Catching Alicka
Page 5
Slanon cupped the sides of his mouth and called down, “Is he all right?”
Xander groaned and got up with Tor’s help.
Kalen brushed Xander off while Thavon started laughing. “He’s going to be fine,” Kalen called up to them.
“Thank the moons,” Yoni said and then breathed out a relieved gust of air.
As the men headed back up the stairs, Alicka turned to the pink fur-ball next to her.
Mr. Tickles stood on his back leg and was looking through the rail at the returning men. When he noticed he was being stared at, he straightened and shrugged his tiny shoulders.
“You were supposed to be inside where it is safe.” She gestured angrily around. “Not out here. Now look at what’s happened because your nosy side just had to be free.” Alicka pointed at Xander, who was back and brushing more leaves off of himself. “You could have caused Xander to be killed. You need to apologize.”
Mr. Tickles’s yellow eyes took on a sad-puppy look, making the white fur around them sag. Her heart softened, but she stood her ground.
Her pet hopped over to Xander and petted him on the leg, and then tried to tickle him in the crotch.
“Really?” Xander frowned down at her pet. “You’re going to have to learn to fetch groftoc as a way of apology.” He leaned down and petted Mr. Tickles on the head. “It’s all right, little fellow. Accidents happen. I can’t blame you for wanting to be at the party.”
Tor grunted and then eyed Xander. “I expect to see you on the training field tomorrow.”
“What for?”
“Balance training. Me bumping into you shouldn’t have knocked you over the rail.”
“That’s true,” Thavon agreed with a wide grin.
“Shut up. You’re supposed to be on my side.” Xander glared at Thavon, who laughed and then headed for the groftoc table.
The youngest prince came back with two glasses of groftoc and handed one to Xander. “Now you have a story about how you fell forty feet and lived to tell about it. Your children will love it.”
Their laughter encouraged Mr. Tickles to go around and tickle them all repeatedly with his long, fluffy tail. By the end of the celebration, her pet had made up for his startling entrance.
Slanon stood and scooped her up into his arms. “Thanks for coming, guys. Stay, and eat and drink all you want. I personally need some alone time with my beautiful mate.”
Mr. Tickles snorted and climbed up Slanon and into Alicka’s arms.
“Good luck with that,” Tor razzed.
To her surprise, their friends surrounded them and started singing as they guided them across the bridge and up to the door that led from the deck to their bedroom. Their voices weren’t bad at all. Yoni and Tor could use a little help, but not much. Plus, the rest covered for them nicely.
The guys bowed to them and wished them many babies and much sex. Alicka grinned when she realized the groftoc was getting to them. The usual well-wishing was for happiness and many babies.
Slanon laughed and thanked them before guiding her inside and closing the door.
Mr. Tickles climbed down Slanon and hopped over to the bed. He climbed up the comforter and snuggled into the center of the bed.
“Not on your life, pink bomb.” Slanon picked up her pet, who instantly started whining. Not fazed, he put Mr. Tickles out into the hallway and quickly shut the door.
A snort sounded from the other side and she had to hold back a giggle, because lukpas had good hearing. Her laughter died when she looked into Slanon’s hungry eyes.
Chapter Five
Slanon turned to follow Alicka’s wide gaze. She’d gone from looking at him to looking at the door. He withheld a frustrated growl when he saw a fluffy pink tail poking under the door. It was funny, but right now, he wanted some sensual breeding time with his mate. The tail continued to probe under the door. He pulled it open and saw Mr. Tickles lying on his belly, trying to look under the door.
“You are unbelievable.” He picked the lukpas up and carried him to the kitchen. “She belongs to me now. You’re going to have to accept it, buddy, because it’s happened.”
Knowing Mr. Fuzzy liked picplom fruit, he cut one up in several pieces and placed them all over the living room. Satisfied, he turned to run down the hall and into his bedroom.
Slanon stopped when he saw Alicka watching him from the edge of the kitchen. She put her finger over her lips and headed to their room. He followed her inside and quickly closed the door.
