I’m listening.”
“I’ll be the bait, as long as you promise me two things and grant me one favor.”
Steve furrowed his brow, “What?”
“First, I need a phone... one that can’t be traced. And I need it in the next two minutes. I have to make a call before midnight.”
Steve narrowed his eyes, but she kept talking. “And secondly, you have to promise that you won’t tell Sam the plan until it’s too late to stop it. And you’ll protect him, not me, no matter what.”
Steve exhaled, and shook his head. “This isn’t regulation. They could have my ass for enlisting a civilian.” The struggle between winning and following rules washed over his face. “This is dangerous, Kirin. They might take one look at you and shoot you in the head. No words, just retribution. That’s how they live. We wouldn’t have time to save you.”
“Steve, I have one minute to make that call. You have one minute to make the right choice. End them. End the drug smuggling, the human trafficking, the murder, kidnappings, and the terror, forever. You’re the FBI for crying out loud. He won’t get anywhere near me, right?” She spoke to John, hoping he’d concur.
John shook his head vigorously, “She’s right Withrow, we wouldn’t allow her out of our sight. Plus we have our ace in the hole on the inside.”
Steve looked at his shoes and then produced his phone, handing it over.
Kirin put her cup on the floor and snatched the phone out of his hands to dial the number. He wouldn’t let her out of arm’s reach while she made the call. He stood over her as the phone rang.
When the smug woman answered, Kirin said the one word that would save her boys and the man they both loved...
Chapter Eighteen
She pressed the end button and handed it back to Steve. His eyebrows shot up when he saw that her hand trembled. John Turner trotted away, happy. Steve shoved the phone back in his side pocket and stared at her, trying to work out what she’d done.
Her gut churned and it took everything she had not to cry. She’d set this plan in motion to save him, but she’d have to hurt him to do it. Her goal was to get some assurance that if the FBI failed, Sam would live. She got what she needed, but the thought of her being with him for the rest of his life made her ill.
She’d rolled the slow-motion bowling ball down the shiny lane and now could only stand back and watch it hit the pins.
She swallowed back the lump in her throat and spoke.
“Think you could do one more favor?”
Steve hitched an eyebrow that said she’d about run out of favors.
“Think you could do some acting? Pretend...at the right moment,” she swallowed hard, “we’re in love?”
His eyes grew wide and he took a small step toward her and into her space. Steve lowered his voice. “Why? You guys having problems?”
“Yes or no?” Her body and mind were exhausted. She couldn’t tell him why. He stared at her. His lips turned up slightly.
“I could manage that. But you’d have to give me a good reason.”
She ignored that part, “And you can’t tell Sam it’s not genuine.”
“I won’t lie to him.” His stare reached her soul as he took her hands in his. He was honest and serious. Who had she become, that using a man who she now suspected had feelings for her was a good idea?
She took a tiny step back. “If it’s too much to ask, I could see if Turner would do it.”
Steve glared in John’s direction and without missing a beat he answered, “No.”
Sam burst through the door, wet headed and angry. His terrified gaze darted about the room, falling on her and Steve, and their intertwined hands. The two guards pounced on his intrusion quicker than the last time. Steve dropped her hand and called them off.
Sam marched toward them, red-faced and sizing them both up, he stared from her to Steve. She was fairly sure he’d been bitten by the same jealousy bug she’d been trying to kill all week.
Steve’s poker face stayed strong, but he didn’t speak, so she picked up her cup from the floor and began.
“I came down here to get some ice and stumbled into this room. I was greeted with rifles shoved in my face too.”
Steve nodded.
“Good shower?” She turned on her best smile, and walked toward Sam.
His shoulders relaxed slightly, but that handsome face still held doubt. She placed her arms around him and kissed his cheek, burying her head. He smelled of soap and Sam. Mixed, it was her most favorite smell. And she’d have to give it up soon.
Sam wrapped strong arms around her and squeezed. She could feel him mouth something to Steve over her head. They walked back through the door and started up the stairs.
“Kirin...” Sam stopped on the third step and grabbed her hand then continued, “until this shit
is over don’t leave without at least giving me a heads up. I flipped out, thinking someone had taken you.”
Kirin glanced at her shoes, then back at him. She hadn’t thought about how he’d feel. This was going to be hard for them both, but especially him. For the first time in his life, he’d allowed himself love and she’d have to break his heart to get him to leave. Tears filled her eyes, overwhelmed with the thought of giving him up. It took all she had not to divulge her plan right there, but she knew it wouldn’t help the ones she was trying to protect.
When they reached their room, Kirin spoke. “Can you remember one thing for me?” She waited for their eyes to meet, then continued, “no matter what happens, you will always be the love of my life.”
Sam nodded, but his eyes narrowed like he was figuring out a puzzle as he opened the door. He sat on the bed and removed his shoes. He watched her every move. He undressed and laid his clothes on a chair next to the bed. Climbing into bed, he groaned. It’d been a taxing day on them both and her heart filled with a strong desire to comfort him.
She turned out the light and undressed, opting not to wear the green top, nor the clothes on the dresser.
Climbing into bed she found Sam’s mouth as he wrapped arms around her, warming her from the inside out.
This was the last time, she told herself. She tried to engrain into her memory every touch, every kiss, every shudder, and every feeling. Her memory would be all she had once he was gone.
The next morning, she woke to an empty bed. The room was cold with no Sam heater next to her. She pulled the blanket up around her neck. When her bladder screamed, she jumped up and scavenged through the clothes to find a pair of military utility pants, socks, men’s underwear and a navy-blue t-shirt. She even found a pair of work boots in her size that would work. Kirin scooped everything up and ran to the bathroom. The clothing was a little large, but at least it was warm. She found an oversized lightweight hoodie in the closet and laid it out just in case.
She brushed her hair back using her fingers and found a hair tie in the bathroom. When she splashed water on her face, she heard Stacy’s voice in the next room. She turned off the water and strained to hear her.