Small arms circled his waist. Alicka grinned up at him. “You are so sweet.”
He growled softly as her scent rose up and heated his blood to a steady boil. “I can be sweet in other places in the house, too.”
“Mmmm, where else can you be sweet?” Her eyelids fluttered shut as her lips pressed to his chest.
After picturing a pink tail poking under the bedroom door, he answered, “The bathtub.” Figuring he had a few minutes before Mr. Fuzzy finished his fruit, he added, “I have a surprise for you first. Take off your clothes and get on the bed while I get your claiming gift.”
As she stripped, she asked, “Isn’t the necklace a claiming gift?”
“Not really. It’s a sign that you are taken. This is something that will bring us both great joy in a different way than the claiming necklaces.”
Slanon went to his dresser drawer and pulled out the small box he’d bought a couple of years ago in preparation for their special day.
Going to the bed, he opened it and showed her the small loop of metal. It was wide and engraved. He pulled it from the box and held it up.
“What do the engraved words mean?” Her pretty eyes lit with curiosity.
Looking deeply into her eyes, he answered, “You are my heart’s desire.” He meant it. Even when their world began filling with human females, Slanon knew Alicka would be the only one he wanted.
“I love it. You are stealing my heart.” Alicka brushed back the strands of black hair that had fallen onto his right cheek and then kissed him full on the mouth.
He allowed her to lead for a few moments and then took over. In a heartbeat, he had her on her back and was bracing himself over her petite frame. The tyrant between his legs was demanding to be released from its material prison.
Heeding his carnal ruler’s needs, Slanon hurriedly kissed his way to her ear. “This will only hurt a little.”
“Go ahead. I can take anything you give me.” The scent of her arousal strengthened, causing him to almost wait on her gift.
Wanting her to feel the metal’s power, he forced his own need down. “I’m going to pierce your upper ear and then run the metal through it. After that, I’ll lick it healed. This metal is from a planet known for its pleasure-giving items. This is one of them.”
“How does it work?”
“You’ll see.” Leaning down, he licked the delicate shell of her ear. He then extracted a claw and quickly pierced her upper ear. A sharp intake of air was her only response. She was his tough little mate.
With nimble fingers, he ran the loop of metal through her new piercing. He slid the thinner section into the hollow wider end of the earring and then crimped it closed with his fingers. The metal glowed for a second, causing him to smile. It was done.
With loving strokes of his tongue, he healed the slight wound. She moaned beneath him. “That feels amazing.”
“This metal is special. It expounds your pleasure when it’s touched.” The need to breed his newly claimed mate was building into a feral desire.
A small thumping sound drew his attention to the door. A silent groan echoed in his head. Mr. Fuzzy had his tail pushed almost all the way under the door and was tapping it.
He could tell by the lusty gaze in Alicka’s eyes that she couldn’t hear the soft sound. Wanting to keep her attention on him, he picked her up and carried her to the bathroom.
“Is my earring okay?” Her gaze moved to the mirror.
“Yes, it’s fine. I’m just ready to see you naked
in the tub.” It was the truth, he was more than ready. He was going to have to figure out a way to block her pet from hindering their intimate time in the bedroom.
Knowing he was going to need the water in the tub, he pushed the button that stopped its escape and then turned on the water. He tossed off his clothes as the water rained down into the stone tub. The look in her eyes told him he was in for a good time. The kind of good time only a mate could give.
* * * *
The more she looked at Slanon, the more she had to taste him. She hoped he wouldn’t be shocked at her wanting to lick his mesmerizing cock. A picture of him groaning and shuddering every time she ran her tongue over one of his sensitive bands caused her clit to pulse with need.
A sensually wicked smile crossed his face as he inhaled deeply. Not about to let his ability get to her, she said, “That’s right, big guy. I want you bad.”
He chuckled and reached out a hand to help her into the tub. As she got in, he said, “I adore your shy side, but I must admit, I find your confident side very appealing, sweetling.” After stepping into the tub, he wrapped his arms around her and placed then under the water so that they could enjoy the pearl-colored liquid without drowning.
The silky water sluiced over them, caressing her heated skin. After a day spent watching and wanting him, it was time to act out her daydreams.
Kissing her way down his toned body was heavenly. Each lick and kiss caressed firm muscles that quivered at her touch. His small groans encouraged her downward.
Lining herself up with his reddish-colored balls was easy with his height. VisOrrentian males’ balls were the color of marbles and just as smooth. As her tongue touched the smooth, tight sac, she looked up. His beautiful eyes were doing that lazy swirl of both colors that she enjoyed so much.
Sucking a silky globe into her mouth, she hummed around it. A soft growl came from him. The sound had her interior muscles clenching and releasing more of her natural lube.
With a pop, she pulled off his right globe and moved to the left one. He rounded his shoulders, blocking even more of the water from sprinkling into her face. To show her appreciation she sucked one more time and then flattened her tongue against the thick band at the base of his magnificent cock. He shuddered when she flicked her tongue over the slightly roughened skin.
Wanting to give him more, Alicka cupped his sac and started inching her tongue up and slowly over each sensitive band. By the time she made it to the crest, he was groaning loudly. His hands sank into her hair. With a gentle tug, he silently begged her to take him into her wet heat.
Opening wide, she sucked his large crown into her mouth. The sweet flavor of his pre-cum hit her taste buds and caused a shower of fresh desire to pool in her groin.
Kneading the smooth yet firm flesh covering his base band, she became enraptured by the feel and taste of him. Hungrily, she sucked and flicked his broad tip. His hands tightened in her hair and he started guiding his cock shallowly in and out of her mouth. Her hollowing her cheeks with a strong suction caused him to growl and pull out of her mouth.
Coming down, Slanon growled passionately while he eased her back into the pool of water. He draped her right leg over the side of the stone tub and wrapped one arm under her back and the other under her hips. Totally exposed to his view, she felt wanton and loved the look in his hungry gaze. The movement in his eye colors sped up when he sniffed her arousal into his lung.
Her large lover loomed over her. The beat of her heart increased when he leaned forward and kissed her passionately. The rake of his rough tongue against hers caused a new spike of lust to hit her clit.
She shuddered when his heavy shaft pressed into her spread pussy. Rocking his hips, he slid each band over her pleasure nubbin, bringing her close to the peak she sought. The arm he’d been holding her back with eased up. His hand gripped the edge of the tub and became her pillow. His kiss turned into desperate, harsh nips and sucks followed by deep explorations of her mouth.
The thick crown of his cock slid back and found her eager entrance. Slanon kissed his way to her newly pierced ear. His relaxing scent filled the bathroom and she knew he was about to take her. Excitement turned to bliss when he sucked the pierced shell of her ear into his mouth. She started panting and tried to get him to thrust into her by moving her hands down to his firm ass cheeks and tugging.
Accommodating her needs, he growled at the same time as he thrust into her. The stretching of her pussy was intensified by the vibrations of his growl around the erotic metal of her earring.
The carnal sensation had her arching into him and begging for more. Water sluiced over his hips and dripped down her sides and into the tub. Looking up, she saw the breeze blowing the tree’s branches through the clear ceiling. Moonbeams shone down on Slanon, caressing his flushed skin.
His growl enhanced all of the sensations in and around her. Passion flared to a molten level as he pushed the last two rings into her and firmly pressed the thickest band at the base of his pulsing shaft into her clit.
Lights flashed before her eyes when he growled low and gruff. His hips snapped and so did her hold on reality. She cried out as her world filled with color and heat. Nirvana gripped her tightly and held on fiercely as Slanon started moving powerfully in and out of her clenching canal.
She whimpered in pleasure as he tunneled his way to his own release. Gripping his shoulders, she wrapped her legs around his waist and squeezed. He moaned as he fucked her with wild abandon.
Surging up with her in his arms, Slanon roared and forced his massive cock all the way into her. Hot seed shot into her core. The overfull sensation and rough pressure on her clit had her crying out as another orgasm hit her unexpectedly. She shuddered as they rode the waves of ecstasy together.
A satisfied growl came from him. The sound made her heart swell with happiness and love. He kissed her with water raining down gently on them. The liquid cooled her heated skin as it caressed them both.
With a groan, he reached out and turned off the water. Keeping her impaled on his semihard length, he stood and stepped out of the tub. She nestled into his chest while he strolled into the bedroom.
Slanon sat on the end and scooted to the center. There he covered her back with a towel she hadn’t even been aware of him picking up. With her still filled with his erection, he dried off her back and then, using the towel, pulled her down for a kiss.
When they separated to take a breath, he ran his thumb over her lower lip. “You are amazing, sweetling. I’m falling hard for you already.”
“I feel the same way about you, giant lover.” Love for her sweet giant was filling her heart more and more with each minute that passed.
A chuckle came from him. “I guess to you, I am a giant.”
“Yes, you are. I’m beginning to think of you as my sweet giant.” She yelped when he growled and rolled her beneath him. “Let’s see if I can make you think of me as something other than sweet.”
When he latched onto her pierced ear and growled, she knew she was going to enjoy him showing her how bad he could be.
Chapter Six
It was time to learn about Slanon’s business.
They’d spent the last three days in blissful seclusion. Now it was time to get back to the everyday grind. A grind Alicka was eager to learn.
Since they weren’t far from his picplom grove, they walked down the stone path that led to the pretty blue trees. Misto, his employee, wouldn’t be there today because the man was on the other side of the planet learning more about a new tree that had been brought here last year.
On the way, he slowed and sniffed the air, “Come here, I want you to see something,”
Following closely on his heels, she wondered what he was going to show her. Would it be something cute and sweet like a new fruit or pretty flowers that had medicinal purposes?
They stopped beside a tan-trunked tree with dark-brown leaves. Slanon pointed at a black, shiny substance on the tree’s trunk.
th serious eyes, he stared down at her. “This is called targor. It is highly acidic and will blister your skin in seconds if you touch it. The only trees it grows on are these licos trees and tenplot trees. They are dark-green-trunked trees with yellow-and-green leaves. I’ll point one out to you as we head to our picplom trees.”
She looked closely at the black stuff on the tree. “Is there a way to safely remove it from the tree?”
“No. It just comes back. Some companies scrape it off and add it to other ingredients that make up a chemical to clean spacecrafts that land here and want space matter removed from their crafts.”
“Oh, at least it has a good reason to be here. How do VisOrrentians heal from it? I can’t see you licking acid off your wound.”
“That’s true. The acid would burn our tongues. They would heal, but it would take time, so what we do is spit on the acid and rub it in with a cloth or leaves if necessary. Mostly we avoid it. It has a distinct scent that you’ll be able to pick up after you are changed by our baby.” Slanon took her hand and led her back to the path. A few feet down it, he sniffed the air and pointed at a green-and-yellow tree in the distance. “That’s a tenplot tree and it has some targor on it.” He raised her hand to his lips and kissed it. “Always be careful. I don’t want anything to happen to your delicate skin.”
A shiver slithered up her spine at the thought of the black acid getting on her. “I’ll be watchful.” While hunting with her father, she’d been taught to be mindful of her environment.
Slanon tilted his head in approval and then led them on down the stone path. Alicka looked at the large, tan stones and noted how the blue-green grass looked pretty next to them. The grass looked freshly mowed, as always. “Who put in the stone path, and who cuts the grass?” So far, she hadn’t seen anyone do the latter.
“The grass only gets six inches tall, so no one ever has to cut it.” He pointed at the path. “The walkway has been in progress for thousands of years. Every male has to help build a part of our world. I helped with this path about fifty years ago. My brothers and the princes helped with it as well.”